Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 123 Leaves

Chapter 123 Leaves
"Actually Die Niang is my sister Yishen, but she has a vicious heart. She killed our mother." When she said this, her dim eyes became even more sad: "It's been seven years, I am I found out about it by accident after a mission. But she also knew about me and her life experience since then, but she still looks very careless, she never regarded me as her sister." At the end of her speech, she had an angry expression of gnashing her teeth.

In fact, I guessed this possibility before she said it. If it wasn't for biological sisters, it would be impossible for them to look so similar if they didn't have the same gene chain.

I patted her pink back lightly, and comforted me: "Don't think so much, everyone's life values ​​are different, it may not be her original intention that your sister can become like this, listen to what you said, Taoyuan Gong Qiang's coercive methods are very bad, it seems that your sister is also forced by the situation."

"Hey, I've also thought about this idea, so I don't hate her now, because I know that everything anyone in the gang does is against their hearts." This Mrs. Yaju has gone through many incidents, big and small. People who have experienced it, so the problem of plagiarism is very mature. It is a good performance for her to understand this. It is an immature mind to hate and hold grudges. Only those boys and girls in martial arts movies on TV in my previous life would do childish behaviors. From now on From one point, I can see that women's thinking in this era is much more advanced than those in martial arts stories.

"However" Speaking of this, she seemed to think of something again, turned her head to stare at me, and hurriedly said: "By the way, Your Highness, how do you know the magic song of Caiyun Dieying?"

Although she has told me everything now, I am very wary. Because of this, I have never been deceived, because I think the question is very comprehensive. If she asks me like this, I will definitely not The matter of Xiaoyue was recruited so easily, I hurriedly said haha, and said perfunctorily: "This is just what I heard, in fact, I don't know this piece of music." I have a plan to say this, I said it on purpose It turns out that I don’t know how to play the song, it just depends on her reaction, if the words she confided earlier were all because she was afraid of the song, then she will definitely react aggressively now, if that means she is still hostile to me now, And not really.

But when I said this, she was not surprised, but just smiled lightly: "It seems that Your Highness still doesn't believe my little lady. In fact, you don't know this song. I knew it from the beginning. This song was written by Die Niang 15 years ago. The peerless magic song that I created, there are only two in the world who can play it, except Die Niang herself, who is her daughter." She stared at me deeply again: "Her daughter is called Xiaoyue now, right, she is your personal maid, I saw her in front of your bedroom a few days ago, she really looks a lot like me and Die Niang."

As soon as she said it, I hurriedly said: "Since you know everything, why were you so scared when you heard the title of the song earlier? You didn't have to be threatened by me then."

"That's a natural reaction, because this song is too scary. It's nothing to outsiders. At most, the blood vessels in the whole body burst and died after listening to it. However, people in Taoyuan Palace have taken a kind of drug, and there is traction in the body. This song has a corresponding effect, and Die Niang also used this song to control most of the members. People in Taoyuan Palace will be involuntary when they hear it, and they will do a lot of crazy actions, and their spirits will be greatly shocked. It's just a nightmare." As she spoke, she began to grasp her scalp with both hands, which seemed to be frantic, and I hurriedly used my feminine inner force to gently press her shoulders. Her inner strength can calm her emotions. After being comforted by my inner strength, her emotions gradually recovered. She panted softly, looked up at me again, and continued after a long while: "Xiaoyue was fed by a peasant woman. As an adult, Die Niang didn’t even know about this matter. I investigated it secretly five years ago, and I lost the clue after she entered the palace. I’ve seen the portrait of Butterfly Niang that recorded the qin music, and the peasant woman told me that Xiaoyue said she could play the piece on it.”

"At that time His Highness mentioned this piece, I was afraid that you asked Xiaoyue to play it for me, so I lost my composure, but now I don't have the slightest malice towards His Highness, because I am very tired now, I really want to Going back to ordinary people's life, Your Highness is resourceful and born a child prodigy, I have heard about this for a long time, I would like to ask His Highness to do me a favor." She looked at me solemnly again, and said slowly: "My lady, I hope His Highness can Help me get rid of the nightmare of Taoyuan Palace."

I was stunned, and my mind began to turn. She seemed to see my hesitation, and hurriedly continued: "Your Highness, don't worry too much. I know you must think that the young lady wants to borrow a knife to kill someone. Then you are wrong. What the young lady said There is absolutely no falsehood."

"Don't worry, I believe in you." Originally, I thought of the reason to kill people with a knife, but the moment she helped me express this idea, I secretly used the electric eye to scan her heart, and there was no negative fluctuation in her heart when she spoke. , it seems that everything she said is true.

"Although I believe in you now, you have changed so quickly. Why do you think I can help you?" Originally we were just enemies, but now she suddenly became dependent on me. She won't lie to me. She is indeed telling the truth in everything she says now, and her plans are also true. She may really not be able to stand the actions of Taoyuan Palace, and she has always wanted to get out, but why did she choose me? Knowing that I have the ability to help her, is it because I am a child prodigy?So this is very puzzling.

"Because I think His Highness is a reliable person. I have paid attention to you a long time ago. I have also heard about the matter of Huang Se, the third son of the Yan Gang. I have checked that His Highness did it. He is so meticulous at a young age." Scheming, that's not what ordinary people do, so I boldly concluded that His Highness is a talented person, and there must be a way to help Xiaoniang." She paused and continued: "Actually, I knew it when you came to this secret cave. Earlier, I deliberately made things difficult for you, and I used words to talk to you in order to test whether His Highness’s wisdom is as rumored, but now I know that His Highness is indeed a wise person like no other in a million.” After she finished speaking, she pulled my hand Swimming gently to the other side of the hot spring, she pointed to a small mirror-like pool by the pool. I followed her hand to see the scene inside was the stone gate of the small cave outside. So I was following her Once in the hole, she spotted me.

"You believe in my ability so much, aren't you afraid that the stake is too high? What will you do if I fail or refuse to help you?" When I tried her, her friendliness had already reached the full value, which is as high as the friendliness of my other women to me now, but even so, Taoyuan Palace is not easy, if I miss, her Isn't life really over, so I asked her again to see what she thought.

"Hehe, I have never looked at you for decades. Your Highness will definitely succeed. If you really fail, then I will meet your husband under the Nine Springs." It seems that her plan to leave Taoyuan Palace is firm. Also, suicide is the best way to meet this kind of situation. Otherwise, the limbs will be divided by those villains, and the second half of life will never see the sun, and the life of infinite pain until the old age will not be miserable. It is terrible. , she saw that I was a little moved, and said: "Of course, His Highness has the right to reject Xiaoniang, but Xiaoniang has also been a businessman for a while on the surface, and knows the principle of exchanging interests. If His Highness is willing to help me, Xiaoniang will also live forever I will do my best to assist Your Highness in creating a great cause."

I smiled: "Isn't that just out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den? Don't you have to complete the task if you do something for me?"

She heard the words and said with a light smile: "How can this be compared? My life is free under His Majesty. I don't think His Highness will ask Xiao Niang to do errands all the time, and Xiao Niang can also spare time. Feeling a normal life, this is my biggest dream for several years."

It seems that she was cornered. It is true that freedom is not worth mentioning to ordinary people, because they have never lost it. Only when they lose it do they realize that freedom is the most important thing in life.

"Since madam has such a plan, and I am in urgent need of capable people, then I will agree to you. From now on, you will be my fifth prince's capable subordinate."

"Your Majesty, Your Highness." When she heard that I agreed to help her, her pretty face couldn't quite fit her smile.

"No, I don't agree with you being my subordinate." After I finished speaking, I shook my head again. Seeing this, she looked at me with a disappointed face, tears were about to come out, and she hurriedly said: "Your Highness, this is why?"

"Hey." I gave her a nasty smile: "I not only want you to be my subordinate, but I also want you to be my woman." After I finished speaking, I didn't care about anything, and turned my hands into my chest and left.

"How can this be done." Hearing this, she hurriedly put her jade hand on her chest, and stared at me with wide eyes: "My little lady is already a ruined flower, how can she ruin His Highness's bright future, His Highness should find someone who is so young." It's a pure boudoir."

"What's the matter, you must have checked my affairs, you know that I have more than one woman, Xiaohuan, you also know, so this kind of thing doesn't matter to me at all." I continued to reach out to grab her , while explaining.

Seeing how eager I was to touch her big breasts, she smiled, grabbed my hand and pressed it on her chest, and then the soft, warm, elastic touch came into her hand, and she closed her eyes to enjoy my whole body Caressing my heart, I also hummed in my mouth: "I haven't tried this feeling for a long time, it's so comfortable that I fell into a cloud." While moaning softly, she softly replied to me: "My little lady knows that His Highness is beside you. There are beauties like clouds, among them Xiaohuan is also a person who came here just like Xiaoniang, but Xiaoniang always feels that she is sorry for His Highness." It seems that she values ​​chastity very much, so I hurriedly said: "As long as you are willing, I will definitely not give up because of this." I treat all my women equally, and you don’t have to worry about this aspect. I will love you as much as I dote on your other sisters. You must rest assured that I will make the rest of your life full of happiness.”

These few words of mine are very touching. Madam Yaju opened her beautiful eyes slightly after listening to her, a sweet smile appeared on her face, and she said to me: "Your Highness also knows that my lady cares about chastity, but Your Highness did not despise my lady, Your Highness, you are a generous person, now few men would accept a woman like me, then my lady will agree to your Highness." After she finished speaking, she said again: "My lord."

"Then I'll call you Ya'er from now on." I laughed aloud, another talented beauty was taken into my private room, it was so refreshing, thinking of this, I thought of another thing, stopped my hands I gently pulled her into my arms, kissed her pink and soft face, and said softly: "By the way, Ya'er, just now you said that Qian'er is not your biological daughter, how can this happen?" ?”

When she heard it, she burst out laughing, tapped my forehead with her jade hand, and said with a charming smile: "Husband, you are really perverted, you want to eat us, mother and daughter?" She looked at me again. Looking at my wickedly smiling face, I said: "Actually, when I caught the assassin, I found out that my husband has a crush on Qian'er. Fortunately, she is not mine, otherwise you will be disappointed."

This Ya'er has a clever mind and is very good at observing words and expressions. She can see my thoughts at a glance. I can't help laughing and said: "It's because of this that God is helping me. Otherwise, I really don't know how to choose. You and Qian'er can't do it." They're all stunning."

As soon as she heard it, she became amused, and looked at me affectionately: "If Xi'er and I were really biological mother and daughter, who would you choose?"

Her words were obviously testing me, so I didn't even need to think about it, so I blurted out, "I'll choose both."

"Ah." She was so surprised that her jade mouth opened wide: "Isn't that a chaotic wheel?"

"Then it's only after I've been with you that I call it a chaotic wheel. If that's the case, I'll leave a mouth and just touch and not have sex." He glanced at me and said angrily, "Husband, you are really bad."

"Okay, no kidding, tell me what happened to Qian'er's background." I am very curious about this now.

"Since my husband died ten years ago, I have always wanted a child, but after I finally conceived a child, my fetus became gassy during a mission, and the baby died of dystocia, maybe God saw me In an assassination operation, I found Xi'er at the foot of Ganoderma lucidum mountain. I begged my sister Die Niang for a long time before she agreed to let me raise this child, because I had too little free time to take care of her. Fortunately, Die Niang is usually only responsible for sending messages and not doing tasks, so Die Niang has been taking care of me for Qian'er since I was a child, and this is the only good thing she does for me as my older sister." She said this, sighing again He breathed a sigh of relief: "Qian'er was very pitiful when she was a child, her health was not good, and she often suffered from serious and minor illnesses. Fortunately, she survived catastrophe and had a lot of blessings. Filial piety, this child is usually very obedient and rarely gives in, which made me feel at ease. When she was able to walk, I spent money to foster her in a big merchant's house in the capital. I usually go to see her whenever I have free time. , She is also sensible and never asks me what I am doing, hey, I am very sorry for her."

"Ya'er, you don't need to say anything, you are also forced by the environment, it's a last resort, Xi'er is so smart, she will definitely understand, but I have a question?" I became a comforter today.

"What question? Husband, please tell me?" She recovered from her sentimentality, and I found that there were tears around her eye frame. I hurriedly wiped it off for her, and then continued: "Why is Xi'er surnamed Ye? Is it the last name of Ya'er's ex-husband?"

"No, Xi'er is my surname, because the girl's name is Ye Ziya."

Ye Ziya?I was stunned for a while, and then looked at her, and I couldn't help thinking of a spoof, why isn't her name Ye Zimei, she is so big.

(End of this chapter)

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