Chapter 111 The Birthmark on the Waist

Chapter 126

As soon as it was time to get off work, Chen Jiajie took her bag and left, drove to the f clubhouse, found the old place, and as soon as she entered the door, she saw Zuo Zhixiu who was having fun with Baby Xin Gan, she was stunned, and then left past.

Zuo Zhixiu also saw her coming, smiled and said: "I just ordered, I'll wait for you alone, all you like to eat."

How does he know what she likes to eat?

Thinking of Chen Jiajie looking at Xin Gan, only to see him smiling at herself, Chen Jiajie finally understood that there was one little traitor, no, there were two.

Chen Jiajie glanced at Zuo Zhixiu indifferently, sat down on the seat, and said, "Let's eat."

Zuo Zhixiu took a careful look at her, seeing that she didn't care about him taking over the child privately, smiled, then hugged Xin Gan and Baobao to the chairs, and sat down beside Chen Jiajie by the way.

"You don't blame me?" Zuo Zhixiu said cautiously.

Hearing this, Chen Jiajie glanced at him: "What's your fault?"

"Blame me for taking the child here without permission."

Chen Jiajie glanced at Xin Gan who was looking at her, then at Zuo Zhixiu, and said flatly, "If they don't want you, you can't take them in."

Speaking of the door of the private room opened, the waiter pushed the dining car over, Chen Jiajie raised her eyebrows looking at the food on the dining car, Zuo Zhixiu smiled when she saw this.

After lunch quietly, now Zuo Zhixiu has learned to match Chen Jiajie's eating speed. After eating, Chen Jiajie glanced at Zuo Zhixiu, moved his mouth, hesitated to speak, some words cannot be said in front of the child, so Forget it today.

After eating, Chen Jiajie felt that there was no need to stay any longer, so she stood up and carried Xin Gan and Bao Bao off the chairs, and said, "Thank you uncle for the treat, we should go home."

"Thank you Uncle, see you tomorrow." Xin Gan said, seeing the baby also said, "See you tomorrow, Uncle."

Hearing this, Chen Jiajie frowned, but said nothing, she took Xin Gan and Bao Bao to the door, Zuo Zhixiu also followed, walked to the side of the car, just about to enter the driver's cab, but was stopped by Chen Jiajie: "Just Don't bother me, I can go home by myself." After saying that, she went straight into the cab and drove away, and the left Zhixiu who stood in the distance looked at the direction she was leaving with a puckered mouth in bewilderment.

As expected, women are always duplicity. Although they don't blame him, what's the matter with this unhappy look?

Xin Gan, who was sitting in the back, found that Chen Jiajie was not in a good mood today, and asked cautiously, "Is mom unhappy that uncle came to pick us up?"

Chen Jiajie took a look at Xin Gan in the rearview mirror, and now she was sure that Xin Gan was matching her and Zuo Zhixiu. Suddenly, she felt betrayed by the closest person, but it was not easy to lose her temper with a child. I had to swallow this breath.

"In the future, mother will go back to pick you up, don't let uncle pass by, you know?"

She never told Zuo Zhixiu where the kindergarten of Xin Gan and Bao Bao was, he would not know, unless someone told him, then this person must be Bao'er's son who is sitting in the back now.

Seeing Chen Jiajie's helpless face, Xin Gan pouted. Does Mom really dislike Dad?
The next day, Li Yanfeng explained that Jiang Yuqiao went to Li's house to pick up Mrs. Liang after Jiang Yuqiao was well at home. As soon as Li Yanfeng entered the gate of Li's house, someone reported it to the old man. Hearing this, the old man frowned.

Didn't he leave last time because Li Yanqing was angry with Jiang Yuqiao's secret things, why did he come back?

"Who came back with him?" The old man looked at the servant and said,

The servant shook his head when he heard the words: "I don't know, I didn't see clearly."

The old man waved his hand, and then the servant went down, frowning, and finally left the room and went downstairs.

When Yan Xiao heard Li Yanfeng came, he was overjoyed at first, and then remembered what happened at the Mid-Levels Apartment yesterday, and thought, Li Yanfeng came here because of Jiang Yuqiao, right?

Thinking of this, Yan Xiao felt even more uneasy, but he really wanted to take a look at Li Yanfeng, but after hesitating left and right, he still couldn't overcome the throbbing in his heart, so he tidied up his makeup and went downstairs.

Dafang heard that Li Yanfeng was coming, and thought he knew that Li Yanqing was back, so he came to settle old scores with him, and the couple also went downstairs nervously.

Mrs. Liang heard someone coming to report, and knew what Li Yanfeng was here for, so she smiled and went downstairs.

As soon as Li Yanfeng walked into the living room, he saw that the eyes of all the people present faded away, and he said hello to the old man and the elders meaningfully, and then walked to Mrs. Liang: "Is everything ready, can I go now? ?”

Hearing his words, Jiang's ears perked up, and said, "Go? Where are you going?"

Mrs. Liang glanced at Mrs. Jiang and said, "Qiao Qiao is pregnant. I will move there to take care of her, and save running back and forth."

"Are you going to take care of her?" Jiang's tone was full of surprise and contempt, but then he smiled again, "Then what will you do when you are away from home?"

I don't believe that she can continue to control the family's affairs after leaving the Li family.

Hearing that Mrs. Liang glanced at Mrs. Jiang, she understood what she meant and felt contemptuous in her heart, but she couldn't show it on her face.

"Don't worry about it, sister-in-law. Since my mother has entrusted me with the housekeeping, I will definitely take care of the house responsibly. Even if I go to live with Yanfeng, I will let the housekeeper send over the account books on a regular basis. , the old man and elder brother and sister-in-law can rest assured."

Hearing that Mrs. Jiang's face is ugly, this person is really shameless, even leaving the Li family and not handing over the rights of housekeeper, it is really troublesome.

The two big men, the old man and Li Zhenzhong, didn't care who had the power of the housekeeper at all, so they didn't think much of it.

Liang glanced at several people with different expressions. At this time, the servant also moved her salute from upstairs, and looked at Li Yanfeng: "There is nothing to take, let's go now."

Hearing this, Li Yanfeng nodded lightly to the people in the living room, then looked at Mrs. Liang, who walked out of the living room directly.

After the people left, Mrs. Jiang glanced at the calm old man and Li Zhenzhong who seemed to have nothing to do with him, frowned, and went upstairs without saying anything.

Sitting in the living room and looking at Li Yanfeng who didn't look at him when he called in, Yan Xiao didn't hide his sad expression at all, he didn't react until everyone left, stared in the direction of the door for a while, and then left the living room.

Jiang Yuqiao must have said bad things about her in Li Yanfeng's ear, otherwise Li Yanfeng couldn't have ignored her.

Thinking about Yan Xiao in this way, he felt that Jiang Yuqiao hated him even more.

Here, Li Yanfeng picked Mrs. Liang out of the Li family. Mrs. Liang glanced at Li Yanfeng and said, "You haven't been to Xuanyin Temple to see your grandma, have you?"

Li Yanfeng, who was driving, was taken aback when he heard her words, and then nodded: "I haven't seen her old man for many years."

More than [-] years ago when she lost her son, she was sad and left Li's house to go to Xuanyin Temple to eat vegetarian food and chant Buddhism, ignoring world affairs, and never thought about his grandson's situation in Li's house alone, so she had no close relationship with this grandma since she was a child. Besides, she wasn't close to him when she didn't go to Xuanyin Temple.

Seeing Li Yanfeng's indifferent expression, Mrs. Liang understood, suddenly thought of something, and said, "Then do you hate me and your grandma?"

She never asked this question, but she knew in her heart that he must have resented him. During the years she left, she heard that he had a bad life in the Li family, and was often scolded by the old man and looked down upon by Jiang.

Li Yanfeng stared straight ahead, as if he didn't hear Liang Shi's words at all, but when Liang Shi thought he would not answer again, he suddenly spoke.

"I complained when I was a child, but later I met Chen Yize and Chen Jiajie, felt the company of my family and looked away, but I never hated it."

Liang looked at Li Yanfeng's side face in a daze, then looked forward, and said: "At that time I left Li's family because of that man, and later I found out that he had a family, and there were more than one woman in the family. A daughter was born there, and the old lady could not see that I was being bullied there, so she was rescued by someone, but my daughter stayed there, and I don’t even know how she is doing now.”

Mrs. Liang had never told Li Yanfeng these words before. Only the old lady and Aunt Hui who was beside her knew about this matter. This was the first time she mentioned it in front of others.

Hearing her words, Li Yanfeng was shocked. He glanced at her in the rearview mirror, but he didn't expect that he had a younger sister.

Seeing that he had no expression, Mrs. Liang continued: "I haven't heard any news about where I left, and I don't even know if my daughter is dead or alive. I have no ability, so I made an agreement with the old lady." I'm going back to Li's house to take care of you, and she will help me find my daughter."

"You love your daughter so much, what about me, why did you abandon me and leave the Li family?"

Li Yanfeng didn't want to ask this question at first, but when he heard Liang shi kept saying how much she was worried about her daughter, he suddenly felt uncomfortable and asked out of control.

Hearing this, Liang was taken aback, and looked at him in a daze, why did he abandon him?
Because he was the child of his husband and another woman, but she had to bear the humiliation to raise him. She already hated the mistress who ruined her family and wanted to help them raise the child. How could she be reconciled?
I still remember that she was full of hope to marry into Li's family back then, but it was her husband's displeasure to welcome her. Suddenly, her husband asked her to go to the United States for vacation. She was very happy in her heart, but when she got there, she realized that her husband didn't do it for the sake of her. Let her relax, but want her to pretend to be pregnant in the United States to raise a baby, and ten months later, take the child born to Xiaosan back to China in the name of her child.

She still remembered what her husband said at the time: "Anyway, I won't have a child with you. Instead of being a childless woman in the Li family, you should help raise the child. If you have support in the future, this child will be justified It is better to enter the family tree of the Li family and obtain the inheritance rights of the Li family in the name of a grandson than an illegitimate child."

At that time, she had completely given up on him, so she agreed. The five years of raising him, although she was not her own, she still had feelings for him. She also struggled when she left the Li family, but seeing this made her Where she was sad, where her youth was buried, she felt hatred pouring out. At that time, the hatred overwhelmed the little bit of mother-child affection, so she left without looking back.

Without hearing Liang's answer, Li Yanfeng looked back, and saw guilt and some unpredictable things flashing in Liang's eyes.

In this way, the two ended the heavy topic. They didn't say a word until they returned to the villa in the middle of the mountain. When they returned home, Jiang Yuqiao felt the inexplicable atmosphere between the two, and looked at Li Yanfeng suspiciously. What's the matter? ?
Maybe it was because the suspicion and confusion in Jiang Yuqiao's eyes were too explicit, Li Yanfeng smiled at her: "What's wrong?"

She should ask this question, right?Jiang Yuqiao looked at Li Yanfeng's smiling face and shook her head: "It's fine."

She glanced at Mrs. Liang again, and found that she looked better at this time, saw Jiang Yuqiao looked over and said, "You two chat slowly, I'll go and pack up, and I'll come out for lunch later."

After speaking, Mrs. Liang turned around and pushed her salute to the newly decorated room. Jiang Yuqiao looked at the back of her leaving, and then looked at Li Yanfeng. She didn't dare to ask Mrs. Liang just now, and now there is no one else Jiang Yu Only then did Qiao dare to ask Li Yanfeng what was going on.

"I see that you and Mom's faces are not quite right. Is something happened?"

Li Yanfeng smiled: "I just talked about some unpleasant things, which are all in the past, so don't mention them, how do you feel today, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Jiang Yuqiao shook her head: "No, everything is fine." After she finished speaking, she realized that the topic had been misled by him. She gave him a resentful look, and then pouted depressedly.

Seeing her small appearance, Li Yanfeng's annoyance just now disappeared, he pinched her nose with a smile, and helped her to sit on the sofa.

"Didn't you watch the news today?"

Jiang Yuqiao shook her head, knowing that she was raising a baby and couldn't get angry, so she didn't have to blame herself, so she didn't read the news on the Internet, but she was puzzled by Li Yanfeng's question, and asked, "What's wrong?" Bad news?
Li Yanfeng shook his head lightly, but someone from the company broke the news that she hadn't gone to work in the company for several days, so now the online comments on her have become a little bit more intense, saying that she just married Feng's president so she Slack on work, won the championship and promoted to a formal designer but didn't take work seriously.

Thinking of the gloomy look in Li Yanfeng's eyes, Jiang Yuqiao knew that she had guessed right when she saw this. She glanced at him and said, "What are you talking about me on the Internet now?"

Li Yanfeng's expression eased when he heard the words, and he patted her head naturally: "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything, you don't have to worry, you can take care of your baby at home."

Jiang Yuqiao couldn't believe him now, so he nodded, but was curious about what new comments would come out on the Internet.

After a while, Mrs. Liang packed up her things and came out. She saw the two sitting in the living room talking, smiled, walked over, handed the things in Jiang Yuqiao's hands, and said, "The old lady asked me to give it to you. It's from her family." The heirloom jade bracelet, I originally wanted to give it to you when you went to Xuanyin Temple, but I was very happy to hear that you were pregnant, so I asked me to bring it to you."

Jiang Yuqiao looked at the exquisite jujube box, and was startled before remembering who the old lady she was talking about was. When she heard that it was a family heirloom jade bracelet, she quickly declined: "I can't afford such an expensive gift, let's talk about it." I'm rather reckless, I can't wear it, I'm afraid it will be broken, and I'm afraid it won't be well kept, so I'd better keep it."

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang said with a smile: "This is something your grandma gave you. There is no reason for me to keep it. Don't dare to resign from the elders. Hurry up and accept it."

Li Yanfeng also said beside him: "Since it was given to you by grandma, it's fine for you to take it back with me."

Hearing his voice, Ma Liang knew that the embarrassment between them was gone, and looked at Jiang Yuqiao with a smile: "Hurry up and accept it."

Seeing that Jiang Yuqiao had no choice but to accept it, Liang smiled and said, "Open it up and put it on to see if you like it."

Jiang Yuqiao glanced at Mrs. Liang, and then opened the box made of red oak wood, and saw an emerald green bracelet inside. Jiang Yuqiao was stunned for a moment, although she didn't know how to distinguish the quality of the jade, but she could see it. This piece of jade bracelet is very comfortable to touch, and it is a family heirloom of the old lady's family, so it must be a very good thing.

Thinking of Jiang Yuqiao holding the jade bracelet and putting it on her hand, her wrist was slender, so she put it on, and her skin was softer against the emerald green jade bracelet.

Li Yanfeng looked at the emerald green jade bracelet on his snowy wrist, his eyes tightened, then he smiled and said, "It's so beautiful, just wear it."

Jiang Yuqiao also thought it was very pretty, but the jade bracelet had a different meaning from the ordinary ones. It would be bad if it was accidentally broken, so quickly take it off and put it back.

"I'm afraid it will be damaged, so I'd better keep it."

After Jiang Yuqiao finished speaking, she closed the box made of red oak wood. Seeing this, Mrs. Liang smiled helplessly, and Li Yanfeng let her go, but she was thinking in her heart, how beautiful Qiao Qiao is wearing the emerald green bracelet. , I must buy some good bracelets when I have a chance in the future, but I still think that Qiao Qiao will look good with rubies. It seems that Qiao Qiao looks good no matter what she wears.

In fact, the main reason for this is Jiang Yuqiao Bai, as the saying goes, one white covers all ugliness, and Jiang Yuqiao is still a delicate beauty, so no matter what she wears, she looks good.

After talking for a while, Mama Li asked them to eat, and the three of them moved to the restaurant.

In Xuanyin Temple, Aunt Hui hurried into the old lady's room, seeing that she was writing, she paused for a while to sort out her emotions before walking to her side.

"Miss, Mr. Jin has made progress."

Hearing that the old lady looked up at Aunt Hui, she asked, "What did you find out?"

"The girl who was rescued in Qiao's cage back then was rescued by that organization, but Mr. Jin ran into trouble if he wanted to continue to investigate. It seems that someone deliberately blocked it, and there were always some accidents."

"Accident?" The old lady smiled, "I'm afraid someone may have misunderstood us."

After thinking for a while, the old lady said, "Well, I'll write a letter and give it to Mr. Jin, so that he can hand it over to that person when he encounters obstacles."

As she spoke, the old lady began to write, instead of using a pen, she took another piece of letter paper, and took a slender brush to write on the letter paper.

After a while, a letter was written, the old lady took the letter paper and put it in, then handed it to Aunt Hui, and said: "Let Mr. Jin speed up, I have been inquiring for so many years, it is time to get results. "

After hearing this, Aunt Hui knew that the old lady was dissatisfied with the speed of Mr. Jin's investigation, so she nodded and said, "Madam moved to live with the young master today. I heard that the young master picked him up. It seems that the madam I get along very well with the young master, and I also like the young lady very much."

Hearing that the expression on the old lady's face eased, she said, "Yuanyuan is kind, but that girl must be very likable, otherwise she wouldn't have left Li's house in such trouble."

As she spoke, the old lady smiled, thought of something and said: "I don't know if Yuanyuan gave that jade bracelet to that girl, and I don't know if she likes it."

"The things that the young lady gave must be good, and there is no reason why the young lady doesn't like it."

The old lady smiled after hearing Aunt Hui's words, and saw Aunt Hui left the room to deliver the letter.

It was already two days later when Mr. Jin received the letter. He happened to encounter difficulties, squeezed the letter in his hand, and remembered the words of the old lady transferred by Aunt Hui. He could only feel anxious, not because he was slow, but because he Now that he is hindered, he really hopes that this letter from the old lady will play a role.

Thinking of Mr. Jin leaving the hotel room with the letter in his hand and heading towards his destination.

In the secret base, the old man was practicing boxing and kicking. When he saw someone coming over, he stopped. A man in a hard suit stopped beside him and said, "This is a letter from a man named Mr. Jin."

The old man took the envelope and looked at it. He frowned and smiled when he saw the writing on it. He tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter paper.

The old man looked at the contents of the letter and smiled, then looked at the man dressed up, and said, "Let Mr. Jin come over."

The dressed-up man didn't know what was written in the letter, but he could clearly see the obvious changes in the old man. He was curious about the contents of the letter, but this was not something he should think about, so he hurried away to call that Mr. Jin.

Mr. Jin was brought to the secret base, and he went around and around on the way, all of which made him faint. Obviously, the person who brought him didn't want him to know the situation in the secret base.

Bringing the man in front of the old man, pretending to be a man, went out. Mr. Jin nodded at the old man who looked kind but not in the eyes, and said, "Hi, I didn't mean to offend you, but you have someone like me here." Someone who needs to investigate."

The old man raised his eyebrows: "I know this, it's already written in that letter, if you want to know anything, just ask me."

"What I want to know is the identity of a lady here, and ask the old gentleman to let me meet her."

"You're talking about Duo?" The old man narrowed his eyes and glanced at him. Mr. Jin felt a little weak in his legs, but thinking of the old lady's entrustment, he said bravely, "Yes, I want to see you." See that lady."

The old man stared at Mr. Jin for a long time, until he could hardly bear his sharp eyes, the old man waved to the people standing not far away.

"Go and call Duo girl."

Hearing that the man pretending to be strong left, just as he walked out of the room, he bumped into Yan who happened to be back, and hurriedly greeted him: "Young Master Yan."

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Yan asked with his eyes wide open. He recognized this man, who was by the old man's side, so he didn't know why he was in such a hurry.

The well-dressed man couldn't bear that a man could look so cute, so he quickly lowered his head and said, "Master, then I'll go and invite Miss Duo to come over."

"Who's coming inside?" Yan glanced at the car parked outside.

The well-dressed man nodded and said, "Yes, it's that Mr. Jin."

Yan remembered who Mr. Jin frowned, glanced at the door of the villa, and waved to the man pretending to be, only to see the man clapping his hands and leaving.

Yan originally had something to report to the old man, but seeing this situation, he could only wait outside. After a while, he saw Dodo and the well-dressed man who had just left coming from a distance, and hurried to meet him.

"Do you know what the old man called you for?"

Duoduo glanced at him, and asked calmly: "What are you doing?" But she didn't slow down at all, and was about to enter the house, and quickly stopped her when she saw this.

"You may not have heard of it. Recently, a person surnamed Jin has been inquiring about your affairs. The old man stopped him several times, but today he suddenly called him in and let you go. You have to be careful."

"Ask about me?" Dodo's first reaction was that Jing Yi had been found, but she felt something was wrong when she looked at the situation. She looked at Yan and asked, "Is there something I'm hiding from me?"

"It may be about your life experience, you have to be careful."

Seeing the two of them chatting here, the well-dressed man urged: "Miss Duo, hurry up and go in, the old man will be in a hurry."

Wen Yan Duoduo took a look at the banquet, then pushed him away and walked inside, walked into the living room and saw a middle-aged man sitting in the living room, his hair was combed meticulously, with a golden eye, this is probably the Feast said Mr. Kim.

"What do you want from me?" Dodo asked directly, looking at the old man. Although it sounded extremely impolite, the old man smiled all over his face.

"This Mr. Jin wants to ask you something." After speaking, the old man glanced at Mr. Jin.

Mr. Jin was slightly startled when he saw the old man's change in his treatment of Duo Duo. The old man was still intimidating just now, but now he looks like he saw his favorite child?

Dodo looked at Mr. Jin, and said lightly, "I don't know what Mr. Jin wants to ask me?"

Thinking that what Yan just said was about her life experience, her heart skipped a beat. Could it be that her family came to look for her?

Dodo was afraid of showing it, so she glanced at Mr. Jin and then looked away, pursing her lips tightly, as if restraining something.

"I want to ask a question, it may be offensive, but please don't forgive me, girl." Mr. Jin said politely first.

Wen Yan Duoduo glanced at him and nodded: "Mr. Jin, but it's okay to ask."

"May I ask, do you know that Miss Duo has a thumb-sized birthmark on her waist?"

After Mr. Jin asked the old man, he frowned, but Duoduo didn't pay much attention to it, and shook his head and said, "No."

Hearing that Mr. Jin's face flashed a trace of desolation, he stood up and said: "I offended the girl, it's Jin who found the wrong person."

In fact, Dodo already knew that she was not the person he was looking for when Mr. Jin asked her if she had a birthmark on her waist. At this moment, she felt even more disappointed after hearing his words. Seeing her here seems to be a joy for nothing.

"It's okay." After speaking, Dodo cupped her hands at the old man, then turned and walked outside.

Yan who was standing outside saw her coming out with a lonely face and knew that things must not be as good as she thought, so she stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder.

"I don't care..."

Dodo turned her head and glanced at him, held back the rest of Yan's words, took away the hand on her shoulder, and smiled at her.

"It's just a touch, don't mind."

snort!Isn't it just a touch? When she was in City A, she let that man touch her for so long, and even hugged her, but she didn't feel so disgusted. What a weird person.

Dodo just glanced at him lightly, and then continued to walk forward.

Seeing her devastated look, Yan frowned, and then saw a middle-aged man coming out of the villa with a look of loneliness on his face, Yan saw it clearly, it turned out that this was a failure to admit his relatives.

Mr. Jin was taken away from the secret base by the people who brought him. He was full of excitement when he came, but he was really lonely when he left.

The old lady wanted to find the girl quickly, but this clue failed, so she had to start over from the beginning with another clue.

Despite being lonely again, Mr. Jin still called Aunt Hui of Xuanyin Temple, and then hurried to the next place that could be investigated.

After receiving the call, Aunt Hui told the old lady the news. The old lady's expression was obviously not good, she sighed, and said, "As soon as possible."

Aunt Wen Yan Hui nodded, seeing that she was tired, she helped her walk to the couch.

In the Banshan Villa, even though people had put anti-slip mats in the bathroom, Li Yanfeng was still a little worried and waited outside the bathroom door. He wanted to go in and help her wash, but after Jiang Yuqiao strongly opposed it Xia Li Yanfeng had no choice but to stand outside the door and wait.

Jiang Yuqiao came out of the bathroom after washing, and her hair was still dry. Seeing this, Li Yanfeng brought a hair dryer to help her dry her hair. Jiang Yuqiao was not pretentious and let him do it for her.

Heated by the heat from the hair dryer, Jiang Yuqiao was drowsy. Now she was sitting on the edge of the dressing table. She couldn't just fall asleep, but she could lean against Li Yanfeng and close her eyes slightly. Li Yanfeng was afraid that she would fall, so he moved his legs lightly. Hold her up lightly to keep her from falling.

The hand with clear bones passed through her soft hair. Jiang Yuqiao only felt itchy, but she just wanted to sleep. She wanted to sleep when her hair was being played with. Now that she is pregnant, she would feel sleepy. Even more sleepy.

When her hair was drying, Jiang Yuqiao was almost asleep. Li Yanfeng gently put down the hair dryer, then picked her up and gently put her on the bed. Jiang Yuqiao was woken up, her hazy eyes half-opened Glancing at Li Yanfeng, he turned around and continued to pass by.

Li Yanfeng smiled helplessly, climbed onto the bed and wanted to tug at her pajamas that had been rolled up to her stomach due to the movement of turning over. He was startled when he saw a birthmark the size of a thumb on her waist, and then stroked it.

He had discovered this birthmark when they first met. The bruised and purple birthmark was particularly eye-catching on her fair skin. Although it was a bit conflicting, the shape was a bit cute. Thinking of it, Li Yanfeng went up to touch it again.

Jiang Yuqiao felt itchy on her waist, groaned, and opened it with her hands. Seeing this, Li Yanfeng didn't dare to move, so he pulled her clothes and covered her with a quilt.

Woke up early in the morning, Chen Jiajie began to wash and make breakfast, and sent the two children to school early after eating. I don't know why, I haven't seen Zhou Cheng these days. I thought it was strange at first, but when I thought about what Chen Yize said, I seemed to understand a little bit.

Chen Yize said that Zhou Cheng liked her, and these days Zuo Zhixiu had been brazenly coming to pick Xin Gan and Bao Bao from get off work, so it was inevitable that there would be a misunderstanding, he must have thought that she and Zuo Zhixiu were together.

Why!It seems that Zuo Zhixiu is the evil star in her life, who is here to evil her love.Thinking about Chen Jiajie's talk, Wen Yanbao glanced at her, frowned and asked, "What are you doing sighing, Mom? Is there something bothering you?"

Chen Jiajie had already stopped the car at the entrance of the kindergarten. Hearing Baby's words, she turned to look at her and smiled: "Mom has nothing to worry about, just thinking about one thing."

Thinking of something, Chen Jiajie looked at Xin Gan and said, "Today you are absolutely not allowed to get in Uncle Zuo's car again, do you know?"

Wen Yanxin Gan frowned: "Mom, I like Uncle Zuo, you don't want to marry him, but you can't limit who I like."

Chen Jiajie was taken aback for a moment, she knew her son was mature, but he had never said anything against her, so she was a little surprised to hear Ci Xin Gan's words at this moment.

Seeing Chen Jiajie's expression, Xin Gan knew that what he said was a bit too much, and immediately lowered his head and said, "Mom, I was wrong. I will try not to like Uncle Zuo in the future."

Said that Xin Gan was about to get off the car, seeing this, Chen Jiajie hurriedly got out of the car, and when she got off, Xin Gan had already got off, squatted down and looked into Xin Gan's eyes, and asked, "Does Xin Gan really like Uncle Zuo that much?"

Xin Gan nodded, Chen Jiajie felt that he only liked Zuo Zhixiu because he liked to play with him, thought about it, and asked: "Then do you like Uncle Feng and Uncle Chen more, or do you like being Zuo Zhixiu?" Uncle a little more?"

Chen Jiajie believed in her heart that Xin Gan would definitely say Li Yanfeng and Chen Yize, because after all, Li Yanfeng and Chen Yize watched him grow up, and this feeling should be stronger than Zuo Zhixiu's.

"Uncle Feng and Uncle Chen are uncles, and Uncle Zuo is father."

After Xin Gan finished speaking, he glanced at Chen Jiajie meaningfully, then turned around and ran to the kindergarten. The baby in the car saw his brother running away, and shouted anxiously: "Mom, hurry up and get the baby down, or the baby won't be able to catch up with brother." gone."

Hearing this, Chen Jiajie came back to her senses, took the baby out of the car, carried her a small schoolbag, and watched her run into the kindergarten.

Standing where she was, Chen Jiajie frowned, what did Xin Gan mean just now?Could it be that he likes Zuo Zhixiu to such an extent that he already wants him to be his father, more deeply than he has feelings for Li Yanfeng and Chen Yize?

Chen Jiajie suddenly thought of what Xin Gan said before: other children have fathers, why don't we?
This was what Xin Gan asked when she was two years old. She seemed to frown that time and said that they had no father but only mother. Since then, Xin Gan never asked again.

There is a dull pain in my heart, because of Xin Gan, because of his sensibleness, and because of my guilt towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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