blue fairy tale book
Chapter 24 The Story of the Blonde Princess
Chapter 24 The Story of the Blonde Princess (1)
A long time ago there was a princess who was the most beautiful person in the world.Because she was so beautiful, and her hair was so fair that it fell in waves almost to the ground, they called her "Princess Goldilocks."She always wore a garland of flowers, and her dress was decorated with diamonds and pearls, and everyone fell in love with her when they saw her.
Among her immediate neighbors was a young unmarried king.He was very rich and handsome, and though he never saw her, he fell in love with her so much that he could not eat or drink, when he heard all the legends about the fair-haired princess.So he decided to send an ambassador to propose to her.He built a gorgeous carriage for his ambassador, gave him more than 100 horses and 100 servants, and told him to bring the princess back.After the ambassador left, only this matter was discussed in the court, and the king felt that the princess would definitely agree to his marriage proposal, so he had beautiful clothes sewed and fine furniture made, and had them ready before the princess came.During this time, the ambassador arrived at the princess' palace to present his note of marriage proposal.But I don't know whether it happened that she was very angry that day, or whether the king's praise for her made her unhappy.She only replied that she was very grateful to the King for his kindness, but that she had no intention of marrying.The ambassador returned sadly with all the king's presents, because the princess was well-bred, and since she would not accept the king's proposal, she would not accept the pearls and diamonds, but kept only twenty-five English brooches, so that the king would not be angry.
When the envoy returned to the city, the king was waiting anxiously, because the envoy failed to bring the princess back, so everyone was very angry, and the king cried like a baby, and no one could comfort him.Behold, there is a young man in court, who is wiser and more handsome than any man.He was called Charm, and everyone liked him, except those who were jealous of him, who resented that he was favored by the King and knew all the secrets of the country.One day, as he happened to be with some people, who were talking of the return of the messenger, and of the futility of his visit to the princess this time, Charm said without hesitation:
Selan Fairy Tale Book Fairy Tale Book Children's Book "If the king sent me to Princess Goldilocks, I'm sure she would have followed me back."
His enemy immediately ran to the king and said:
"I'm afraid you won't believe it, Your Majesty, that 'Charming' has the presumptuousness to say—if he had been sent to Princess Goldilocks, she would have followed him back. He seems to think he is much handsomer than you, and the Princess would love it." Go up to him and go with him willingly." Hearing this, the king was very angry.
"Hey, hey!" said he, "is he mocking my misfortune, and thinks he is more attractive than I am? Go, shut him up in my great tower and starve him to death."
So the king's bodyguards went to catch Charm--who had long since forgotten his presumptuous words--and took him very viciously to prison.The poor prisoner had but a little straw for his bed, and would have died of thirst had it not been for the little brook that ran through the tower.
One day, when he felt hopeless, he said to himself:
"How did I offend the king? I am his most loyal subject and have never done anything against him."
The king happened to pass by the tower, and recognized the voice of his former favorite.Although Charisma's haters try to dissuade the king from associating with the traitor, he stops and listens.King said:
"Shut up, I want to hear what he has to say."
So he opened the pylon door, and called Charm, and Charm went up very sadly, kissed the King's hand, and said:
"What did I do wrong, Your Majesty, to be treated so ruthlessly?"
"You mock me and my ambassador," said the king, "and you say that if you had been the one I sent to fetch the princess, you would have brought her back."
"Indeed, Your Majesty," replied Charming, "I will draw a portrait of you, and in this way draw out your virtues, and I am sure the Princess will find you very attractive. But I do not see that Something made you angry."
When the matter was thus laid before the king, he could not find reason to be angry, and with great displeasure reprimanded those courtiers who had slandered his favorite.
So he took Charm back to the palace, gave him a good supper, and said:
"You know I still love Princess Goldilocks as much as ever, and her refusal hasn't changed my love for her. But I don't know how to change her mind, and I really want to send you to see if you can persuade her She married me."
Charm replied that he would very much like to go, and intended to leave the next day.
"But you must wait until I have prepared a large escort for you before starting," said the king.But Charm said all he wanted was a good horse to ride, and the King was glad he was ready to go so soon, and handed him a letter for the Princess, and wished him a good journey.One Monday morning, "Charming" set off alone to complete his mission, only thinking about how to persuade the princess to marry the king.He had a note-pad in his pocket, and whenever an exciting thought occurred to him, before he had forgotten it, he would dismount and sit under a tree, and write it out into a powerful speech which was specially prepared to persuade the princess.
One day, he set off at dawn, and when he passed a large grassland, he suddenly had a wonderful idea, so he jumped off his horse and sat under a willow tree by the small river to write.Looking around after writing, he was very happy to find himself in such a beautiful place, when he suddenly saw a big golden carp lying on the grass, exhausted and panting.As he sprang up to feed on the gnats, he jumped to the bank and lay there dying.Though Charming couldn't help thinking it would be nice for a luncheon, he sympathized with it and gently picked it up and put it back in the water. As soon as "Madame Carp" touched the refreshing water, she sank joyfully to the bottom, and then swam boldly back to the bank, saying:
"I thank you, Charm, for being so kind to me and saving my life. Someday I will repay you." With that it sank back into the water, making Charm awestruck by its politeness. Very surprised.
Another day, while he was on his way, he saw a big crow in great distress.If "Charming" hadn't quickly raised his bow and set an arrow and shot an eagle dead, the poor bird would have been hunted down and eaten by the eagle long ago.The raven was very fortunate to be perched on a tree.
"'Charisma,'" it said, "you were very generous in saving a poor big crow. I will not be ungrateful, and I will repay you some day."
Charm thought it was a good thing the crow said, and went on his way.
Before the sun rose, he walked into a dense forest, and it was so dark that he could not see the road clearly.There he heard an owl hooting as if it were in despair.
"Listen!" he said, "that must be an owl in some serious trouble, and I'm sure it's caught in a trap." Searching about him, he presently discovered a large net which the bird-catchers had laid the night before .
"It's so sad, these poor animals never hurt people, but they specifically torture and mutilate them!" He said, taking out a knife and cutting the net rope, and the owl flew briskly into the darkness, and then flew back with a flap of its wings. To Charm said:
"Just a few words and I can tell how much you've helped me. I'm caught in a net and in a few minutes those bird catchers will be here - without your help I'll be killed by them Lost. I appreciate you and I will repay you someday."
Charming encountered these three important things during his journey, and then he rushed to the palace of Princess Goldilocks as fast as he could.
When he got there, he found everything in front of him was so magnificent.Diamonds were as plentiful as gravel, and he was amazed at the gold and silver, fine dresses, sweets, and pretty objects everywhere.He thought to himself: "If the princess agrees to give up all this and go back with me to marry the king, the king will feel very lucky!"
So he dressed carefully in his brocade gown trimmed with crimson and snow-white feathers, and put on a richly embroidered shawl, and looked as cheerful and graceful as he could, and with in his arms a beautiful puppy he had bought on the way, came to In front of the palace gate.The guards saluted him respectfully, and a messenger was sent to the princess to report the arrival of Charm, the ambassador of the neighboring king.
"'Glamour,'" said the princess, "is a good name, and no doubt he must be very handsome and charm everyone."
"Indeed, princess," said all her ladies-in-waiting in unison, "we were spinning flax by the garret window, and saw him from there, and as long as he was in sight we looked at him, and could do nothing else."
"Quite sure," said the princess, "that's how you spend your time, isn't it? Watching strangers from the windows! Bring me that embroidered dress of blue satin quickly, and comb my fair hair for me. Send me Get fresh garlands ready, get my high heels and fan, tell them to clean up the hall and the throne, and I'm going to make everyone say I'm the real 'Goldilocks'."
You can imagine how all her maids came to help her get ready, and how you bumped my head and I got in your way in their haste, so that the princess thought they might never finish the work .At last, however, they ushered her into the Hall of Mirrors, convinced her that she was perfectly attired, and then she was seated on a throne of gold, ebony, and ivory, while the ladies of the court took up their guitars and sang softly.Then Charm was ushered in, and he was so astonished and admired that at first he could not utter a word.But at once he summoned up his courage and made a powerful speech, and at last bravely begged the princess to go back with him, lest he should be disappointed.
"Mr. Charm," she replied, "all the reasons you've given are very good. I promise I'd be more than happy to help you, but you must know that a month ago I was at the river with the ladies of the While walking, I took off my gloves, and a ring I was wearing slipped off and rolled into the water. I valued it more than my kingdom, and you can imagine how distressed I was to lose it, so I Sworn never to accept any proposal of marriage unless the Messenger first retrieves the ring for me. So now you know what I expect, for ten days and ten nights of your talk cannot change my mind."
Charm was very surprised at her answer, but he bowed low to the Princess, and asked her to accept the embroidered shawl and puppy he had brought.But she said she didn't want any presents, and told him to remember what she had just said. Charming went back to the lodgings and went to bed without any supper, and his little dog named Fresco, who couldn't eat anything, came over and lay down next to him."Glamour" sighed and mourned all night long.
"How can I find that ring that fell into the river a month ago?" he said. "It's useless to try. The princess must have asked me to do it knowing it couldn't be done." Then he sighed again. .
Fresk heard his words and said:
"My dear master, do not despair. Your luck will improve, and you are too kind to be happy. Let us go to the river at dawn."
But Charm just patted it twice, said nothing, and soon fell asleep.
When the first rays of dawn came, Fresk sprang to life, and it woke Charm and they went out together, first into the garden, then down to the river, where they lingered. Charm was sadly thinking that he had to go home without success when he heard someone call him, "Charm, Charm!" He looked around and thought he must be dreaming, because he saw no one.So he went on, and the voice called again, "Charm, charm!"
"Who's calling me?" he asked.Fresk was small enough to see things in the water better, and he cried, "I see a golden carp coming." And sure enough there was a big carp, and he said to Charm:
(End of this chapter)
A long time ago there was a princess who was the most beautiful person in the world.Because she was so beautiful, and her hair was so fair that it fell in waves almost to the ground, they called her "Princess Goldilocks."She always wore a garland of flowers, and her dress was decorated with diamonds and pearls, and everyone fell in love with her when they saw her.
Among her immediate neighbors was a young unmarried king.He was very rich and handsome, and though he never saw her, he fell in love with her so much that he could not eat or drink, when he heard all the legends about the fair-haired princess.So he decided to send an ambassador to propose to her.He built a gorgeous carriage for his ambassador, gave him more than 100 horses and 100 servants, and told him to bring the princess back.After the ambassador left, only this matter was discussed in the court, and the king felt that the princess would definitely agree to his marriage proposal, so he had beautiful clothes sewed and fine furniture made, and had them ready before the princess came.During this time, the ambassador arrived at the princess' palace to present his note of marriage proposal.But I don't know whether it happened that she was very angry that day, or whether the king's praise for her made her unhappy.She only replied that she was very grateful to the King for his kindness, but that she had no intention of marrying.The ambassador returned sadly with all the king's presents, because the princess was well-bred, and since she would not accept the king's proposal, she would not accept the pearls and diamonds, but kept only twenty-five English brooches, so that the king would not be angry.
When the envoy returned to the city, the king was waiting anxiously, because the envoy failed to bring the princess back, so everyone was very angry, and the king cried like a baby, and no one could comfort him.Behold, there is a young man in court, who is wiser and more handsome than any man.He was called Charm, and everyone liked him, except those who were jealous of him, who resented that he was favored by the King and knew all the secrets of the country.One day, as he happened to be with some people, who were talking of the return of the messenger, and of the futility of his visit to the princess this time, Charm said without hesitation:
Selan Fairy Tale Book Fairy Tale Book Children's Book "If the king sent me to Princess Goldilocks, I'm sure she would have followed me back."
His enemy immediately ran to the king and said:
"I'm afraid you won't believe it, Your Majesty, that 'Charming' has the presumptuousness to say—if he had been sent to Princess Goldilocks, she would have followed him back. He seems to think he is much handsomer than you, and the Princess would love it." Go up to him and go with him willingly." Hearing this, the king was very angry.
"Hey, hey!" said he, "is he mocking my misfortune, and thinks he is more attractive than I am? Go, shut him up in my great tower and starve him to death."
So the king's bodyguards went to catch Charm--who had long since forgotten his presumptuous words--and took him very viciously to prison.The poor prisoner had but a little straw for his bed, and would have died of thirst had it not been for the little brook that ran through the tower.
One day, when he felt hopeless, he said to himself:
"How did I offend the king? I am his most loyal subject and have never done anything against him."
The king happened to pass by the tower, and recognized the voice of his former favorite.Although Charisma's haters try to dissuade the king from associating with the traitor, he stops and listens.King said:
"Shut up, I want to hear what he has to say."
So he opened the pylon door, and called Charm, and Charm went up very sadly, kissed the King's hand, and said:
"What did I do wrong, Your Majesty, to be treated so ruthlessly?"
"You mock me and my ambassador," said the king, "and you say that if you had been the one I sent to fetch the princess, you would have brought her back."
"Indeed, Your Majesty," replied Charming, "I will draw a portrait of you, and in this way draw out your virtues, and I am sure the Princess will find you very attractive. But I do not see that Something made you angry."
When the matter was thus laid before the king, he could not find reason to be angry, and with great displeasure reprimanded those courtiers who had slandered his favorite.
So he took Charm back to the palace, gave him a good supper, and said:
"You know I still love Princess Goldilocks as much as ever, and her refusal hasn't changed my love for her. But I don't know how to change her mind, and I really want to send you to see if you can persuade her She married me."
Charm replied that he would very much like to go, and intended to leave the next day.
"But you must wait until I have prepared a large escort for you before starting," said the king.But Charm said all he wanted was a good horse to ride, and the King was glad he was ready to go so soon, and handed him a letter for the Princess, and wished him a good journey.One Monday morning, "Charming" set off alone to complete his mission, only thinking about how to persuade the princess to marry the king.He had a note-pad in his pocket, and whenever an exciting thought occurred to him, before he had forgotten it, he would dismount and sit under a tree, and write it out into a powerful speech which was specially prepared to persuade the princess.
One day, he set off at dawn, and when he passed a large grassland, he suddenly had a wonderful idea, so he jumped off his horse and sat under a willow tree by the small river to write.Looking around after writing, he was very happy to find himself in such a beautiful place, when he suddenly saw a big golden carp lying on the grass, exhausted and panting.As he sprang up to feed on the gnats, he jumped to the bank and lay there dying.Though Charming couldn't help thinking it would be nice for a luncheon, he sympathized with it and gently picked it up and put it back in the water. As soon as "Madame Carp" touched the refreshing water, she sank joyfully to the bottom, and then swam boldly back to the bank, saying:
"I thank you, Charm, for being so kind to me and saving my life. Someday I will repay you." With that it sank back into the water, making Charm awestruck by its politeness. Very surprised.
Another day, while he was on his way, he saw a big crow in great distress.If "Charming" hadn't quickly raised his bow and set an arrow and shot an eagle dead, the poor bird would have been hunted down and eaten by the eagle long ago.The raven was very fortunate to be perched on a tree.
"'Charisma,'" it said, "you were very generous in saving a poor big crow. I will not be ungrateful, and I will repay you some day."
Charm thought it was a good thing the crow said, and went on his way.
Before the sun rose, he walked into a dense forest, and it was so dark that he could not see the road clearly.There he heard an owl hooting as if it were in despair.
"Listen!" he said, "that must be an owl in some serious trouble, and I'm sure it's caught in a trap." Searching about him, he presently discovered a large net which the bird-catchers had laid the night before .
"It's so sad, these poor animals never hurt people, but they specifically torture and mutilate them!" He said, taking out a knife and cutting the net rope, and the owl flew briskly into the darkness, and then flew back with a flap of its wings. To Charm said:
"Just a few words and I can tell how much you've helped me. I'm caught in a net and in a few minutes those bird catchers will be here - without your help I'll be killed by them Lost. I appreciate you and I will repay you someday."
Charming encountered these three important things during his journey, and then he rushed to the palace of Princess Goldilocks as fast as he could.
When he got there, he found everything in front of him was so magnificent.Diamonds were as plentiful as gravel, and he was amazed at the gold and silver, fine dresses, sweets, and pretty objects everywhere.He thought to himself: "If the princess agrees to give up all this and go back with me to marry the king, the king will feel very lucky!"
So he dressed carefully in his brocade gown trimmed with crimson and snow-white feathers, and put on a richly embroidered shawl, and looked as cheerful and graceful as he could, and with in his arms a beautiful puppy he had bought on the way, came to In front of the palace gate.The guards saluted him respectfully, and a messenger was sent to the princess to report the arrival of Charm, the ambassador of the neighboring king.
"'Glamour,'" said the princess, "is a good name, and no doubt he must be very handsome and charm everyone."
"Indeed, princess," said all her ladies-in-waiting in unison, "we were spinning flax by the garret window, and saw him from there, and as long as he was in sight we looked at him, and could do nothing else."
"Quite sure," said the princess, "that's how you spend your time, isn't it? Watching strangers from the windows! Bring me that embroidered dress of blue satin quickly, and comb my fair hair for me. Send me Get fresh garlands ready, get my high heels and fan, tell them to clean up the hall and the throne, and I'm going to make everyone say I'm the real 'Goldilocks'."
You can imagine how all her maids came to help her get ready, and how you bumped my head and I got in your way in their haste, so that the princess thought they might never finish the work .At last, however, they ushered her into the Hall of Mirrors, convinced her that she was perfectly attired, and then she was seated on a throne of gold, ebony, and ivory, while the ladies of the court took up their guitars and sang softly.Then Charm was ushered in, and he was so astonished and admired that at first he could not utter a word.But at once he summoned up his courage and made a powerful speech, and at last bravely begged the princess to go back with him, lest he should be disappointed.
"Mr. Charm," she replied, "all the reasons you've given are very good. I promise I'd be more than happy to help you, but you must know that a month ago I was at the river with the ladies of the While walking, I took off my gloves, and a ring I was wearing slipped off and rolled into the water. I valued it more than my kingdom, and you can imagine how distressed I was to lose it, so I Sworn never to accept any proposal of marriage unless the Messenger first retrieves the ring for me. So now you know what I expect, for ten days and ten nights of your talk cannot change my mind."
Charm was very surprised at her answer, but he bowed low to the Princess, and asked her to accept the embroidered shawl and puppy he had brought.But she said she didn't want any presents, and told him to remember what she had just said. Charming went back to the lodgings and went to bed without any supper, and his little dog named Fresco, who couldn't eat anything, came over and lay down next to him."Glamour" sighed and mourned all night long.
"How can I find that ring that fell into the river a month ago?" he said. "It's useless to try. The princess must have asked me to do it knowing it couldn't be done." Then he sighed again. .
Fresk heard his words and said:
"My dear master, do not despair. Your luck will improve, and you are too kind to be happy. Let us go to the river at dawn."
But Charm just patted it twice, said nothing, and soon fell asleep.
When the first rays of dawn came, Fresk sprang to life, and it woke Charm and they went out together, first into the garden, then down to the river, where they lingered. Charm was sadly thinking that he had to go home without success when he heard someone call him, "Charm, Charm!" He looked around and thought he must be dreaming, because he saw no one.So he went on, and the voice called again, "Charm, charm!"
"Who's calling me?" he asked.Fresk was small enough to see things in the water better, and he cried, "I see a golden carp coming." And sure enough there was a big carp, and he said to Charm:
(End of this chapter)
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