Chapter 172 The President Is In Love?
Chapter 194

Zuo Chong can't figure out the relationship between Huanhuan and Lin Yi now. Huanhuan obviously didn't like Lin Yi at the beginning, but he knows when Lin Yi has slowly changed and matured. The relationship between them is getting closer and closer.

Looking at the two of them as if they had something to say, Zuo said with wit and interest: "I'll go and see why Xiao Wu and Bo Yang haven't come yet."

After Zuo Chong left, Huanhuan didn't know what to say to Lin Yi, the two talked their heads closer and closer, and finally bit their ears, Xin Gan squeezed the goblet in his hand, eyes tightly Looking in the direction of the two, he raised his foot and walked over.

"Huanhuan, why didn't I see Xiao Wu and Bo Yang?"

Xin Gan's voice suddenly came to mind behind him, Huanhuan hurriedly turned around when he heard it, the smile on his face faded a lot because of the fright, and saw that it was Xin Gan who picked it up and smiled: "Brother Xin, Er Chong has already gone to see it. "

Seeing that Huanhuan's face didn't look relaxed and happy like when he was talking to Lin Yi, but instead had a deliberate alienation, Xin Gan felt panicked and almost couldn't control the emotion on his face.

"I see that my aunt is busy, don't you want to help?"

Huanhuan looked around and saw that his mother was indeed helping to entertain the guests. He felt very sorry and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder: "Then I will help, you can do whatever you want, don't be restrained, I will come to you later when I have time."

After speaking, Huanhuan glanced at Xin Gan and said, "Brother Xin, then I'll go over and help first."

Seeing Huanhuan leaving, Xin Gan shifted his gaze to Lin Yi, who nodded politely and said hello: "Hi, I'm Lin Yi."

"I know." Xin Gan said, shaking the goblet in his hand, signaling Lin Yi to sit down.

"The scandal between you and Huanhuan has been flying all over the sky recently, haven't you thought about explaining it?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi was taken aback, and said with a smile, "Huanhuan and I have discussed this matter, and when the right time comes, we will share our good news with you."

The expression on Xin Gan's face darkened: "You should think for Huanhuan, if your affairs are announced, it will have the worst influence on her. If you really like her, you shouldn't do this."

Lin Yi suddenly laughed when he heard Xin Gan's words, and said: "Mr. Zuo is worried about Huanhuan, I often hear Huanhuan mention you, and I know you are her favorite big brother, but this matter is Huanhuan It's decided, and I respect her choice."

Seeing the smile on Lin Yi's face, Xin Gan finally looked away, stood up and left, this was the first time he lost control in front of others, he really didn't want to see his happy face, and his What was just said.

Huanhuan has always regarded him as a big brother, and even said so to other men.

Feeling empty in my heart, as if I couldn't even feel my heart, Xin Gan tried hard to control the expression on his face, but despite this, it was still seen by others.

Lin Yi looked at Xin Gan's back and smiled. Men know men best, and Xin Gan's appearance is probably interesting to Huanhuan. It's really interesting.

Thinking about it, Lin Yi glanced at the direction where Huanhuan was, and happened to see Huanhuan looking at Xin Gan pretending to be nonchalant.

Zuo Chong went out to meet Chen Yiwu and Li Boyang, and then came in with the two of them. As soon as he walked in, he saw Xin Gan's face was heavy, Zuo Chong leaned into Li Boyang's ear and said, "What do you think is wrong with my elder brother? Why did I leave just now?" After a while, he seemed to be a different person?"

Li Boyang ignored him, walked directly to Xin Gan, and said hello, "Brother Xin." Chen Yiwu also greeted Li Boyang.

I thought that the two had already entered their own company to work, and there were a lot of things to ask their elders for advice in the business field. After a while, the three of them chatted. Zuo Chong stood among them and listened to what they said. Not long after seeing Xin Gan's complexion changed, he left.

Zuo Chong came to sit next to Lin Yi: "Did something happen during my absence?"

Lin Yi shrugged his shoulders to express that he didn't know, but he glanced at where Xin Gan was.

Zuo Chong didn't think much, sighed helplessly, and said, "It must be a matter of work. Now the banquet has started, what are you doing here, let's go, let's go eat."

Speaking of Zuo Chong pulled Lin Yi into the banquet, Huanhuan and Jiang Yuqiao here had already greeted all the guests, and walked back to Zuo Chong and Lin Yi.

"I said that there would be no banquet, and my dad also agreed to invite relatives and friends to have fun, but I didn't expect that all seven aunts and eight aunts would come."

"That shows that Uncle Feng has great appeal." Zuo Chong said with a smile, and stuffed a cake in his hand into Huanhuan's mouth, "This is delicious, but did something happen when I went out just now? Big Brother's face is so ugly?"

Wen Yan Huanhuan took a look at the place where Xin Gan was and shook his head: "I have been greeting guests with my mother just now, and I didn't see them."

Talking, Huanhuan glanced at Xin Gan's direction again, he was talking to Li Boyang and Cheng Cheng, as if he had sensed something, he suddenly turned his eyes to look at Huanhuan, their eyes collided, Neither moved away.

"Huanhuan, what are you looking at?" Zuo Chong said suddenly. Hearing this, Huanhuan came back to his senses, quickly looked away, and smiled at Zuo Chong, "I happened to see Brother Xin just now. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you and Lin Yi how you want to solve this matter?"

Hearing this, Huanhuan glanced at Lin Yi, his face brightened, and said, "Don't worry, it will definitely surprise you, but it is definitely a good thing."

Lin Yi looked at Huanhuan's smiling face and lowered his head, looked at Zuo Chong, and he was looking at Huanhuan with doubts: "What do you mean? Are you two together?"

Huanhuan curled her lips, and before she could speak, Lin Yi interrupted her and said, "This is a secret, you will know it in five days at most."

"So after five days you decided to explain your relationship to the media?"

Huanhuan nodded lightly after hearing this: "You can also say that, no matter what, you will know in five days."

Hearing this, Zuo Chong sighed helplessly: "What is it, it's still mysterious."

Since Huanhuan said otherwise, he asked Zuo Chong and didn't continue to ask. He glanced at Lin Yi, saw that he also had a mysterious face, shook his head and continued to eat.

The birthday party was over in a while, Huanhuan sent all his friends away, and Lin Yi was the last to leave. The two whispered at the door for a while before he left. Xin Gan saw all this.

Back home, Xin Gan handed Zuo Chong to his room, and asked, "What's the relationship between Huanhuan and Lin Yi? You and them get along day and night, so it's impossible that you don't know."

Zuo Chong said aggrievedly: "I really don't know. I also asked today. Huanhuan said that they will announce the news in five days, but I think the possibility of the two of them being together is really high. Look at the forbidden words." The two of them always come together to whisper, and I don't know if they are going to discuss the two of them again."

Wen Yan Xin Gan frowned: "Are you sure the two of them are together?"

Zuo Chong was stunned, didn't nod, and didn't answer his question. Instead, he looked at Xin Gan closely and said, "Brother, why did you ask this suddenly? You're acting weird today. Could it be because of Huanhuan and Lin Gan?" Yat thing?"

Xin Gan didn't speak, Zuo Chong said in surprise: "Brother, don't you really explain it, I think you are tacitly acquiescing to what I said."

Xin Gan still didn't say a word, he finally understood that sentence now, he shot himself in the foot, when Zuo Chong and Bao Bao asked him four years ago, he denied it, since then he can alienate Huanhuan, Maybe it was because he felt her alienation that Huanhuan became more and more unfamiliar to him. He thought that he only regarded Huanhuan as his younger sister, but as time went by, the inexplicable affection not only did not dissipate, but became stronger and stronger , and now it has developed into a strong possessive desire. Seeing her chatting and laughing with other men, he will be jealous, very jealous, and want to snatch her man back.

But it was obviously him who pushed her away at that time. He was very smart since he was a child, and everything went smoothly. He had never regretted anything so much.

Seeing that Xin Gan didn't speak, Zuo Chong couldn't close his mouth in surprise, and said, "Brother, you don't like Huanhuan, do you?"

"why not?"

why not?He should have said that four years ago, but it's a pity that he woke up too late.

"Brother..." Zuo Chong was completely stunned, looking at Xin Gan with a sad face, thinking of his reaction today and what happened to Huanhuan and Lin Yi, he seemed to understand a lot of things for a while.

"Brother, you have been thought too much, Huanhuan and Lin Yi may not be together anymore..."

In the end, Zuo Chong also felt that his words did not have much comforting power, and his voice gradually became quieter. He had never seen such a big brother. In his heart, his big brother had always been his idol, like a mountain, but now Like frosted eggplant.

"Anyway, I'll find out in five days, brother, or I'll ask Huanhuan again?"

"Don't go!" Xin Gan Zuochong, who hadn't responded for a long time, finally spoke, and said it very anxiously, Zuochong was taken aback by his sudden words.

After Xin Gan finished speaking, he left the room, went downstairs and drove his car out. Zuo Chong chased after him for two steps, but he couldn't catch up. He could only watch Xin Gan's car disappear into the night.

Brother, nothing will happen, right?

Zuo Chong was even more worried when he thought about it like this, but he couldn't do anything.

Five days later, Lin Yi and Li Chenghuan finally held a press conference, and on this day, Lin Yi's love affair surfaced. outsiders.

In the office, Xin Gan watched the live broadcast of the press conference, and couldn't tell what he was feeling, happy, excited, or grateful.

Outside the office, the secretary knocked on the door in fear. For so many days, the president's mood has been gloomy. He would frown even if someone spoke louder. That's why she didn't dare to use too much force to knock on the door now.

"Come in." A willing voice came from the office, and the secretary went in. I didn't expect to see the president's gloomy face when he entered, but he was indeed smiling happily.

The secretary was really frightened this time. The difference between the president's reaction today and Mrs. Qinaliang's was so different. It was said that it was a few days ago, but I had never seen the president smiling so happily before.

"What's matter?"

Xin Gan didn't hear the secretary's voice and looked at the secretary. He couldn't hide the joy in his voice. Hearing this, the secretary took a few steps back in fright.

I can't be crazy, right? People who are too smart have the potential to be crazy. The president's IQ is over 200, so he won't really become crazy, right?

Thinking of the regret and fear in his heart, the secretary took a few steps back, Xin Gan stuck to her appearance and smiled, knowing that his reaction today was a little too extreme.

"You don't have to be afraid. I learned a happy thing today. Tell me what you have to say."

The secretary glanced at Xin Gan suspiciously. Was it really just something happy?The president is not crazy?
"I'm fine. If you have something to say, hurry up and talk." This time, Xin Gan restrained the smile on his face and returned to its original calm appearance. Only then did the secretary regain his senses, but he still listened cautiously in his heart, watching Xin Gan cautiously. He took a few steps towards the desk.

"President, this is the summary report of each department for this month." The secretary put the folder in front of Xin Gan and hurriedly returned it to the original position, looking at Xin Gan cautiously.

Now in a good mood, Xin Gan doesn't care about the secretary's reaction. He opened the summary report, took a quick look, and immediately pointed out the mistakes in the report. If there are any problems, come out to the secretary and say, "Let them solve the problem." Write me another report."

The secretary glanced at the few documents on the corner of the table, moved them to the office and said that the front one was in his arms, and was surprised that today was over like this. If it was just a few days ago, or this morning, the president would definitely The supervisors of these several departments were fined, and now it has passed so easily, and they still said it so kindly, what exactly did the president go through?
The secretary thought suspiciously, and said, "If there's nothing else, I'll go down." The secretary was about to turn around and leave, but she didn't want Xin Gan to stop her suddenly, "Wait a minute."

The secretary trembled in her heart. She wondered if she was dissatisfied with what she did. It wasn't because he was suspicious, but because the president's reaction a few days ago was still fresh in her memory.

"Is there anything else you want to order, President?"

"I wonder what you women like?"

"Ah?" The secretary looked at Xin Gan's serious question and asked the question before his brain reacted. Knowing that Xin Gan thought she didn't hear clearly, he asked again, "Everyone has different hobbies and hobbies. Things are different, but women love beauty, and they will definitely like clothes and jewelry."

Oh my god, President, you are not in love, are you?The abnormality a few days ago must be because I had an argument with my girlfriend, and now I want to buy a gift, is it reconciled?
 Recommended friend Yu Qingwan Wenwen "Rebirth of the Goddess of the Night" is in PK, please support~

(End of this chapter)

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