Chapter 139 Auntie Is Really Noisy

Chapter 158

Two weeks later, Jiang Yuqiao, who had been recuperating in the hospital for such a long time, was finally able to be discharged from the hospital, and she was alive and kicking again, but she couldn't, because she was always surrounded by someone who was watching her.

"You haven't been to the company for such a long time, don't you want to go to the company to have a look?" Jiang Yuqiao looked at Li Yanfeng who was standing beside her and said.

Li Yanfeng knew what she was thinking, and smiled: "You have just been discharged from the hospital, and Chen Yize is watching over the affairs of the company, so I will stay with you at home for the past few days, don't worry."

Do not worry?What's there to rest assured about, she now wished that he would leave quickly, and felt uncomfortable being watched by him like a prisoner all day long.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about me. I'm already well now, and Mom and Li's mom are both at home. Nothing will happen."

After Jiang Yuqiao finished speaking, she glanced at his expression, saw that he didn't look moved in any way, pouted her mouth, sighed helplessly, and had to give up.

Li Yanfeng glanced at her, thought of something and said: "Tomorrow is the anniversary of my father's death. I have to go back to Li's house to pay respects. Then there will be only you and Mama Li left at home. Be obedient and obedient, do you know?"

Hearing what he said, Jiang Yuqiao was stunned, ignored what he said later, looked at him and asked, "You said that tomorrow is the anniversary of my father's death. If you want to go back, what about me?"

"You don't have to go." Knowing that she didn't like it there, he didn't force her to go back together. He could go alone tomorrow.

Jiang Yuqiao really didn't want to go to Li's house, but this was the anniversary of Li Yanfeng's father's death, if she didn't go, it would definitely make the old man unhappy, besides, it was the first holiday when she married his father, how could she not go.

"I'll go with you tomorrow." Jiang Yuqiao shook her head when she saw him and wanted to talk again, "It's fine, you'll be fine by my side."

Why did I go with him at the beginning, and the reason why I really didn't want to go there later was because of Li Yanqing, but now he is busy dealing with Lou Qiqi and family affairs, and he also admits his mistakes for what he did before, There is nothing more to say.

Seeing that he was so persistent and Li Yanfeng didn't refuse, he smiled, hugged her in his arms, and patted her on the back lightly: "Tomorrow, you must stay by my side all the time, and we will come back after the worship. "

"Oh, I see."

The next day, the three of them went to Li's house together. Sitting in the back, Mrs. Liang glanced at Jiang Yuqiao who was sitting next to her: "When you get there, don't do anything, just rest on the side when you're tired, and the guests don't need you." Come on, do you know?"

Jiang Yuqiao knew that he was worried that she, a pregnant woman, would be tired, so she nodded with a smile: "Yanfeng told me these things a long time ago, so don't worry."

Because the three of them rushed over from home after breakfast, they arrived early. As soon as they arrived at Li's house, they met Li Yanqing and Lou Qiqi who happened to come over. The child in Lou Qiqi's belly was about the same age as hers. , but her stomach protrudes a little more than hers, this is because Jiang Yuqiao was injured some time ago.

Seeing the three of them approaching, Li Yanqing smiled and helped Lou Qiqi to say hello: "Auntie."

Mrs. Liang nodded lightly, expressing that she heard what he said, then looked at Lou Qiqi who was beside him, and then looked at Jiang Yuqiao who was standing beside her.

"It's almost two months for you, but you are not as obvious as Qiqi, it seems that you need to make up your body."

Li Yanfeng felt that what she said was right, and nodded silently while standing aside, but Jiang Yuqiao was crying in her heart.All the delicious food went into his stomach in the past few days, and she has gained a lot of weight, so she has to make up for it.

Lou Qiqi who was standing opposite smiled at her aggrieved look, and tried her best to ignore Li Yanfeng who was standing beside Jiang Yuqiao.

In fact, she no longer thinks about the past, but every time she sees him, she still can't help but recall that painful memory.

"Since you're here, don't talk in the yard. You're both pregnant, so watch out today and don't be touched by others." Mrs. Liang mainly said this to Jiang Yuqiao.

Jiang Yuqiao nodded, then glanced at Lou Qiqi, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then they walked into the room together.

After entering the door, the old man and Li Zhenzhong and his wife happened to be sitting in the living room. Seeing them coming in, Mrs. Jiang curled her lips in disdain, and then saw Lou Qiqi who came in with her son, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes , turned away from looking at the group of them.

"Dad, I'm back with Yanfeng and Qiaoqiao." Mrs. Liang smiled faintly, greeted the old man, and then helped Jiang Yuqiao sit down directly.

Li Yanfeng just nodded slightly to the old man as a way of saying hello to him, and then sat beside Jiang Yuqiao.

Seeing the behavior of the three of them, the old man narrowed his eyes and closed his mouth tightly, as if he was suppressing some anger, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Li Yanqing kept supporting Lou Qiqi, and after the three of them sat down, he quickly greeted the old man: "Grandpa, parents, we are back too."

Hearing Lou Qiqi greet him, she hurriedly greeted the old man: "Grandpa, we are back."

After speaking, he took a look at the old man's face and saw that his expression was not as angry as before, so he breathed a sigh of relief and helped Lou Qiqi to sit down.

The old man had always wanted Li Yanfeng to marry the Luo family, but he looked down on the Lou family's worsening day by day and didn't want to give Li Yanfeng too much support, so he insisted on letting him marry Lou Qiqi. His favorite grandson married Lou Qiqi, how could he not be happy in his heart, but seeing that his polite grandson was more peaceful than that grandson who had always treated him calmly, but he didn't take his grandpa seriously in his heart. It looks much more pleasing to the eye.

Jiang glanced at Li Yanqing who was sitting next to Lou Qiqi, and frowned: "How long have you been home, do you know that there are your grandfather and me and your dad at home, surrounded by a What is a woman doing, she's worthless."

Jiang Shi didn't hide her dislike for Lou Qiqi at all. At first, she thought that Lou Qiqi would destroy Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao's marriage, so she showed her love for her, but now she came to harm her son. She couldn't swallow this breath anyhow, the Yan family was so good to rely on, but she was destroyed, if his son didn't get the right to inherit the Li family, she would definitely have nothing to do with her.

But her eyes caught a glimpse of her protruding belly, and the disgust in her eyes faded. Anyway, she is pregnant with her grandson now, thinking about taking another look at Jiang Yuqiao's belly, thinking His grandson must be born earlier than the child in Jiang Yuqiao's womb. In this case, his son's child, who is the eldest son and grandson, will definitely be more important in the old man's heart than Li Yanfeng's child, even though the old man now thinks it is too much. They are relatively close to each other.

After several people sat down, the living room became quiet for a while, no one spoke, only the servants outside were busy, preparing to welcome the guests.

"Dad, you see that Yan Qing is going to have a son soon, can you let him enter the company at home and let him take care of things? He resigned from the company because he was ignorant. After all, we are a family. You Don't worry about the past anymore." Jiang Shi said with his arm and touched Li Zhenzhong who was sitting next to him and hadn't spoken.

Seeing this, Li Zhenzhong also understood what he meant. Even though he spent all day drinking and drinking outside and didn't care much about his son, he was his only son after all. If he didn't fight for him, who else could he fight for? As long as he got What's the difference between getting the inheritance right of the family and him getting it?
"Yes, Dad, now Yanqing's child will be born in a few months, he can't help but support himself and a child, he must need financial resources, let him take care of things in the company. "

Hearing the voices of their husband and wife singing together, the old man frowned impatiently: "The company gave him such a good position before, but he didn't know how to cherish the whole day's idleness when he went out to spend time and drink, and in the end he directly came from the office for a woman." He resigned from the company and quit, but he has the backbone, and now he comes here and begs me to do something!"

Hearing that the old man seemed to be angry, Jiang opened his mouth, and was about to speak but unexpectedly was interrupted by Li Yanqing: "Grandpa, parents, I know that I did something wrong before, it was just impulsive, but I don't regret it, because I am sincere to Qiqi, she is pregnant now, and a child will be born in a few months, I have to support the two of them, I don't ask for such a high position in the company before, I just want to be financially Source, I also know my own abilities, so I just want a position that suits me."

If he directly asked the old man to give him the original position, maybe the old man would really scold him a few words, but in the end he would give the position to him, but at this time he heard that his attitude of admitting his mistake was so sincere, and he felt relieved. He nodded with satisfaction.

"The company will rely on you in the future, but now your ability has not reached the level of being able to be the master of the company, so start from a relatively small position, and gradually understand the business in the company, and then I will take over The company leaves it to you."

The old man said that Li Yanqing was the heir of the company, as if he never saw Li Yanfeng by his side, nor did he care what he would think when he heard it.

After listening to the old man's words, Li Yanqing nodded lightly, and did not get carried away because of what the old man said, he is really different now from before.

However, he himself was not emotional. After hearing what the old man said, Jiang smugly glanced at Liang shi who was sitting opposite.

What can I do if I can take care of the house?It's not that the old man doesn't like their second wife. No matter how powerful his son is, if he owns his own company, he won't be able to inherit the Li family. After all, it will be a joke in the eyes of others outside.

Seeing the smug Jiang and Liang showed a mocking smile, she gave him a look of contempt in her heart. She chased her husband all day long to find a mistress outside, and she didn't even know the outside situation at all. Now Li Yanfeng It's not the little boy who was allowed to be bullied by them before, even if he doesn't get any of the property of the Li family, people outside won't laugh at him, because no one dares to offend him.

"I heard that Yanfeng's daughter-in-law was admitted to the hospital some time ago and stayed there for more than half a month. The child is not well, so pay attention to this. The child is so important. If something goes wrong Then it's time for the young couple to cry."

As she spoke, Jiang smiled triumphantly, as if seeing how happy she was when something happened to others.

After Jiang Yuqiao heard what he said, she frowned and looked at her, knowing that she must have nothing good to say to her, but she didn't expect that she would use her child as a stalker.

"Sister-in-law, you should be careful when you speak. The child is saying things like this now. If something happens, sister-in-law won't be able to take care of you." Liang was also very displeased, but tried her best to act indifferently. Glanced at Chiang.

"Yo, when did the siblings care so much about Yanfeng's daughter-in-law? Besides, what are you talking about? What do you mean you can't bear it? I'm the child's aunt. I just said a joke, even if something happened to them. , does that have anything to do with me?"

Jiang Shi snorted, and glanced at Jiang Yuqiao who was frowning at her, and raised her eyebrows, looking smug.

"Auntie, please don't say a few words, it's really noisy." At this moment, Li Yanfeng, who was sitting next to Jiang Yuqiao, who had been silent for a while, suddenly opened his mouth. When he heard what he said, Jiang's face flashed with anger. Looking up at Li Yanfeng's eyes, I was very angry, but I don't know why the look in his eyes flashed a trace of fear deep in my heart.

Although Li Yanfeng didn't talk much in Li's house, he had never looked at anyone with such eyes. At that time, when he met his eyes, Jiang tried his best to control his fear, pouted his mouth and said nothing.

Seeing her shut up and calm down, Liang smiled mockingly, then took an orange on the coffee table and peeled it, and stuffed it into Jiang Yuqiao's hand without any trace after peeling.

Jiang Yuqiao knew that Liang Shi was trying to comfort her, so she raised her head and smiled at him, then lowered her head and ate the orange quietly.

The old man saw everything that happened between them. He looked up at Li Yanfeng without a trace, and frowned. He never felt that this grandson was very capable, but at this moment, he had to face it squarely. Well, at least he is much more promising than his father, the eyes just now reminded him of his old father who had been strict with him when he was a child, and Li Yanfeng's eyes were so similar to his.

The most prosperous period of the Li family was when the old man's father was young. He was extremely agile and vigorous, and developed the Li family to be the top of several big families, but in the hands of the old man, it gradually became worse than before.

Thinking of this question, the old man's eyes flickered with annoyance, and he glanced at Li Yanfeng, he actually compared this boy with his father, how could it be possible, how could Li Yanfeng compare with him when his father was such an outstanding business genius?
Why do you think that there was a flash of disdain in the old man's eyes, just as he was about to look away, he noticed Jiang Yuqiao who was sitting next to Li Yanfeng, but she kept her head down and was eating oranges, an unknown emotion flashed in her eyes, what did you say? Without saying anything, he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Now it is estimated that there is still some time before the guests come to the door. Liang is worried about Jiang Yuqiao's body, and then said to Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao: "Yanfeng, take Qiao Qiao upstairs to rest for a while. It is estimated that there will be a while before the guests come." .”

Hearing what Liang said, Li Yanfeng nodded lightly, and then helped Jiang Yuqiao up the stairs without saying a word. After the two of them left, Jiang felt that the invisible pressure of Li Yanfeng was no longer around her. The restlessness came up again, and he looked at Mrs. Liang and smiled.

"The younger brothers and sisters are really considerate to their daughter-in-law. The young couple have only been sitting here for a long time before letting them go to rest. The old man has been waiting for you for a long time."

The meaning in the words is that she has always cared about her son and daughter-in-law in her heart. The old man sat here waiting for them for a long time, but he didn't see her say a single word of his own. He was clearly accusing her of being unfilial.

Mrs. Liang smiled faintly: "Didn't my sister-in-law just say that Qiao Qiao should pay attention to this point just after she got out of the hospital? I also said this after listening to your advice, but I didn't expect it to make you have another opinion. It was really my fault, then I will apologize to my father for the two children."

He was using Jiang Shi's words to choke her. Hearing that Jiang Shi gave her an angry look, he turned to look at the old man, and saw that he glanced at him indiscriminately. It's even more difficult.

I don't know why the old man has always favored Mrs. Liang. It's fine for the old lady to do so. Hasn't he always been at odds with the old lady?How to return face to her people is really maddening.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Jiang glanced at Mrs. Liang who was smiling faintly. Looking at her smile, she felt even more angry.

Liang's appearance is so tactful, even if he is almost 50 years old, he is well maintained. He looks like a person in his thirties. The wrinkles on his face can't be seen clearly from a distance. He is good-looking, smiling slightly, and full of charm, which makes Li Zhenzhong on the opposite side shake his eyes.

Mrs. Jiang turned her head and saw him staring blankly at Mrs. Liang who was sitting across from her. She became even more jealous of Mrs. Liang. Angrily, she stabbed Li Zhenzhong with her arm, and stared at him impatiently when he came back to his senses. As soon as she glanced at her, her heart rose instantly, with a burst of anger. If she hadn't seen the old man still here, she would probably have to argue with him again.

Liang's vixen is so good-looking, no wonder the old man is so partial to her. He must be coveting her beauty.

Jiang thought disgustedly that the old man glared at Li Zhenzhong who was sitting next to him, gritted his teeth, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

She didn't get any benefit from being married to him for so many years. Instead, she chased after him all day long, for fear that he would create some illegitimate child outside and make her a joke in front of others.

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt aggrieved again. With such a generous husband, it would be better if the husband died like Liang and guarded her widow, and let the elders in the family take good care of her. For 30 years, She never had a peaceful day at all.

Here Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao went upstairs to the room where Li Yanfeng lived before, but seeing the decorations in the room, Jiang Yuqiao remembered what Li Yanqing did to her that day, and frowned. But there was no request to change rooms, and he followed Li Yanfeng directly into the room.

She knew that Mrs. Liang asked them to come up just because she didn't want her to accept Mrs. Jiang's sarcastic remarks, but Li Yanfeng really took Mrs. Liang's words seriously, and looked at Jiang Yuqiao and said, "The guests will come in a while, so there is no need to get busy." You greet the guests, now lie down on the bed for a while and take a rest."

Jiang Yuqiao shook her head: "I'm not tired, I don't want to lie on the bed." After lying down for more than half a month, she felt that she was about to lose energy when asked to lie down.

Li Yanfeng frowned slightly: "Aren't you really tired?"

Seeing Jiang Yuqiao shook her head and said, "If you're not tired, don't stand there. Sit down quickly. If you want something to eat, I'll go downstairs and bring it up for you."

Jiang Yuqiao shook her head again: "I just came over for breakfast at home, and I don't feel hungry yet, and I don't want to eat."

Either let her lie down or let her eat all day long. If it continues like this, by the time the baby is born, she will be fat like a pig.

"Don't ask me again if I'm tired or hungry, you sit down too, and we two have a good chat."

Li Yanfeng raised his eyebrows: "What do you want to talk about?"

"How do you say such boring words? I feel bored at first. What can I talk about, but just talk about your past. I have never heard you talk about your childhood."

In fact, I heard him talk about it, but it was some bad things, but she wanted to hear interesting things about him in the past, wondering if he would be like this when he was a child.

Seeing her sly eyes, Li Yanfeng smiled slightly: "I want to hear about my childhood, what if you find it even more boring after listening to it?"

At this time, Jiang Yuqiao was determined to listen to his past stories, no matter what he said, she shook her head: "It's okay, I won't feel bored, tell me quickly."

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, so Li Yanfeng simply sat beside him, thinking about it and not knowing where to start: "Where do you want me to start?"

"Where do you start?" Jiang Yuqiao thought for a while and said with bright eyes, "Tell me about the things you played with Yan Xiao when you were young."

He said before that he played with Yan Xiao when he was young, and the relationship between the two of them was quite good, but a gap gradually developed later.

Looking into her shining eyes, Li Yanfeng sighed helplessly and said: "The old man had the idea of ​​marrying the Li family and the Yan family before, so the children of the two families got closer, and Yan and Xiao were a few years younger than Li Yanqing. years old, but two years older than me, she was a kind little girl when she was a child, seeing that I had no friends in the Li family and was withdrawn, so she often played with me and took good care of me. I really only regard her as my good friend, and even have a little affection for her."

"What happened later?" Jiang Yuqiao asked curiously, knowing that he had a bad life in Li's family when he was a child. At that time, there was such a beautiful and older girl who treated him well. Anyone would be grateful Yes, but I don't know what Yan Xiao did later, which made him disgusted to this point.

"I told you before that she obeyed her family's wishes and married Li Yanqing. At that time, I was already in college and started a company. I gradually separated from her and got along with her later. After all, I lived under the same roof. Later, I left the Li family and moved out. I didn’t have much contact with you. Later, I met you and married you. The reason why I hate her so much is because she treats you Do things you shouldn't do."

"Are you putting all the crimes on me by saying that?" Jiang Yuqiao said.

Hearing this, Li Yanfeng smiled: "You asked me to say it. Obviously what I said is the truth, but you still blame me for making you guilty. If this is the case, then I will not tell you."

"Come on, talk to me again." Jiang Yuqiao said coquettishly, pulling his arm.

Li Yanfeng had nothing to do with her, and sighed: "After listening to me tell this story, don't you feel bored? You still want me to tell it again."

"You are so boring." Jiang Yuqiao muttered, glanced at his displeased face, and immediately laughed, "It doesn't matter if you are boring, as long as it is what you say, I think it sounds good."

"Who did you learn from to learn how to flatter?" Li Yanfeng said with a helpless smile.

"Then do you think this flattery is accurate?" Jiang Yuqiao asked with her face raised.

Li Yanfeng thought her appearance was very pleasing, touched her head and raised the corners of his lips, finally couldn't hold back, and pecked on her mouth.

"I finished telling a story, now it's your turn, it's time to tell it to me." Li Yanfeng said with a smile seeing her shy and angry look.

Wen Yanjiangyu Qiao also forgot what he just said to himself: "It's time for me to tell? Then what do you want to hear?"

Li Yanfeng thought for a while, as if he knew everything about her directly or indirectly, and there was nothing more he needed to know, but suddenly he thought of something and raised his eyebrows and gave her a sideways look.

"Then tell me about you and Cheng Qinghao."

Hearing this, Jiangyu Qiao froze for a moment, knowing that he was small-bellied, and remembered that incident again, pouted: "I have nothing to talk about with him, isn't it because he was our monitor in college, He usually takes good care of us, and then I respect him very much, nothing else."

"No more?" Li Yanfeng raised his eyebrows, "You never had anything with him, so why does he like you?"

"Because I am naturally beautiful, he fell in love with me at first sight." Jiang Yuqiao said with a smile.

Li Yanfeng narrowed his eyes: "The more you say that, the more I feel that there is something going on between you, hurry up and tell me the truth before I find someone to investigate."

Jiang Yuqiao was stunned when she heard his words, her small face immediately wrinkled, and she pouted and said, "Are you just not trusting me?"

"Have I ever said that I don't believe you? I just want to know about your past. You misunderstood me and Lou Qiqi and talking and laughing. I explained these two things clearly to you. Now I want to know about you." Won't you explain your past to me?"

Li Yanfeng only knew to look at her and asked, Jiang Yuqiao dodged to avoid his eyes: "Because nothing happened between me and him, so there is nothing to explain, it's just that he took me in as a friend How many days have you doubted me like this?"

"Really? It's just that simple?" Li Yanfeng raised an eyebrow, his tone was light, and he heard Jiang Yuqiao's whole body stiffen when he heard Jiang Yuqiao in his ears. He has been so gentle to her these past few months, making her forget his past What a terrifying person, seeing him like this, he immediately showed a flattering smile.

"Actually, it's not that simple, it's just a little bit more complicated." Jiang Yuqiao put her thumb and little finger together and made a little gesture.

Seeing her speak, Li Yanfeng smiled: "What is that little bit more complicated?"

Jiang Yuqiao hesitated for a moment, and after making sure that he would not be angry after hearing what he said next, he said: "When he was in college, he took good care of us, but he took special care of me. All the female classmates in the school said that he liked me, but I pretended not to hear or understand."

"So you know he's interested in you?" Li Yanfeng asked with raised eyebrows.

Jiang Yuqiao looked at his face and nodded slightly, hesitated for a moment, and continued: "Once he wrote me a love letter, but I just pretended not to receive it."

In the end, the voice became smaller and smaller. I didn't know how he would react when he heard this, so he glanced at him cautiously, only to see that instead of showing any angry expression, he laughed instead.

Jiang Yuqiao looked at him suspiciously and said, "What are you doing with such a rippling smile?"

Not only did he not look unhappy, but he also gave people a very happy feeling.

"I laughed at you for pretending you didn't read the love letter, and you pretended you didn't hear what your classmates said." Otherwise, if Cheng Qinghao knew that Qiao Qiao had understood his intentions, maybe he would be more violent Since she was a child, not many people have treated her well, so a man who pursued her and cared for her suddenly appeared beside her. I don't know if this girl will just follow her, so I listened When she pretended not to know anything at the time, she felt a little lucky in her heart.

"Is this so funny?" Jiang Yuqiao looked at him and asked suspiciously.

At that time, she knew that Cheng Qinghao was interested in her, and she was still worried for a while, but thinking about it, she pretended not to hear it at that time. It wasn't that she didn't like Cheng Qinghao. She has a warm look, and anyone who is pursued by such a boy will be moved. What she did at that time was just because she felt that she was born as an orphan and was not suitable for him.

But she would never say this to Li Yanfeng.

Hearing her question, Li Yanfeng shook his head lightly: "It's nothing funny, but I feel very happy."

Thinking of something, she glanced at her again: "Aside from him, did anyone else pursue you when you were in school?"

"What do you mean, I'm so pretty and good at studying, of course there will be many young boys who will pursue me, but at that time I always focused on my studies and rejected them cruelly." Jiang Yuqiao was very angry. Said proudly.

"Cruel-hearted refusal?" Li Yanfeng said these words slowly, keeping his eyes on Jiang Yuqiao, as if asking her how cruel she was to refuse.

The word cruel can be understood in many ways. It can be understood as she doesn't like that person, and then she rejected him cruelly. It can also be understood as she is also interested in the person who confessed to her, but she only focuses on her studies. So he rejected him cruelly, which meant a pity.

Seeing his expression, Jiang Yuqiao pursed her lips, knowing that if she continued to brag proudly, she might offend him, so she said honestly, "That's why I rejected them. "

"What then?"

Jiang Yuqiao was taken aback for a moment, unable to understand what he meant by asking for a moment, she looked at him with raised eyebrows and asked.

"After graduation, have you ever met someone who pursued you? What do you think?" He felt that since his wife was so beautiful, there must be a flower protector by his side at all times.

Jiang Yuqiao thought about it seriously after hearing his words: "After I graduated, I was looking for a job as an intern, and then I met you, and I have never met anyone who pursues me."

Hearing what she said, Li Yanfeng smiled in satisfaction, and I wanted to continue asking Jiang Yuqiao, so Jiang Yuqiao interrupted him and said, "You have already asked me so many questions, didn't you agree that each person should answer one question? ?."

"Who agreed that one person would say one?" Li Yanfeng looked at what she said with a half-smile.

Jiang Yuqiao was taken aback, she really didn't say that she wanted to talk about her past by herself just now, seeing her sly smile and knowing that she was being tricked, she pouted her mouth in displeasure.

Seeing her angry look, Li Yanfeng also thought she was very cute. In fact, she knew about the fact that Alan was interested in her. He wanted to continue asking, but the answer to this question seemed to be irrelevant, because now the two of them We have been together, and it will be better in the future, and we will welcome their children, so the past will pass, and it will never affect them again, not only about Allen, but also everything before, None of them will become a stumbling block on their way to happiness.

"Okay, stop pouting. If Mom sees you when you go down, she will think I'm bullying you, and you'll inevitably scold me again."

The situation is different now. He and Liang are not related by blood. On the contrary, Jiang Yuqiao and Liang are the closest mother and daughter. To put it bluntly, he is now a son-in-law to Liang. She knew that he had wronged her daughter, so she would definitely speak to her daughter.

Thinking of this, Li Yanfeng sighed helplessly, the little wild cat can't play with her casually in the future, she has a backer behind her.

Li Yanfeng coaxed her for a while, saw her laughing, and then said: "It's getting late, I guess the guests will come soon, I'll go down and have a look first, because it's my father's death day after all, it won't look good if I'm not here."

(End of this chapter)

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