Chapter 153 I Don't Owe You

Chapter 175

The three men sat together and chatted, and the three women sat and chatted together. Jiang Yuqiao and Chen Jiajie mostly talked about children. Wu Yang couldn't intervene, so he just sat and listened, but Chen Jiajie still took good care of her. Yes, bring the topic to her from time to time.

On the way back from the Banshan villa after the party, Chen Yize was afraid that Wu Yang would think too much about what Jiang Yuqiao said today, and the surprise he had prepared would definitely be wasted, so he explained: "Little sister-in-law just talks like that, don't take it to heart. .”

Wu Yang knew what was going on in his heart, so he didn't reveal it, and said, "When I met Jiang Yuqiao, I thought she was quite smart. Why is she becoming more and more like a child now?"

Hearing this, Chen Yize burst out laughing, and said: "What you said... At that time, my sister-in-law had just graduated from school, and she was an orphan. She thought about everything by herself. It's normal to have a good eye. I don't have a lot of thoughts, and after I got married, I was perfectly protected by Feng, so I don't have to worry about it, and I don't use my brain often so I don't think about so many things."

Listening to Chen Yize's words, Wu Yang was quite envious of Jiang Yuqiao. The more she behaved like this, the more it showed that Li Yanfeng was kind to her, and it also showed that she gave herself to Li Yanfeng wholeheartedly.

Chen Yize turned to look at the smiling Wu Yang, and said, "Shall we choose a good day to go back and visit our parents?"

Hearing this, Wu Yang was taken aback, and said, "That's my parents, we're not married yet, what are you calling me so dear?"

"Isn't it coming soon? Let's go back tomorrow and discuss with our parents about the wedding day and then we can prepare for the wedding."

Chen Yize said, hoping to use this matter to divert Wu Yang's attention, so that he can quietly and fully prepare for his surprise.

Wu Yang couldn't correct his beggar, but when he thought of meeting his parents, he thought of Chen Yize's parents.

"Are you the only one who sees my parents?"

Knowing that he had a bad relationship with his family and hadn't spoken for many years, but he didn't know what kind of feelings he had for his parents, so Wu Yang didn't ask directly, but said tactfully.

How could Chen Yize not know what she meant, and smiled and said: "When I went out of the house, they didn't help me when I was in the most difficult time, saying that as long as I came out, that family would no longer be a member of the Chen family. I made a fortune and they never came to see me because of what I said back then, but my uncle’s big brother came once, begging to help them with working capital, I refused, I’m afraid they don’t want to see me now. "

Hearing Chen Yize say such things easily, Wu Yang felt aggrieved and uncomfortable. How determined he was when he left home. Although he hated his family so much that he left home, but in the most downcast When the family members don't help, it must be very uncomfortable, right?

Thinking of this, Wu Yang sighed silently, glanced at Chen Yize who was driving seriously beside him, and secretly decided in his heart that he must treat him better in the future, and the two of them will be dependent on each other from now on.

Chen Yize never thought of using his own pity to get Wu Yang's pity, but he didn't do that, but Wu Yang felt pity for him invisibly.

After the two made their decision, they set off the next day. Wu's father and Wu's mother were very happy to see the two coming together, especially Wu's mother, the more she looked at Chen Yize, the more she felt satisfied. At first, she thought that Chu Xingchen was a good person, but Now it seems that Chen Yize seems to be even better.

"Xiao Chen, when are you planning to get married? What do your family members think? When will you arrange for the two families to meet?"

Mama Wu's series of questions made Wu Yang blink at her, but Mama Wu seemed not to notice, she kept looking at Chen Yize, waiting for his answer.

"Auntie, we'll listen to you about getting married. You can decide on the date, but I think it's best to hold the wedding after winter, so that the weather won't be too cold. Another thing is my house..."

As Chen Yize paused, Wu Yang thought he didn't want to mention this matter, so he hurriedly said, "Mom and Dad, let's talk about this matter later. It's almost time for dinner. Has our family prepared lunch yet?"

"You, you know how to eat." Wu's mother gave Wu Yang an angry look, obviously feeling that the most important thing now is the marriage between Wu Yang and Chen Yize, she turned her head to look at Chen Yize, she didn't speak, just looked at him silently, waiting follow his answer.

Chen Yize smiled faintly, and said: "As for my family, just let me know. I broke away from my family ten years ago, and they don't want to care about me, so when you get married, you can count on the second elder I'm bothered."

The son-in-law can let the two elders preside over the marriage. Of course they think that the son-in-law treats his daughter well and thinks highly of them, but they can't just agree to it directly. It seems that they are ignorant.

"This is still a matter for the two of you. We can't decide, and we don't want to bother with it. You can discuss it." Wu's father said at this time, and Wu's mother echoed it.

"Your uncle is right, but there is one thing I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Hearing this, Chen Yize nodded and said with a smile, "Auntie, but it's okay to say."

"You don't have any contact with your family anymore, but after all, it's your parents' child, so Yangyang should let them meet, after all, it's their daughter-in-law."

Although what he said now has no contact with the family, who knows in the future, after all, blood is thicker than water, so what is the barrier between parents and children?At that time, if they reconcile, and then consider that Yangyang didn't visit them before they got married, it's time for them to pick Yangyang's fault. Although this matter can't be done perfectly, they have to let others Can't find any mistakes on the surface.

Chen Yize nodded after hearing Mama Wu's words, and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, I will take care of this matter. Since Xiaoyang married me, I will definitely treat her well."

Seeing Chen Yize's serious look, let alone Wu's father and Wu's mother, even Wu Yang himself felt warm in his heart.

It's autumn now, time passes quickly, and it won't be long until winter, since Chen Yize said that the wedding will be held after winter, so after discussing with Chen Yize and Wu's father, the time for the wedding was decided .

The time was set in mid-March, and it was three or four months before now. Papa Wu felt that it was enough, but Chen Yize was thinking about something else, so he pushed back the date for a few days, and set it at the beginning of April. .

After having lunch at Wu's house, the two hurried back to City A. When they got home, Wu Yang asked, "Do we still need to meet your parents?"

Hearing this, Chen Yize was stunned, and said, "I'll tell them that we're getting married. If they want to see you, we'll go. If they don't say anything, they just want to say that we know about it and we won't go."

Wu Yang didn't know what kind of situation he was in with his family, so he couldn't say anything, he just nodded, then looked at Chen Yize and said, "That's your parents, just listen to you."

That night, Wu Yang heard Chen Yize calling in the study, and he presumably told his parents that they were going to get married.

It was very late, Wu Yang saw that Chen Yize fell asleep before he came out of the study, and when he was in a daze, he heard the door of the bedroom rang, Wu Yang woke up immediately, looked up and saw that he had climbed into the bed Chen Yize.


Chen Yize crawled to her side, hugged her in his arms, and turned off the bedside lamp she had specially reserved for him. The room was plunged into darkness, with no light at all, and Wu Yang wanted to sleep even more.

"I also called my sister just now, and she said they will come over when we get married."

When Wu Yang heard his words, he hummed in a daze and thought of something and said, "Then where are your parents?"

Chen Yize paused, and lightly patted Wu Yang's back to make her fall asleep quickly, while saying: "They said to find a time to go there, I don't want to go back to that place, so I made an appointment to have a meal together, when we arrive Just come with me when the time comes, don't care what they say."

Wu Yang, who was about to fall asleep, woke up immediately when he heard this sentence, looked at his shadow in the dark, and said: "What do you mean by this, don't they agree that I will be with you?"

"It's me and not them who are with you. No matter what they say, they abandoned their sister ten years ago for the benefit. They only have the word benefit in their hearts. Of course they will not agree to me marrying a woman who has no money or power." gone."

Chen Yize's sarcastic tone echoed in the dark room, Wu Yang understood what he meant, and murmured: "You mean that some of them despise my background and want you to find a rich and powerful The daughter of the family?"

Chen Yize nodded lightly: "That's what they think. If they want to marry a rich and powerful man, they can do it themselves. Anyway, I recognize you."

Listening to what he said, Wu Yang felt very at ease, but for some reason, there was always a bad premonition, maybe it was the effect of his heart, knowing that other people don't like you, he would always feel awkward in his heart, and that other person was his future Father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Thinking of Wu Yang like this, he couldn't fall asleep anymore, and Chen Yize didn't feel much sleepy when he called just now, feeling that Wu Yang wasn't asleep either, and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking what if your parents don't agree that I have to let you marry a woman you don't like? It's not that you don't like it. What if that woman is better than me and looks better than me."

Listening to her words, Chen Yize frowned, and frowned: "What are you thinking about? Am I that kind of man? If I say I will treat you well, I will treat you well. It is certain that we will get married. They cannot influence my thoughts." , and there is nothing that can make me regress, I have already made you sad once about my sister and Han Ye, do you think I will make you sad again?"

Hearing what he said, Wu Yang shook his head: "I believe in you."

Wen Yan smiled: "Yes, I am your husband, who else do you trust if you don't believe me, be good, call your husband to tell me to listen."

Wu Yang hammered his chest and said, "I'm sleepy, don't hug him so tightly."

"Is it tight? Why don't I feel it?"

Hearing that his tone had changed, Wu Yang thought in his heart: Here we go again.

In the end, the two ended their conversation when one was satisfied and the other complained, and both fell asleep.

On this day, the two came to the restaurant that Chen Yize had made an appointment with Chen's father and mother. Wu Yang didn't know if Chen Yize did it on purpose. Anyway, since he came here at home, he has been very indifferent and moved very slowly. It was twenty minutes later than the agreed time.

After entering the restaurant, they came to the reserved private room. They opened the door and went in, but they saw not only a couple, but also an extra couple. Wu Yang obviously felt that Chen Yize, who was walking beside him, paused. Knowing that he must not know why there is an extra couple.

"Xiao Yang, this is my parents wanting my uncle and aunt. We didn't get in touch with each other before, and we won't have any in the future. Let's treat it as a meeting today. Hurry up and call someone."

He opened his mouth and sounded very polite, but when he heard the latter, the faces of the two couples who were looking forward to it suddenly darkened.

After listening to Chen Yize's words, Wu Yang took seats in front of the two couples, calling the older couple uncle and aunt, and the younger couple calling them parents.

"Is this why you called me so affectionate without entering my Chen's house?"

Suddenly a sharp voice sounded, Wu Yang looked up, and saw the aunt who called just now was looking at her bitterly, her eyes were looking up and down, full of pickiness.

Wu Yang glanced at Chen's mother who was standing next to his aunt, but saw that she just looked at her indifferently and didn't say anything.

"My aunt must have misunderstood. I broke away from the Chen family ten years ago. Today, I am just patient with the relationship between my parents and me so that the future daughter-in-law can meet her in-laws. Not to mention I didn’t call my uncle and aunt here today, even if I did, you don’t seem to have the right to say such things to Xiao Yang, besides, after Xiao Yang and I got married, she came into my family, not your Chen’s Door."

As he said that, Chen Yize glanced at Chen's father and Chen's mother lightly, as if he was blaming them for telling Da Fang the news of their meeting.

Aunt Chen blushed angrily when she heard Chen Yize's words, but she had to hold back her anger thinking about what her husband had said before she came here. Now Chen Yize is no longer the kid who was easy to bully.

The uncle who has not spoken all this time has a bad face. In the Chen family, he is the last authoritative person to speak. Whoever the younger generation in the family sees him being disrespectful, is furious, but thinking of the shortage of funds in the family, they need Chen Yize's help , can only try to show a soft look.

The uncle just opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Chen Yize. He took Wu Yang's hand and walked directly to his seat to sit down. He looked at Chen's father and mother and said, "I know your situation in the Chen family. Although I hate your weakness that killed my sister, you are my parents after all. Today I will ask you a question. If you want to leave the Chen family, I will help you. In the future, people will serve you with good food and comfortable living. You, what do you mean?"

Originally, I didn't want to say these things, but when the uncle came today, let's deal with these things properly, but he is kind, and some people don't appreciate it.

Father Chen said with a sullen face, "The Chen family is our root, and they will go to the ancestral grave after death. If you still want to be buried in the ancestral grave after death, then follow your uncle's advice and go home obediently."

"Go home?" Chen Yize smiled mockingly, "Should I go home and hand over all my shares in Feng Group to uncle?"

The Chen family is a very superstitious family, and now they still insist on the inheritance of the eldest son. As long as the money and belongings of the family are public, they are all under the control of one person. If he goes home, all his money and property All the shares will be handed over to Dafang.

"Uncle's wishful thinking is really big. Everything I have now is my own effort, and there is absolutely no possibility of giving it up to others."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yize glanced at his parents, one insisted on standing with the uncle, and the other obediently listened to her husband, Chen Yize sighed: "Originally, I proposed to my parents out of good intentions, since you don't need me I won’t talk about this matter anymore, today is the day when I bring my fiancee to meet my future in-laws, everyone, don’t talk about being unhappy, just sit down and order food.”

Seeing Chen Yize laughing at Yan Yan, the uncle trembled angrily: "Are you determined not to go home?"

"It's not that I'm determined, it's because I feel disgusted at that place. Remember, I, Chen Yize, don't owe you anything. There is no need to use my own money to help you solve your troubles. If the money you lack is spent on my parents I may not be able to do nothing about it, but you are very clear about how you caused this crisis, if you have this time to take care of other people's affairs, it is better to go home and take care of your own son."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yize's complexion changed, seeing his uncle's furious expression, there was a glimmer of mischief in his eyes: "Don't forget, you still owe my sister a life!"

The four of them were stunned when they heard the words. Chen's father and mother Chen's face was a little more sad than Chen's uncle and aunt. Seeing them like this, Chen Yize felt hypocrisy and was very annoyed. He said, "Stop standing, sit down quickly." Come down."

Looking at Chen Yize, who was still full of sullenness just now, but now with a smile on his face, the uncle was angry and scared, he snorted and left directly, Aunt Chen also glared at Wu Yang and followed her husband, Father Chen and mother Chen looked Glancing at Chen Yize, he sighed and followed suit.

Seeing that everyone had left, Wu Yang glanced at Chen Yize's eyes, and was relieved to see that he didn't look too sad.

Seeing this, Chen Yize smiled and said, "Why, are you afraid that I will be sad?"

Asking himself, he laughed and said, "I would have been sad before, but now that I know that my sister is still alive, I don't have anything to be sad about."

Seeing his indifference, Wu Yang felt even more distressed, with a smile on his face: "We won't have to see them in the future, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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