Chapter 137 Fortunately, He Came

Chapter 156

Cheng Qinghao broke into the lounge directly, Jiang Yuqiao was startled by the sudden opening of the door, then turned her head to look in the direction of the door, and saw Cheng Qinghao walking in anxiously.

"Qiao Qiao, why are you so impulsive, you don't think about this child, you can't kill this child, leave with me quickly."

Cheng Qinghao said anxiously, grabbing Jiang Yuqiao's hand and going to lead her out, Jiang Yuqiao didn't expect that he would really grab her and go out directly, making her almost fall down, but fortunately he held her by the side Looking at the anxious Cheng Qinghao, he frowned and said, "I've already made a decision, don't bother me anymore, I know you're doing it for my own good, but I won't regret the decision I made .”

When Cheng Qinghao heard her words, she paused, then turned her head to look at her, and asked with a puzzled expression: "Didn't you always like this child very much before? Why do you want to take him away so cruelly now?" ? Don’t you hate Li Yanfeng so much? You don’t even want to have his child anymore?”

Jiang Yuqiao was taken aback when she heard his words, she didn't expect him to misunderstand like this, but she didn't explain, she watched him firmly expressing her determination with her eyes.

Cheng Qinghao frowned: "Or are you just angry with him?"

Seeing that she still didn't speak, Cheng Qinghao thought that he had guessed it right, and frowned: "He is a life, how can you get angry with him, it is very irresponsible for you to do so, be obedient, and leave with me." If you don't leave, Li Yanfeng will arrive soon.

Hearing his words, Jiang Yuqiao shook her head: "This is my child, I have already made a decision, I beg you all to stop disturbing my freedom, okay?"

Jiang Yuqiao said resolutely, Cheng Qinghao was stunned when she heard her tone, and looked at her incredulously: "What happened to you, why did you suddenly change your mind, you should give me an explanation."

"Why should I explain to you? I know you let me live in your house out of kindness, and I thank you very much, but I'm sorry, although we are friends, you can't interfere with my freedom." Jiang Yuqiao said cruelly Said, knowing that what I said was a bit serious, I gave him an apologetic look, afraid that he would continue to talk, so I turned my back to him, and didn't want to pay any attention to him.

He really made up his mind to come to the hospital, and there can be no more mistakes.

Cheng Qinghao glanced at the determined Jiang Yuqiao, it was too late, Li Yanfeng was probably almost at the hospital, seeing that she was still so persistent, Cheng Qinghao went straight to her side, took her hand and tugged her very forcefully. She walked to the door of the living room.

Jiang Yuqiao is a woman, and she is still pregnant. She is not her opponent at all. Even though she tried her best to resist, she was still pulled out of the lounge by him.

Allen, who had been standing in the corridor, saw Cheng Qinghao pulling Jiang Yuqiao out arbitrarily, frowned, walked up to Cheng Qinghao and said, "Cousin, how could you do this? Since Yu Qiao If you don't want to go with you, why do you still force her?"

Cheng Qinghao raised his eyes and glanced at Alan, then glared at him, his eyes were full of displeasure, he pushed him away, pulled Jiang Yuqiao directly, and walked outside, seeing that Alan hurried to catch up with him, walking Supporting her by Jiang Yuqiao's side to prevent her from falling, while talking to Cheng Qinghao.

"Cousin, you really can't do this, you are forcing her, she finally made up her mind to come to the hospital, why do you interfere with her freedom, you don't know what happened, we are just outsiders , I beg you, stop being stubborn."

Cheng Qinghao didn't listen to him at all, but pulled Jiang Yuqiao directly to the elevator, but the elevator didn't come up yet, he was afraid of meeting Li Yanfeng downstairs, so he dragged Jiang Yuqiao to the emergency passage go.

He knew that his current appearance must be crazy, but he didn't want to stop himself, because he knew that this was his only chance. If Jiang Yuqiao and Li Yanfeng really met, he would never have another chance, because He knew that Jiang Yuqiao had actually been thinking about Li Yanfeng all this time.

Cheng Qinghao was anxious, so she kept dragging Jiang Yuqiao forward, not thinking that Jiang Yuqiao was pregnant for a while.

Because it made her strength a little stronger, Jiang Yuqiao tripped when she walked into the emergency passage, and then fell to the ground with her knees on the ground. The pain was so painful that she was about to burst into tears. Cheng Qinghao hurried when she realized that she had fallen. Stopped, turned around and saw her kneeling on the ground, squatted down quickly, and asked worriedly: "Are you all right?"

It's a lie to say that it's okay, because he's already in tears from the pain now, a trace of guilt flashed in Cheng Qinghao's heart when he saw her in pain, looked at her and said, "I didn't do it on purpose, I was just worried because I wanted to Let you think carefully about whether you really want to take this child away, maybe you should go home for another two days to think about it, and then you can come to the hospital again."

She really can't let her meet Li Yanfeng today, thinking like this Cheng Qinghao took a look outside, they had already walked in at this time, and the inside couldn't be seen from the outside, so he wasn't worried about meeting Li Yanfeng.

Jiang Yuqiao cried even more when he heard his words, and looked at him with scarlet eyes: "Please, don't meddle in my affairs anymore, I finally made up my mind, why do you still come to shake me up! "

This time she really roared hysterically, and her eyes were full of tears. Allen, who came along with her, felt a pain in his heart when he heard her voice, and looked at Cheng Qinghao and sighed helplessly.

"Cousin, I beg you, don't force her anymore, she finally made up her mind, why did you suddenly appear again, and I didn't mean to tell you..."

"Stop talking!" Cheng Qinghao suddenly interrupted Allen's words, because he didn't want Jiang Yuqiao to hear Li Yanfeng's name, and he didn't want her to know that Li Yanfeng had rushed to the hospital at this time.

Seeing her like this, Ellen frowned, and was taken aback when she heard a voice hurrying over from outside. A thought suddenly flashed through her mind. She opened the door of the emergency passage and took a look outside, and saw a figure rushing in anxiously. out of the doctor's office.

Alan raised his eyebrows, then turned his head and glanced at Cheng Qinghao and Jiang Yuqiao who had fallen to the ground, and walked out to the doctor's office without saying anything.

When he just walked to the door of the doctor's office, he happened to bump into Li Yanfeng who hurried out from inside.

When he saw Alan, Li Yanfeng quickly grabbed his shoulder and asked eagerly, "Where is he? Where is he?"

Seeing him in such a hurry, Alan felt a flash of emotion in his heart. He was much thinner than the last time he saw him, and he was also haggard. His beard seemed to have not been shaved for a long time, and he looked sloppy. Sloppy, but his anxious look made people feel sour.

Allen sighed, then pointed to the door of the emergency passage, indicating that Jiang Yuqiao was inside at this time.

At this time, in the emergency passage, Cheng Qinghao looked at Jiang Yuqiao who had fallen to the ground, her eyes were full of self-blame, and she stretched out her hand to hold her shoulders and wanted her to stand up, but she saw that her face was full of tears. With a painful look, he frowned and asked worriedly, "Qiao Qiao, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yuqiao bit her lips tightly, frowned, and covered her abdomen with her hands, as if in pain. Seeing her like this, a certain guess flashed in Cheng Qinghao's mind, and she was shocked. She went to the emergency room, but she didn't expect that the door of the emergency passage was suddenly opened, and Li Yanfeng with an eager face walked in from the outside, not so much walking in, as breaking in.

Li Yanfeng didn't notice Cheng Qinghao at all when he came in, but he saw Jiang Yuqiao who fell on the ground. Without saying a word, he walked to her side, thinking that she just fell accidentally, and only found Jiang Yuqiao when he walked in. With a look of pain on his face, Qiao pulled her into his arms and asked worriedly, "Qiao Qiao, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yuqiao felt an unbearable pain in her abdomen, as if she was being stirred with something. The pain was so painful that her forehead was covered with fine sweat. She was held in a familiar embrace. Feeling wronged, the pain seemed to intensify, and I couldn't bear it anymore, tears streaming down my face, watching Li Yanfeng crying and saying: "My stomach hurts."

After hearing her words, Li Yanfeng was stunned, he picked her up and ran to the emergency room without saying a word, Li Li who came behind him was also shocked when he saw this, followed behind them, his face was full of worry .

After Jiang Yuqiao was carried away, Cheng Qinghao froze in place, and Alan pushed open the door of the crowded passage and walked in. Seeing his appearance, he sighed helplessly: "Cousin, what should you do?" Let it go, she doesn't like you at all, no matter how hard you try to keep her, you won't be able to get her."

After hearing Alan's words, Cheng Qinghao was stunned, glanced at him, and suddenly showed a mocking smile: "If you hadn't called Li Yanfeng, what happened now wouldn't have happened."

"Are you blaming me?" Alan looked at him and said sadly.

Cheng Qinghao glanced at him, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He didn't know whether he was laughing at Alan or himself.

He thought for a while, then stood up from the ground decadently, patted the dirt on his body and didn't go out from the door, but went directly down the stairs. Looking at his lonely back, Allen sighed helplessly, Instead of following him, she turned around and walked out of the emergency passage to the emergency room. Now Jiang Yuqiao is still trying to rescue her, so she doesn't know what's going on.

Li Yanfeng walked up and down anxiously at the door of the emergency room, his face was ashen, as if he had been hit by something, Li Li stood beside him, and he was also anxious, but seeing him like this, he was afraid that he would be too worried, so He comforted him: "Second brother, don't worry too much, the doctors are already in, and Qiao Qiao will be fine for sure."

But her words seemed to be useless at all, Li Yanfeng's face was still gloomy as usual, as if dripping water, Alan saw him like this when he walked, knowing that his cousin was in trouble this time, he didn't I know whether Li Yanfeng can let his cousin go, but the most important thing now is whether the child in Jiang Yuqiao's stomach can be kept.

If the child can be kept, maybe the cousin will not suffer from Li Yanfeng's revenge, if her child can't be kept, then the cousin will get into trouble.

Thinking of this, he really felt a little sorry for his cousin. If he hadn't made this call, his cousin would not have dragged Jiang Yuqiao away from the hospital in such a hurry, and such a thing would not have happened.

At this time, when I got the news, a group of people who rushed from home also came to the door of the emergency room. Seeing Li Yanfeng who was in a hurry, he didn't know what was going on inside, but he didn't dare to ask him directly, so he pulled Li Li aside to ask. Said: "What's the situation, how is Qiao Qiao?"

Li Li's expression was not very good when she heard Liang's question, but she didn't know what was going on inside, so she shook her head and said, "Qiao Qiao accidentally fell down in the corridor and was just carried into the emergency room. I don’t know what’s going on yet, I’ll have to wait until the doctor comes out to find out.”

After hearing Li Li's words, Liang looked worriedly in the direction of the emergency room, and clenched his hands into fists, which showed how suppressed his emotions were at this moment.

Her daughter has suffered so much since she was a child, and she finally met a man who is good to her sincerely. Why should she suffer so much again?

Thinking of this, Liang's eyes were already filled with tears. Seeing her like this, Li Li and Chen Jiajie hurriedly comforted her and said, "Auntie, isn't the doctor still inside giving first aid? Don't worry, Feng is in this state now." , if you mess up the big guy, no one can make up his mind, so you must calm down."

"That's right, Auntie, don't mess up your position."

Liang's psychological quality was originally tough, and he had been the home of the Li family for so many years. After hearing what the two of them said, he immediately adjusted his emotions, looked at the two of them and nodded, and then looked worriedly at the emergency room. direction of the door.

Although the two of them persuaded Mrs. Liang, they seemed calm on the surface, but they were actually very anxious at this moment. They just called to say that she was coming to the hospital because she wanted to abort the child. He suddenly appeared in the emergency room and was being rescued. I don't know if there is any relationship between the two or something bad has happened.

Although they were puzzled, they didn't ask at this juncture to add confusion to everyone.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Although it was only half an hour, it seemed to several people that it had been half a day. When the door of the emergency room was opened, the big guys swarmed up and blocked the doctor at the door. The strongest one is Li Yanfeng.

He grabbed the doctor's shoulder, his eyes were bloodshot, and looked very nervous. He looked at the doctor and asked, "Doctor, how is my wife?"

Of course the doctor didn't know him, but after hearing what he called the patient inside, he already knew that he was the patient's family member, and he was also the husband of that woman. Seeing his anxious look, he patted his shoulder comfortingly and said with a smile: "Fortunately, the pregnant woman took good care of her body before, and it has been more than three months. She is fine now. Don't worry, it will be fine after a period of rest."

Listening to the doctor's words, not only Li Yanfeng, but also everyone breathed a sigh of relief, especially Allen, who was standing far away, was relieved after hearing the doctor's words, and took a look at the worried man who was blocked at the door of the emergency room. Several people shook their heads bitterly, then turned and left.

The door of the emergency room was opened, Jiang Yuqiao was pushed out from inside, her face was pale, seeing her weak appearance, Li Yanfeng almost couldn't stop, but fortunately he helped the bed in time, so he could stand upright.

"Why do you want to rescue me?" Jiang Yuqiao looked at Li Yanfeng standing in front of the hospital bed and said.

He finally made up his mind to get rid of this child. The fall this time was just an opportunity. Why did he want to rescue her?Didn't he also want to take away the child?
Hearing her words, Li Yanfeng felt stuffy in his chest and felt a pain in his heart. He looked at him and smiled: "This is our child, of course it must be born safely, don't worry, I'm here, you just need to be healthy now." Just rest."

A trace of surprise flashed in Jiang Yuqiao's eyes, but she didn't think too much about it, because she was really weak now, her eyes couldn't support her, and she passed out directly.

It was already evening when she woke up again, Jiang Yuqiao blinked as she looked at the already dark sky outside, and gently stroked her abdomen with both hands, feeling the existence of life, she suddenly relaxed for some reason. Take a breath.

I felt a little thirsty, and a figure appeared before I moved the hospital bed.

"Do you want to drink water?"

Li Yanfeng stood in front of her bed impressively. Jiang Yuqiao realized that he should have stayed in the ward the whole time when he suddenly appeared. She opened her mouth, she was really thirsty and couldn't speak, so she nodded.

Seeing her nodding, Li Yanfeng quickly picked up the water glass that he had prepared earlier, put one arm around his neck, then grabbed one of his shoulders to gently lift her up, and put the water glass near her mouth, Let her get better slowly.

After taking two sips of water, she felt her throat was comfortable, just now when she opened her mouth to speak, Li Yanfeng interrupted her and said, "Qiao Qiao, there is one thing I must tell you, you should lie down first."

As he said that, he put down the water glass, gently put her on the bed, watched her lie down, then took a chair on the side and sat down, looked at her seriously and said: "There is one thing that I didn't know at first. Yes, I know now, and I must tell you."

Jiang Yuqiao didn't know what he was going to say, but looking at the look in his eyes, she always felt that it was a very important matter, and what was important was that she could even see a gleam of light flickering in his eyes.

"Qiao Qiao, you are indeed the child of Mom and Qiao Huan Yusheng." Li Yanfeng said word by word.

After hearing what he said, Jiang Yuqiao's expression darkened, a gloomy flash flashed in his eyes, and then he closed his eyes, not wanting to look at him again.

She thought he wanted to tell her good news, but she didn't expect that he wanted to repeat the fact that hit her.

"Qiao Qiao, don't be like this, listen to me first." Seeing her like this, Li Yanfeng knew that she had misunderstood his words.

Jiang Yuqiao didn't open her eyes, nor did she make any movements. She just closed her eyes and clenched her hands tightly into fists under the quilt.

"I'm a child of the Li family, and it's my father's child with an outside woman. It's not my mother at all, so there is no blood relationship between the two of us."

He finally finished speaking, and just as his voice fell, Jiang Yuqiao suddenly opened his eyes, and saw a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes in disbelief.

As if shocked by the news, she looked straight at Li Yanfeng who was sitting in front of the bed, but Li Yanfeng didn't speak, just let her look at him like this, and looked at her with a gentle smile.

After a long time, Jiang Yuqiao finally blinked, a tear fell from the corner of his eye, looked at him and asked, "Is it true? You didn't lie to me?"

Li Yanfeng shook his head: "I will never lie to you, I actually knew about it a long time ago, you forgot that some time ago, my mother suddenly became very enthusiastic about you, at that time she already knew that you are her daughter, Do you think that if the two of us are really related, will she support us to be together?"

"The reason why she didn't let the two of us know is just because she didn't want me to feel embarrassed in Li's house. She was also doing it for my own good, but I misunderstood it. After you left that day, she came back from the mountain and listened to me. We knew the truth of the matter, and then she told me the secret that only three people in the world knew, and I realized that the two of us had misunderstood."

Li Yanfeng paused, and then continued: "So, Qiao Qiao, don't be angry with me. I insisted on getting rid of this child, but it was for the sake of you and him, and I didn't want him to bear too many complicated things in the world. After all, we can't spend the rest of our lives with him, and we don't want you to live in such pain in the future, but I don't know the truth at all, so I said that, forgive me, okay?"

Jiang Yuqiao listened to his words, and now she was only crying. In the past half a month or so, she was like a wooden person without a soul, eating and sleeping all day long, struggling to decide whether to keep this child or not. And the fact he told himself now seemed to pull him up from the edge of the cliff, making him feel like he was alive, and he was moved by the feeling of surviving a catastrophe.

Seeing her crying silently, Li Yanfeng felt pain in his heart, then stood up and stretched out his hand to help him wipe away the tears, and continued to keep them there to cover them until his emotions should be the same as when he knew the news, and he felt the same. , he didn't know what to say, he could only gently hug her into his arms and pat her gently, as if to comfort her.

After a long time, Jiang Yuqiao finally calmed down from the news and stopped shedding tears. Li Yanfeng pushed her away and looked at her and said, "All the previous misunderstandings have been resolved. We will live a good life in the future and take care of ourselves. Our baby is born."

Jiang Yuqiao nodded, looking at his haggard appearance, and the beard he hadn't shaved for several days, and also thought of his uncomfortable mood these days, suddenly felt wronged again, and felt like crying up.

Seeing her crying again, Li Yanfeng felt a little at a loss for a moment, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes: "Qiao Qiao..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yuqiao plunged into his arms, nodded and said, "I see, we must live a good life in the future, give birth to our child well, and never let anyone The misunderstanding has disturbed us." If he hadn't come in time this time, their child might really be gone.

Hearing her words, Li Yanfeng had a flash of surprise in his eyes, then nodded, and hugged her tightly in his arms, the corners of his eyes were moist, it was too difficult for the two of them, originally thought that God was playing tricks on them, let them After falling in love with so much difficulty, he had to use such a cruel fact to separate them. Now that everything was clear, he felt that God was joking with them and made them a false alarm.

When the two were hugging each other affectionately, someone knocked on the door of the ward. Li Yanfeng wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "Come in."

Hearing his voice, the door of the ward was opened, and then the two looked in the direction of the door, and saw Mrs. Liang, Li Li, and Chen Jiajie walking in.

As soon as Mrs. Liang came in and saw the two of them embracing each other, she also knew that they had resolved the misunderstanding, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Qiao Qiao, if I didn't see that you are weak now, I really wanted to beat you up and run away from home without saying a word. Who did you learn this bad habit from? Do you know how anxious everyone is to find you? Seeing that even the pregnant sister Chen has lost a lot of weight, do you think you are worthy of everyone?"

As soon as Li Li came in, she looked at Jiang Yuqiao who was lying on the hospital bed and said, because she and Jiang Yuqiao are best friends, and being able to say such words is really worried for her.

But when he heard what he said, Li Yanfeng frowned, looked at her with displeasure and said, "Keep your voice down, Qiao Qiao needs to rest now, her body is still weak."

Li Li rolled her eyes helplessly when she saw him protecting his weaknesses: "Well, I'm wrong, okay? I shouldn't make any noise. I think you have been tortured less in the past half a month."

This was the first time she dared to tease Li Yanfeng like this, but Li Yanfeng was not angry, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the person in his arms.

Hearing the conversation between them, Jiang Yuqiao had already heard Li Li's words, lowered her head in self-blame, and then looked at Chen Jiajie who had indeed lost weight: "I'm sorry, Sister Chen, I'm sorry, big guy , I shouldn't be so capricious, sorry."

Saying I'm sorry several times in a row, it can be seen that she really feels sorry for everyone. When she decided to run away from home, she just didn't want to face up to the relationship between her and Li Yanfeng, but she didn't know She had misunderstood, and now she knew the truth, and seeing that the big guy was so anxious for her, she felt very guilty in her heart.

Seeing her self-reproach, Chen Jiajie sighed and said, "You don't have to say I'm sorry, I know there must be some misunderstanding between the two of you that you ran away from home, but now that you've reconciled, everyone has nothing to worry about. No more, I can rest assured to have a baby at home."

After hearing Chen Jiajie's words, Jiang Yuqiao felt even more sorry for her. She glanced at his already protruding abdomen and said, "I'm really sorry, but I still made you worry about me."

Just after she finished speaking, Li Yanfeng patted her on the back and said: "She already said it's okay, and she didn't mean to blame you in her heart, why do you keep blaming yourself, now your health is not good, take good care of your baby." I don’t know, don’t think about anything else.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang nodded and said: "Yanfeng is right. The doctor said that you need to rest now, so you don't have to think about anything. You can raise your baby in the hospital with peace of mind. When you recover, you can leave the hospital early. I I know you don't want to stay in the hospital, don't you?"

Jiang Yuqiao nodded, first, to promise that they would not blame themselves any more, and second, to answer Mrs. Liang's question about her unwillingness to stay in the hospital.

Jiang Yuqiao was found, and the child was saved. The two of them are back to normal, and everyone is relieved. Chen Yize, who is handling all the work in the company, is also relieved when he hears the good news. For the past month, everyone has been looking for someone outside. He also took the time to guess and deal with the company's affairs, and now all the affairs are on him alone, which makes him feel almost out of breath. He has also been praying to find Jiang Yuqiao quickly, and now that he has finally found him, he also feels that the burden on his shoulders seems to be much lighter.

That night Li Yanfeng slept with Jiang Yuqiao in his arms in the ward, and then woke up early the next morning, looking at her sleeping face and feeling her real existence, his heart warmed, and a big smile appeared on the corner of his mouth , and then gently got up to wash, and when she came back, she was still sleeping, and quietly walked out of the ward with her mobile phone.

I made a phone call, and the person on the other side was Special Assistant Zhao. He already knew the news that Jiang Yuqiao had found yesterday, so now when he received his call, he was no longer as nervous and frightened as he was a few days ago.

"President, what do you need to order?" Even he felt inexplicably better.

"Help me investigate Cheng Qinghao, especially his whereabouts in the past half month."

Zhao Tezhu was stunned for a moment, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart, he didn't say anything, just nodded: "I know the president, I'll send someone to investigate right away."

Li Yanfeng made a phone call, and there was a glint of sternness in his eyes. He couldn't forget what he saw in the emergency corridor yesterday, and when he thought of the phone call made by Alan, he seemed to know something. Must be staying with him.

No wonder they searched for so long but didn't find any clues. Now it makes sense, the two of them used to be classmates, they knew each other, and they met once in the snack street, so they met Cheng at the entrance of the hospital. When Qing Hao was in Qinghao, Jiang Yuqiao followed him without any precautions, but even so, they couldn't find clues no matter how hard they searched. The only thing that can explain this is that someone deliberately concealed it and Jiang Yu could be found. Joe's lead.

And the only one who knew that Jiang Yuqiao had run away from home and tried hard to conceal her whereabouts was the one who took her in.

Cheng Qinghao.

Li Yanfeng silently recited the name in his heart, and a hint of sternness flashed in his eyes.

If it wasn't for him, he would have explained clearly to Qiao Qiao earlier, and the two of them would have reunited sooner, and Qiao Qiao would not have suffered this crime. If he dared to offend him, then he must be prepared to accept his revenge.

Thinking that Jiang Yuqiao was about to wake up at this time, and that she would have breakfast before the nurse came to give her the injection, so Li Yanfeng quickly put away his phone and walked into the ward.

Sure enough, when he walked into the ward, Jiang Yuqiao had already opened her eyes, and was about to sit up from the bed. Li Yanfeng saw her movement and hurried over, helping her to adjust the bed to a suitable height.

"The nurse will come to give you an injection in a while, and you have to have breakfast in advance, can you wash up now?"

Hearing him asking for her opinion, Jiang Yuqiao smiled, and then nodded: "I think you have become more cautious after going through this incident."

Hearing her words, Li Yanfeng was stunned, and smiled wryly: "Aren't you being careful? This child is what I expected to conceive, and we have gone through so much hard work to be together, Qiao Qiao, I am now I'm really scared, afraid that you and the child will have any mistakes, I don't know how I should live."

At the beginning, the relaxed words slowly became heavier and heavy tone, Jiang Yuqiao looked at him like this, and felt an inexplicable pain in his heart: "I know, I don't know how to live alone without you and the child, So we all have to be good, don't mention the previous things, didn't you still enlighten me yesterday? Why did you fall into it again today? "

Li Yanfeng smiled and shook his head: "Then I'll get you toothpaste."

Said that she had turned around and walked to the bathroom. When she came out, she had already taken a toothbrush filled with toothpaste and a cup full of water and put it in front of her. Then she turned around and walked to the bathroom. Take a basin.

After brushing her teeth, Jiang Yuqiao spit out the mouthwash in the plate. At first she thought she could go to the bathroom by herself, but when she moved just now, she felt a faint pain in her abdomen, so she no longer dared to get out of bed. I had to use this method.

After she finished brushing her teeth, Li Yanfeng poured hot water and wet a towel to wipe her face before letting her wash.

"I won't take a shower this morning. I'll wipe it off for you in the evening." He said and walked to the bathroom with the plate in his hand.

After both of them had packed up, someone knocked on the door of the ward, and then Mrs. Liang walked in. Seeing Jiang Yuqiao who had already sat up, she smiled. The one who came in behind her was Mama Li. Also carrying a food box.

"Qiao Qiao, do you feel better?" Mrs. Liang walked to the hospital bed and held her hand and said.

This was the first time Jiang Yuqiao sat and talked with her calmly after she knew about her relationship with him. Thinking of the relationship between the two of them, she felt a little hesitant and didn't know how to face her.

When she was young, she really felt that her parents abandoned her, and there was a trace of resentment in her heart. If they hadn't abandoned her, she would not have become an orphan ridiculed by others, and her life would not have been so difficult, but this After getting along with her for a period of time, she felt that she would not abandon her child so easily, and she was very puzzled for a while, what happened in the past made her abandon herself.

Liang Shi watched her staring at him without any expression on her face, as if she was looking at a stranger, and her heart inevitably ached.

"Jojo..." Was he resenting himself?
In fact, Jiang Yuqiao's expression at this time is not resenting her at all, nor is she treating her as a stranger, but just thinking about something, and deep down in her heart, she doesn't know how to face her. I don't know how to manage my expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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