Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 260 2 Great Strange People

Chapter 260 Two Strange Men
I have seen a lot of women, and I have seen a lot of beauties, but I have never seen such a special beauty. She is very special. There are ten, five or six jars of wine on her table, and she But she doesn't eat vegetables, she drinks one jar after another, and her face is not red, her heart is not beating, and she is not drunk yet, as if what is placed in front of her is not wine but water, even if it is water, I guess the jar It can also hold about five catties, and a dozen jars of water are enough to drink. It weighs dozens of catties.But it's a miracle that the beautiful woman drank so much and did nothing.

And I guess she hasn't gone to the bathroom yet, because she drank another four jars of wine without even moving her body during the time I sat down and waited for the waiter to prepare the dishes. Looking at this woman, she is slender, wearing a light green light textured gauze dress, she looks about 20 years old, and her beautiful face is suffocatingly beautiful, with a slight pink color from drinking wine, she looks charming and extraordinary, even more so. What's more, her pair of moving eyes are unusually deep. These are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Not only can she speak, but also reveals a hazy and haunting meaning. To put it bluntly, it means My electric eyes can see through what is going on in the eyes of this pair of eyes, but I think such a domineering beauty must have something very worrying about drinking alone here.

But I can't see through her inner thoughts, this is really amazing to me, I have read countless people, this woman is the first case, my electronic eyes can't see through her heart, this is really the worst I have ever seen Special woman.

While I was sizing her up and drinking two jars of wine, I couldn’t help but look at her waist, and I started to feel bad. This beauty’s waist is no more than two feet two, and her stomach doesn’t swell even after so much wine Daddy, where did all that wine go, doesn't she want to pee?
Just when I was thinking about it strangely, the waiter in the shop brought up some delicious dishes and brought me a jar of wine by the way. I saw that the wine was called Nurhong, which is a famous wine industry. This wine name appeared frequently in martial arts TV in my previous life. I didn’t expect this kind of wine to exist in this era. It seems that those who wrote TV in my previous life The script guy checked it out, and it turns out that there really were daughters in ancient times.

After reading this, I poured myself a small cup and took a sip. Although this wine is slightly fragrant and slightly sweet, it is too strong. Although the sweet taste overwhelms a lot of strongness, drinking too quickly will not be able to withstand it. Live, I really don’t know how that beauty is so powerful, that’s all, what’s even more surprising is that I really don’t know what her stomach is made of, it can hold so much wine, it seems that there are no wonders in the world, this time Really long experience.

After reading this, I took another sip of Xiangming, put a piece of beef slices into my mouth with chopsticks, chewed slowly and took a few bites, then looked up at the diner on the other table, as I said just now Now there are only three of us in the lobby, but there are three tables for dinner, and the other two are very special. I have already introduced the beauty, but the man at the other table is also very special.

This man is not as fierce as that beauty and drinks so much wine, but he is even more amazing. His table and the ground are full of wine jars no less than that of the beauty's table. There are about a hundred jars. He was piled up on the ground, and the bottom of the table was full. Seeing this, I couldn't help laughing secretly, what day is it today, and I actually met two people who can be called Dionysus.

But this man didn't drink the wine in those empty wine jars, but put them in a wooden wine gourd in his hand. In a gourd that is two decimeters high and one decimeter wide, I seem to feel that I am in a certain fairy tale. It is so out of the ordinary. The scientific level of this dynasty is so high?Or is that man's gourd some kind of shrimp artifact?But this is not an online game from my previous life, it is in reality, and besides the weird gourd, the man also looks weird. He looks like he is in his twenties at most, but his head is full of silver hair. The hair has obviously not been highlighted, how could it be so white, it is so real, like the hair color of an old man, he is really a weird person, looking at this person again, he looks handsome, but there is a faint elusive look between his eyebrows It seems that this person is a very wise person. He is wearing a white cloth shirt. There is a long pole beside the table. There is a large piece of canvas on the pole. On the canvas are written ten words: Destiny is determined by heaven Human life is counted by the sky.

In addition to this sentence on the canvas, there is also a rather large word "Suan", standing on it, it seems that this guy is a fortune teller, it is really strange that there are so many people, especially today.

At this time, I took another piece of fish into the mouth, and looked sideways at the beautiful woman again. As soon as my eyes drifted away, the beautiful woman suddenly slammed the table hard, her eyes were blurred, and her face was even more pink than before. She gave a coquettish call to the direction of the waiter in the shop, and said loudly: "Give me the top ten altars of Nvvhong again, hurry up."

After finishing speaking, I went to the empty wine jars and poured them into my mouth one by one to see if there was any wine left. It seemed that the beauty hadn't had enough. I counted the jars around her At least 24, five, what a god, she drank so much that she just seemed a little drunk, and she hadn't gone to the toilet, and her stomach didn't grow, I was more and more amazed at her. The magic of the digestive system.

These two are really the strangest, most amazing man and woman I have ever seen.When I read this, I couldn't help thinking that I wanted to make friends with these two people, but just as I was about to leave the table and go to the fortune teller's table to talk to him, the waiter's warm voice floated over: "Excuse me, guest officer, our daughter Hong is sold out today, do you want to try other wines?"

This time it was terrible, the beauty immediately became angry when she heard it, and slapped the table hard again, and said coquettishly: "Are you new here, I don't know what kind of wine I like to drink, no matter what you use No matter what method, I will give my daughter Hong today, and quickly find your shopkeeper Tang."

This beautiful woman has a good voice, and her coquettish voice sounds very pleasant. In addition to her reddish pretty face, she really surpasses Chen Yunxiao, and is more attractive and feminine than Chen Yunxiao. They are all about the same age, and their appearance and temperament are similar, but this beauty looks much more comfortable than Chen Yunxiao.

Because of her scary voice and momentum, the waiter in the store was obviously taken aback, so he replied in a panic: "Guest officer, I really apologize, the young one has only been here for three days, and I haven't seen the guest officer. If you offend me, please forgive me. Our storekeeper Tang has gone to other places to make goods, and we won’t be back until tomorrow morning. There is really no daughter Hong in the store now. Don’t embarrass me, guest officer, or I will replace it for you. The Ten Mile Fragrances that our Shopkeeper Tang treasured?” Although the waiter in this store is new, but his attitude of observing his face and smooth handling of things has indeed reached a certain level, so what about the Twelve Miles of Fragrances that are treasured, I think that’s just a lie. It would be weird if the waiter, who was new to the shop for three days, could touch the treasures and good wines of the shopkeeper.

Obviously, the beauty doesn't follow his style, besides, she is a regular customer of the Maggi Inn from her tone and appearance. I guess this beauty who drinks wine as a drink must know everything about it, so She became a little angry: "You think I'm an idiot, the shopkeeper of Shilixiang doesn't even drink it, so you give it to me? Since shopkeeper Tang doesn't come, go and call Yin Niang."

This time the waiter in the store was in a dilemma again: "Yin Niang has already fallen asleep, so don't disturb her, she will have to clean up the accounts tomorrow, so she needs to rest well."

This time, I think that beauty is not good at talking nonsense, but her face looks very unfriendly, she looks like she is going to run away at any time

(End of this chapter)

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