blue fairy tale book

Chapter 39 The Toad and the Diamond

Chapter 39 The Toad and the Diamond
Once upon a time there was a widow who had two daughters.The eldest daughter resembled her in looks and temperament, and whoever saw this daughter was like seeing her mother.They were both so bad-tempered and so proud that they lived a miserable life.

The youngest daughter is well-mannered and good-natured, just like her father, and at the same time she is the most beautiful girl who ever appeared in the world.Since people naturally like people who are like themselves, the mother dotes on her older daughter and loathes her younger daughter—who she eats and works in the kitchen.

The youngest daughter had to do quite a few things, such as the poor child was forced to fetch water twice a day, a mile and a half away, and each time brought back a large jug full.One day, when she was at the fountain, a poor woman came and begged for a drink.

"Oh! ah, yes, very much, mother-in-law," said the pretty little girl, and at once she washed the jug, and drew some water from the clearest place in the spring, and handed it to her, and kept holding it up for her to drink. easier.

The kind woman said to her after drinking the water:
"You are so beautiful, my dear, so kind and polite, I must give you a present." Because she is a fairy, who has transformed herself into the appearance of a poor peasant woman, and wants to see this beautiful girl Whether it is dignified and polite. "I want to give you a gift," continued the Fairy, "that a flower or a gem will come out of your mouth every time you speak a word."

When the beautiful girl came home, her mother scolded her for staying too long by the spring.

"Forgive me, mother," said the poor girl, "for not getting the water back soon enough."

As she spoke these words, two roses, two pearls, and two diamonds came out of her mouth.

"What is that?" asked the mother, greatly surprised. "I think I saw pearls and diamonds coming out of the girl's mouth! What's the matter, boy?"

This is the first time she calls her daughter a child.

The poor child told her the whole thing frankly, and kept spitting out countless diamonds.

"Honestly," cried the mother, "I must send the eldest daughter there. Come, Fan Li, and see what comes out of your sister's mouth when she speaks. My dear boy, wouldn't you like to have the same Is it a gift from you? You only have to go to the spring to draw water, and if a poor woman begs you to let her drink, give it to her very politely."

The spoiled, unruly woman said, "It must be nice to see me fetching water."

"You must go, you frivolous woman!" said the mother. "Go now."

So she went out, but she murmured and complained all the way, taking the best silver cup in the house to fetch water.

No sooner had she come to the spring than she saw a most splendidly dressed lady coming out of the woods, approaching her, and asking for a drink.You must know that this is the same fairy who once appeared to her sister, but now the woman dresses and looks like a princess, and she wants to see how rude the girl really is.

"Have I come here," said the proud and impertinent girl, "to serve you a drink? I suppose this silver cup was brought purely for your lady's sake? But you may drink from it, if you like. "

"You are very rude," replied the Fairy, without anger. "Well, then, since you're so uneducated and rude, I'll give you the gift that a snake or a toad will come out of your mouth every time you say a word."

As soon as her mother saw her come back, she cried out:

"How is it, daughter?"

"Well, mother?" replied the reckless frivolous woman, and two poisonous snakes and two toads emerged from her mouth.

"Oh! have pity on me," cried her mother. "What do I see? Oh! It's all the fault of that mean sister of hers, and her sister will pay for it." The mother ran at once to beat her.

The poor child fled, and soon went to hide in the forest.

At that time, the prince met her when he came back from hunting. Seeing how beautiful she was, he asked her what she was doing alone in the forest and why she was crying.

"Ah! Your Majesty, my mother kicked me out of the house."

The prince saw five or six pearls and as many diamonds coming out of her mouth, and he wanted her to tell him what happened.So she told him the whole story, and the Prince fell in love with her, and thinking that such a gift was worth more than any dowry, took her to his father's palace, and married her there.

As for the older sister, she made herself such a nuisance that even her mother kicked her out.The unfortunate wretch wandered for a long time without anyone taking her in, and came to a corner of the forest, where she died.

(End of this chapter)

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