Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 26 Divine Pearl

Chapter 26 Divine Pearl
After the eldest prince Xia Sanlan retired, Xia Jian led the two foreigners to kneel down and said: "Father, my son is serving as a senior official in Haizhou. Two months ago, a small country in the west sent people to send these two It is said that the alien came from the extremely cold place in the north with a boat. Because of the language barrier, he was specially sent to Hua Ming Dynasty to be dealt with by us. I have asked businessmen from all over the world for advice, but they all said that they could not understand their language .”

"Oh, Master Kong Yu, let him communicate with other people." When the father heard this, he waved his hands, very confident.

Kong Yu is one of the two great scholars who sit on an equal footing with Mr. Kong Sheng in the palace. At this time, he hurriedly brought two disciples forward to point fingers at the two foreigners, but after a long time, what happened? In the end, they didn't talk about it, so they could only kneel down and plead guilty to the angry father.

Father loves saving face the most, if he can be satisfied at this time, he will be rewarded, otherwise he will be furious.

"Trash, all back down! I don't believe it, no one in my magnificent Huaming Dynasty can know their origins, well, pass the order down, quickly post the emperor's list, who can talk to them, reward a thousand taels of gold, brocade cloth ten thousand Drive back to the palace." Fu Huang was moved by the dragon's anger, and walked away, leaving behind all the kneeling people and three trembling poor people.

The incident happened so suddenly that everyone didn't wake up and could only say hello in a daze. After the father left, all the people dispersed one after another.

But I started to think about it. In fact, I understood their conversation just now, because they basically spoke English, but why did the British come from the north?It should be Siberia, which is cold all year round.

Although I understood a lot, I didn't have the slightest intention of going up to show off. I still understand the principles of "Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the wind in the forest" and "Shoot the top bird with a gun". Now that the eldest brother and the second brother are here, I can't be the focus so early, even if I may get their temporary appreciation, but In this palace, it is inevitable that there will be scrambles for power, and it is fine to get the reputation of a child prodigy, it is just a harmless name, but if I try to translate this English, the two imperial brothers will definitely feel uneasy , At that time, there will be unnecessary battles for the throne. Of course, this will happen sooner or later, but I don't want it to happen so soon.

I'm not afraid of them. With my brains and power, I don't take them two seriously. It's just that I'm too hasty and it will bring bad effects.

Although I didn't say a word, Xia Yi next to me seemed to have discovered something new, and secretly said to me: "Five emperors, what they said is a bit similar to the abcd you taught me."

"How is it possible?" I didn't expect this fat brother to hear me say a FOCK, YOU when I was a child, and told me to teach a few letters and words, and he would feel that it was English. I was a little surprised, and I hurriedly said: "I I don't know what they said, I have something to do, so I'm going back to the palace first. Sister Six, I'll take you back."

After walking a few steps, I turned back to stare at Xia Yi, and whispered: "Remember you swore not to let anyone know what you learned from me, so be careful that I will never talk to you again." The child still has to lie like this, I don't want to use too harsh a threat to this emperor brother.

"No, no, I remember." Brother Yi hurriedly agreed, seeing his simple and honest expression, I was relieved.

I strode out of the guard field, and a large group of children of the emperor's relatives were still talking about the situation of the martial arts competition just now.

He sent away the sixth emperor sister and promised her to teach her a few songs in the future.I locked myself in the room, told Xiaoyue not to be disturbed, and lay down on the bed for rest to think about what happened today.

Where did those two foreigners come from, England, France?Moreover, they can travel across the ocean to come here by boat, which shows that their level of development is already quite high. If I use these two foreigners, maybe I can control their country in the future.

Just in time, there was a sound of pushing the door.

"Five Emperor Brothers" came again with the same cry, the same banging on the door, the same panting sound, one knew it was Xia Yi again.

As soon as I was happy thinking about it, I suddenly remembered a joke and said to him casually: "How, old, are, you?"

He was taken aback by my question, and hurriedly said: "Five-five emperor brother, what does this mean? You can teach me."

"Okay." I decided to keep him silent. The hush money is to teach him a little English. After he has learned it, he will naturally not mention what I know. I hurriedly said: "I will explain it to you, the howler, and why. Old Those who are old are also. Those who are are are also. Those who are you are also you.”

Xia Yi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and he followed me when I said something.After following along, I suddenly realized: "Oh, it turns out that the fifth brother asked, why is it always me."

"Well, Brother Yi is really talented." I suppressed a smile, "Yeah, why are you here again? Could it be that they are fighting again?"

"No, no, the emperor won't let you beat them anymore. How dare they do it again? I'm here to tell you to look at the good things. Well, it's the interesting things brought by those two weirdos. It's beads. They put the beads in In the water, the surrounding water was all pushed away by the beads, forming a circle of water waves, strangely enough, the beads were not even touched by half a drop of water." He was afraid that I would not be interested, so he explained in detail .

I was very surprised when I heard it, isn’t it? According to this, it is the legendary water-avoiding bead.

I still know a little bit about the ins and outs of the water-avoiding beads. I remember that the hostesses in the underworld once taught me the origin of this bead.But not many.

The reason why the water-repelling beads can avoid water is because the beads themselves contain a large amount of Vals salt. This chemical composition has a repulsive effect with water, and it can melt away when it encounters water. It has a great effect and can effectively develop body functions.In my time, there is an allusion that water-avoiding pearls are the most precious treasure in the martial arts, and swallowing them can make martial arts practitioners break through to a higher level of cultivation in a short period of time.

However, the production of this kind of salt is very small. In the sea area that I know, there is only this kind of composition on the sandstone around the Lamu Islands. So where did the two foreigners come from?
I was busy looking for information in my mind.Then I said to Xia Yi: "That thing is not interesting, you can go and see for yourself." I ignored Xia Yi who was disappointed, waved him, and thought alone.

It seems that the origins of these two foreigners are not simple.

(End of this chapter)

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