Chapter 174 Huanhuan Likes Him
Chapter 196

Huanhuan paused for a moment, but didn't think much about it, and went straight to the front and sat in the co-pilot's seat, and said with a smile: "Thank you brother Xin today, will it delay your time?"

Xin Gan smiled faintly: "Rest today."

He was talking nonsense with his eyes open, obviously he had already pushed a meeting.

"That's good, I thought it would delay Brother Xin's time." After speaking, Huanhuan took out her mobile phone to watch and play. She is now a star in the entertainment circle and needs to keep an eye on things in the entertainment circle.

"Are you busy recently?" Seeing that she had stopped talking, Xin Gan took the initiative to chat. Huanhuan raised her head from the phone, shook her head with a smile, "The publicity work has been done, and there is a break for a while. Not very busy."

"Since you're not busy, do you have time to have a meal with me?"

Huanhuan looked at Xin Gan, seeing his serious look, not joking, he was stunned, then smiled and said: "Brother Xin invited me to dinner, of course I will go."

Xin Gan tilted his head to glance at her smiling face, and the corner of his mouth curled up, wondering if she would be frightened when she heard his intentions tomorrow.

Huanhuan said goodbye to Xin Gan after returning to the villa in the middle of the mountain. She always felt that Xin Gan was a bit strange today, but she was still happy when she thought about the dinner together tomorrow. After dinner at night, she asked Zuo Chong on WeChat. Let him reveal why Xin Gan invited her to dinner out of nowhere, and she was alone.

Zuo Chong was stunned when he saw the question sent by Huanhuan. Didn't the three of them go to dinner together as promised with his eldest brother tomorrow?Why did it suddenly become the two of them?Big brother is really true, since he thinks he is in the way, just say it directly, and he is still doing this behind his back.

Thinking of what, Zuo Chong felt inexplicably excited again. Does the eldest brother ask Huanhuan out for dinner alone, does it mean that he is going to confess his love to Huanhuan?
Thinking of this, Zuo Chong excitedly called Xin Gan, but he didn't get an accurate answer, but was scolded by Xin Gan.

Here Huanhuan didn't ask Zuo Chong about anything, and lay down on the bed very depressed, ready to go to bed. This night, the throbbing that had been dusty for so many years seemed to have revived again. The dream was the scene of her getting along with brother Xin that year. He would help her with homework, would look at her dotingly and smile, and would tap her on the head with his finger when she was disobedient. She thought it was wonderful, but all of this happened after she heard what Zuo Hong said shattered.

He said that Brother Xin didn't like her, and he just treated her like a younger sister. Later, Brother Xin seemed to always alienate her on purpose. She felt very uncomfortable, but she didn't want others to see her feelings, so she had to slowly stay away too. He, in fact, the person she doesn't like to know the deep feelings in her heart is Brother Xin. He treats her as his younger sister, but she has feelings that she shouldn't have. What will happen if Brother Xin finds out?Will he hate her, and even refuse to talk to her?
This question has been warning her not to get too close to brother Xin, and even the girl's first budding feelings are deeply locked in her heart.

Waking up early in the morning, Huanhuan took a look at the rising sun outside. She is usually busy with work, always flying around doing promotions and holding concerts. Now that she has time to rest for a while, she feels very comfortable and wants to stay for a while Huanhuan struggled to get out of bed, but thinking that she had invited Xin Gan to have dinner together today, Huanhuan finally sat up from the bed.

Huanhuan put on makeup after getting up and washing, and dressed herself up well. Now she is a star in the entertainment circle, and sometimes it has become a habit to make up and dress herself up when she goes out, even though she likes to feel refreshed. But I still hope that what I can present under the camera is the most beautiful.

It’s long past the time for breakfast. Today, Sunday, Li Chengxi didn’t get up early either. He was having breakfast in the restaurant downstairs. When he saw Huanhuan came down from upstairs after putting on makeup, he said, “You put on makeup early in the morning, you’re an idol.” Is it too heavy?"

"Of course I have to put on makeup when I go out later. What do you eat, do you save some for me?"

Talking, Huanhuan walked over to take a look, and what he ate happened to be the cake she liked to eat. Huanhuan hurried into the kitchen, saw there was another piece in the kitchen, walked out of the kitchen and sat beside Li Chengxi.

"How do you feel at school recently?" Huanhuan asked while eating. She chose a vague major at random, and gradually fell in love with this major, but Li Chengxi was miserable. He had no choice at all. If Huan chose the major of business management, now maybe he can choose the major he likes arbitrarily, but now he can only study business management which he doesn't like at all.

"It's not good. The students in our class ask me for your autographed photo all day long. It's so annoying. I ignore them and say I'm pretending. Who pretended? I can't even see you. Where can I go to sign for them? According to?"

Hearing what he said, Huan laughed happily, and said, "That's easy to say, I will sign it tomorrow and push you to get it to the school and send it to your classmates, and it will be over."

Unexpectedly, Li Chengxi shook his head: "I can't give it to them. Boys who ask me for your autographed photos have bad intentions against you, and girls who ask me for your autographed photos have bad intentions against me. We two brothers and sisters are not fools. They cannot be allowed to succeed.”

Huanhuan raised her eyebrows: "I didn't expect you to have such a heart. You are quite popular in school." Li Chengxi is only a freshman this year, and when they opened the ceremony, she was an excellent graduate student. There was singing at the ceremony.

Li Chengxi ignored her joke, looked at her and said, "You said you were going out today, with whom?"

Huanhuan glanced at Li Chengxi, and smiled mysteriously: "It's up to you, will you be at home all the time today?"

Li Chengxi glanced at him and said, "I'm at home, what's the matter?"

Huanhuan shook her head: "It's nothing, just asking casually."

Li Chengxi looked at Huanhuan, thinking it was a little strange, suddenly came to his senses, looked at Huanhuan and shouted: "Are you changing the subject, how can you do this? You have been in the entertainment circle for so many years, how did you learn?" Is it getting slippery?"

Huanhuan glanced at Li Chenghuan happily, just ate a few mouthfuls of cake and wiped her mouth, stood up and patted Li Chenghuan on the head: "Be good at home, I will bring you delicious food when my sister comes back .”

Li Chengxi moved his head, avoiding Huanhuan's hand, and said, "Just eat a little?"

"I can't help it. I want to control my weight. If my manager finds out that I've risen a little bit when I go back to vacation, they will definitely take care of me."

After speaking, Huanhuan looked at the unfinished cake with great reluctance, then turned and left.

The beautifully dressed Huanhuan left the house, and as soon as she walked out of the house, she received a text message from Xin Gan saying that he was waiting for her outside. Seeing this, Huanhuan smiled, put her phone away and saw Xin Gan's car parked in the yard the door.

"Brother Xin." Huanhuan called out, walked to the passenger seat and got on the car, looked at Xin Gan and said, "Is it just the two of us today?"

Although I made it clear yesterday, Huanhuan still asked again, Wen Yanxin Gan said with a smile: "Wouldn't it be nice to eat alone with me?"

"No..." Huanhuan hurriedly said after hearing the words, but she didn't know what to say, thinking that she felt that any explanation at this time would be superfluous.

Seeing her speechless look, Xin Gan thought it was funny, hooked the corner of her mouth and started the car.

They drove the car all the way to the place where they agreed to eat together. The two of them didn't say a few words along the way, and Huanhuan kept looking down at his phone.

Entering the restaurant, Xin Gan brought Huanhuan to a seat by the window. Huanhuan felt a little nervous, because she is a public figure now, and because of Lin Yi's incident, she is still well-known. It's not good when we get there, and Xin Gan even chose a seat by the window.

Seeing her awkwardness, Xin Gan glanced out the window and said, "There's something wrong with this place, let's change to another place."

Hearing this, Huanhuan looked up at Xin Gan, smiled, and followed him to a direction near the corner. Although this restaurant is a five-star restaurant, no matter how good the environment is, it is better than a seat by the window.

After choosing a seat, a waiter came to greet the two of them, and each of them got a menu, but Xin Gan put down his own menu and glanced at Huanhuan who was opposite.

"Is there anything you want to eat?"

Huanhuan put away the menu and said, "I heard that the foie gras in this restaurant is delicious, otherwise, shall we eat foie gras?"

Xin Gan looked at the waiter and said, "Two servings of foie gras, two glasses of apple juice."

Huanhuan likes to drink apple juice.

After the waiter left, Huanhuan looked at Xin Gan and said, "Brother Xin also likes apple juice?"

Xin Gan smiled faintly: "Recently, I suddenly fell in love with her."

For some reason, Huanhuan saw a gleam of light in his eyes, but it was just a flash, and before she could figure out what it was, the eyes had disappeared.

For a while, there seemed to be a tacit understanding between the two, but after a while, the two of them fell silent, Huanhuan glanced at Xin Gan, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Do you think there is nothing to talk about with me?" Xin Gan smiled lightly, seeing that the smile on Huanhuan's face became more embarrassing and said with a smile, "Huanhuan might as well tell me what happened to you in the entertainment circle. Interesting things."

After talking about this, Huanhuan finally had a topic to talk about, and told Xin Gan about some funny things he had encountered recently. Seeing Huanhuan excited, Xin Gan had been listening carefully, as if he was listening to a very funny story. Like a serious speech, there is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Huanhuan feels that everything that happened today seems to be quite similar to the scene in a dream. Maybe it was a dream when they were estranged before, or maybe everything is a dream now, but if it is really a dream now If so, she would rather not wake up in this dream.

Huanhuan kept talking, and when he talked about funny things, he would laugh like a child.

Speaking of the waiter finished serving all the food, Huanhuan stopped to eat. Seeing her unfinished look, Xin Gan smiled and said: "Let's stop here today, and Huanhuan will tell me when I have time later." .”

Huanhuan nodded with a smile, glanced at Xin Gan and began to eat, Xin Gan looked at the top of her head and smiled, after so many years, she still eats like a child.

Xin Gan felt that the time with Huanhuan was very good, but the good time passed quickly. After eating, Huanhuan wiped her mouth, and suddenly there was a small gift box in front of her. Huanhuan was still holding the gift box Looking at it with his hand, he saw Xin Gan smiling.

"Is this a gift for me?" Huanhuan asked suspiciously.

Xin Gan nodded: "Open it and see if you like it?"

Huanhuan was flattered, stared at the gift box in front of her in a daze, then carefully picked it up and opened it, it was a hairpin, very pretty.

"This gift is beautiful, Brother Xin, is it really for me?" Huanhuan looked at Xin Gan and said doubtfully. She had received many gifts from him, most of them were on birthdays. What satisfied her most was the diamond card, because she felt that it was given to her by brother Xin with all his heart, and she could feel it, and this time she could also see that this gift was carefully selected by brother Xin.

Hearing her question, Xin Gan smiled: "Whatever is given to you by time is given to you."

Hearing this, Huan laughed happily, then dared to take the card in his hand, looked at Xin Gan and said, "Thank you brother Xin, I really like this gift."

Looking at the card issuer, Huanhuan found that the difference from the previous card issuer was that this one looked very fresh, the other card issuer looked good with a dress for a banquet event, and this card issuer was suitable for some fresher clothes.

Seeing the smile on Huanhuan's face, Xin Gan smiled and said, "As long as you like it, why don't you try it on now?"

Huanhuan was taken aback, looked at Xin Gan and nodded, found the right position and pinned the hairpin behind his ear, and looked at Xin Gan with a smile and said, "Does it look good?"

Xin Gan looked at Huanhuan's smiling eyes and nodded: "It looks good."

The magnetic voice seemed to touch his heart, looking directly at Xin Gan's eyes, his heart beat inexplicably faster, Huanhuan hurriedly lowered his head, but heard a voice above his head: "Stay closer here, the hairpin is a little crooked."

Huanhuan was stunned when he guessed what Xin Gan was going to do. He looked straight at Xin Gan, and before he could say anything, he saw that Xin Gan had stood up, walked directly to Huanhuan's side, and stretched out his hand to help her. I got my hair done.

Huanhuan was completely frozen, and the hair he touched seemed to be electrified, so much so that his scalp was numb.

Xin Gan sat back to the original position again, looked at the hairpin she had manipulated and smiled in satisfaction, looked at Huanhuan with her head down, not knowing what she was doing, and suddenly didn't want to say what she had planned to say It's not that he gave up the idea of ​​confessing to Huanhuan, but that he wants to delay for a while.

To be honest, he still has no confidence in himself, because he is afraid that Huanhuan will reject him, and he will confess to Huanhuan when the time is right. In fact, Huanhuan likes him, right?

Xin Gan looked at Huanhuan's pink ears and thought in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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