Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 284 The God of War

Chapter 284 The God of War

My design is that my ship weighs about 150 tons, is 22 meters long and 200 meters wide, and can carry about [-] people. Now we only have about [-] people, plus some emergency equipment we brought. Together they won't be overweight, and there's plenty of load left.

Moreover, the whole ship has five floors, and each floor has different functions. What I designed is that the fourth floor is a luxury room, which is the floor where several of us live, and the first floor is the equipment storage area, with emergency backup The second and third floors are other people's living rooms, while the top floor is a place for leisure and overlooking. Each floor has its function, and the most important ones are the first floor and the fifth floor. The first floor, the fifth floor has a special sentinel, because the sight range is very wide, and because I bought a lot of glass bottles during the period when I was building a bicycle, I asked them to separate the glass for me and process it into a simple type. Telescope, although the lens does not have the professional polishing equipment in my previous life, it still has a strong effect after special polishing. Although the range of sight is not as clear as the authentic telescopic eye, the visibility is high, but the telescope I designed It’s okay to look at a distance of 200 meters. In fact, it’s okay to look at a distance of more than 300 meters. Why?Because the binoculars in my previous life were good, but the people who looked at them were not good enough and had no internal force, but the people in this dynasty are different. The people I sent to guard are all elites in my team, and they are all martial arts masters. With a telescope, of course, the viewing distance is much farther, but it is still not enough to rely on eyesight without a telescope, and the distance is much shorter.

In addition to these structures, of course there are places to eat and various equipment for daily life. I also specially asked Li Yi to build a bathroom similar to my previous life for me, but faucets and toilets are impossible. , but although the equipment is a bit crude, it is much better than the huts of this dynasty. At least I added paper to use as toilet paper, which is much more convenient. Of course, there are spare bamboo pieces, which are reserved for For those who are not used to paper, I have never used paper since I was a child. Anyway, although the paper is expensive, I will not let Hua Mingchao go bankrupt if I use a few sheets.

And I also plan to make this dynasty more advanced in the future, and develop towards the technology and life technology of my previous life, so that they can all use some simple and modern products of my previous life, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and other easy-to-make items. I have already asked the people in my research workshop to work on it. As soon as those things are out of the oven, I will immediately ask my father to distribute the things to various households in the capital for them to try. The effect is the most important. I hope to popularize it, but of course I don’t do it for monetary rewards. Now money is just a number to me. I am not short of money now, but I lack fame and power. I asked the people below to put my name on those items. When the roads in the capital city are repaired and my bicycles are successfully distributed to the market, I will put all these small daily necessities into the market in the capital city. Of course, before opening the bicycles, I took some factors into account before designing and let the fourth prince's family help me Investment, this way can keep a low profile, but now I am not afraid, because more than [-]% of the ministers in the palace have been under my management, and they have all become my subordinates. It’s a big deal to talk about an innocuous thing, but now that I have the voice of all the important people in the North Korean Central Committee, I am not afraid of those things, and I will pay for my daily necessities by myself , all spread to the market, when the courtiers will all turn a blind eye and close one eye, and no one will spread the rumor that the fifth prince has suddenly received a huge sum of money, why such a similar gossip, so say, If you want to mix well, you have to rely on relationships.

Thinking about it, I have analyzed my huge Miru ship from the outside to the inside. At this time, Li Yi, who was beside me, also finished explaining, but the last thing he said about my creation The design surprised me a lot. This design is a backup driver. Our ship will always use the original wind direction driving method to move forward after going out to sea. But just in case, I specially designed a set of solar drive. The equipment, the workmanship of this equipment is very rough, I told Li Yi about the structure and principle, and he did it according to my instructions, but what he did really shocked me, although this solar-powered equipment senses The strength is not very good, but some details have reached the standard, mainly because this dynasty lacks a lot of ready-made materials, so the effect will definitely not be very good, but I appreciate that he can do this, just kidding, He is an ancient man, so he doesn't understand electricity, physics, etc., but after listening to me dictate the principle and structure, he can make a high-end solar energy device, which is really impressive. , I have to praise him as a genius. Seriously, he has not been in vain for the past fifty years. Of course, this is only limited to the knowledge of ships, and he is slow to accept other aspects. This is mainly because he likes this profession, likes ships, and likes to delve into the reasons for the construction of ship structures. It seems that he likes the same. Things are indeed beneficial, at least you will spend the most time studying this hobby.This point Li Yi made the most of it.

The disembarkation has almost been investigated, and I simply figured out a clue in my mind. If the full score of this boat is 98, I will give it 200 points. This score has really exceeded my expected index. As long as I can produce [-]% of the effect I want according to my design, I can go to sea safely, so my expected standard for this ship in my heart is [-]%. How great is the contribution of this Li Yi? He must have spent a lot of thought on my design and worked hard to achieve this effect. It seems that Li Yi is the person that Kong Yu is looking for. Speaking of this credit Kong Yu is also quite a lot. From asking him to help me manage the shipbuilding project to completing it, he has put in a lot of hard work. Of course, I have also rewarded him with a lot of money. I guess he is enjoying himself in the capital now, but this Li Yi He is the biggest contributor to this shipbuilding project, and he is a very good talent, so after I listened to his description of the ship design, I immediately ordered someone to bring him a box of gold, which contained a full [-] ​​million yuan. Two pieces of gold, this is a big reward. When Li Yi heard such a rich reward, he couldn't help kneeling in front of me and thanked him: "Thank you for the reward, my lord, but the money is too much."

I gently helped him up when I heard the words, and said calmly: "I am very satisfied with this ship. I know that you have been very lucky in the past few months of building this ship, and the results have exceeded my expectations. You deserve it, and you can do things for me in the future, and I will definitely not treat you badly."

As soon as I finished, Li Yi hurriedly kowtowed on the ground a few times, and made a vow to follow me forever. Of course, it is unnecessary for him to follow me, because although he is very good at building ships, other methods It’s not enough, let’s talk about martial arts, he doesn’t know it, but he has brute force, he has been a sailor, so he naturally has strength, so when he said this, I hurriedly said to him: “You are good at shipbuilding. Extraordinary talent, you will be the consul general of my shipyard in the future, this is a seventh-rank official position." The consul general of the shipyard is currently occupied by someone, but I can kick that person out as soon as I return to the palace Let Li Yi come to this position. Of course, it is easy to pass the test of the father. The promotion of the official position is to pass his test. Of course, this position is only temporarily held by him. In the future, when I want to use the ship, I will go to him. The biggest convenience, and another point is because he likes shipbuilding, and the shipyard in Gongzhong is the largest shipyard in the country, and he has always wanted to work there. Kong Yu once told me about this, he said When Li Yi was taken to the shipyard in the palace to build a ship by his match, Li Yi's expression was extremely excited at the time, and then he got his wish. He really worked in the shipyard and was a head boatman. Of course he did. He is very serious about the matter, and it is precisely because of this that the Miru boat he built is so perfect, so I will fulfill his dream and let him be the general manager of the entire shipyard, so that he can manage all the affairs of the shipyard. , he can work better.

As soon as I said this, he was a little taken aback. He probably never dreamed that he would one day become the chief executive of the largest shipyard in the world, so his face showed an extremely excited expression, and he wanted to kowtow to me while he was busy. Thank you all the time, I am also happy for him when I see him like this. After all, the joy of a person fulfilling his own dream cannot be felt by outsiders, but he himself knows how much joy it contains. Although I didn't realize this dream, but I helped him realize it, so I was also happy for him. I smiled and stepped forward to help him up, and said to him with a smile: "You don't have to thank me so many times, and I will be happy in the future." Just do it."

As soon as he nodded violently, I saw that his eyes were full of tears. It is true that men don’t flick their tears easily, but before they cry, a man in his fifties cried. Why? ?It's just because he fulfilled one of the dreams in his life goals, that's all, it sounds like a little exaggeration, but people who think so are wrong, everyone's dreams are different, the goals are different, difficult and easy Naturally, it is also different. Some people spend their whole life pursuing a dream, but they don’t complete it until the day they die, while some people are lucky enough to fulfill their dream for many years in their hearts in the next life. This joy is enough to make anyone excited. Li Yi had to cry, so Li Yi burst into tears. Everyone saw it, and no one laughed at his sissy. They were all happy for him, because after all, this is something worth celebrating with tears.

I patted Li Yi on the shoulder, nodded, and then glanced at the people on the shore. These people had boatmen and guards. Standing very neatly, I saw how obedient they were, and silently admired them in my heart. They really have the demeanor of my elite troops. I cleared my throat, and then said to everyone: "It seems that everyone is very energetic, very good!" , Now we are going to go to sea, I believe that many of you here are seeing the sea for the first time, and it is also the first time to go to sea, but don't be nervous, you have to deal with it with normal psychology, because the risks at sea are not less than those on land , in order for everyone to sail safely and come back safely, I hope you will keep your spirits up [-]%, don't let your mind wander, and keep your vigilance against danger at all times, do you understand?"

As soon as I finished speaking, I came back in unison, and there was a shocking response: "Understood, my lord."

In fact, what I said just now was mainly aimed at those soldiers, because they are different from these boatmen who have been sailors. They have never been on a ship, so they don’t know the risks at sea. Keep the vigilance you should have for danger. Originally, my team was not large, but now I cherish every subordinate, and I can't lose a single soldier. Strength is the most important thing.

I saw that the soldiers were very enthusiastic, and I was quite satisfied, and then I said to the hundred-odd boatman: "You were all excellent sailors before, and you have experienced storms at sea, so I believe you have the ability to take this ship The ship is well controlled, well, now I declare that I am your commander-in-chief, and Li Yi is the captain of this ship. All your instructions must follow his arrangements. If it cannot be resolved, Li Yi will notify me. Do you understand?" This voyage is of great importance and risk, so all arrangements must be perfect.

As soon as I finished speaking, all the boatmen hurriedly shouted: "Understood, my lord."

I nodded to them in satisfaction, and then walked onto the deck with Xuan'er in my arms. To be honest, the moment I stepped on the deck, I felt nervous, no, it was excitement. This was my first time. Going out to sea, I was quite excited and excited, but as soon as I got on the boat, I remembered something again. It is a big event to go sailing, and my ship is also a stunning ship. It must have a name. I read this and thought in my mind After thinking about it, he turned around and shouted to everyone on the first deck: "Welcome to the God of War, it's time for us to swim in the sea."

I raised my hands while roaring, because of my action, the crowd was shocked by my shout, and everyone followed me and raised their hands, shouting: "Long live the God of War."

(End of this chapter)

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