blue fairy tale book

Chapter 4 Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

Chapter 4 Aladdin and the Magic Lamp (2)
The next day the palace was built, and the giant showed him around, in order to show Aladdin how his orders were faithfully carried out.A velvet carpet was even laid between Aladdin's palace and the king's palace.Aladdin's mother dressed herself carefully, and walked to the palace surrounded by her maids.Aladdin followed on horseback.The king sent musicians to play a welcome song for them, and there was music and laughter everywhere.The princess came to her and wished her health with great ceremony.In the evening, after saying goodbye to her father, the princess went to Aladdin's palace along the velvet carpet with Aladdin's mother, followed by a hundred servants.When Aladdin came out to meet her, he was immediately attracted by her beauty.Aladdin said: "Princess, please forgive me if I am too reckless to make you unhappy." After seeing him, she said that she was willing to obey her father's decision.At the end of the wedding, Aladdin led her into the hall, where a grand dinner was being held.After the two of them had dinner together, they danced until midnight.

The next day Aladdin invited the king to visit his palace.After entering the hall with 24 windows inlaid with diamond jewels on four walls, the king exclaimed: "This is really a wonder of the world! This alone is enough to surprise me. The remaining window was accidentally forgotten Is it?" "No, Your Majesty, I did not pretend on purpose." Aladdin replied, "I hope Your Majesty can come to attend the glorious completion ceremony." The king was very happy to hear that, so he called all the jewelers in the city.The king showed them the unfinished window and ordered them to fit it like the others. "My lord, we cannot find enough jewels," they said.So the king ordered his jewels to be brought in.But it still didn't work, a month passed, and the project was not even half completed.Aladdin, of course, knew that they could not finish it, so he ordered that no more effort should be wasted, and ordered them to bring back the jewels.Then the giant finished the remaining window as he had ordered.The king was so surprised and delighted to receive his jewels that he came to see Aladdin.Aladdin showed him the finished window again.The king embraces him, while the jealous vizier hints that Aladdin has been conjured.

Aladdin won people's approval with his tolerant mind and was elected as the commander of the king's army.Although he won many battles for the king, he was always as humble as before, and spent several years in peace and contentment.

However, the magician far away in Africa has never forgotten Aladdin. He learned through magic that Aladdin did not die in pain in the cave, but escaped and married the princess as his wife, living happily in honor and wealth.Of course he knew that it was with the help of the magic lamp that the poor tailor's son got what he had so far.So he traveled day and night to the capital of China, hoping to see the decline of Aladdin.As he was passing through the city, he heard people talking about a remarkable palace. "Forgive my ignorance," said he, "whose palace do you speak of?" "Haven't you heard of the palace of Prince Aladdin?" was answered. "That's the greatest miracle in the world! If you want to see it, I'd like to lead you there." The magician thanked the person who answered, and finally saw the splendid palace.He knew in his heart that the magic lamp giant must have helped Aladdin build it, so he was so angry that he almost went crazy.He decides to regain the magic lamp again and throw Aladdin into extreme poverty.

It was a great misfortune that Aladdin was away at this time on an eight-day hunt, for this gave the magician plenty of time to prepare.He bought a lot of copper oil lamps, put them in a basket, and came to the palace to sell them loudly: "New oil lamps for old oil lamps!" Attracted a group of onlookers.The princess who was sitting by the four large windows asked the servants to go out to see what happened.The servant came back and reported: "Your Highness, this is really funny. There is an old lunatic who is shouting to replace the old oil lamp with a new one!" Aladdin did not take the magic lamp with him, but left it in the palace.The princess didn't know its magical power at all, so she smiled and told the servant to take it and exchange it for a new one.The servant stepped forward and called: "Come, give me a new oil lamp." The magician snatched the magic lamp and exchanged it for the servant with a new oil lamp amidst people's laughter.At this time, he no longer had any scruples, stopped shouting to change the oil lamp, and immediately left the city gate to a remote place.When night fell, he took out the magic lamp and rubbed it a few times.The giant appeared, and the magician ordered him to move the palace and the princess to some desolate place in Africa.

The next day, when the king rubbed his eyes and looked at Aladdin's palace from the window, he found that it had disappeared.The minister also looked out and opened his mouth wide in surprise.So he framed Aladdin in front of the king for using magic to change the palace.The king believed him this time and sent 30 cavalry to order them to bring Aladdin back in chains.They caught Aladdin on his way back, and bound him back to the city on foot.But the people who love to support him take up arms and follow him to prevent him from being hurt.The king ordered him to be brought forward and had his head cut off by the executioner.The executioner forced Aladdin to kneel on the ground, blindfolded him, and raised the butcher's knife to cut it down.

At this critical moment, the minister, seeing the crowd breaking into the palace and climbing over the wall to rescue Aladdin, ordered the executioner to stop.Indeed, the people were quite angry, and the king had to make concessions, let Aladdin be untied, and explain to the crowd in public.Now Aladdin had the opportunity to ask to know exactly what wrong he had committed. "Come here, hypocritical wretch," ordered the King, and he showed Aladdin from the window where the palace had once stood.Aladdin was surprised and didn't know what to say. "Where are the palace and my daughter?" asked the king. "Of course I don't care about the palace, but I cannot live without my daughter! You must find her, or your head will fall to the ground." Aladdin begged the king to give him It took four days to look for the princess. If he didn't find him, he would come back and obey the king's arbitrary disposal.

His request was granted, and he immediately left the king and set out on the road.For the first three days, he had searched around like a madman, questioning everyone who had been to the palace, but they either laughed at him or pitied him.When he came to the bank of a river, he planned to jump into the river after saying his prayers.Unexpectedly, this happened to rub against the ring that was still on his hand.The giant who had rescued him from the cave appeared and asked his orders. "Giant, save me!" he cried, "retrieve my palace." "Master, I can't do it," replied the giant. "I am only a servant of the ring. You should order the servant of the lamp " "But can't you also send me to the window of the princess in the palace?" asked Aladdin.No sooner had he finished speaking than he found himself in Africa, standing under the princess's window, but had fallen asleep from exhaustion.

He was awakened by the singing of the birds, and felt much lighter.He knew that his current misfortune was due to losing the magic lamp, and he wondered who had stolen it.

That morning was the first time the princess woke up since she was taken captive by the magician to Africa.Selan, who is haunted by a magician, lives like a year.It was for this reason that she was so harsh on the magician that she no longer lived with him.While she was getting dressed, a maid saw Aladdin through the window.Immediately the princess ran to open the window, and the sound of her voice made Aladdin look up.She called him into the house, not to mention the joy in the hearts of these two lovers when they met again.Aladdin kissed the princess and said: "My princess, please, for the sake of the Lord, don't talk about other things. For your sake and for my sake, tell me to put it on the window sill in the hall when I go hunting. What happened to the old oil lamp?" "Oh! It's my ignorance that caused our suffering." She told him about changing the oil lamp. "I finally understand now, do you know where the magic lamp is?" "He always has it with him."

The princess said, "He took it out of his bosom once and showed it to me. He persuaded me to forget my agreement with you and marry him, saying that your head had already been beheaded by your father. He always cursed you, but I only I can cry sadly. If I disagree again, I'm afraid he will resort to violence." Aladdin comforted her, and left for a while.He changed clothes with the first person he met in the city, bought some sweat medicine, and returned to the princess by a side door. "Put on your best clothes and greet the wizard with a smile," he told her. "That way he'll think you've forgotten me. Invite him to dinner with you, and say you'd like some wine from his country. He'll be off to get some, and then I'll tell you how Do it." She listened carefully to Aladdin's plan, and when he left she put on her most splendid clothes, a belt and a tiara studded with diamonds, and found herself in the mirror more beautiful than ever.The magician was amazed by her warm welcome.She said: "I've figured it out, since Aladdin is dead, no matter how much I cry, I can't cry him back.

I have decided not to be sad all the time, so I would like to invite you to dinner with me.And I not only like the wine in my hometown, but also want to taste the wine in your hometown. After hearing this, the magician rushed to the cellar, and the princess took the opportunity to pour the sweat medicine Aladdin gave her into the cup. When the magician came back, the princess proposed to toast his longevity with fine African wine, and drank a cup of wine with him. Pretending that he had obeyed him. Before drinking, the magician happily praised her beauty, but the princess interrupted him: "Let's have a drink first, and then talk slowly. "She just put her lips on the rim of the glass and didn't drink at all, but the magician gulped it all down, and then fell down unconscious. So the princess opened the door to let Aladdin in, and she squeezed her hands tightly in fear. Arms around his neck. But Aladdin pushed her away, asking her to leave first, he had more important things to do. He went to the dead magician, found the magic lamp from his arms, and ordered the giant to save the palace. And everything moved back to the motherland. When all these were completed, the princess seemed to have returned to her hometown before she seemed to understand what was going on in the room.

The king was sitting in his chamber at this time, mourning the loss of his daughter.But when he raised his head, he quickly rubbed his eyes and found that the palace was standing in place again!He went there at once, and Aladdin and the princess stood side by side in the four-paned hall to meet him.Aladdin told the king what had happened, and brought out the magician's body to convince him of the truth.So people held a ten-day feast in the palace, as if Aladdin could live in peace from then on, but it was not the case.

The African magician had a younger brother who was more evil and cunning than his older brother.

He traveled thousands of miles to China to avenge his brother's death.He also captures a devout goddaughter, Fatima, who he thinks will come in handy.He broke into her room, put a dagger against her chest, and threatened her with death to obey his orders.He changed into her clothes, imitated her makeup, and put on a veil.Then he killed her, for dead men do not tell secrets.Then he went straight to Aladdin's palace, and everyone regarded him as a pious goddaughter, and they all surrounded him to kiss his hands and bless him.When he came to the palace, people's blessings were loud, and the princess ordered the servants to see what happened outside the window.The servant told her that there was a pious goddaughter outside who was relieving people's sickness.So the princess wanted to see Fatima very much, so she sent someone to invite her.The magician's brother came to the princess and pretended to pray for her health and happiness.When he had finished his prayers, the princess seated him by her side, and begged him to stay.This fake Fatima, just what she wanted, readily agreed, and lowered her veil lest she be seen through.The princess showed her around the hall and asked him how he felt.

"It's really beautiful," said the fake Fatima, "but I think there's one thing missing."

"What's missing?" the princess asked quickly. "If a giant eagle egg can be hung on the roof in the middle of the hall, it will really be regarded as a miracle in the world."

From then on, the princess only wanted to get a giant eagle egg.Aladdin came back from hunting and found that she was in a bad mood, so he asked her what was wrong.She told him how she wished that there would be a giant eagle's egg hanging from the roof in the hall. "If that's the case, you'll be happy soon," Aladdin replied.He rubbed the magic lamp away from her.When the giant appeared he ordered the giant to bring back a giant eagle egg.Suddenly the giant screamed so loudly and horribly that the hall was shaking: "Isn't everything I've done for you enough? And yet you order me to catch my master and hang him on this ghost roof? No, this request is not your own idea, but the trick of the brother of the African magician you killed. You and your wife and your palace should all be burned to ashes. Now he is in your palace Here, pretending to be a Holy Goddess who he has killed. He is the one who forced this idea into your wife's mind. Be careful yourself, he wants to kill you!" said the giant and disappeared.

Aladdin returned to the princess, pretending that he had a headache, and demanded that the holy Fatima be called at once to cure him of his ailment.But when the magician brother approached him, Aladdin took out a dagger and stabbed him in the heart. "What have you done?" cried the princess, "you have killed the holy goddaughter." "No! He is not a goddaughter, but an evil magician." He told her how he had been deceived.

From then on, Aladdin and his wife finally lived a peaceful life.After the death of the king, Aladdin successfully became the new king, ruled for a long time, and had many children.

(End of this chapter)

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