Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 139 1 million

Chapter 139 4000 Million
Seeing me asking, the croupier didn't dare to be negligent, and whispered back to my ear: "Return to Your Highness, that third lady is the third largest gang in Jianghu, the one with evil eyes, the master of Yufengtang, don't think she is a girl , Martial arts are outstanding, and it is hard to find an opponent in today's world, has your Highness seen the sword on her waist, it is the fastest sword, the sword will see blood."

Damn, isn't the Evil Eye the main gang of my subordinate Zhang Yinlang? And to put it bluntly, that gang actually belongs to me, and I'm the boss of that gang. Xiaohuan learned a little bit from the letter, this faction is the main force of Zhang Yinlang's development outside the palace, there are 32 branch halls in total, each branch hall is located in a city, and there are thousands of people in each hall at that time, And all of them are masters of martial arts, and among so many people, there are only a handful of people who can be the hall master. I really didn't expect that girl named San Miss to be the hall master. She is only ten years old at most. Four or five years old, it seems that he is a genius in martial arts.

But after what she said just now, I found that this girl didn't know whether it was intentional or just like this. The childlike innocence has not dissipated. I believe Zhang Yinlang's eyes, he will not misjudge the person, which means that this girl must not be taken lightly. But she was really hanging just now, and I suddenly felt like teasing her.

"It turns out that she is from the Jianghu, why is she called Miss San?" The name is very strange, so I asked out of curiosity.

"This slave only knows a little bit about it. This seems to be an alias given to her by people in the Jianghu, because she ranks third in the family." The croupier replied after hearing it.

"Okay, you guys go on playing, I'll go to the second floor to have a look." I waved to him and everyone, then went to the second floor, and found Miss San waiting for me at the entrance of the second floor, he saw me go up , then asked: "I don't know which aspect of gambling the fifth prince usually likes?"

"I don't usually play, why don't you introduce it to Miss San?" The first thing I did when I went up to the second floor was to observe the surrounding environment. My look confirmed my guess just now, this elegant area on the second floor really It is more lively than the first floor, and the sea of ​​people is long, but although it is lively and looks more intense, the number of people is much higher than that of the first floor, and I found that a lot of people are from outside the palace, invited by the emperor My Jianghu friends, it seems that more than half of those distinguished guests have come here to gamble, because they are distinguished guests, so they are treated like concubines and ministers in the gambling house, and they have three hours.

Thinking of this, I began to admire my perverted father again. He knows a lot in the palace. He actually invited all the bosses of the gang under him who have only been established for a few years. It seems that father The emperor's influence and network outside the palace is probably better than mine.

I took a big look. The number of games on the second floor is about half less than that on the first floor, and the number of people is more than half that of the first floor, but it is even more lively than the first floor. This is mainly because of the amount of gambling money. Just passing through a few gaming tables behind the third lady, I found that the least one person above had a single gambling amount of more than a thousand taels. To put it bluntly, this is the real concentration of high-stakes gambling.

Walking all the way, I found that the gambling methods on the second floor were not the same as those on the first floor. At the end, I also found my mother. She was on the mahjong table and glanced at the betting money in front of her. A big stack of banknotes, the banknote on the face is worth [-] yuan, I didn’t greet her, lest she will be a mother-in-law later, because she is playing mahjong with all her strength, so she also notices me, so it’s just right, she plays mahjong Hers, I play mine, do not conflict with each other.

I followed the third lady to a strange gambling game. The gaming table was very small, and there were only eight people sitting around it. I saw that the betting money on it was all calculated with silver bills, and no one was betting with silver.

There are a total of ten empty seats at this table, which means that it is a game played by ten people. The third lady found a seat and motioned for me to sit next to her.

After we all sat down, Miss San didn't say a word, she directly pressed a silver ticket of [-] taels, and then said to me in detail: "Fifth Prince, please read the rules of the game above first. No. Hearing what she said, I looked up, and there was an explanatory board hanging on it, like an instruction manual. I also understood that this gaming table is similar to playing poker, but it is compared with each other. Like in the previous life, Soha could place bets. After sweeping through the stated rules, I also somewhat understand how this happened.

At this time, the croupiers began to distribute wooden blocks, and each person distributed five pieces. The first piece was displayed. These wooden blocks are equivalent to poker cards, but there are no black and red plum squares, only four colors, and ten Numbers, to put it bluntly, are compared to size. There are 09 numbers in total, which are more than the sum of the numbers of five wooden blocks, but if the number is more than the total, it is more than the color. Red is the largest, followed by yellow, then green, and finally purple. Every time the croupier sends a piece of wood, everyone can bet or pressurize. It is quite possible to call or give up.

Another point is that if the numbers of the five brands are all 0, it is the largest, and then start from 9 and so on. This is called Overlord. Wan Liang, that is to say, you have to ask for [-] yuan for one deposit, and the third lady just let go of [-] yuan, which is really big enough.

I was sitting next to the third lady, so I saw her wooden block and knew what the number was. She released the block publicly, and the number was nine. She pushed out another 20, and the one opposite was one. Seeing this situation, I gave up. At this time, I turned to the second round, and each of the wooden blocks paid three yuan. At this time, all the callers had raised their bets to [-]. At this time, they had given up the seven-party bet At home, there are only Miss San and another gambler. That person is a minister. I don’t know him very well. Second rank official.

This game is a bit like Soha, every time a wooden board is placed, it will be revealed for others to see, only the last two wooden boards are hidden, and the winner will be determined by whoever opens the board at the end.

Now four boards have been issued, and each of them has three boards on. The sum of the other party's three boards is 21, and the third lady is only eighteen, but her fourth board is eight o'clock. I don't know what the other party is, so just At this time, the other party didn't know if it was a joke, and suddenly raised the bet to 50 taels.

Now the fifth piece of wood has also been sent out, which is the most critical one. As soon as this piece of wood was sent out, the third lady didn't look at it immediately like before. She just moved it to my hand and smiled at me. Said: "Look how lucky the fifth prince is, you can help me read this board."

"Hehe. Since the third lady invites you so much, then the prince will do better than obey your orders." This is the number on the last board. To be honest, there are millions of taels of silver on the table now. This board decides whether to win or lose. The chair reclined to expose the board, and a small person took a sneak peek.

I didn't make a sound after reading it, and put the board back to the original place. The third lady glanced at me, but couldn't find the expression in my eyes, so she asked: "Do you think I should call, open the board or give up?"

"Such a large amount of gambling money, it seems that it is better for the third lady to make her own plans." She is the hall master of the evil eye, and she is definitely not short of money. The money I am using now is also given to me by Yinlangyin, so I am not afraid of her I can't afford to lose, but I don't know her well. If I lose, it's hard to explain to her.

Unexpectedly, she just smiled when she heard the words, waved her hand indifferently, and said to me: "Fifth prince, you can make up your mind, the money is mine, and I won't blame you if you lose, just tell me, what to do .”

It seems that she believes in me. Since she is so open, I don't care about her so much. Anyway, she is the leader of my gang, and her money is my money. If I lose , she doesn’t have enough money, I’ll just pay for her. As soon as she finished speaking, I didn’t hesitate at all, and said directly: “Reraise to 1000 million taels.” I originally wanted to say 60 taels, but I didn’t think that number would scare the other party. So I opened an astronomical number, because the third lady's hole card is 0, and the chance of losing is extremely high. Now if you want to win, you can only fight with the opponent.

"Your Highness, Fifth Prince, are you kidding me?" The other party was obviously shrunk by my large number, and he continued: "Your Highness, put the bet on the price first."

I heard and looked at the third lady, I estimated that she would have a way to pay 1000 million taels, but I didn't expect that she was just slightly stunned by my lion's big mouth, then recovered, pressed the sword on her waist, Said: "The magic weapon ranked seventh in the Jianghu, the Sunset Sword, is priceless on the list of famous utensils, and the price is 4000 million taels. I will put it on top. If I lose, I will exchange this sword for silver. The ticket is cashed."

(End of this chapter)

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