Chapter 156 is about to give birth
Chapter 178

It was because of a momentary negligence that all of Wu Yang's original plans were disrupted.

After playing in Hawaii for about a week, Chen Yize brought Wu Yang back to City A. It happened that the Chinese New Year was about to come, and the two met twice with Li Yanfeng and Chen Jiajie's family in City A. It was delayed for a week, and the Spring Festival was still to come. After more than ten days, the two of them went to Wu Yang's house.

Seeing that both of them came back for the New Year, Wu's father and Wu's mother were very happy. The only person who was in a delicate mood was Brother Wu, because he still remembered what Chen Yize did to Wu Yang downstairs, and felt that he was bullying Wu Yang Yes, no matter what form it is, he will think that person is hateful.

Chen Yize noticed Brother Wu's expression, smiled, and said nothing, but Wu Yang called Brother Wu to the room, and said, "Your brother-in-law came back to accompany us to celebrate the New Year, why are you like this?"

"You guys are not married yet. Why is my brother-in-law? It's you. I never thought you would have the guts to live with him when you were unmarried. I have to worship you."

Listening to the accusations in Brother Wu's words, Wu Yang said with a smile: "Who said we are singles living together, we are a legal couple allowed by law, okay?"

" and him have obtained the certificate secretly?" Brother Wu said in surprise after hearing Wu Yang's words, and Wu Yang retorted him, "You said who was sneaky, and we obtained the marriage certificate openly, okay? Don't talk nonsense."

"If you are upright, why don't you let me and your parents know? You are getting more and more courageous, and you even married a man without telling your parents, you..."

"Keep your voice down!" Wu Yang yelled at him, "Your brother-in-law said that he would tell his parents about this matter, and a long time ago, our parents had secretly asked us if we wanted to get married. , the time is set at the beginning of April, we just got the marriage certificate ahead of time, so there's no fuss."

"Okay, you're amazing, I'm convinced, anyway, it's your business, you can do whatever you like, I'm too busy with my own business."

"What's your own business? Could it be that you're in a relationship?" Wu Yang asked gossipingly. Hearing this, Brother Wu gave her an annoyed look, "Who's in a relationship? Do you think I'm as fine as you in a relationship?"

Talking about brother Wu pushing Wu Yang, Wu Yang staggered two steps back, swayed, suddenly felt a little pain in his stomach, took a breath, and said: "You boy, I'm not feeling well today. It's comfortable, and I don't care about it like you."

Talking about clutching her stomach and going out, Mother Wu saw her clutching her stomach and said, "What's wrong, my stomach feels uncomfortable?"

"No, it may be that my aunt is coming. I have been late for several days this month. You know me, my aunt will have a stomachache when she is late. I think she must be here this time."

Speaking of Wu Yang walking towards the toilet, Mother Wu was stunned for a few seconds, feeling something was wrong in her heart, she caught up with her, stopped her at the toilet door, and asked, "Have you and Yi Ze taken any measures? "

Knowing that it is impossible for her to live with Chen Yize and nothing happened, Madam Wu is someone who has experienced it, so she is flexible in this aspect after all, but Wu Yang was taken aback by the question, did not react, and nodded directly.

Seeing this, Mama Wu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's all right, you go in, I'm just asking."

"Mom, you don't think I'm pregnant, do you?" Wu Yang finally came to his senses, because the question Mama Wu just asked made her a little emotional, so the volume of her words was inevitably a little louder. Chen Yize who was talking in the living room He and Wu's father were both taken aback when they heard it, and then they all looked in Wu Yang's direction.

"I'm fine, I'm not pregnant at all, don't worry, don't guess randomly." After speaking, Wu Yang pushed open the door of the toilet and walked in.

Chen Yize looked in the direction of the toilet and frowned, thinking of something, his body froze, Wu's mother who walked into the living room saw his reaction, and asked, "What's wrong with Yi Ze?"

"I feel like I have to take little Yangzi to the hospital."

After speaking, he stood up and went to the toilet. In front of Wu's father and Wu's mother, Chen Yize used to call Wu Yang Xiao Yang, but he forgot to address him when he was so nervous, and directly called the name that only two of them would call.

But Wu's father and Wu's mother didn't care too much anymore. Seeing Chen Yize's flustered appearance, the two elders also thought of something. They looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

As soon as Wu Yang came out of the toilet, he saw his parents and Chen Yize standing at the door looking at her together. Wu Yang didn't know what happened, so he asked suspiciously, "Do you want to go to the toilet?"

Chen Yize shook his head and said, "Let's go to the hospital to check it out now."

"What are you looking for?" Wu Yang asked suspiciously, but when she saw Wu's father and Wu's mother looking at her stomach, she realized that it was her words that caused the trouble. Did they all think she was pregnant? ?
"I'm not pregnant, can you stop looking at me like this?"

"How do you know if you're pregnant or not? It's better to listen to Yize and go to the hospital. Don't wait to make up for the loss. By then, it will be too late. Be obedient and go to the hospital with Yize quickly."

Mother Wu looked at Wu Yang and persuaded her, and upon hearing that, Wu Yang looked helplessly and sighed: "I don't know about my own body." Besides, they have been taking measures...

Thinking of this, Wu Yang was taken aback. They didn't take any measures when they were in Hawaii...

Wu Yang looked at Chen Yize, obviously he had thought of this problem a long time ago, looked at Wu Yang and said with a smile: "No matter whether it is or not, let's go to the hospital to check first, if it is a false alarm, didn't you have a stomachache just now?" , if she is really pregnant, if an accident happens due to our negligence, wouldn't it make us regret it for the rest of my life."

Hearing this, Wu Yang was taken aback, looked down at his stomach, and sighed, Chen Yize was right, if something happened to her, she would definitely feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"OK then."

Seeing that she agreed to come down, Chen Yize smiled, said goodbye to Wu's father and Wu's mother, and took Wu Yang to the hospital. The result of the examination at the hospital was not at all what Chen Yize expected. Wu Yang was indeed pregnant, three and a half weeks , was conceived in Hawaii.

"What should I do?" Wu Yang was a little at a loss when he heard the affirmative answer from the doctor's mouth. He was sitting on the bench in the hospital corridor, and he hadn't reacted yet.

"What can I do? Let's give birth. I was thinking that both Feng and Chen Jiajie have their own children. When will my children come? I didn't expect to come whatever I want. In this way, our children can be with theirs." The kids are playing together."

As Chen Yize laughed, Wu Yang who was sitting next to him heard his laughter and looked at him, frowning and said, "I'm worrying now, but you're still laughing!"

"What are you worrying about? Aren't you happy that we have a child?" Chen Yize looked at Wu Yang and said, not thinking about what Wu Yang was worrying about.

"What should I do with my studies? I originally planned to open a beverage store after graduation. I will have children two years after we stabilize. Now that he has come here, all my plans have been disrupted. You said I should What should I do? It’s all your fault, I told you not to take the risk when I was in Hawaii, this time it’s fine.”

Hearing what she said, Chen Yize smiled and said: "It turns out that you are worrying about this matter. If you are pregnant, it's not that you can't go to study and class. Besides, you can still work when you are pregnant, but you can't be too tired. I think what Feng and Chen Jiajie did is too much, I will not restrict your freedom because of the child, but the premise is to ensure the safety of the child."

Hearing this, Wu Yang felt relieved. In fact, the problems she was worried about just now were all because she was afraid that Chen Yize would restrict her from going out to work, but hearing what he said made her feel relieved.

"We've only been together for a long time and we're pregnant. We haven't had enough of our world yet." Wu Yang sighed as he spoke, and if he had a child, he would spend all day around the child.

Wu Yang suddenly thought of something and continued: "Someone said that as soon as a husband and wife have children, their relationship will gradually fade away, from the initial passion to a long-term family relationship. Although the relationship has become firm, it has not After losing the gluey feeling at the beginning, do you think we will only revolve around the children in the future, and everything we say will be around the children, and even the quarrels are for the children?"

Hearing this, Chen Yize smiled: "So you are worried about this problem, don't worry, no matter how many children we have in the future, I will never forget our current appearance and feeling, and I will always maintain this feeling for you. More importantly, I will never make you angry in the future."

After hearing Chen Yize's words, Wu Yang looked at him, and suddenly smiled: "Who believes what you said, you are so glib, I don't want to think about anything now, I'll get pregnant if I get pregnant, since God sent him here, parents No matter what, he must be born."

Seeing that she finally smiled, Chen Yize felt relieved and hugged her and kissed her twice on the forehead, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chen Yize didn't tell everyone about Wu Yang's pregnancy. He didn't invite everyone to have a meal until he returned to City A after the Chinese New Year and announced the good news. By then, the child in Jiang Yuqiao's stomach would have been nine months old. I'm going to give birth in one month, and my nine-month-old stomach is like a balloon that is about to blow up. I can see that Li Yanfeng is nervous every day. It's really Jiang Yuqiao who goes with him wherever he goes. Wherever he went, he didn't go to the company, and even when he went to the toilet, Liang Shi would watch Jiang Yuqiao not let her run around.

After the Chinese New Year, the weather has warmed up, and March is almost over in a blink of an eye, but the peach blossoms are at their best. Last year, the flower trees and fruit trees in the yard also had teeth. Jiang Yuqiao sat in the yard, Basking in the sun while waiting for Li Li.

Yesterday Li Li said that their crew was on vacation, and she will be back today, and she is going to give birth in the next few days, and she is going to the hospital this afternoon to wait for the baby to be born. The ten-month-old child is finally about to be born, and the mood is really difficult to express in words for a while.

After waiting for a while, Li Li came when the sun was the warmest, and saw Jiang Yuqiao who was sitting in the yard basking in the sun, walked to her side with a smile, and said, "I can't even see your face when you lie on this chair .”

Hearing her voice, Jiang Yuqiao opened his eyes and took a look at his stomach, right? His stomach is so big that he can't even see his own feet.

"Why are your eyes so red, have you cried?" Jiang Yuqiao looked at Li Li and said.

"No, I just felt a bit stuffy in the car on the way here. I opened the windows all the way, and the wind was blowing. Where is my second brother? Doesn't he not leave you?" Li Licha changed the subject and looked around. glance.

Li Yanfeng came out of the room as soon as he finished speaking, holding a glass of water in his hand, he didn't react much when he saw Li Li, he just glanced at it lightly, and waited until he put the water glass in Jiang Yuqiao's hand, seeing who she put After drinking, he took the cup, glanced at Li Li, gave her a wink, and then entered the room again.

"Qiao Qiao, I'll put my things in first, and I'll come out to accompany you right away." After speaking, Li Li took her backpack into the room without waiting for Jiang Yuqiao to nod, and saw Li Yanfeng waiting for her in the room.

"Second brother..." Li Li called out, lowered her head and said nothing, like a child who has done something wrong.

"Break up, you two are not suitable." Li Yanfeng said looking at the top of Li Li's head.

"Second brother, what happened this time was not his fault, it was one of his assistants who accidentally disclosed the news to his friends, which made Su Zhe's fans react so strongly." Li Li explained, but He didn't dare to look up at Li Yanfeng.

"His fans hit you, you were the one who was injured, and you were the one who was fired from the crew. As for him, he is busy comforting the fans now. Do you think such a man is worth entrusting?"

"Second brother, it was his agent who asked him to do that, and I'm fine now, everything is over."

"It's all over? Then why are you crying? Is it because the rib that was discounted is hurting?" Li Yanfeng realized that his words were a bit heavy, so he sighed and softened his tone, "He is an idol fan in the entertainment industry. , you are not suitable, take this opportunity to break up."

"Second brother, the reason why he left me alone in the hospital to comfort his fans this time is because his parents don't agree with us being together. The condition he proposed to him is that as long as he can comfort the fans, then he will agree. We are together, if you let us break up, wouldn't it be in the arms of his parents?"

Li Li insisted on keeping her head down, but she didn't say anything about breaking up. They were talking, and they didn't notice that the door was still open. There was a faint pain, but she endured it and walked into the room slowly.

"His parents don't agree with you being together because they don't know your identity. Don't worry, even if the reputation of the Li family has been ruined by the old man, but as long as you ask your second brother to call Su Zhe's parents, it will be fine." That's all settled."

Jiang Yuqiao's voice suddenly sounded, startling the two people who were talking. Jiang Yuqiao walked up to Li Yanfeng and said, "You call now."

Thinking of what Jiang Yuqiao just heard, she felt uncomfortable. Li Li, a person who couldn't bear to be wronged, was beaten to the hospital by Su Zhe's fans, and everyone didn't tell her without telling her. They must be afraid that she would be worried. No wonder I felt weird when I saw her just now.

After hearing Jiang Yuqiao's words, Li Yanfeng was about to take out his mobile phone to make a call, but was stopped by Li Li, Jiang Yuqiao grabbed her and said, "Since they are so powerful and look down on you as an assistant director, why don't we reveal our identity?" The identity scares them, and this is the way to deal with this kind of people."

After listening to Jiang Yuqiao's words, Li Li hesitated for a while, but in the end she didn't stop Li Yanfeng's action. Seeing that Li Yanfeng finished the call threateningly, the general meaning in the phone was that Li Li was his sister, and the film crew was doing it for a moment of interest. Assistant director, after playing around, I didn't expect to offend their family's big star. As an older brother, he "specially" apologized for his younger sister's ignorance, saying that not only will Li Li not contact Su Zhe in the future, but even him Li Yanfeng will definitely not have any involvement with their family.

Su Zhe's father heard what he said, but it's okay. Their Su family is a small company. If they offend Li Yanfeng, how can they stay in the A world? Regardless of the matter between the two of them, in fact, those Su Zhe's fans were faked by him. No one knows about this matter, and he will never tell anyone about it in the future. If Li Yanfeng finds out about her sister's injury He asked someone to beat him, he would never even think about appearing in city a in his life.

Seeing that the problem was solved, Jiang Yuqiao gritted her teeth, looked at Li Yanfeng, and said very calmly: "Now that everything is solved, let's go to the hospital."

When she got angry just now, she actually moved her fetus and made the child come early. No wonder Li Yanfeng didn't tell her the news about Li Li. It seems that he understands her temper better than herself.

Li Yanfeng noticed that something was wrong with Jiang Yuqiao, he froze, he didn't know what to do, and the whole family exploded all of a sudden, he hurriedly asked the driver to drive the family to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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