Chapter 101 My Money Is Your Money
Chapter 112

Zuo Zhixiu looked at Su Shi and Zuo Yulin in disbelief, and asked again: "Are you sure those two children belong to Chen Jiajie?"

Su Shi glanced at Zuo Yulin, and saw him nodding his head: "That's right, it's her child, because those two children kept calling her mother."

Zuo Zhixiu glanced at Zuo Yulin dejectedly, then at Su Shi, and said calmly, "Please let me calm down."

"Son, it's not that mom is not busy with you. It's just that the situation is a bit bad. Even if parents help you, your grandpa won't make it through. He will never allow a woman with two children to enter our Zuo's house." door."

Hearing what Su said, Zuo Yulin also said beside her: "Your mother is right, anyway, you don't have a deep feeling for her now, why don't you take this opportunity to forget it completely, and you will meet again in the future." Better girls."

"I said I want to be alone for a while, can you go out for a while?" Zuo Zhixiu looked at the two and said impatiently.

Hearing that Su touched her husband's arm, the two walked out of his room.

Zuo Yulin looked at Su Shi and said, "What do you mean when you say that your son is like this, is he letting go or not?"

"Even if you let it go, you can't let it go so quickly. Let's see and talk." Su glanced at the closed door and sighed.

Zuo Zhixiu in the room was stunned for a while, then picked up his mobile phone. He wanted to make a call, but he still didn't have the courage, so he had to open WeChat and send a message to Chen Jiajie.

"My parents just said they saw you in the mall."

Chen Jiajie is currently shopping with Jiang Yuqiao in the shopping mall. Jiang Yuqiao went into the fitting room to try on clothes. When the phone rang, Chen Jiajie picked it up and opened WeChat. Seeing the content sent by Zuo Zhixiu, she was startled, and then said: "Then you What else did your parents tell you?"

"My parents told me that you took your two children to the mall today and called you mom. Is this true?" Zuo Zhixiu hesitated for a while before sending the message.

"Yes." Chen Jiajie said frankly, since his parents saw Xin Gan and Bao Bao, they must have told Zuo Zhixiu that she had nothing to hide, otherwise it would appear that she had bad intentions.

Seeing Chen Jiajie's reply, Zuo Zhixiu was stunned. Parents said it was one thing, but Chen Jiajie admitted it was another thing. She had two children with another man, that is to say, in the four years since he left Here she is with another man.

Zuo Zhixiu was short of breath, felt a slight pain in his chest, felt that he could no longer read the words on the phone, so he simply threw the phone on the table, but unexpectedly, the phone fell to the ground, and the screen All of a sudden black out.

There was no reply from Zuo Zhixiu for a long time, Chen Jiajie hesitated for a moment, and tentatively sent a sentence: "Do you feel that you will lose interest in me soon?"

Chen Jiajie clicked send, and watched the time pass by, but there was still no reply, Chen Jiajie smiled bitterly, Zuo Zhixiu was just playing with her, there is no such kind of love without hesitation in this world, especially her With two children, even if Zuo Zhixiu didn't care, his parents would, so she and Zuo Zhixiu were destined to be strangers.

When Jiang Yuqiao came out of the fitting room and saw Chen Jiajie's bitter expression, she was shocked. Sister Chen couldn't really have feelings for Zuo Zhixiu. It was so uncomfortable for his parents to know about Xin Gan and Baobao. ?
Jiang Yuqiao walked over and said, "Sister Chen, do you think I look good in this dress?"

Only then did Chen Jiajie come back to her senses, put the phone away, glanced at Jiang Yuqiao, and smiled: "Your skin is fair, you look good in anything you wear."

Jiang Yuqiao took a careful look at her expression, saw that the smile in her eyes didn't go deep into her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Sister Chen, what's wrong with you? Are you still worried about what happened just now?"

Jiang Yuqiao asked this, meaning that she was worried because the identities of Xin Gan and Bao Bao were known, not because the person she knew was Zuo Zhixiu's parents, it was also a temptation to say so.

Hearing this, Chen Jiajie glanced at Jiang Yuqiao and said with a smile, "I have nothing to worry about, let's try on clothes together."

Saying with a smile, Chen Jiajie stood up and walked towards the shelf, Jiang Yuqiao sighed behind her and quickly followed her.

In addition, among the group of people passing by, Jing Yi walked in the front, looking lonely, as if he had no interest in patrolling the mall at all. The secretary beside him suddenly saw Jiang Yuqiao and looked at Jing Yi: "Look, President, Isn't this the lady?"

The president doesn't know why, he's always absent-minded these days, loses his temper all the time, and doesn't have much enthusiasm for work. He came out to inspect the mall today because of the urging of several bosses, otherwise he would have locked himself in the office again. Not even home.

I remember the last time the president gave up his job because of that lady, so that lady must be very important to the president when he came, maybe she can make the president feel better.

After listening to the secretary's words, Jing Yi glanced at the direction he was pointing, and happened to see Jiang Yuqiao who was choosing clothes. Suddenly thinking of Dodo, he felt sad and his throat was congested. Looking at Jiang Yuqiao, he said aggrievedly: "Qiao Joe."

At first, Jiang Yuqiao thought she had heard it wrong, but she hurried over when she looked up and saw Jing Yi, and frowned when she saw his slumped face, why didn't Brother Jing become so sloppy after a few days?

Just as Jiang Yuqiao walked over, she was hugged by someone. She was stunned for a moment, and saw the group of people following Jing Yi also stunned. They consciously took two steps back and turned their heads.

"Brother Jing, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Yuqiao didn't care what they thought, so she patted him on the shoulder.

Jing Yi hugged Jiang Yuqiao, and murmured in her ear: "Duoduo can't be found, she's gone, and will never come again."

Jiang Yuqiao frowned. Thinking of seeing Dodo and Jing Yi who was chasing after him that day, she realized that Dodo left without saying goodbye that day. Just as Jiang Yuqiao was about to speak, a drop of water fell on her neck suddenly. Dazed, it was only then that he realized that he was crying.

"Brother Jing..." Jiang Yuqiao didn't know what to say to comfort her, but she felt uncomfortable seeing Jing Yi like this. Brother Jing was always very cheerful before and never cried in front of her. It seems that Duoduo left It was a big blow to him.

Chen Jiajie picked out a piece of clothing and wanted to ask Jiang Yuqiao if it was suitable for her, but when she looked up she didn't see Jiang Yuqiao, but when she looked around, she saw that she was hugging a man, the kind of neck hugging .

Chen Jiajie frowned, and walked over, thinking that Li Yanfeng would be very angry if he saw his little wife hugged with other men, and might hit someone.

"Qiao Qiao..." Chen Jiajie called Jiang Yuqiao as she walked, trying to remind her to pay attention to the situation, but she was stopped when she just walked over.

"Miss, don't disturb our president." Jing Yi's secretary said.

Chen Jiajie frowned and said, "Who is your president, why are you hugging my friend?"

"My president is the owner of this mall. He and this lady know each other. Please don't disturb them. My president has been in a bad mood recently, and he may have another relationship with this lady."

Chen Jiajie glanced at Jiang Yuqiao, and indeed saw that she was also hugging the man who was hugging her, and she seemed to know him, as if she was still comforting him.

Chen Jiajie stared at her secretary and said, "Get out of here, be careful, I will call the police and arrest you and your president together."

Even if they knew each other so what, Jiang Yuqiao's current husband is Li Yanfeng, as Li Yanfeng's friend, how could she tolerate such a thing happening.

Hearing what she said, the secretary hesitated for a moment, looked at Chen Jiajie and said, "This is a matter between our president and that lady, can you not intervene?"

"But that's my friend. Your president is hugging his wife. Don't you have any sense of shame?"

The secretary was taken aback when he heard Chen Jiajie's words, and Chen Jiajie got rid of his obstruction when he saw the opportunity, and then walked towards Jiang Yuqiao and Jing Yi who were hugging each other.

"Qiao Qiao, who is this?" Before Chen Jiajie walked in, she said loudly, hearing the words, Qiao patted Jing Yi's back, and the two separated, and Chen Jiajie saw Jing Yi's appearance.

This man is sloppy, how can he look good, what is Qiao Qiao thinking?

"Qiao Qiao, who is this man?" Chen Jiajie asked again.

"This is my big brother in the orphanage, the Jing Yi that Chen Yize mentioned to you." Jiang Yuqiao said.

Hearing this, Chen Jiajie realized that she had misunderstood them, pursed her lips, looked at Jing Yi, and politely extended her hand to say hello: "Hello, Mr. Jing." Didn't Chen Yize say that Jing Yi is quite handsome, why is he so sloppy?

Jing Yi glanced at her lightly, the tears in the corners of his eyes had been wiped clean, he nodded, but did not hold her hand.

"Sister Chen, brother Jing seems to be in a bad mood today, can I accompany him?" Jiang Yuqiao said, and before Chen Jiajie could speak, Jing Yi said, "I'm fine, I just remembered something suddenly, you play first , I'll go first." Saying that, Jing Yi turned around and was about to leave.

"Brother Jing, let me come to our house for dinner tonight." Looking at Brother Jing's appearance, he seemed very sad. Eating by himself will definitely make Jing hurt and think of Dodo.

Hearing what she said, Jing Yi looked back at her, then smiled: "I will go." After speaking, he turned his head and left.

Looking at his lonely back, Jiang Yuqiao sighed, and Chen Jiajie walked up to her and asked gossipingly, "What's going on with him?" According to Chen Yize, this Jing Yi should be very handsome. A warm man, otherwise Feng would not feel a sense of crisis.

"You should have heard about the fact that he picked up a woman some time ago." Jiang Yuqiao said, Chen Jiajie nodded upon hearing this, "Of course I have. Could it be related to that?"

Jiang Yuqiao nodded: "That's right, that girl's name is Dodo, Brother Jing fell in love with that girl after getting along with her for a while, but that girl suddenly left without saying goodbye a few days ago, Brother Jing was very sad. "

After hearing Jiang Yuqiao's words, Chen Jiajie glanced at Jing Yi who had gone away in surprise, and sighed: "Only love is the most tormenting person in the world. I hope he can come out soon."

Jiang Yuqiao glanced at Chen Jiajie, seeing that the loneliness on her face was gone, Jiang Yuqiao asked curiously: "Sister Chen, do you like Zuo Zhixiu?"

Chen Jiajie didn't expect her to ask this question out of the blue, she was taken aback for a moment, then said with a smile: "What are you talking about, how is this possible, I don't like Zuo Zhixiu at all, don't think about it. "

Jiang Yuqiao looked at her duplicity and asked curiously, did she also act like this when she said she didn't like changing Li Yanfeng.

Jiang Yuqiao looked at Chen Jiajie and didn't know what to say. This emotional matter is not up to you at all. This heart is full of people who can't control it. Even if Chen Jiajie often says that she doesn't like Zuo Zhixiu, But in the end, I fell in love with it, so this love is the most complicated.

The two walked around for a while, but they were both thinking about things in their hearts, and they didn't have the mind to look at things at all. In the end, the two went to the childcare place, led Xin Gan and Bao Bao out, and left the mall.

Chen Jiajie said she wanted to send Jiang Yuqiao back, but Jiang Yuqiao felt that the journey was too far, and she would have to walk twice as long to send her back. What he thought was that he happened to be at Chen Yize's house, so Chen Jiajie drove the car back to her house.

In the car, Bao Bao looked at Jiang Yuqiao contentedly while eating the cake, and said, "Auntie, would you like to eat the cake? It's delicious."

Jiang Yuqiao looked at her, all worries disappeared in an instant, and said with a smile, "Auntie doesn't want to eat, baby, let's eat alone." In fact, she really wanted to take a bite, but the piece of cake was just a little bit.

The baby smiled, and then happily ate it. Chen Jiajie glanced at the baby in the rearview mirror, smiled and shook her head. She was content with having two children. She didn't need love, and she could live without a man. very happy.

Chen Jiajie drove to the apartment and came directly to the door of Chen Yize's house. Jiang Yuqiao hurriedly got out of the car and waved goodbye to the baby. As soon as she got down, the door of Chen Yize's house opened, and then Li Yanfeng walked out. Jiang Yuqiao Hurry up and walk towards him.

Seeing that she came back empty-handed, Li Yanfeng asked: "Didn't you go shopping? Why did you come back empty-handed?"

Jiang Yuqiao walked up to him and smiled: "Actually, I just went to relax, and I didn't think about going shopping at all, but I spent thousands of dollars for lunch today."

Seeing her cautious appearance, Li Yanfeng rubbed her little head with a smile, and said with a smile: "It's only a few thousand dollars, you don't need to tell me, just take the card, whenever you want to buy something, just go and buy it." .”

Wen Yan Jiangyu Qiao smiled, although asking for so much money is useless, but Li Yanfeng said that letting her hold the card showed his attitude, so she was quite happy.

"Didn't you give me a secondary card?"

"My money is your money, and it's all in your safekeeping." Li Yanfeng said with a smile, and walked towards the car with his arms around her, "What happened today, I just saw your smile not so real."

Hearing his words, Jiang Yuqiao froze for a while, feeling warm in her heart, he could even see her emotions.

"I encountered two things today. Although they have nothing to do with me, I was quite touched when I saw them." Jiang Yuqiao said as he walked.

Li Yanfeng opened the car door and put her in the co-pilot's seat, then fastened her seat belt, and without leaving, he stood at the door, put his arms around her and said: "What touched my Qiao Qiao, tell me what made my husband Listen."

Except in the Li family or in front of the Li family, he seldom called her Qiao Qiao, so hearing his name Jiang Yuqiao was still uncomfortable, and he lowered his head shyly, and said: "Today, I am with Sister Chen. When the restaurant took Xin Gan and the baby to eat, I met Zuo Zhixiu's parents, and they happened to be eating in the restaurant."

"And then?" Li Yanfeng said lightly.

"Then Zuo Zhixiu's parents left, and soon Sister Chen seemed to have received Zuo Zhixiu's WeChat, and then she looked very bad, it seemed that the two of them broke up, but obviously I don't like Sister Chen I'm with Zuo Zhixiu, but seeing Sister Chen seems to have feelings for Zuo Zhixiu, I feel a little bit soft-hearted. Love is really amazing. It never assigns any status and rank to men and women. , but people are different, they always say that they don’t match each other, and they always use their own ideas to measure other people’s love.”

"You mean that Zuo Zhixiu's family stopped Zuo Zhixiu from pursuing Chen Jiajie because of Xin Gan and Bao Bao?" Li Yanfeng looked at her and asked.

Jiang Yuqiao looked up at him and said, "I also hope that the two of them will not be together because of Zuo Zhixiu's character. In fact, it is no different from the nature of Zuo Zhixiu's parents, right?"

"You don't have to blame yourself, even if you didn't like them being together, but if they really love each other, let alone your wish, even if you really do something to stop them from being together, you can't bring them together Loved ones are separated."

Listening to Li Yanfeng's words, Jiang Yuqiao was stunned, frowned and said, "Then you mean that sister Chen and Zuo Zhixiu don't really love each other? But today, sister Chen's expression is very lonely..."

Jiang Yuqiao was stunned, looked at Li Yanfeng and asked, "Could it be that Zuo Zhixiu was really just playing with Sister Chen, and gave up as soon as she heard that she had a child?"

Li Yanfeng rubbed her head, said with a smile: "Didn't you encounter two things? What is the other one?"

(End of this chapter)

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