Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 267 Go straight to the palace

Chapter 267 Go straight to the palace (1)
As soon as I finished speaking, Yu Shiyu's beautiful eyes widened even wider, and she repeated with a half-knowledge: "Xiuxiu Sword Immortal?"

I nodded. Although I don't know whether my guess is right or not, I still think there is a possibility. If this possibility comes true, then there is really a sect on Mount Zhongnan?And the people inside can fly with swords?So will practicing this wide-ranging state of mind be of great help to learning how to control swords? Now I have a lot of thoughts in my mind, but before I confirm it, I still believe in the experience of the demon emperor. He has never heard of this. There is no skill in controlling swords in the world, maybe there really is none, and the Han Xiaozi I met may be from the same sect as Wang Chaoyang, but Han Xiaozi didn’t see that he had a matching sword, only a wine gourd, And I heard from Yu Shiyu just now that Wang Chaoyang did not carry a sword, but he also had a gourd around his waist. However, according to her description, Wang Chaoyang's hair was black, but Han Xiaozi But it is white, like a fairy. Judging from various signs, I think this matter is also half true. It seems that there is such a sect on Zhongnan Mountain. It seems that I have to send my special situation organization to investigate. I think with their investigative ability, it shouldn't be difficult to find out this matter, so as long as they report back the information they found to me, everything will be revealed, so now, I'll just perfunctory Yu Shiyu, because I I don't dare to guarantee 100%, my guess is correct.

Seeing me nodding, Yu Shiyu asked again: "Ha Si half got it, what is a sword cultivator?"

I coughed and looked at her beautiful eyes. Now I can't tell her so much in detail. After my intelligence personnel come back from the investigation, I will find time to inform her. As long as I am still in the Central Plains, read this, So I replied casually: "I'm just guessing. I don't know what Xiujian Xian is. I just thought of the legend of Lu Dongbin and made a random guess. But I know where to look for your master. , don't worry, if I can't find any clues, I will notify you as soon as possible."

After listening to what I said, she also felt that what I said was very reasonable, because she had never heard of sword immortals, and she knew the Jianghu very well from her experience. I would take it seriously, and I totally thought I was just guessing, so I didn't ask further, just picked up the wine jar in my hand, touched it with me, and said with a light smile: "Then thank you very much, come, I respect you." After finishing speaking, he boldly drank more than half of the jar of wine alone.

However, I haven't started the state of mind as wide as a sea, and my stomach can't hold so much wine, so I just took a sip to show my intention.

After talking about her mentor, we didn't talk for a long time, just drinking one sip after another. I know the reason why Yu Shiyu didn't speak all the time, because she must still be remembering about her mentor in the store.

But her appearance makes me feel that although this woman is the head of a faction and the leader of a similar local underworld, there is always a girl's tenderness in her heart. This sentence is not casual, because I have seen so many women in all kinds of rivers and lakes, no matter how stubborn and unyielding the woman's character is, she still can't escape the meaning of tenderness, and Chen Yunxiao is also like this. Yu Shiyu is the same, but although Yu Shiyu's temperament is very similar to Chen Yunxiao's, they both have a strong character that refuses to admit defeat, but they have a big essential difference. Yu Shiyu has more tenderness and tenderness in his bones, while Chen Yun Because Xiao has experienced things and not many people, she does not have this layer deep in her heart, but she has another kind of attractive charm, that is shy beauty, I can see Chen Yunxiao after being kissed by me Shyness, mixed with the shyness in her fierce eyes looking at me, is an essential part of a girl's feelings, it can be said to be a unique aspect of every woman, but some women have experienced too much vicissitudes on this side, He has seen through many things, and has hidden this side very deeply, or it has gone so deep that no one can find it anymore.

Just like those young women and middle-aged women who have gone through human accidents and love affairs between men and women, they no longer have the shy feelings of girls, but this feeling has not disappeared from them, it is just hidden by them, but it is not well hidden. It will be made to come out again, just like a three or ten-year-old widow who meets her second spring, when she lingers with her for the first time on the bed, she reveals the shy girl who has been hiding for many years. Whether it is Chen Yunxiao or Yu Shiyu, they are equally attractive in my heart. Thinking of this, I am even more determined to hunt them down Although they are similar in temperament, Yu Shiyu is many times more difficult than Chen Yunxiao in terms of difficulty.

I drank again until Yu Shiyu finished her two jars of wine. I thought she hadn't had enough, so She Yi gave her both of my wines. She seemed to have fallen in love with this Daughter Hong, as if she could never drink enough, drank up my share of wine in one breath. I looked at the four empty wine jars and smiled wryly, then helped Yu Shiyu to sit in Liang Ting's chair superior.

It seems that she really drank too much this time. Just what I saw when I came down tonight, she drank a lot of fifty jars of wine, not to mention what she drank at other times when I didn't see her , She also said that her limit is sixty jars of wine, it is estimated that she drank more than this amount tonight.

She gently rested her head on my shoulder, and I also hugged her fragrant shoulders. Although our bodies have touched at this moment, and her soft body makes me very ecstasy, I don't feel excited at all, because I Knowing that she is now willing to lay her forehead on my shoulder because she is drunk, this is not because she voluntarily leaned over when she was sober. Like Hua Qian, she is a woman who I want to get my heart, not to get people , so I want to get her heart first, so that she can give me someone too.

Now her heart obviously does not belong to me, because I said that she is different from Chen Yunxiao and other women, she is not the kind of person who will be fascinated by men in a short time, don't say that I don't have sex with her now, If I take off her clothes now and touch her acupuncture points, which are sensitive to her body, I don’t think she will fall in love with me like other women, although I don’t know if she is, But I can be sure of this, because her thinking has far surpassed that of a 20-year-old girl and has entered a mature field. If I still want to deal with those little girls who are not deeply involved in the world, It can only be counterproductive, maybe she will hate me afterwards, and then not only will my good impression in her heart be broken, but it will be very difficult for me to pursue her again.

That's why I said that for Yu Shiyu and Hua Qian, you can't make love with passion. Even if you conquer their people, you can't conquer their hearts. Beauty killer, of course I wouldn't do rape. Before I'm [-]% sure, I won't do anything to a woman who won't submit to me, unless I don't have any feelings for that woman, and she doesn't have any feelings for me either. A little attraction, then I can rape that woman, because her heart is useless to me, I only want her, so rape is the best way to get a woman, but to get a woman My heart is about to touch her with my sincerity, and I have to fully express my meticulous love to her, so that she can feel that I am a man worth entrusting for a lifetime, and this is the only way.

Thinking of this, I thought of Princess Yulan again. In fact, Yulan is also such a person, but her heart is easier to win than these two women, just because I impressed her with my talent and lightness at that time, you know , Can you make a woman fancy, apart from appearance, there is nothing more than talent, especially women in ancient times, they like talented men very much.And I am exactly this kind of person, but there are also some girls who are not only attracted to talented men, but to find a man who truly loves them. This kind of woman is like Hua Qian and Yu Shiyu. There is only one way for them to love their hearts, which is to influence them with sincerity. Although it is not easy to do this, sometimes some small things can touch them, but sometimes a big thing can't be won in their hearts. These emotional things are very subtle.

So now even though Yu Shiyu leans all her body towards me, I don't have the slightest intention to blaspheme her body. I don't even look at her chest that fluctuates because of her breathing, although her body looks like it from the outside. It is quite pointed and full, and the shape is also round. It must feel elastic and smooth to the touch. It feels very good, but I didn’t touch it. It’s not difficult to get her body. Will be fucked by me, but then her heart will never be with me, so if I want to love her, I must bear it until her heart belongs to me.

It's early spring now, and I don't feel that cold on the street, but it's a bit cold on the mountainside. Fortunately, I wear a lot of clothes and have a coat, but Yu Shiyu on my shoulder is only wearing a coat. It's just a light veil, at this moment she is already in a deep sleep, and everyone says that she sleeps very heavily after drinking, so it is true, but although she has entered a deep sleep, there are still external reactions from her body. It is probably because she was wearing less clothes and did not use internal force to protect her body, so her body felt cold. Out of physical instinct, her delicate body couldn't help but slid into my arms, and her jade legs shrank. Gently touched her slender hand and found it was icy cold. It’s not good to catch a cold this day. She is still the owner of the shop. If she falls ill, who will look after her in the shop? You can’t find Qingyalong, right? It's so cracked and rude that I don't think it will be counted.

(End of this chapter)

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