Chapter 162 Tutoring Homework
Chapter 184

Because of Su Zhe and Li Li's high-profile attendance, and Li Yanfeng's precious daughter, Li Chenghuan made headlines again this time. One identity is enough to make people rush to report.

But what Huanhuan hates the most is being photographed around, so she showed her face at the coming-of-age ceremony and then shrank upstairs. Seeing her like this, Jiang Yuqiao really didn't know what to say, knowing her temper, and did not force her.

After seeing off the guests, there were only a few close relatives and friends left at home. Huanhuan and his friends came down from upstairs. There were too many people and they didn't have time to say hello. Now they greet each of them with a smile.

"Sister, why didn't your family Chengcheng come?" Chengcheng is the son of Li Li and Su Zhe. He is 15 years old this year, only one year younger than Li Chengxi.

"He ran to the United States and went crazy. He was supposed to take the plane this morning, but the weather there was bad, the plane was delayed, and it hasn't taken off yet. This will delay your coming-of-age ceremony." Li Li said.

Huanhuan just clicked his tongue twice in pity, and frowned when he caught sight of Li Chengxi who was flipping through her presents.

"Er Xizi, why do you open other people's gifts casually?" Huanhuan walked to the place where the gifts were piled up and pulled Li Chengxi out.

"No, sister, look at this gift. It was given by your classmate. I wanted to give it to you with my own hands, but you stood downstairs for a while and then went up, so he asked me to give it to you with my own hands. I didn't mean to help you see it." See what gift it is?"

Hearing Li Chengxi's words, Huanhuan took the gift box in his hand, looked at it, shook it, and then glanced at the name.

"Lin Yi, he asked you to hand it to me?"

As soon as he heard Lin Yi's name, Chen Yiwu and Zuo Chong glanced at each other and walked to Huanhuan's side. Zuo Chong snatched the gift from Huanhuan's hand and avoided it with a smile: "I'll help you see what he gave to you." What gift did you get?"

Huanhuan frowned when the gift in her hand was robbed, and pretended to snatch it back, but Chen Yiwu and Zuo Chong cooperated tacitly, one of them stopped it, and the other had already opened the gift.

"Wow, isn't this really the limited edition you want to collect? It's really thoughtful of Lin Yi to give you a gift."

Zuo Chong bluffed and already took out the gift, which is a model of a car. Huanhuan has a hobby, which is to collect things he likes. For this reason, Li Yanfeng specially connected the villa next to him, and built a house inside for her to collect things. of.

"Give it to me, don't break it for me!" Huanhuan said and was about to snatch it back, but Zuo Chong refused to give it, and said with a smile, "Tell me, do you like this gift?"

A few of them were holding and playing over there, and the adults here were talking and didn't notice the situation over there. Zuo Xin, who had been sitting quietly by the side, raised his eyes and glanced at Huanhuan, who seemed to be in a hurry, without any trace. Big looked away.

Now that he has joined the company to help, and has received great praise from the Su family, he already intends to completely hand over the company to him.

"Brother Xin, look at Erchong!" Huanhuan knew that Zuo Chong would not listen to whoever he said, so he obeyed his elder brother's words, fearing that he would really drop the model, so he had to ask Zuo Xin for help.

Xin Gan glanced at their direction, Zuo Chong hurriedly returned the model to Huanhuan honestly, got his own things, Huanhuan watched for a while, smiled and put them away again, ready to take them to his room in a while go.

"Seeing how you like the things Lin Yi gave you so much, you couldn't be influenced by his stalking?" Chen Yiwu said.

Hearing this, Huanhuan glared at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I just like gifts."

After talking, Huanhuan didn't intend to pay any attention to the two of them, put away the gift and returned to the place where the big guys were talking, and sat down beside Li Boyang honestly.

"Thank you brother Xin." Huan Huan said with a smile, thanking Xin Gan for his help just now, Xin Gan was sitting next to her.

Seeing her smiling happily, Xin Gan thought of the way she couldn't put it down when she saw the gift just now, and thought of the joke they had just made, so she raised her eyebrows and said, "Huanhuan has a boyfriend?"

Just now Huanhuan said it in a low voice, so few people who were talking could not hear it, even if they heard it, they would not know what she was talking to Xin Gan, but Xin Gan is different from Huanhuan, he is already a He is an adult, his voice is deep, and he is outstanding, so people can't ignore him. Everyone was stunned when he heard him speak, and they all looked at Huanhuan in unison.

Huanhuan felt a little embarrassed suddenly being looked at by so many people, and scratched her head, when did brother Xin speak so loudly?

But she didn't have time to think about this question now, because she was about to face a very serious torture, and the examiner was her father.

Hearing Xin Gan's words, Jiang Yuqiao was taken aback for a moment, and then had a faint smile on her face. At first, she thought that the matter of her daughter growing up among the three boys and developing such a troublesome personality and having a boyfriend was far away, so When I heard that my daughter had a boyfriend, I couldn't help but feel a stone falling to the ground.

As for the reaction of the Zuo family, a sense of crisis flashed across their hearts, especially Su Shi and Chen Jiajie. The others didn't react very strongly except for a little surprise.

Speaking of reactions, the one who reacted the most was Li Yanfeng, who immediately stood up when he heard Xin Gan's words, and looked straight at Huanhuan: "Have you got a boyfriend?"

The expression is serious, Huanhuan only saw his father have such a serious expression on the day his younger brother was born more than ten years ago, the rest of the time he has always been very gentle to himself, he was stunned for a moment, and even forgot to explain.

As soon as she paused, Li Yanfeng thought that he was right, and the expression on his face became even more ugly: "Who is it, whose brat?" Whose brat dared to seduce his daughter? !
Seeing him like this, Zuo Chong and Chen Yiwu were also taken aback, and hurried over to show their team spirit, Chen Yiwu explained with a smile: "Uncle, don't get me wrong, we were joking just now, brother Xin misheard."

Hearing Chen Yiwu's words, Li Yanfeng's expression became a little better, but he still looked at Huanhuan in disbelief, wanting to hear her explanation.

"Huanhuan, is what Xiaowu said true?"

It was only then that Huanhuan came to her senses, and said quickly, "Dad, don't get me wrong. I don't have any boyfriends. There are quite a few suitors, but don't worry, I don't like them."

Li Yanfeng saw that she didn't look like she was lying, so he sat down relaxed. Seeing that the crisis was over, Huanhuan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xin Gan, and whispered, "Brother Xin, you almost killed me!" I."

Here Jiang Yuqiao saw Li Yanfeng frowned so angry just now, and said, "What are you doing in such a hurry, Huanhuan, it's time to fall in love."

"Come on, what's the rush." ​​Li Yanfeng said seriously, he hadn't shown his face to Jiang Yuqiao for a long time, although he felt a little uncomfortable, but Jiang Yuqiao understood his feelings, curled his lips and ignored him.

Su Shi and Chen Jiajie, who had been watching from the side, looked at each other, as if they could understand what the other person was looking at. Originally, the two planned today to be Huanhuan's birthday, and to mention the matter of their children and in-laws to Li Yanfeng. But seeing his performance, he had no choice but to give up. It would be a good day not to let him find it unhappy.

Xin Gan had a panoramic view of the big guy's expression, and smiled slightly when he heard Huanhuan's words: "You guys said it so loudly just now, I misunderstood, and I apologize to you."

Huanhuan pursed her mouth and waved her hands: "Since Brother Xin heard it wrong, then I won't argue with you, just treat it as you owe me a favor."

Xin Gan smiled, but did not speak.

It's almost time for the big guys to go back to their homes. Jiang Yuqiao suddenly thought of something and stopped Chen Jiajie and said, "Sister Chen, there is one thing I want to ask you for help."

Chen Jiajie smiled and said, "Since when have you been so polite to me? Just tell me."

"You also know Huanhuan. Her other grades are very good, but her English is a bit worrying. Isn't the college entrance examination coming soon? I hired several teachers for one-on-one tutoring for her, but all When I came here, I let her go away in anger, which made me anxious and didn’t know what to do. Didn’t my baby’s grades in the college entrance examination be very good, and she was an exchange student abroad for a year, and often Flying abroad, I want my baby to help Huanhuan, I wonder if this request is embarrassing?"

After Jiang Yuqiao finished speaking, she glanced at Baby, and Baby wanted to agree, but she also had her own difficulties: "Auntie, I'd be happy to help, but I'm leaving for training in the United States tomorrow, so I really don't have time."

Baby is currently engaged in dance performances. She has been gifted since she was a child, so she is also a well-known dancer now. Hearing her words, Jiang Yuqiao immediately smiled and said: "Since this is the case, I am not thinking about it. Don't worry about it, baby. Just pretend that my aunt didn't say anything."

Baby smiled, thought of something and said: "I can't do it anymore, but my brother has time. He is so smart. I was tutored by my brother when I was in the college entrance examination. Auntie can ask my brother to help Huanhuan tutor .”

After Baby finished speaking, Xin Gan, who was walking in front, paused, and instead of continuing to move forward, stood down and waited for them to finish speaking.

Hearing Baby's words, Chen Jiajie smiled and said, "That's right, most of the company's business can't be done by him now, why don't we let him tutor Huanhuan?"

"Is this okay?" Jiang Yuqiao said hesitantly. Xin Gan joined the company to work before graduating from University. He is also in a high position now. Isn't it overkill to tutor a high school student?
"Why not, Xin Gan also watched Huanhuan grow up. He treated Huanhuan as his younger sister and only helped her with her homework. This has to do with whether Huanhuan goes to college, so of course it has to be taken seriously."

Speaking of which, Chen Jiajie turned her head to see if Xin Gan had left, but she saw Xin Gan waiting at the door, and shouted with a smile: "Xin Gan, come here, your aunt and I have something to say to you."

Xin Gan walked over calmly, as if she didn't hear them at all, and said, "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Jiang Yuqiao glanced at Chen Jiajie, but she was embarrassed to speak. Seeing this, Chen Jiajie said, "Your younger sister Huanhuan's English score is not very satisfactory. Isn't it the college entrance examination soon? I want to ask you to help with homework."

Xin Gan smiled faintly: "No problem."

Wen Yanjiangyu Qiao laughed happily, at this time Zuo Zhixiu, who was walking in front, saw that his wife and children hadn't followed, and just heard their conversation when he came back, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about my son's ability. "

He is 1 assured of his son. Since he joined the company, he seldom goes to the company and basically stays at home. Speaking of this son, he is really proud.

After they agreed, they went home separately, and Jiang Yuqiao told Huanhuan the good news as soon as she got home.

"This time your elder brother Xin will help you with your homework, you must not be willful whether you know it or not."

Hearing this news, which was not good news, he pouted and said, "Mom, I don't want a tutor~"

"It's useless to act like a baby. I've already told you Aunt Chen, and your elder brother Xin has already agreed, so you don't want to be a fool again, you know?"

Knowing that there was no way out, Huanhuan had no choice but to agree. The reason why she didn't want to use a tutor was not because she didn't want to study, but because she didn't like the compliments from the teachers who came to tutor her. She, get close to her, since it's brother Xin, it's fine.

At least brother Xin is someone she is familiar with, and brother Xin has taken good care of her since she was a child, and she is not very resistant.

Because he was worried that Jiang Yuqiao’s living conditions would not be able to keep up if he lived in school, Li Yanfeng insisted on letting her go home. Every day when he came back with Zuo Chong, he happened to be a companion. Huanhuan went to school as soon as the coming-of-age ceremony was over. Of course Zuo Chong knew his As soon as the eldest brother came to school to help Huanhuan with his homework, he told his friends.

Chen Yiwu said with a smile: "Now you will run out of spare time after school. Just in time, we are going to take the college entrance examination in two months. Your English score should also be mentioned. It will obviously lower the average score of our demon king team. .”

They have been called Demon King Tiantuan since elementary school, they are used to it, and now they can talk about themselves.

Let's talk about the grades of the four of them, it's really annoying, they've been making trouble all day long, but they don't know why their grades are in the top four in the class, and the teachers don't know whether to praise them or punish them.

Among the four of them, Huanhuan was the bottom one, because her English score was much worse than theirs, even if her other scores were high, it was useless.

Li Boyang, the head of the Demon King's Team, smiled when he heard Chen Yiwu's words, glanced at Huanhuan, and said with a smile: "Brother Xin will tutor you, your grades should improve."

"It's only been two months, can it work?" Zuo Chong asked suspiciously, just two months, can the grades still be improved?

In fact, among the four of them, except for Li Boyang, Huanhuan's other grades are better than those of the other two friends, but English is lagging behind, otherwise she must be second in the class.

After hearing Zuo Chong's words, Huanhuan frowned: "Do you have no confidence in me or your elder brother?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at him, and then continued: "If it weren't for the fact that the previous tutors always had impure goals, my grades would have been better than yours, okay?" Of course, except for Li Boyang, among them, he is another Xin The existence of Gan, although the four of them are ranked in the top four of the class, it is not a joke that Li Boyang is firmly in the first place and has left them by several points.

(End of this chapter)

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