Hidden Marriage in a Wealthy Family: Shao Li's Pampered Wife

Chapter 143 Would You Let Me Be Your Girlfriend?

Chapter 143 Would You Let Me Be Your Girlfriend?

Chapter 163

After drinking tea, several people prepared to go down the mountain. The old lady was very old and walked very slowly on crutches. They all cooperated with her speed, which made her feel a lot easier than when she went up the mountain, but the time it took was much longer. It is twice as much as when going up the mountain.

The old lady sat in the same car with Mrs. Liang and Aunt Hui, and Li Li and Li Yanfeng sat in the front car. In the car, Li Li touched the jade pendant on her chest and said, "I didn't expect grandma to be so generous. And he still has such a good temper, today's trip is a profit."

Li Yanfeng was sitting beside her, and when he heard her words, he glanced at her jade pendant, and then smiled: "The old lady said, this is a jade pendant that can bring a good marriage."

Hearing this, Li Li's smiling expression froze, and she glanced at Li Yanfeng: "I don't care what it means, anyway, I know it's a good piece of jade, and it must be worth a lot of money." If you can find a good marriage, then It couldn't be better.

Seeing her appearance as a money fan, Li Yanfeng smiled helplessly, and said, "What is Su Zhe doing recently?"

Hearing his words, Li Li frowned and said, "You just said that this is a jade pendant that can bring good marriage, and now you ask me about Su Zhe, second brother, what are you thinking?"

Li Yanfeng smiled and shook his head: "I just asked what Su Zhe is doing recently, and I want him to be the spokesperson of our brand."

"I don't need you, the president, to talk about something like an endorsement in person?" Li Li muttered, then thought of something and said, "I don't know, the crew is on vacation, he should have other work to do, who knows Woolen cloth?"

I haven't seen Uncle Su for several days, and I haven't seen his activity information on the Internet recently. I don't know what he is doing now?

Li Yanfeng glanced at her, then said with a smile, "I seem to have heard that he came to City A recently."

"Has Su Zhe come to City A?" Li Li looked at Li Yanfeng and asked in disbelief. Hearing this, Li Yanfeng nodded, looking at her with a sly look in his eyes.

Li Li became uneasy after hearing his words, looked at the road ahead, and then looked at Li Yanfeng, seeing his serious face, he didn't look like he was lying to her, she believed what he said it is true.

In another car, the old lady said: "Li Li, as you said, doesn't look like someone from their room, but she fits my fancy."

Hearing this, Liang replied with a smile: "She and Qiao Qiao were friends when they were in college, and Qiao Qiao said that she took special care of her when she was in school. I watched this girl grow up, and she was kind since she was a child." Independence really doesn't look like the people over there at all."

"I don't know if this girl has a boyfriend. I heard you say that she is still single. I just gave her the marriage jade pendant. I hope it can be useful to her." The old lady said with a smile.

Hearing that Mrs. Liang thought about what happened before, she smiled and said, "I don't have a boyfriend, but based on her conditions, she must have a suitor. If you gave her the jade pendant, the jade pendant will be brought to her soon." With luck, hopefully it won't be long before she's with the one she loves."

She must have someone she likes now, but she still can't understand her heart, and the one over there doesn't confess, these two people are very anxious to see.

Talking and chatting, I arrived at the Banshan Villa without knowing it. The old lady got off the car and looked at the quiet environment of the Banshan Villa area and smelled the fresh air here. It changes as the environment changes.

Mrs. Liang got out of the car, walked up to the old lady, and said, "The house you live in is next door, right there."

Speaking of which, Mrs. Liang pointed to the apartment prepared for the old lady. The old lady's eyesight is not so good, she only thought it was not bad after looking at it from a distance, and wanted to go over to take a closer look, but was caught Mrs. Liang held back.

"It's not too late to go see it after dinner. Now let's go in and eat first. The food is already prepared at home."

Hearing this, the old lady had no choice but to be supported by Mrs. Liang to walk into the yard. At this time, the door of the apartment opened, and a head poked out from inside. When she saw a few people, she smiled and walked out.

As soon as Jiang Yuqiao came out, she was shivered by the cold wind, but she couldn't go back after she came out, so she had to bite the bullet and walk to the old lady's side.

"Grandma, I'm Qiao Qiao..." Li Yanfeng interrupted Jiang Yuqiao before she finished speaking. Tighten her back.

Jiang Yuqiao was greeting the old lady when she was suddenly interrupted. She hadn't seen the old lady's reaction when she saw her, so she didn't have time to look at Li Yanfeng. She just stretched her neck to look in the direction of the old lady, so she didn't see it either. Li Yanfeng's face was full of displeasure.

The old lady looked in the direction of the two of them, smiled at Li Yanfeng's concern for Jiang Yuqiao, then looked at Liang Shi beside her, and said, "The man from Bi Li's family is in love."

Liang Shi nodded with a smile, that's enough, if Li Yanfeng is like the men of the Li family, then she is the first person to object to the two of them being together.

Seeing Jiang Yuqiao being stopped by Li Yanfeng, the old lady had no choice but to walk to Jiang Yuqiao's side, glanced at her protruding belly and thin clothes, and said with a smile: "It's cold today, let's go inside and talk."

Wen Yan Jiangyu Qiao nodded, smiled and moved out of the way, just saw the old lady's appearance, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, she gave people a very kind feeling, and she seemed to give people a feeling of intimacy.

Li Li had already sent a text message to Jiang Yuqiao just now, so she already had a preliminary understanding of the old lady, seeing her now, she felt that the old lady was a good person to get along with.

Now that she saw the old lady clearly, and felt that she liked her very much, Jiang Yuqiao was relieved now, and only then remembered that she was looking at Li Yanfeng who was still hugging her, but when she looked up, she saw that his face was full of displeasure look.

"What's the matter with you?" Could it be that the old lady didn't like him, so he was upset?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuqiao instantly felt that he was very pitiful, and just wanted to open his mouth to comfort him, but Li Li who was standing by the side spoke.

"You still ask him what's the matter? You have seen your current status. You are a mother-to-be. It's so cold today, and you came out without a coat. What do you want? That's the end of the story, I go first."

Li Li had already slipped away after speaking, Jiang Yuqiao looked at Li Li who left and then at Li Yanfeng, blinked, and said, "Are you blaming me for not thinking about our children?" I thought he thought the old lady I'm not happy with his attitude.

When I first came out, I didn’t expect it to be so cold outside, but I’ve already come out, and the old lady has seen her, it’s definitely not good for her to go back to get dressed, so I just came out like this, now I think I’m ill-considered She should wear a coat when going out, in case if she catches a cold, not only she will suffer, but also the child in her belly.

"I'm blaming you for coming out regardless of your body, let's go." After speaking, Li Yanfeng hugged her and walked home without waiting for Jiang Yuqiao to react.

Although he also cared about the child in her womb, he was angry because she was so careless and didn't care about her body. He would be angry even if she was not pregnant now.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqiao looked at him with joy and felt warm in her heart. She was supported by him to walk home, looked up at him, and said with a smile: "Then do you think I am more important or the child is more important?"

Li Yanfeng was still angry at first, but when he heard her words, he lowered his head to look at her, and seeing her sly face, his mood suddenly improved, but he frowned when he thought of the question she asked.

"You and the child are what I care about most, don't ask such stupid questions, you know?"

Jiang Yuqiao knew how he felt, as if if he asked her to choose before the child and him, she would be embarrassed too.

The two stayed outside for a while, so when they entered, the old lady and the others had already sat down in the living room. Seeing the two coming in, the old lady smiled and said to Jiang Yuqiao: "Qiao Qiao, come and sit here, let grandma see you."

Jiang Yuqiao froze for a moment, then glanced at Li Yanfeng, he was hanging clothes, so Jiang Yuqiao had no choice but to walk over, after she left, Li Yanfeng glanced at the direction where the old lady was sitting, his eyes flashed.

I remember that when he was very young, he seldom saw the old lady smile, especially in front of him, so in his heart, the old lady was always an unsmiling person, but what he saw today made him feel that the old lady was amiable The elders, especially the two younger girls in the family.

Jiang Yuqiao sat next to the old lady, and Li Li was on the other side of her. Originally, Mrs. Liang was sitting on the old lady's side, but when she saw Jiang Yuqiao coming over, she gave up her seat to Jiang Yuqiao.

"Grandma." Jiang Yuqiao yelled politely as she sat down, hearing that the old lady's happy face was full of smiles, seeing such an old lady, Li Yanfeng felt even more different from the old lady he saw when he was a child.

This is enough to show how much the old lady disliked herself and the Li family at that time.

"Some time ago I heard from your mother that you had fetal gas. This is an amulet I asked for from the eminent monk of Xuanyin Temple. I used the incense in the temple to worship it for a full hundred days. It was placed on the bedside to protect the fetus. Although I am a little superstitious about the function of the fetus, I also seek comfort in my heart."

Speaking of which, the old lady stuffed the amulet into Jiang Yuqiao's hand, and said, "Although it's not as valuable as the piece of warm jade I gave Lai Yatou, it is indeed extremely useful to you, so keep it."

Li Li, who was sitting by the side, heard the old lady's words, picked up the warm jade on her chest and shook it, and let Jiang Yuqiao look at it.

"Grandma said this is a jade pendant that can bring me a good marriage. Yours is a body protector for preventing miscarriage. Everything grandma gave us is useful to us."

Wen Yan Jiangyu Qiao glanced at the warm jade on Li Li's chest, and a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes: "Thank you grandma for the gift, I will definitely put this amulet on the bedside, and Li Li's gift from grandma It's really good."

Seeing the cunning in her eyes, the old lady smiled, looked at Liang Shi and said, "It's still a child's heart."

Mrs. Liang agreed with a smile, "Isn't it? I've been spoiled by Yanfeng recently, and it's even worse." As she spoke, Mrs. Liang glanced at Jiang Yuqiao reproachfully.

She was joking with Li Li by the fact that she was giving gifts. Looking at her like this, the old lady felt that she was several years younger, and laughed when she saw the two children.

Li Li, who was made a joke by Jiang Yuqiao here, saw that everyone was laughing and felt that you were a little embarrassed. If Jiang Yuqiao joked with herself like this in normal times, she would definitely not feel that much, instead She will fight back, but now she is making such a joke in front of the elders, and the way she just showed off just now, it seems that she really wants to get married.

"Grandma, look, it turns out that she is an honest little girl, and now she is spoiled by the second brother, and she has become very talkative." Li Li said, staring at Jiang Yuqiao.

Hearing this, the old lady smiled, and felt happy seeing the two children joking. It used to be quiet on the mountain, but it was a bit too quiet. Just her and Aunt Hui, the two old people, inevitably felt a little lonely .

Li Yanfeng, who was sitting on the side and ignored by everyone, looked at the laughing faces of several people. It didn't look like they met for the first time, but like family members who had just separated for a while and reunited. It was very warm. This kind of scene has always been his favorite What he hopes to see is the family together that he has always longed for.

Watching this scene, Li Yanfeng unconsciously showed a faint smile.

"Girls are precious in the first place, and men should pamper them. Li Yatou has already found a man, and he must find someone who will treat you well. If we don't pamper you to heaven, we won't agree."

The old lady said with a smile, Li Li blushed when she heard this, and Jiang Yuqiao smiled and said, "Grandma, don't say any more, you can see that she is blushing, and she will pack up and leave when she gets shy after a while. Grandma will have to pay me a companion."

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang also smiled: "Yes, Mom, I can't say any more, the food is ready, let's go to the restaurant to eat."

The old lady glanced at the time, then nodded, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go to the restaurant to eat now."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Liang quickly stood up, pulled Jiang Yuqiao, and walked to the old lady's side to support her. Seeing Mrs. Liang's movements, the old lady smiled, knowing that it was because Jiang Yuqiao was pregnant that she would not let her hold yourself up.

In the dining room, Mama Li had already prepared lunch. Mrs. Liang helped the old lady to sit down. She originally wanted Jiang Yuqiao to sit beside the old lady, but when she saw Jiang Yuqiao being led in by Li Yanfeng, Mrs. Liang smiled. Laughing, I sat beside the old lady.

Li Yanfeng arranged Jiang Yuqiao next to him and asked her to sit down before she sat down. Li Li came in last. She wanted to sit next to Jiang Yuqiao, but when she saw an empty seat next to the old lady, she Had to go over.

The old lady used to eat alone on the mountain, at most, Aunt Hui would accompany her to eat, but her habit since she was a child was that she didn't like to talk when eating, and Li Yanfeng was not a talkative person, and Liang knew that the habits of the two were not good. How to talk, but the talkative Li Li and Jiang Yuqiao looked at the quiet dining table, they looked at each other, and honestly shut their mouths and stopped talking.

After lunch, Mrs. Liang looked at the sleepy Jiang Yuqiao and said with a smile, "You haven't slept since we left today?"

Because they want to come back for lunch, everyone got up very early this morning. When they left, they agreed to let Jiang Yuqiao sleep well after they left. It seemed that they didn't sleep.

Hearing her words, Jiang Yuqiao nodded, then looked at the old lady, and said with a smile: "Because I knew grandma was coming, I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep."

In fact, it was because I was too nervous that I didn't fall asleep.

Hearing Jiang Yuqiao's words, the old lady smiled: "You girl is good at coaxing people, you are so sleepy, go back to your room and go to sleep, Yanfeng, stay with her, don't fall down like this gone."

Jiang Yuqiao didn't sleep very well last night, and she didn't sleep this morning, so she is able to sit here and talk with her eyes open now because of her strong perseverance.

These were the few words she had said to Li Yanfeng since meeting the old lady, and it seemed to be related to Jiang Yuqiao.

Hearing this, Li Yanfeng glanced at Jiang Yuqiao who was sitting beside her, seeing that she was indeed sleepy, smiled, then stretched out his hand and said, "Don't hold on any longer, go upstairs Get some sleep."

"Yeah." Jiang Yuqiao put her hands in his palms naturally, then stood up and followed Li Yanfeng, because she was so sleepy that she didn't say goodbye to the old lady.

Li Yanfeng kept his eyes on Jiang Yuqiao's feet, for fear that she would accidentally step on the ground because she was too sleepy, and finally walked to the bedroom with his eyelids propped up. Jiang Yuqiao lay on the bed and closed his eyes, feeling that he would be fine soon The appearance of falling asleep.

Seeing her so sleepy, Li Yanfeng's eyes flashed with distress. He knew that she didn't sleep well last night, and she didn't sleep this morning. Seeing that she was about to fall asleep, he sat on the bed and looked at her eyebrows and smiled. He touched her face reluctantly, then sighed, stood up and walked out of the bedroom.

In fact, because she didn't sleep well last night, he didn't sleep for a long time, and now he really wants to lie next to her and sleep with her, but he still has a lot of things to do.

When I went downstairs, I saw that the old lady was about to leave to go to the villa next door. First, she wanted to see how she would live in the future, and second, she was getting old now and wanted to go back and have a rest.

Seeing Li Yanfeng coming down at this moment, Liang Shi gave him a wink, and then Li Yanfeng followed them and walked together to the villa prepared for the old lady.

After sending the old lady to the house, Mrs. Liang said: "Mom, you must be tired after sitting in the car for such a long time. You can go to the room and rest for a while. If you have anything to do, we will talk about it when you wake up."

Hearing that the old lady glanced at Li Yanfeng who followed in, she really wanted to talk to Li Yanfeng, but she had to give up after hearing Mrs. Liang's words, and said, "In this case, everyone, let's take a rest. Let's talk about things."

She said this to Li Yanfeng, he knew from the tired look on his face that he must have worked hard these few days, seeing his son's face so similar, the old lady would inevitably feel distressed seeing him like this.

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang smiled, helped the old lady and walked to the bedroom prepared for her, and said as she walked, "I chose your bedroom on the first floor, so you don't need to climb stairs, and the light is good."

"You have a heart."

Watching the two enter the room, Li Li glanced at Li Yanfeng who was standing beside her, and said, "Is what you want to talk about grandpa's business?"

Li Yanfeng nodded faintly. He never called the old man grandpa when he was not in front of the old man, but Li Li was different. Although the old man never loved her much since he was a child, he never hated her as much as he did for Li Yanfeng, so she Always follow the rules and honestly call the old man a grandpa.

"Hey!" Li Li sighed, "What happened back then, why the family doesn't look like a family, if there is a trouble, the Li family will be laughed at to death in the future."

Thinking of the mother who had always been proud of being the daughter-in-law of the Li family, Li Li shook her head helplessly. To be honest, she was really not very close to those over there, even though they were all her closest relatives.

Hearing her sighs, Li Yanfeng looked at her with a smile: "You should be like Qiao Qiao, you don't need to take care of the family affairs, anyway, if we win, you won't be homeless in the future."

Hearing Li Yanfeng's words, Li Li's heart warmed up, of course he understood what he meant, he was saying that if their side won the lawsuit, then they would definitely not dislike her.

Li Li silently kept this emotion in her heart, and just as she was about to speak, she heard Li Yanfeng speak again.

"The thing you should be most concerned about now is your marriage. Su Zhe has come to City A, don't you want to know what he is doing? I heard from Chen Jiajie that the Su family seems to be forcing Su Zhe to go on a blind date. I don't know this time Did you come to City A for a blind date?"

After speaking, Li Yanfeng smiled and left, leaving Li Li standing there in a daze.

Su Zhe came to City A for a blind date?

This sentence has been lingering in his heart. When Liang came out of the old lady's room, he saw Li Li's distraught look, and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Li came back to her senses, looked at Liang Shi and smiled, and said, "It's nothing, I was just thinking about something."

"Since you have nothing to do, go back and rest." After Liang Shi finished speaking, she walked out of the room first, and Li Li immediately followed her and also went out. When she was about to get home, Li Li suddenly called Liang Shi.

"Auntie, you go in first, I'll make a call."

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang glanced at her, smiled, then walked into the house, saw Li Yanfeng was about to go upstairs with a glass of water, and asked, "What did you say to Li Li, why did I look at her so distracted?" Ning's?"

Hearing this, Li Yanfeng smiled: "I just said that Su Zhe's family is forcing Su Zhe to have a blind date in City A."

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang smiled, and then smiled helplessly, seeing Li Yanfeng went upstairs and glanced out of the window, Li Li, who was sitting on the swing outside the French window, who was distressed with her mobile phone, didn't know what she was thinking.

Li Li in the yard was watching the reports about Su Zhe with his mobile phone. There was no news about his coming to City A recently, but when he thought about it, if he really came to City A for a blind date, he would definitely not be photographed by the paparazzi, so Thinking about why Li Li didn't know why, she was instantly discouraged, holding the phone and wondering whether to make this call.

Uncle Su usually takes care of her so much, he probably likes her, but why did he go on a blind date?What he said that day was still so misleading. According to the general development of the plot, he should like him, but he didn't confess, and let the public opinion fly all over the sky, as if he was deliberately playing tricks on her.

Could it be that she was thinking too much, in fact, Su Zhe has no interest in her at all?
Thinking of this, Li Li sighed, glanced at the phone, and didn't know where the courage came from, so she picked up the phone and called Su Zhe directly.

Later, when Li Li remembered what she did today, she looked up to the sky and sighed, and said, "I must have been sleepy that day."

By the way, Li Li picked up her mobile phone and dialed Su Zhe's number, but to her surprise, someone picked up the phone as soon as she made the call.

"I heard you're on a blind date?" Lai Lili suddenly asked after picking up the phone.

Su Zhe on the other side of the phone was taken aback when he heard her words, and asked, "How do you know?"

No one knew about his coming to city a, even at the airport he was very cautious, it was impossible for others to find out.

Hearing what he said, Li Li knew that Li Yanfeng was right. Su Zhe really came to City A for a blind date.

"Your family asked you to go on a blind date, so you come on a blind date? Why are you so slow and don't have your own persistence?" Obviously, a few days ago, there were scandals because of accompanying her back to City A, but I didn't expect that the news is not as popular now. After going down, he actually went on a blind date. He didn't take her seriously at all.

Thinking of this, Li Li spoke out with great resentment. Hearing that Su Zhe on the other side of the phone was stunned, he glanced at the blind date arranged by the opposite family, smiled apologetically, and then got up and left the seat to go out of the private room go.

"I persisted. I didn't want to come. You know, I'm a public figure. Although I'm of marriageable age, it's inevitable that people will know if I come out like this. It's not good for my reputation. Yes. Now, how did you know that I came to city a, and how did you know that I was here for a blind date?"

She seemed to be angry. Could it be that she was jealous because of his blind date?Thinking of Su Zhe's teasing in this way, his heart arose, and when the words he wanted to explain came to his lips, it turned out that he was very willing to come on a blind date. The purpose of doing this was to see her reaction.

Li Li directly ignored the question behind him, but clenched his fist and gritted his teeth and said, "Su Zhe, are you kidding me?"

Su Zhe could feel her anger through the phone screen, but he was very happy because the more angry she was, the more it meant that she was with him.

Su Zhe thought about this possibility, and said with a smile: "Where did I play you, why are you so angry?"

"You still said you didn't play tricks on me, did you forget what you said to me that day?" Li Li said angrily, and it was really because she was so angry that she didn't hear the banter and laughter in the voice of the person on the phone meaning.

"I said that one day, I really forgot." Su Zhe was on the phone in the corridor, and when he saw the person in the opposite guest room coming out, he naturally turned his face away, so that the other person could not see his appearance clearly .

Hearing what he said, Li Li became even more angry. Thinking of the "why can't I like you" that she looked at her seriously at the door that day, and listening to the words he doesn't remember now, she really wanted to go directly to him and tell him An ear scraper.

"Su Zhe, you bastard, don't think that you can play with other people's feelings because you are a star. Since you don't like me, why did you send me back in the middle of the night and stay with me all the time? Since you don't like me, you still say What are you doing with that nonsense, I just found out now that your black fans are black and you are black, you are a pious villain, your acting skills are really good, and you fooled the big guys, I really didn’t expect you to be such a person , if I were in front of you now, I would definitely tell your blind date what kind of person you are."

Because she was really panicked in her heart, Li Li actually said all her angry words. Su Zhe on the other side of the phone was even more sure that she was jealous when he heard her shout, and he was very complacent when he heard her last sentence He quickly said, "Wait a minute."

After speaking, Su Zhe directly opened the door of the private room and walked in, sat back in his seat, looked at the lady's blind date opposite, and said, "The person on the phone wants to say a few words to you."

"Okay, no problem." The woman said softly.

Su Zhe turned on the loudspeaker, and then said: "My blind date is listening now, you can tell."

Li Li was taken aback for a moment, she was just angry and said something angry just now, she was a little afraid to really ask her to say it, in fact she didn't think Su Zhe was that kind of person, the reason why he said that was just because he said no. I remember being angry for a while.

Li Li hesitated, and wanted to hang up the phone, but thought that Su Zhe over there was having dinner and joking with another woman, and just now she heard that woman's voice was very gentle, she must be a very beautiful woman.

Suddenly thought of what Li Li's eyes lit up, Su Zhe knew she was very angry now and would say something bad about him to his blind date, but why did he let her say it? Does it mean that he doesn't like his blind date? , That's why she was asked to deliberately scare the other party away first?

Thinking of this, Li Li didn't know why she felt better, cleared her throat, and said, "Su Zhe's blind date, listen carefully, the man in front of you is not at all what he seems on the surface. Then Qingfeng Jiyue, he is actually a scumbag, playing with other people's feelings, he even kissed my baby a few days ago, girl, I did it for your own good, so don't worry about this kind of man."

Hearing Li Li's sincere words on the phone seemed to be true, Su Zhe tried his best to hold back the urge to laugh, looked at the blind date girl sitting opposite and said, "Her words are unbelievable. of."

"Why can't I believe what I said, girl, haven't you seen the gossip being spread on the Internet? Su Zhe is just like what the Internet said, don't get into his thief boat. In fact, I am the deputy who spread the gossip with him. Director, Su Zhe is a scumbag."

After the nonsense cursing was over, Li Li felt much more at ease, and at the same time, she was also thinking: It must be impossible for Su Zhe to be with that blind date girl now, right?
Thinking of this, Li Li was full of complacency. Although she knew that there was not much possibility between herself and Su Zhe, she must not let other women get it so easily, or she would be wasted in vain.

Listening to the angry voice on the phone, Su Zhe tried to control his emotions, looked at the woman sitting opposite, and said, "It's not like that."

The woman stared at Su Zhe for a while, then glanced at the phone again, and then showed a gentle smile: "It's okay, I believe you, in fact, I have always been your fan, I know it's the assistant director's problem. "

While talking, the woman glanced at the phone and said, "Miss, don't pester Su Zhe any more, the adults of our two families have already agreed, and we may get married in a short time, when we get married The news will be announced soon, if you still pester him, then you will be ugly."

Su Zhe was stunned by the woman in front of her because of her good acting skills. Wasn't she talking nonsense with her eyes open? When did the two of them agree to get married, and did he agree?
But when Su Zhe reacted, it was too late, and Li Li on the other side of the phone had already heard clearly.

At first Li Li was angry because of Su Zhe pretending not to remember what she said, but now she felt humiliated.

"Su Zhe, you bastard, my old lady doesn't talk to you anymore, you actually used a woman to get rid of me, no wonder you let me talk to your blind date, it turned out it wasn't for me to get your blind date away, but You want your blind date to get rid of me, okay, Su Zhe, you are ruthless!"

After finishing speaking, Li Li hung up the phone, the only hope left in her heart was completely gone, she cursed Su Zhe: "Asshole, cheating on my mother's feelings, why do you treat me so well if you don't like me."

The more she talked, the more wronged she became, Li Li raised her head and looked towards the sky, trying her best not to let the tears fall out of her eyes, she couldn't cry, it would be too embarrassing to cry just because of such a shit.

In the restaurant here, Su Zhe stared at the hung up phone in a daze. This time, he seemed to have made a joke, and without thinking about it, he called the phone directly, but no matter how he dialed, the phone kept hanging up In the end, the other party turned off the phone.

"Su Zhe, that woman won't pester you anymore. I just said that because I wanted to help you get rid of her. You won't blame me for talking nonsense."

Seeing the woman frowning and blaming herself, Su Zhe looked at her straight, as if he wanted to see through her. The woman was looked at by him as awkward and guilty. She said that on purpose just now. She really She has always liked Su Zhe very much, and this time she was able to come on a blind date with him because she begged her family members. Just now, she heard the woman on the phone scolding Su Zhe, and even admitted her identity. Recently, the hottest quarrel on the Internet It's about Su Zhe and the assistant director, and Su Zhe hasn't explained, how can she not be jealous.

Su Zhe has been looking at the woman, but when she can't stand his eyes dodging, Su Zhe speaks.

"Just like what I said on the phone, I started letting her talk to you just to get rid of you. I don't like you at all, and I don't like the blind date arranged by my family, so I don't want to meet again in the future. Just now you I don’t care about what you said.”

After speaking, Su Zhe picked up his coat and left without turning his head. Seeing Su Zhe leaving in a hurry, and thinking about how anxious he was on the phone just now, a hurt look flashed in the woman's eyes, and she understood in her heart one thing.

Su Zhe seemed to be quite concerned about the assistant director.

Su Zhe left the restaurant and drove to the Banshan Villa, because he knew that Li Li would come back here whenever he had a holiday.

Here, Li Li hung up the phone and simply sat in the yard to bask in the sun. At this time, Jiang Yuqiao, who was in the bedroom on the second floor, was woken up by Li Li's voice downstairs, and the balcony door was open. Li Yanfeng closed the door and went to bed.

"Did Li Li just call Su Zhe? What did Su Zhe do to make her so angry?"

Li Yanfeng hugged her into his arms: "It's just a misunderstanding, let's sleep for a while."

He woke up whenever there was any movement, so Li Yanfeng heard the entire conversation clearly, so he knew what was going on.

Jiang Yuqiao was sleepy at first, but she fell asleep immediately after hearing his words. Seeing this, Li Yanfeng glanced in the direction of the window, smiled, and then lay down and closed his eyes.

Everyone was taking a nap, but now Li Li was sulking alone in the yard.

When Su Zhe walked into Li Yanfeng's yard, what he saw was Li Li lying on the swing chair looking at the sky. Su Zhe looked at her, thought for a while, and slowly approached her.

"You should have heard me explain."

Startled by the sudden sound, Li Li almost fell off the swing chair. Fortunately, Su Zhe helped the swing chair in time.

"Su Zhe, you still dare to come here. Aren't you discussing marriage with your blind date?" Li Li said angrily when she saw that the person who suddenly appeared in front of her couldn't control her emotions.

Seeing that she was still angry with him, Su Zhe was relieved, because what he was most afraid of was that she would suddenly ignore him, and it would be useless for him to say more at that time.

"What the woman said just now is not true. I have no intention of marrying her. She thinks that I let you talk to let her get rid of you. In fact, I want to get rid of her."

Because Su Zhe was anxious, the tone of his words was anxious. The Su Zhe Li Li had met before were all gentle and gentle, no matter how he spoke or acted, he had never I've seen him so anxious that he's about to lose control.

"Then what are you here for today, just to tell me this sentence of explanation?" Li Li sat on the swing and looked up at him and asked.

"Didn't you say that you ignored me, and you didn't answer my calls. If I don't come, are you really going to see me forever?"

Listening to what he said, Li Li nodded, and then said: "Then you came here in such a hurry just to ask me this question?"

Su Zhe was stunned for a moment when he heard her words, hesitating how to speak, seeing him like this, Li Li was anxious, couldn't hold back for a moment, stood up directly, looked at the man in front of him, and asked word by word: "What are you talking about?" Needless to say, I will ask you a question now, I am a quick-tempered person, and I will know the answer right away."

Listening to her words, for some reason, Su Zhe was a little at a loss. He always felt that something would happen next, but he couldn't predict what was going to happen.

Su Zhe froze for a moment, then nodded: "If you have any questions, just ask."

"What I want to ask is, do you want me to be your girlfriend?" Li Li closed her eyes after speaking, not daring to look directly into Su Zhe's eyes.

Anyway, I had already broken up with him on the phone just now, and now she is just making a last attempt, even if he rejects her, she has no loss, in case he really likes her like her sixth sense , that would be great.

Su Zhe looked at the woman in front of him who was closing her eyes and looking like she was fighting for the last time, and was stunned for a moment. What he didn't dare to say was let the woman speak first. Where does this put his dignity as a man?
But it feels good to be able to hear her voice before he opens his mouth. There is a saying that is true, the person who falls in love first is the loser. Although he fell in love first, he is not considered a loser now, because she is also like his.

I haven't heard Su Zhe's reply for a long time. Li Li thought that he didn't agree with her confession, and just wanted to open her eyes, but suddenly felt that her eyes dimmed, and then her face was held by someone, and then, and then Li Li completely fell under his crazy offensive.

I saw Su Zhe’s kissing scene when I was filming before, and I would wonder what it’s like for the female lead to be kissed by such a good-looking man. Now she finally understands it, but it doesn’t seem so beautiful, and she doesn’t know how to act Why did the female number one still show such an excited and shy expression after being kissed by him.

Li Li felt that her breathing was not smooth, so she quickly pushed the man who hugged her face and kissed her tightly. Su Zhe also noticed that her breathing was not smooth, and reluctantly left her lips.

"You're not skilled enough." Su Zhe said breathlessly.

Li Li, who originally wanted to make a shy gesture, became impatient when she heard his words, glared at him and said, "This is the first time for me, no matter where I am like you, I can confess my first kiss in a scene."

"That's my fault, but your kissing skills need to be improved. I don't mind being your lifelong teacher for free." Su Zhe smiled, then stretched out his big hand, this time directly hugging his own arms.

Seeing this, Li Li was startled, and hurriedly pushed him and said, "There are still people at home, um..."

There are indeed people at home, but no one will come out without winking at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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