Hidden Marriage in a Wealthy Family: Shao Li's Pampered Wife

Chapter 105 Chen Jiajie's Child Is Mine

Chapter 105 Chen Jiajie's Child Is Mine

Chapter 120

The most popular news about the marriage of Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao has been paid the closest attention to by the media. Not an hour after their news was exposed, the public relations department of the Feng Group responded, saying that the marriage of the two is It is NO.15 in February this spring, so there is no possibility of Jiang Yuqiao stepping on two boats at all. The incident with Zuo Zhixiu is purely coincidental. Jiang Yuqiao's ability to win the championship is entirely due to her own efforts , the Feng Group and Li Yanfeng personally did not interfere at all.

As soon as this public relations article came out, although it only lightened the heat of people's discussion topic, it did not affect them to continue to take it out of context.

"No one will admit to cheating, you just refuse to admit it."

"Who Jiang Yuqiao hooked up with has nothing to do with when she married Li Yanfeng. The date of marriage can only show that she is already married and still doesn't give up on entanglement with Zuo Zhixiu."

"The more you describe the darker, I think you should just admit it, especially Jiang Yuqiao. I heard that you were born as an orphan, and you are not worthy of Li Yanfeng. Even if you marry into a wealthy family, so what? like."

This remark spread again and again. Jiang Yuqiao worked hard to join the wealthy family, but she was not liked by the elders of the wealthy family and was often made things difficult by her mother-in-law.

Jiang Yuqiao didn't want to watch the news on the Internet, so she turned off her phone a long time ago, but if she didn't watch it, it didn't mean that others wouldn't talk about it. Li Yanfeng has been paying attention to the news on the Internet, and saw more and more finger pointing at Jiang Yu Qiao felt very puzzled in his heart, so he called Special Assistant Zhao and asked him to investigate.

In the Li family, Mrs. Liang frowned when she saw the rumors about Jiang Yuqiao on the Internet, thought about it, and made a phone call.

"Mr. Jin, I have one thing to ask you on the phone. It's about my daughter-in-law. I know you have a way. Help me investigate."

After finishing speaking and hanging up the phone, Liang looked at the phone and sighed heavily. Qiao Qiao's child was like a child who didn't understand anything. It was just like looking at it. How could he be such a person? I don't know how Yanfeng solved it. Anyway, she can help if she can.

Mr. Jin hung up the phone and was about to investigate the matter arranged by Mrs. Liang. Because of his work, there were news of some important personnel. After searching, he saw Jiang Yuqiao's news, and only then did he know that he bumped her last time. The people turned out to be Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao, what a coincidence.

Thinking of this, Mr. Jin investigated Jiang Yuqiao's information. At the same time, Lou Qiqi and Li Yanqing in the United States were having dinner in a hotel. Lou Qiqi looked at the information on the Internet and smiled happily, and took a sip of wine , and then looked at Li Yanqing.

"Seeing someone scolding Jiang Yuqiao makes me die of joy."

"Then you can't die, what will I do if you die." Li Yanqing said with his arms around Lou Qiqi who was sitting on his lap, put his mouth close to hers, and then took a sip of wine for her, "That's where it is, It's just that someone scolded Jiang Yuqiao, isn't what we want to make their lives worse than death?"

Sitting in his arms, Lou Qiqi giggled twice, her eyes suddenly became sharp, she looked at the wine glass in her hand, and regarded it as Jiang Yuqiao, with a vicious look as if she wanted to eat someone .

At lunch time, Jiang Yuqiao left her seat to eat lunch. Seeing the curious eyes of her colleagues, Jiang Yuqiao walked out of the office calmly. When she passed by Chen Jiajie's office, she happened to come out. Jiang Yuqiao smiled at her.

"Sister Chen, let's go eat together,"

Chen Jiajie nodded with a smile, and the two entered the elevator together, and after the two left, the gossip people gathered together again.

"Did you see what was said on the Internet? Jiang Yuqiao is married to the president and has no idea about Zuo Zhixiu. She is really a bully. You said that the president is really cold-tempered to the point where even her own It doesn't matter if your wife is with other men, right?"

"It's not unreasonable what you said. Then think about it, our president is really pitiful, and he is actually wearing this big green hat."

"Yeah, but what you said is really cheap for Jiang Yuqiao. Since the president doesn't care about anything, does he not care who the woman he married is? Our company's public relations office said that the president and Jiang Yu Qiao was married in February of this year, and Jiang Yuqiao just joined our company at that time, do you think they just met at that time, and then they got married in a flash?"

"What you said is not unreasonable, but who knows, we are not allowed to discuss this in the company now, let's go to dinner, just to see if the president will come to the restaurant for dinner today."

Several people looked at each other, and then walked towards the restaurant together.

Today's news is not considered big news, but it is indeed the biggest news in the company. As soon as Jiang Yuqiao entered the restaurant, many people looked at him and looked at them timidly, even though he did not do that. things, but they looked a little guilty.

Chen Jiajie, who was walking beside her, saw Jiang Yuqiao's pace slowly slowing down, turned to look at her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yuqiao looked at Chen Jiajie, shook her head, "It's okay." Then she followed her.

Chen Jiajie saw her twitching, smiled, and said, "You don't care what other people think about you, and you haven't done anything yourself, just go forward boldly."

After listening to Sister Chen's words, Jiang Yuqiao nodded. Just as she was about to leave, she was suddenly hugged by someone. She turned her head and saw Li Yanfeng standing behind her. smiled.

Li Yanfeng rubbed her head and said with a smile: "What are you doing standing here, aren't you hungry?"

Seeing this, Chen Jiajie raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile, "It's fine if you come, let's go, let's go eat."

Jiang Yuqiao looked at Chen Jiajie and smiled, and then the three of them walked into the restaurant together. As soon as Li Yanfeng came in for a stroll, all the eyes that looked at Jiang Yuqiao turned away, because Li Yanfeng's aura was too strong .

The three of them walked to the restaurant and sat down, and then Chen Yize came over, first glanced at Jiang Yuqiao, seeing that she didn't look too lonely, then said to Li Yanfeng: "Have you sent someone to investigate?"

Li Yanfeng nodded: "Zhao Tezhu has already been sent."

When Jiang Yuqiao heard the conversation between the two, she glanced at Li Yanfeng and asked, "Investigate what?" Could it be that he suspected that someone deliberately bought a navy to scold her?

Li Yanfeng glanced at her and nodded: "This time something strange happened, I know too much inside information, and there are photos of us before, this is too well-prepared, it seems that it is aimed at you purposefully."

"For me? Why?" Jiang Yuqiao asked suspiciously.

Chen Yize looked at the innocent Jiang Yuqiao and sighed helplessly, no wonder Li Yanfeng protected her so well, it turned out that this daughter-in-law didn't know anything, she simply had nothing to say.

Jiang Yuqiao looked at Li Yanfeng with curiosity on her face. Li Yanfeng was also very helpless when she saw her. She smiled and said, "They are jealous of you marrying me, and they are also jealous of you being the designer of Fengfeng."

Glancing at Li Yanfeng, Jiang Yuqiao thought about it, and felt that what he said was very reasonable. Since she married Li Yanfeng, she hadn't spent a penny of her own money, and she could still live well and eat well, and she could live all day long. Wearing a famous brand, this is not a life that everyone can get. It's all because she married Li Yanfeng, and it's no wonder that others are jealous of her.

Seeing that Jiang Yuqiao really believed Li Yanfeng's words, both Chen Yize and Chen Jiajie looked helpless. Fortunately, this girl was married to Li Yanfeng, otherwise, her simple temperament would really be a disadvantage. I don't know if she is in her twenties How did the years go.

Speaking of how she came here in the past [-] years, Jiang Yuqiao really has nothing to say. She was protected by Jing Yi when she was a child. After Jing Yi left the principal, she took good care of her, and then went to school. Li Li Covering her all day long, the self-reliance she had cultivated so hard in primary and secondary schools collapsed, and then she met Li Yanfeng before she could find a job in college and truly entered the society, and then continued her life of being taken care of by others. It was an orphan who had a poor background, but the friends she met in her life were all sincere to her, so it can't be said that she has suffered a lot, and she has this innocent look now.

Seeing her nodding, Li Yanfeng smiled gratifiedly, then took her hand and said, "Come on, let's go to cook and see what's delicious today."

Instinctively, Jiang Yuqiao was about to be led away by him. At that moment, she suddenly remembered that this is a company, so she hurriedly stopped him and said, "This is a company, so be careful."

As he said that, he was about to break free from Li Yanfeng's hand, but Li Yanfeng grabbed him even tighter: "Anyway, everyone in the company now knows that we are married, so what do you care about?"

Jiang Yuqiao glanced at the other colleagues who were eating, and then at Li Yanfeng, hesitating, and then was dragged by Li Yanfeng to the place where they were cooking.

Jiang Yuqiao followed behind Li Yanfeng, looking at her colleagues who wanted to see but didn't dare to look at it openly, so she had to sneak a look in her eyes, she didn't know what it felt like, it felt safe to be held by Li Yanfeng, but I also feel embarrassed to be looked at by my colleagues like this.

After a while, Li Yanfeng led Jiang Yuqiao to the dining window, and looked at the rich dishes. Li Yanfeng looked at Jiang Yuqiao: "I have never eaten in a restaurant before, let alone have a meal in person. I thought the restaurant was just like that. I was just thinking about spending money to improve the restaurant, but today I found out that the food in our restaurant is quite good.”

A four-star restaurant is definitely good, but usually Jiang Yuqiao serves him those few dishes every day.

Hearing his words, Jiang Yuqiao couldn't react at first, but then she understood when she saw his blame-seeking eyes, and said, "Don't you like spicy food, so I made those dishes for you, don't you like it? "

"I like it, but have you ever thought about whether you will get tired of eating the same thing for a few months?"

Meeting Li Yanfeng's questioning eyes, Jiang Yuqiao shook her head: "I don't think so, if you really like something, you won't feel bored no matter how much you eat it, just like I like to eat desserts, let me eat them all day long. It’s not too boring either.”

Hearing her words, Li Yanfeng was stunned for a while, looking at her, she seemed to be talking about something she liked, and had no other meaning.

Like one thing will not change because of the change of time.

Seeing Jiang Yuqiao smiled, Li Yanfeng touched her head, Jiang Yuqiao knew Li Yanfeng's shoulders tall, and she didn't usually wear high heels, so it was commonplace for her to be touched on the head, Jiang Yuqiao didn't What do you think, but the other employees who were eating in the restaurant widened their eyes in surprise when they saw it.

The president actually touched Jiang Yuqiao's head, and he seemed to be very proficient. It seemed that he touched it often. This... Could it be that what was said on the Internet was wrong?Jiang Yuqiao and the CEO really love each other?

The two people here who still don't forget to show their affection while eating dinner don't care about other people's opinions at all, they are still showing affection, Li Yanfeng puts Jiang Yuqiao's favorite food on his plate, Jiang Yuqiao likes him when he sees it The ones were also placed on their own plates, and then the two walked towards the dining table with satisfied faces.

Sitting down to eat, Li Yanfeng looked at the spicy food on Jiang Yuqiao's plate, frowned, then changed his own plate with Jiang Yuqiao's, and started eating.

Usually, some people would pay attention to them, but now when the news of their marriage is announced, more people will pay attention to them. Their every move will be noticed, just like the action of exchanging dinner plates between them now , in the eyes of others, this is the most normal behavior of a couple or lovers.

But it's not like something a cold CEO would do.

A table far away from them saw the movements of Jiang Yuqiao and Li Yanfeng, and the four of them started discussing with each other.

"It seems that the president and Jiang Yuqiao are still very affectionate. What is said on the Internet may not be true. Think about it, if Jiang Yuqiao really gave the president a cuckold, would the president still be so kind to Jiang Yuqiao? Divorce her."

"That's right, you're right, do you guys still remember what Li Man and Lou Qiqi did a while ago?"

"You mean the time when Li Man and Lou Qiqi smashed Jiang Yuqiao's desk?"

"Yeah, didn't Li Man resign later? It must have been pressured by the president. Also, didn't Lou Qiqi always say that she was the fiancee of the president at that time, but the president never had dinner with her at all. Didn't she also leave inexplicably later, I think there must be something tricky in it."

"It means that Jiang Yuqiao can do whatever she wants in the company relying on the support of the president. This also shows another problem, that is, she must have the help of the president to win the championship this time. Otherwise, she is a fresh graduate. How can a college student beat Li Man to win the championship?"

"Don't forget that she is Chen Jiajie's assistant, and she has been with her for several months. We have to learn a lot. We haven't had a chance to get a word of advice from Chen Jiajie."

"Yes, according to the current situation, I can see that what is said on the Internet may be deliberately slandering Jiang Yuqiao."

"What's the matter with you, didn't you still say Jiang Yuqiao this morning? Why do you think she and the president are right now?" The woman frowned dissatisfied with her accomplice's words.

"We think it should be taken for granted in the competition. Haven't you seen the way the president is caring for Jiang Yuqiao? At a glance, the husband and wife are affectionate. It's not like it is said on the Internet. Don't forget Lou Qiqi and Li Man's fate, I advise you not to talk nonsense."

Seeing that the other three were talking about Jiang Yuqiao, the woman was instantly furious: "I think you just watched Jiang Yuqiao marry the CEO. You dare not offend her. You are really powerful and ignore you." The woman said Picked up the plate and left.

Now Jiang Yuqiao has won the championship and came to the company as a designer, and she is also the wife of the president. This is undoubtedly not a kind of pressure for them, and there is one more competitor, but thinking that they are so powerful, knowing what Jiang Yuqiao said If she couldn't be offended by her status, she immediately persuaded her, and she didn't even dare to speak ill of her. She was really spineless.

The other three looked at the woman who left angrily and curled her lips. One of the women said: "She is just too high-minded, and she is not convinced that others are better than her. Now the next young employee who just joined the company suddenly changed from an assistant to an assistant. An official designer, and the president's wife whom she aspires to, how can she not be jealous?"

"Yeah, I think those people who say bad things about Jiang Yuqiao on the Internet may have the same thoughts as her. They don't want others to be good, and they change their ways when they see others living better than themselves. People are the worst."

The conversations of several people were heard by Wu Yang who was sitting on the side. Wu Yang smiled. It seems that the company is not full of people who follow the crowd and talk nonsense with their eyes open.

Chen Jiajie ate fast and finished eating in a short time. Jiang Yuqiao had been eating with her for several months and had already increased her eating speed. Jiang Yuqiao got up and left with Chen Jiajie after eating. Unexpectedly, Li Yanfeng caught up with her and followed behind her , Jiang Yuqiao looked back at him, glanced suspiciously at his unfinished lunch and frowned.

"are you full?"

Li Yanfeng nodded: "I drank too much wine yesterday, and my appetite is not very good today."

Wen Yan Jiangyu Qiao nodded lightly, glanced at his face, saw that he was fine, then turned back and continued walking in peace.

Li Yanfeng knew that she was caring about him, so he smiled, feeling warm in his heart, and patted her head.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuqiao turned around and said in a low voice, "This is in the company, not at home, so please pay attention to the impact."

"The whole company is mine, pay attention to the impact." Li Yanfeng said as it should, Jiang Yuqiao was speechless when he said Ali's words, and even Chen Jiajie, who was walking a few steps ahead, looked back speechlessly A glance at Li Yanfeng.

"Even if you are not afraid of what others will say about you, you should also consider how I feel as a single dog, okay?"

Li Yanfeng smiled faintly, took Jiang Yuqiao's hand to follow her naturally, and answered her question with actions.

The staff in the restaurant looked at the actions of Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao, and they were all dumbfounded. They really refreshed the image of the president in their minds. The president would laugh before he arrived first, and he could be so gentle to a woman. Why? ?
Chen Yize, who caught up at the end because he ate slowly, saw their eyes, shook his head helplessly, and went around the restaurant. When he saw Wu Yang who was eating with his head down, he wanted to call her, But seeing that she hadn't finished her meal, she was afraid that she would say that he didn't treat the employees well and would resign, so he had to endure it and quickly catch up with the few people who were about to enter the elevator.

Zuo Mansion, Zuo Zhixiu just returned home, the old man came back from gathering with old friends outside, saw Zuo Zhixiu frowned when he saw Zuo Zhixiu sitting in the living room.

"You are so neatly dressed today, did you sneak out?"

Zuo Zhixiu was taken aback, and immediately smiled and said: "No, absolutely not. I dare not sneak out after you have spoken. Absolutely not. If you don't believe me, you can ask the housekeeper's grandpa, or Xiao Wang. The housekeeper's grandpa told you He's watching me."

Seeing Zuo Zhixiu's open and frank look, the old man glanced at Xiao Wang who was standing at the door, then glanced at Zuo Zhixiu and sat next to him.

"Since you didn't go out, you have something to tell me."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhixiu smiled, he went out today and had something to say to him.

"I think you haven't seen the news on the Internet yet." If you saw it, you would definitely not be able to talk to him so calmly.

The old man glanced at Zuo Zhixiu, and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't gossip."

Zuo Zhixiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Now there is a report on the Internet that Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao are married."

Hearing this, the old man's eyes flashed with surprise: "He actually made it public to the outside world?"

"This is what I'm telling you today. The news that Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao are married was not revealed by themselves, but someone deliberately leaked it to the media."

The old man frowned: "Then this person is really a bit immoral, but they will tell the media sooner or later, it's almost the same if they say it early."

"It's much worse." Zuo Zhixiu said, "Many people on the Internet are now saying that Jiang Yuqiao seduced Li Yanfeng before marrying him, and that she wandered around the princes of the rich and powerful families, and said that she behaved badly. , and said that her winning the championship this time was a secret operation."

"Rumors are fiercer than tigers." The old man sighed, and then looked at Zuo Zhixiu, "But this matter doesn't seem to have anything to do with you."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhixiu was stunned, and said, "It really has something to do with it. Do you know why they said that Jiang Yuqiao wandered among the rich and powerful families?"

The old man glanced at Zuo Zhixiu, squinted his eyes and asked, "Isn't it related to you?"

Zuo Zhixiu nodded lightly: "It really does matter."

Hearing what he said, the old man exploded in an instant. He stood up and looked at him: "What did you do? Didn't you say that you were not allowed to provoke Li Yanfeng? Why don't you learn your lesson?"

Hearing this, Zuo Zhixiu pouted: "I haven't provoked Li Yanfeng since that time, it's true."

"Then why do you still say it has something to do with you?"

"It has something to do with what happened last time. Last time someone got the photo and Cheng Yuanyuan's malicious rumors, so some people believed it."

Zuo Zhixiu spoke cautiously. Hearing that the old man frowned and looked at him, he sighed and said, "You, you, really..."

Talking about the old man as if making a move, Zuo Zhixiu quickly jumped up and moved away from him to prevent being beaten.

"Grandpa, this matter has passed, and you are always holding on to my fault. I know it's okay to be wrong. The most important thing now is how to solve this problem."

The old man sighed when he heard the words, and said, "What is it said on the Internet now?"

"At the beginning of the Internet, it was said that Jiang Yuqiao was misbehaving, and she dated me while flirting with Li Yanfeng. In the end, she chose Li Yanfeng, who is more wealthy. Said Jiang Yuqiao married Li Yanfeng and got involved with me, and gave Li Yanfeng a cuckold."

The old man who had nothing to do with Jiang Yuqiao heard such words, angrily hammered the ground with his crutches, and said angrily: "It's just nonsense, although I only met Jiang Yuqiao once, but that little girl She looks like a well-educated little girl, she has to look at Li Yanfeng's face even to receive a gift, she definitely can't do this kind of thing."

"Gift?" Zuo Zhixiu asked suspiciously, "What gift?"

"It's the ruby ​​that was sold at the auction a few years ago, and it was given to Li Yanfeng as an apology gift."

The old man said indifferently, Zuo Zhixiu stared at the old man in disbelief with his eyes widened in surprise when he heard the words: "You actually gave such an expensive gift, didn't you say that the ruby ​​was for my future wife?"

"What about your wife?" The old man glanced at him and said indifferently.

Zuo Zhixiu choked when he heard the words, pursed his lips, and muttered: "I'm not pursuing now, if you didn't stop me, I'm afraid I have already caught up with my daughter-in-law."

"What did you say?" Mr. Zuo asked after all the twists and turns, "Don't think I don't know. Let me tell you, you and that Chen Jiajie are absolutely impossible. Do you know, unless those two children belong to you? We The Zuo family may not be able to do something to make those old Dong laugh, you can afford to lose someone, but I can't afford to lose."

"Grandpa, don't be so face-saving, okay? You also care about my happiness. I really like Chen Jiajie. When did you see me take a woman so seriously? I really like her. If I Married to another woman, I will definitely not be happy, you are also a person who came here, I heard that you and grandma were very in love at that time, I think you also hope that I have a happy marriage."

Hearing this, the old man was stunned, as if he was a little moved, but he frowned again: "Since you can like Chen Jiajie, then you may also like other women. After a long time, you will forget Chen Jiajie Yes, I'll like other women too."

"I don't think I will." Zuo Zhixiu said very firmly, and the old man frowned upon hearing this, "You are just a novelty for a while, if you persist in your obsession, one day you will regret it, am I lying to you because I came here? of."

Zuo Zhixiu shook his head: "To tell you the truth, I have been thinking about Chen Jiajie for almost five years."

The old man didn't believe his words at first, but when he turned his head and saw him frowning back with a serious face, he would inevitably believe it.

"Is what you said true?"

These nodded and said, "You should still remember how obedient I was five years ago, but it changed when I came back from abroad..."

"Could it be because of Chen Jiajie?" The old man asked suspiciously, his eyes were full of shock.

Zuo Zhixiu nodded: "Well, I met her by accident five years ago in a foreign country. We were both drunk and had sex in a muddle-headed way. It was our first time, so it was hard to forget. She was gone when I woke up the next day, and I've been with all kinds of women over the years to find her."

Hearing her words, the old man couldn't believe it. After all, he had experienced a lot of things when he was older, so he realized it after a while.

"What did you say?" Su's doubtful voice came from the stairs, followed by the voice of the two hurried downstairs together.

Zuo Yulin helped Su Shi go downstairs, looked at Zuo Zhixiu who was downstairs, and asked, "You said you met Chen Jiajie five years ago, and even had a relationship?"

Zuo Zhixiu looked at the parents who came down in a hurry and thought they were coming to beat him, so he quickly hid back, found the right position, and was ready to run out at any time.

"What you said just now, you can say it again." Su looked at Zuo Zhixiu downstairs and said, and he had already walked down the stairs.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhixiu took another two steps back nervously, keeping a certain safe distance,

"Calm down, I was already an adult at that time, and it has been so many years, don't be angry, Dad, calm down too."

Today's parents behaved a little abnormally, usually his private life was so messy and they didn't say they wanted to stare and yell at him like this now, what happened today, is it because the date is Chen Jiajie?

Thinking that Su Shi and Zuo Yulin had already walked beside him, Su Shi looked at Zuo Zhixiu excitedly: "Quickly tell me, is what you said just now true? Didn't you deliberately lie to us?"

Zuo Zhixiu looked at the excited mother and nodded blankly: "Mom, don't be so excited."

"How can I not be excited!" Su raised her hand excitedly to hit someone, Zuo Zhixiu was already prepared, and jumped back a step, just in time to avoid her claws.

Seeing that no one was hit, Mrs. Su turned around and slapped Zuo Yulin on his body. Zuo Yulin also had an excited expression on his face.

Zuo Zhixiu looked at his parents whose expressions changed so quickly, and his heart was pounding. Are they angry or happy? Why are they so scary?
"Mom and Dad, are you all right? Say something if you have something to say, and scold me when you are angry. Don't hold back, it's scary."

Hearing that Su looked at Zuo Zhixiu with a smile on his face, with tears in his eyes, he said, "Mom won't scold you, definitely won't scold you. Mom wants to kiss you."

Saying that Su Shi was about to hug Zuo Zhixiu, Zuo Zhixiu, who was already frightened by their reaction, didn't respond at all, and let Su Shi hug him.

"Mom and Dad, are you all right?" Could it be that he was mad at him, no, he had done more egregious things before and never saw them get mad at them.

Not only the Su family, but even Zuo Yulin hugged Zuo Zhixiu with tears in his eyes, and the old man who stood by looked at this scene and frowned suspiciously.

"What's the matter with you?" The son and daughter-in-law are a little abnormal today.

Zuo Yulin wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes when he heard the old man's words, stood up and said, "Dad, our Zuo family has a queen."

Hearing this, the old man glanced at Zuo Zhixiu suspiciously, and said, "Aren't you crazy? This bastard has been born for almost 30 years. Why are you so happy now? Seeing him raised like this, shouldn't he be crying?" ?”

As the person involved, Zuo Zhixiu pouted speechlessly. What does he look like and why is he crying?
At this time, the Su family finally regained their composure, looked at the old man and said, "Dad, we really want to praise Zhixiu this time, and reward him well."

"Why?" The old man looked puzzled.

Zuo Zhixiu was also very puzzled, looking at Su Shi and Zuo Yulin, he didn't know what to say, because he didn't know if they were going to give him a sweet treat first, and then deal with him properly.

"You just said that you met Chen Jiajie about five years ago and had a relationship with her, didn't you?" Su looked at Zuo Zhixiu and asked seriously.

Zuo Zhixiu nodded blankly: "Probably, but it hasn't been five years, that is more than four years, what's wrong?"

Su Shi glanced at Zuo Yulin upon hearing this, and the two nodded in satisfaction at each other, then looked at Zuo Zhixiu with smiles on their faces.

"We met Chen Jiajie's two children that day. Those two children were twins, about three years old. I asked Jiang Yuqiao, and she said that the two children would soon have their fourth birthday."

When Su Shi mentioned the two children, the old man's face darkened, obviously he didn't like to mention Chen Jiajie's matter.

Zuo Zhixiu was also dumbfounded, looked at Su Shi and asked, "And then." She was so excited that someone else's child had anything to do with her.

Suddenly thought of something Zuo Zhixiu looked at Su Shi: "You mean to be honest, those two children of Chen Jiajie are mine?"

Speaking of Zuo Zhixiu, he didn't believe it a bit: "Impossible, although the time is right, but it can't be said that the child is mine."

Even though he said that, Zuo Zhixiu's heart was still pounding with excitement, and it felt like it was jumping into his throat, so he could only swallow a breath to relieve the tension in his heart.

If it's what my mother said, then he is the father of Chen Jiajie's child, and he can justifiably pursue Chen Jiajie.

After hearing the words, Su looked at Zuo Yulin: "You tell me."

Zuo Yulin nodded after receiving his wife's instructions, glanced at the old man, and then at Zuo Zhixiu. The old man had completely turned his attention to Zuo Zhixiu's guess, and his face was full of excitement.

"We met those two children in the restaurant that day, and the little boy asked me to take him to the toilet. At that time, I thought the two children looked familiar. Your mother also said that I was greedy when I saw the child. I want to hold my grandson and want to go crazy."

"You get to the point."

"Dad, let's get to the point." Zuo Zhixiu and Su Shi said at the same time.

Wen Yan Zuo Yulin nodded: "Be patient, I'll get to the point soon."

Paused, then continued: "I think that child looks familiar, not because I want to hold a grandson and want to go crazy, but because that child is really similar to you when you were young, you were brought up by me with shit and piss , of course I remember how you were when you were a child. I doubted it when I came back, but there was no basis for it. I told your mother that your mother also said that I was crazy. What you said today completely confirmed my guess. If you don’t believe me You can go and look at your childhood photos, and then go and see Chen Jiajie's child, and question her face to face."

Hearing that the old man laughed, Zuo Zhixiu was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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