Hidden Marriage in a Wealthy Family: Shao Li's Pampered Wife

Chapter 103 The Competition Comes to an End

Chapter 103 The Competition Comes to an End
Chapter 118

Chen Yize is a person who can take jokes, and he was not very angry. He followed the big guys and worried about Jiang Yuqiao on the stage.

At this time, Jiang Yuqiao, who had found a way, had entered a very good state. After a while, the swan that had been lifelike appeared on the white cloth. Jiang Yuqiao looked at the light gray swan, smiled with satisfaction, and then Just started to design the work.

Sitting under the stage, Chen Jiajie was very assured of Jiang Yuqiao's ability, and nodded in satisfaction when she saw that she had completed the painting.

As time passed by, Li Yanfeng forgot about Jing Yi's sudden arrival, and his attention was only on Jiang Yuqiao on the stage, until the host stepped onto the stage again to announce the end of the game.

Jiang Yuqiao didn't know what would happen to her work, so several people were nervous, but Li Yanfeng was more nervous than her. Li Li glanced at Li Yanfeng who was sitting next to him with a frowning expression, and said, "Second brother, Just relax, Jojo's work of yours must be fine."

Li Yanfeng pretended to be nervous all morning and was exposed. He glanced at Li Li lightly, and then continued to look at Jiang Yuqiao standing in the center of the stage.

Jing Yi, who was sitting on the side, looked at Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao standing on the stage, and smiled. Li Yanfeng's feelings for Qiao Qiao now really can't be questioned, just look at his nervous expression now. .

After the first half of the semi-finals ended, the people who would enter the second half of the competition would be decided. Jiang Yuqiao glanced at the five judges sitting in the audience, and then walked off the stage nervously.

The ten works were all displayed in front of the judges, and the judges made their judgments one by one. Several judges were also very serious in their evaluation, and they walked up to several works and began to evaluate them seriously.

One of the judges stopped in front of Jiang Yuqiao's work, showing a look of surprise, and then called several judges to the front of Jiang Yuqiao's work.

"How do you guys look at this work?"

"The idea is unique, bold enough, and thoughtful and novel enough. It is indeed a good work." Thinking that the judges looked at Jiang Yuqiao's work and made a judgment, the others nodded in agreement.

"That's right, this is indeed a good piece of work. It looks like a cheongsam, but it gives people a sense of modern design. It seems that this contestant is very comfortable with style, otherwise he would not have designed such a Unique work."

As the judges said, Jiang Yuqiao did design a white cheongsam, but she broke through the reverie of the cheongsam a little bit, and made changes on the shoulders and lower body skirt, and once the changes were made, everyone would immediately notice the changes. Just looking at the previous idea, I designed the swan that was taking wings for a while at the side of the body, and only saw the dark head in the front, as if crying, matched with the look of the clothes itself, which inevitably gave people a sense of sadness However, if you look at it from the side or from the back, it will completely change the artistic conception, immediately changing from sad to stunning, as if reminding people of the story of the ugly duckling transforming into a swan, which makes people's eyes shine .

Several judges surrounded Jiang Yuqiao's work for the longest time, which made the contestants sitting in the audience and watching all the time very nervous, especially Li Man, who gritted his teeth in hatred, why, he was obviously sprinkled with coffee How can stained clothes be welcomed? This is impossible.

Instead, when he looked at his own work, the judges just took a glance and left without making too many judgments. At this moment, Li Man felt restless in his heart, thinking that he might really miss the championship.

The judging time for the judges was over, and the contestants came to the stage one by one. Jiang Yuqiao had just been standing in the background watching the judges' reactions, so she was very confident in her work. Standing on the stage at this time seemed calmer than when she first started. Seeing her calm look, Li Yanfeng also lost a lot of tension.

Holding the result in his hand, the host first smiled and greeted the audience in front of the TV and the audience in the audience, and then turned to look at the ten contestants.

"Now the results of the first half of the finals are in my hands. I think everyone is looking forward to the announcement of the results more than I am. Okay, let's not talk nonsense. After the serious and fair evaluation of the five judges, is it true? Which three players can successfully enter the top three competition, okay, let us announce the answer now."

The host read out the names of the three people. Jiang Yuqiao couldn't believe her ears. She was the first to hear her name, so it must mean that her grades are very good. Hearing that she can enter the championship competition Sai Jiangyu Qiao is very happy.

On the contrary, Li Man, who was in a really good mood with Jiang Yuqiao, kept a secretive expression on his face.

It is impossible for Jiang Yuqiao to get No.1 and enter the championship competition!
Although she strongly opposed it in her heart, the result has already come out. Fortunately, she is also among the three contenders for the championship. Otherwise, she would be ashamed, and she would lose to a little girl who just graduated.

Looking at Jiang Yuqiao who really smiled brightly, she squinted her eyes. The champion must be hers, and no one can take it away.

Thinking that the second half of the finals is about to start, Li Man sorted out her emotions and started to play seriously. However, because of the impact Jiang Yuqiao gave her, it will inevitably cause a certain amount of pressure in her heart, so during the game Always pay attention to Jiang Yuqiao's progress.

The title of the competition in the second half of the finals was that the three contestants combined their wedding dresses according to their body shape and suitable style, and finally the contestants had to wear the wedding dresses they designed to appear.

Jiang Yuqiao was actually very happy when she heard this topic. When she and Li Yanfeng held their wedding, Li Yanfeng didn't discuss it with her at all. The wedding dress was designed by Chen Jiajie and several well-known designers, so I have always dreamed of it. Jiang Yuqiao felt a little regretful about being able to wear her own wedding dress, but today's topic just made up for her regret.

All the raw materials are ready, and the time is only one hour. It can be said that it is very tense. It is almost impossible to design a wedding dress in one hour. I think that the wedding dress when she got married was Chen Jiajie and several famous people. It took the designer a month to design it, and now it takes an hour to design it, so now is the time to fight for speed and experience.

It is undoubtedly an advantage for Li Man, but Li Man seems to be distracted by the interference of the last round of competition, and he cannot seriously enter the competition at all.

As the time passed, Jiang Yuqiao did well, not only Jiang Yuqiao, but also the remaining contestant, because girls who study fashion design will inevitably have certain ideas about their wedding dresses. Maybe they also thought that they would wear this wedding dress designed by themselves when they got married, so this topic is also very familiar to them.

As the competition drew to a close, the host announced the end of the competition. Jiang Yuqiao finished the finale and handed in her work.

The judges looked at the three works and each had their own comments and opinions. One judge still remembered Jiang Yuqiao's work in the last round, and looked at her and asked, "Excuse me, this contestant, if he gets married, he will wear your dress." Did you design your own wedding dress?"

Jiang Yuqiao froze for a moment, and said honestly, "I'm already married, and the wedding dress was prepared by my husband, so I may not have the chance to wear the wedding dress I designed again." Li Yanfeng said that he would not divorce her, So she has no chance of remarrying, and of course she won't have the chance to wear the wedding dress she designed.

Li Yanfeng, who was sitting under the stage, heard Jiang Yuqiao's answer, and his mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at Jing Yi who was sitting next to Li Li, as if he was showing off.

Jing Yi saw that Li Yanfeng could do such a childish behavior, expressing both novelty and a little helplessness. He never thought that Li Yanfeng would be so childish.

After hearing Jiang Yuqiao's answer, the judges were stunned for a moment. Asking this question was just a momentary curiosity, thinking that such a young girl must have a certain vision for the wedding dress at her wedding, but she didn't expect that she was already married.

"You're already married? I really can't tell." One of the judges looked at Jiang Yuqiao and said, "Didn't you just graduate from college? Why did you get married so early? Did you date someone in college?"

Jiang Yuqiao didn't like this judge's question very much. If she answered truthfully, then her marriage with Li Yanfeng would be exposed, but if she didn't answer his question, it would definitely leave a bad impression on the judges, which is inevitable. It will affect your own game performance.

Jiang Yuqiao looked at the judges who were questioning the question, his expression faded, and he thought for a while and said: "It's not a date in college."

In the end, Jiang Yuqiao only answered his last question, and seeing this, the judges continued to ask politely.

"Your resume says that you are currently working for Feng Group. Are you the official designer of Feng now?"

Jiang Yuqiao shook her head: "Not yet, I'm just a designer assistant."

"Which designer's assistant is that?"

The judges asked, Jiang Yuqiao hesitated, whether to say Chen Jiajie's name, if you say it, it will definitely make the judges have a certain emotional tendency, but if you don't say it, you will definitely offend the judges.

Just when Jiang Yuqiao was hesitating whether to speak or not, Li Man suddenly said: "Every judge and teacher, I don't think she can tell who the designer she follows is."

Seeing Li Man's voice, the judges looked at her, and one of them smiled and said, "Why?"

"Feng's designers are well-known for being able to use assistants. If her designer knows the judges and teachers, it will inevitably affect the fairness of the competition."

Li Man really thought of it this way. Everyone in the design circle knows Chen Jiajie's name, and her circle of friends is not small. These people are obviously not as famous as Chen Jiajie, so when she heard that Jiang Yuqiao was Chen Jiajie's assistant It is likely to be emotionally charged.

Li Man spoke out his inner thoughts in a moment of impatience, but he offended several judges without knowing it. One of the older designers who is also an important designer in the design circle had a look of displeasure on his face: "You Does that mean we will do things that are fair to the game because of our personal feelings?"

The judge's voice was a bit heavy, and Li Man's heart skipped a beat. Only then did he realize that his words were a little thoughtless, and quickly apologized nervously: "I'm sorry, judges and teachers, I didn't mean that. I, I was just in a hurry."

"Okay, then let's not ask her, let's ask you, your resume says that you used to be Feng's designer, why did you leave Feng?"

Li Man was taken aback, she couldn't say that she was fired because of offending Li Yanfeng, she thought for a while and said: "I left Feng because of some personal reasons, it was really forced."

Li Man tried his best to make a pitiful expression, trying to win the approval of the judges. As an insider, Jiang Yuqiao saw her expression with a puckered mouth, and thought that it was a pity that Li Man did not become an actor.

At this time, one of the judges suddenly looked at Jiang Yuqiao: "Jiang Yuqiao is an employee of Feng, and you should know each other based on the time you worked at Feng in your resume."

Jiang Yuqiao nodded: "Not familiar."

Originally, Li Man was still worried that Jiang Yuqiao would talk nonsense in front of the judges, but he was instantly relieved when he heard her words, glanced at Jiang Yuqiao, then looked at the judges, and said, "We don't know each other well."

The judges asked a few more simple questions. During this period, they had already given their own scores. Several judges glanced at the scores of other judges and nodded. They probably were roughly the same.

Because there are only three contestants, the calculation of the scores this time is very fast, and the results will come out in a while.

The host held the results in his hand, first greeted the audience in front of the TV and in the auditorium, and then looked at Jiang Yuqiao and the three of them.

"Now is the most tense and exciting moment of the competition. The final champion will be determined today. I hope you are also excited and nervous. Several professional judges and teachers have given us the answers, so I will give them now." Everyone announce the answer."

"Now let's announce the third runner-up of the competition, who will it be?" The host asked a question, then looked at the three people standing in the center of the stage, and read out a name in anticipation.

"Li Man, the third runner-up this season is Li Man, congratulations." The host said and applauded first. Jiang Yuqiao looked at Li Man, but she didn't expect No.3 to be Li Man, which means she hopes to win the championship. Another point.

Jiang Yuqiao and another contestant applauded Li Man, with a look of joy on their faces, which was extremely dazzling in Li Man's eyes, especially when her opponent was Jiang Yuqiao, and she lost to Jiang Yuqiao.

Seeing that Li Man just glared at the two contestants and didn't get the happy reaction of winning the third place, the host felt a little embarrassed for a while, and hurriedly spoke to ease the atmosphere. The judges sitting below all looked at their faces and smiled ironically. .

After the scene calmed down for a while, the host continued to announce the results: "Let's announce the runner-up of this quarter, who will it be?"

As soon as the host's voice fell, the atmosphere froze for a moment. He said that the runner-up was announced, but it was also equivalent to announcing the name candidate, so this moment is undoubtedly not the most tense moment.

"Our runner-up is number two, congratulations."

As soon as the host's voice fell, the rankings of the champion and the runner-up were announced at the same time. Jiang Yuqiao froze in place, a little unbelievable, she really won the championship, she really did it.

At the same time, Li Yanfeng, who was sitting in the auditorium, was also stunned, but he was only stunned for a moment, and then happily showed a gratified smile, followed by all the audience applauding, and several other people who came to cheer for Jiang Yuqiao They were all applauding happily for Jiang Yuqiao to win the championship, so they didn't pay much attention to Li Yanfeng's abnormality.

"At the same time, we also congratulate our No. [-] player, Jiang Yuqiao, for winning this season's championship. Congratulations."

The host said excitedly that petals were sprinkled on the stage to celebrate the emergence of the champion and the perfect end of the game.

It took Jiang Yuqiao a long time to come back to his senses, and he took the lead to look at the last row of the auditorium. Because the TV station was recording, the lights in the last row have been brightened a lot. Jiang Yuqiao saw the relatives and friends sitting in the last row Friends, especially Li Yanfeng who was sitting in the middle, smiled happily at them, but they didn't want to react too much for fear of others knowing.

At the end of the competition, the judges will present prizes to the champion, runner-up and third runner-up respectively and present souvenirs of the contestants. Finally, the judges returned to their seats and asked, "I'm still very curious about one question. Can I ask Miss No. [-] Jiang Yuqiao to tell you about your current situation?" Who will Zaifeng be an assistant to? I think you were concerned just now, but now that the game is over, you should be able to talk to us."

Jiang Yuqiao was stunned, and said with a smile, "I'm currently working as an assistant for Chen Jiajie in Fengfeng."

As soon as Jiang Yuqiao's voice fell, the scene was silent, and even the audience below fell silent, but the silence was only for a moment, and then it seemed to boil, and even the judges who had seen the world showed surprise.

"I didn't expect you to be Chen Jiajie's assistant. It's really surprising. No wonder your works are so eye-catching."

Some time ago, the hottest quarrel in the design circle was the matter of Chen Jiajie accepting an assistant, so everyone was always curious. I really didn't expect that the person who won the championship today was actually Chen Jiajie's assistant. It seemed destined. Yes, how many times The judges applauded Jiang Yuqiao from the bottom of their hearts.

Jiang Yuqiao nodded modestly, and then smiled sweetly at the camera. Since then, the truth about Chen Jiajie's assistant, whom everyone has been curious about, has come to light. Now everyone knows, and she even won the championship in the competition.

Jiang Yuqiao was very happy, even after she stepped off the stage, her face was full of smiles. When she walked back to the lounge, Li Man saw Jiang Yuqiao coming in with the championship trophy, frowned in disgust, and then went to her side and asked : "Why did you win the championship?"

Jiang Yuqiao looked at her with a smile: "Depending on strength."

"Did Li Yanfeng let you go through the back door?" Li Man ignored Jiang Yuqiao's answer at all, looked at Jiang Yuqiao as if he had lost his mind and said, his face was full of anger.

Jiang Yuqiao understood her current mood very well, she glanced at her lightly and walked past her, and said with a smile: "It's ridiculous that some people don't have the strength and can't recognize their own position, you just accept the reality, to be honest , I have also studied your previous works, and your ability to enter the peak shows that you have a certain strength, but your latest works are really hard to describe."

The mentality of a designer who can design excellent works must not be distorted. If Li Man has maintained her original power, she must be the champion, but she seems to care too much about fame and fortune, so that she lost heart.

Hearing Jiang Yuqiao's words, Li Man was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Jiang Yuqiao, with an evil thought flashing in his heart, a fierce expression appeared on his face, he clenched the copper trophy in his hand, and slowly walked towards Hunran I don't know Jiang Yuqiao.

Knowing that Jiang Yuqiao won the championship, Li Yanfeng was very happy, so he came directly to the backstage to pick up Jiang Yuqiao. Now he seemed to have nothing to worry about, and just waited for the time to announce their marriage.

As soon as Li Yanfeng walked to the entrance of the lounge, he saw the scene that made him breathless. Before he could stop the trophy in Li Man's hand, it fell hard on Jiang Yuqiao's head.

Li Yanfeng rushed into the room, kicked Li Man who was standing behind Jiang Yuqiao away, and then hugged Jiang Yuqiao who was shaking.

"How about Jojo, let me see."

Speaking of which, Li Yanfeng looked at the place where Jiang Yuqiao was beaten just now, and took a good look at her hair before he heaved a sigh of relief: "Let's go to the hospital to see."

Jiang Yuqiao was stupefied just now, and now she regained her strength and looked at Li Yanfeng in surprise: "I'm fine, I don't need to go to the hospital, why are you here?"

"If I wasn't here, you wouldn't have been bullied." Li Yanfeng said viciously as he glanced at Li Man who was lying on the ground and supporting his waist.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqiao also looked at Li Man, and said, "I've been bullied." It's true that Li Man dared to beat someone before arriving first, but fortunately Li Yanfeng arrived in time, otherwise she wouldn't have been beaten today It is estimated that death will not gain any benefits.

"I really want to call back, but I think my trophy is too precious, I can't bear it, let's go."

Hearing this, Li Yanfeng touched her head with a smile, and then glared at Li Man. At this time, Li Man was too frightened to speak, ignoring the pain in his waist and fearing that Jiang Yuqiao would really hit her. Quickly supported the ground and took two steps back.

Li Yanfeng gave her a disgusted look and walked out of the lounge with Jiang Yuqiao supported. When he walked out of the door, he looked back at the lounge: "You should go and find out why the shares of the companies controlled by the Zuo family were held a while ago. Be devoured inexplicably."

After Li Yanfeng left, Li Man was completely stunned. She had heard her father talk about this incident. It seemed that a woman from Zuo Zhixiu slapped Jiang Yuqiao by accident. Share annexation happened to several companies in China.

It must be Li Yanfeng who said this, obviously, everyone knows it.

Doesn't Li Yanfeng want to deal with their family because of Jiang Yuqiao?
Thinking of this, Li Man showed a terrified expression on her face and looked at the direction they were leaving, trying to catch up and beg, but the pain in her waist made her fall to the ground all of a sudden.

It's over now, the family finally got better because of being next to the Lou's house. If it was because of her that they were hit hard, father and brother would definitely not be her, and she would really be over now.

It took a long time for Jiang Yuqiao to react, and looked at Li Yanfeng in surprise: "You don't want to deal with the Lou family, do you?"

"Is there any reason why it can't? My group also needs to grow, and besides, I have long disliked the Li family."

Listening to his natural tone, Jiang Yuqiao shrugged helplessly: "As long as you don't use me as an excuse, you can do anything."

Last time he cleaned up Zuo's family because of her, and now he is going to clean up Lou's house again. He spoiled her too much. She didn't dare to go home and tell him if she was wronged outside. It is the rise and fall of a company, she dare not bear it.

Li Yanfeng smiled when he heard her muttering, but walked out with his arms around her without saying a word.

"What about the others, I just saw Brother Jing coming too." Jiang Yuqiao looked at Li Yanfeng curiously and asked.

"You still have the heart to look at other people. Let's go to the hospital first and ignore them."

Wen Yan Jiangyu Qiao paused, looked at Li Yanfeng and said: "I'm not a porcelain doll, I don't need to care about it that much, haven't you already seen it, I'm fine."

"I'm not a doctor, I have to let the doctor say it's okay." Li Yanfeng said to me resolutely, hearing the words Jiang Yuqiao sighed helplessly.

"You really made a fuss. I'm really fine. I don't feel a headache at all. It's just that I was hit and hurt for a while. Now I'm fine. My head has been hard since I was a child. It's really fine. , if I don’t go to the hospital, the big guys will just wait outside, right?”

Seeing that she insisted not to go to the hospital, Li Yanfeng stopped and reconfirmed that she was fine before leaning on her and said, "Everyone is waiting outside for you to celebrate, I'll treat you."

"Okay, let's go quickly. I'm really fine. I don't need to go to the hospital. Don't make the big guys wait."

While talking, Jiang Yuqiao dragged Li Yanfeng outside and walked out through the back door. When she saw people and cars parked outside, Jiang Yuqiao smiled and raised the trophy in her hand and said to Chen Jiajie: "Sister Chen, I did it! .”

"Congratulations, you will no longer be my assistant." Chen Jiajie said.

Hearing this, Jiangyu Qiao was taken aback, and looked sad at Chen Jiajie's serious look: "Why, do you want to fire me instead after I won the championship, Sister Chen?"

"I don't have the right to fire you." Chen Jiajie said with a smile, "Did you forget that Feng said you won the championship and asked you to be an official designer? From now on, you will be Feng's official designer, and you don't have to do it anymore. my assistant."

It was only then that Jiang Yuqiao realized what she meant. She glanced at Li Yanfeng beside her, and smiled, "I forgot about this, it shocked me."

As Jiang Yuqiao saw Jing Yi, she walked over excitedly and gave him a hug: "Brother Jing, I won the championship."

Jing Yi looked at her dotingly, as if looking at his most beloved sister, and said with a smile: "I just saw it, didn't you always dream of being a designer when you were a child, and now your dream has finally come to an end." Achieved."

Jiang Yuqiao smiled and watched him leave Jing Yi's side by the collar just as he was about to speak. Jiang Yuqiao turned around and saw Li Yanfeng with an unhappy expression on his face.

"Be careful in public." Li Yanfeng looked at Jiang Yuqiao and said calmly.

"What's wrong with me hugging my brother, you are still so stingy." Muttering, Jiang Yuqiao hurriedly jumped away from him and hid beside Li Li, and then said with a smile, "I won the championship today, so please Let's eat and celebrate."

"Speaking so boldly, it's not my treat." Li Yanfeng said as he got into the car and looked at her.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqiao pursed her lips: "Yesterday you said that your money is my money, and now you're starting to care about it."

Li Yanfeng glanced at the few people who had already driven away, started the car, and said, "I don't dare to care about it, you have a family, and I'm afraid that if you are bullied, Jing Yi will have trouble with me."

Jiang Yuqiao loved to hear this sentence, smiled at him, and then happily touched his trophy.

"Do you think this is real gold?" Jiang Yuqiao touched the golden trophy and said, "If it's real gold, how valuable it is."

"Gold-plated." Li Yanfeng ruthlessly dismantled it, and Jiang Yuqiao showed a little disappointment on his face, but he immediately laughed when he thought of the meaning of the trophy.

"I don't care if it's real gold or not, it represents my honor, and that's enough."

"If you like it, I'll have someone build a real gold one for you tomorrow, and let you sleep with it every day." Li Yanfeng joked.

Wen Yanjiang Yuqiao wanted to refute back, but when he thought of something, a sly look flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile: "Okay, then I will sleep with the gold trophy in the future, and you should sleep in the study alone."

Li Yanfeng was stunned for a moment, but she laughed angrily: "You are more eloquent now."

"I didn't learn it from you." She always used the IQ gap between her and him to say something to fool her, but she couldn't hear it, and she didn't realize it until a long time later.

"Oh?" Li Yanfeng asked lightly, "How did you learn from me?"

Listening to his words, there is obviously no problem, but I don't know why Jiang Yuqiao heard a hint of a trap in it, he couldn't be holding his breath to play her again, right?

Thinking of Jiang Yuqiao in this way, he simply shut up and stopped talking. Li Yanfeng glanced at her, smiled and didn't speak, and hurried to catch up with the car in front.

The place where the few people came was the f clubhouse, and when they arrived, they walked into the clubhouse together. Li Li stood at the entrance of the clubhouse, which is a huge sign of the f clubhouse, looked at Li Yanfeng, suddenly woke up, and said: "Second brother, This isn't your place, is it?"

Li Yanfeng glanced at her indifferently, and then led Jiang Yuqiao into the clubhouse. Li Li quickly caught up with him: "Really? Is this your place? Then can I give you a free ticket when I come here in the future? You This place is too expensive for a meal, I have never dared to come.”

Hearing her words, Chen Yize said behind her: "Sister, you'd better beg me than him, after all, I'm the nominal boss here."

Hearing that Chen Jiajie laughed suddenly from the side, this is really called my sister, Chen Yizehu ignored Chen Jiajie's smile, and continued to say to Li Li: "Brother Calling, I recognize you as my sister, and you can eat here later."

Li Li looked at him vigilantly, and asked, "Why did I call you brother? Are you playing tricks on me?"

"What do you think?"

"will not."

"No!" The voices of three people said at the same time, namely Chen Yize, Chen Jiajie and Jiang Yuqiao.

Li Li glanced at the three people who were talking at the same time, and finally looked at Jiang Yuqiao: "Why are you so sure? Could it be that I am good enough for you to quickly deny?"

Jiang Yuqiao shook her head quickly, and said, "He already has an owner, so it is impossible for him to be interested in you."

Hearing this, Li Li said with confidence: "It's fine if you're not interested in me, well, it's all about calling me brother for the sake of free meals in the f guild hall in the future."

Hearing what he said, Chen Yize looked at Li Li and smiled: "Then quickly call brother to let me listen."

Li Li hesitated when he saw his face, and said: "Although you are my second brother's friend, I should call you brother, but I have a brother. Although I'm a bit of a jerk, I think it's okay. You can't be like this. There is no bottom line."

"There is no bottom line, and calling me brother means there is no bottom line?" Chen Yize stared at her, as if he had been wronged, "What's wrong with calling me brother?"

Hearing this, Li Li hurriedly said: "It's not a loss, it's just that I don't think I deserve a brother like you."

Seeing her flattering smile, Chen Yize pursed his lips: "The more we look at each other, the more we resemble each other. No one will believe you unless you tell my elder brother. Look at your second elder brother who says we are similar."

"You don't have brothers or sisters yourself, how can you catch other people's sisters?"

As soon as Li Li finished speaking, Li Yanfeng and Chen Jiajie paused. Li Yanfeng was alright, and immediately returned to normal and started walking, but Chen Jiajie forgot to walk when she saw Chen Yize, and Jing Yi who was following her almost bumped into her. Only then did Chen Jiajie react.

Paying attention to Chen Yize's expression, seeing that he just smiled bitterly and didn't look very sad, he was relieved.

"Lizi, watch your mouth, how do you get along in the entertainment industry like this?" Li Yanfeng warned.

Li Li curled her lips, and also noticed Chen Yize's abnormality, and said, "I'm not in the entertainment industry."

"It makes no difference anyway."

"Okay." Li Li closed her mouth and stopped talking, but she glanced at Chen Yize next to her, saw that he stopped talking, and frowned strangely, did she say something wrong again?
Jiang Yuqiao also noticed the reaction of Li Yanfeng and Chen Jiajie just now, and couldn't help but glance at Chen Yize who was following behind. Seeing that his expression was not as lively as before, she glanced at Li Yanfeng and Chen Jiajie suspiciously. What's wrong with him? Why did he speak suddenly? That's all?

After walking to the private room and sitting down, Li Li was not in the mood to observe the decoration in the private room, and frowned when she saw Chen Yize's face suddenly lost interest, she must have said something wrong just now, otherwise the second brother would not have given such a warning She, which sentence is it?

Li Li recalled what she said just now, and suddenly thought of the last sentence and immediately woke up, it couldn't be that sentence, right?Doesn't he have a good relationship with his family?
"Brother Chen, are you angry?" Li Li called out to him tentatively. Chen Yize, who thought of his sister who had passed away for many years, laughed instantly when he heard her words, quite proud of himself.

"What did you call just now? Did you just call my elder brother? Haha, didn't you say no?"

Li Li realized that she had been fooled, she gave him a glare, turned and walked to the other seats, and still muttered: "I'm not respectful for old people."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yize was unwilling, and shouted at her: "You little girl, who are you talking about being old?"

Li Li stuck out her tongue at him: "I'm just clarifying the facts." Thinking of something, Li Li suddenly looked at Li Yanfeng and Chen Jiajie, and added, "I'm just targeting him."

Chen Jiajie was taken aback, and Jiang Yuqiao glanced at Li Yanfeng, who also looked unhappy, and said with a smile, "Actually, you don't need to explain."

Originally, the two of them didn't feel that what she said brought them in. Doesn't her explanation mean that she meant that, it's just superfluous.

(End of this chapter)

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