Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 291 Hard Equipment

Chapter 291 Hard Equipment
Those soldiers are quite obedient. My order is the highest order, followed by Yaohuang and Li Yi's. As soon as I issued the order, the well-trained soldiers quickly dispersed and took back their bows and bows. Arrows, all returned to their posts, and Li Yi was also very experienced as a captain. Seeing that the giant fish and the demon emperor had already boarded the boat, he began to increase the speed so that the Zhanshen began to move forward at full speed again. After the giant fish battle just now, the two laowai and Xia Yi also went to Li Yi's cabin to chat with him. It seems to me that the four of them hit it off very well. Although the two laowai are not very fluent in Chinese, some simple words With the exchange and Xia Yi's translation, Li Yi could still understand what they said. I couldn't help but feel a little relieved to see the smiling faces of the four of them chatting, but I was worried about another thing in my heart, because There are two foreigners as living maps, so we have directions to Frante, and Taoyuan Palace and the big ship of the second prince also have maps to go there. We are all at sea now, and I don’t know where their ships are. I think it will be a matter of time before we meet at the current speed, but I still can't let go of Taoyuan Palace, because that sect is too mysterious. plan, but now I don’t know if they have any special secret weapons for this voyage, so I am still a little worried. To be honest, I have never had any fluctuations in anyone’s strength over the years, but this Taoyuan Palace It was the first time I felt this kind of anxiety.

Anyway, no matter how strong they are in my careful plan, I don't think they can escape my attack, hehe, it must be very lively then.

After reading this, I shook my head, laughed and walked quickly with a few people to the top cabin on the fifth floor. When I got there, I saw the dark walking corpse squatting next to the giant carp, and he Around 30 soldiers surrounded the giant fish, and they were cutting the flesh of the giant carp piece by piece with knives, while the scales of the fish were chopped off and put aside. hill up.In fact, what they did was the order I gave to the dark walking corpse to do so through sound transmission with my heart, and I asked him to call the thirty soldiers to help him shave the fish. Just kidding, this is thousands of catties Giant fish, no matter how fast this walking corpse moves, it is impossible to shave all the fish meat in a short time, and if the time is prolonged, the fish meat must not be so fresh, so I let the thirty Soldiers came to help him.

In fact, they are asked to shave the fish to keep it fresh. Every time a piece of fish is shaved, a few of their thirty or so people are responsible for wrapping the fish with light jade leaves and then tying the wrapped fish with ropes. Tight, because there is no refrigerator in this dynasty, and the light jade leaves have a natural cooling effect, which can keep the meat fresh. I also brought a lot of boxes of these leaves on board this time, just to get big sea fish. Wrap the meat to keep fresh. Another advantage of this kind of leaves is that they are not easy to wither. Basically, after one spring, this kind of leaves will turn yellow and die, so of course they are durable, just keep fresh. The little Vulcan next to me I knew it, I could see it from his expression, he was quite surprised, then looked at my smiling face, and couldn't help but admire: "Master, you are really foresighted, you brought so many light jade leaves, to be honest , this kind of leaves is the best choice to preserve the freshness of sea fish."

In fact, I also read this from some miscellaneous books, of course, from this dynasty, because I didn’t have such plants as light jade leaves in my previous life, so I just smiled noncommittally when I heard Bi Xiaohuo’s words Said: "The flesh of this fish is estimated to be enough for the people on our boat to eat for a while. I think the flesh of this fish is light golden in color, so it can be said to be top-grade. I will leave the cooking task to you, Little Vulcan."

As soon as Little Vulcan heard that I entrusted him with the big responsibility, he nodded happily and agreed: "Well, the light golden fish is recognized as the best meat quality, and cooking this kind of fish requires a high level of cooking. I used to be Don’t worry, my lord, if you have cooked this kind of high-quality sea fish, I will definitely cook this fish extremely delicious.” After speaking, he patted his chest as a promise, and then called a few soldiers to help He put the wrapped fish into several wooden boxes next to him, and then carried dozens of boxes of fish downstairs, probably to the kitchen. I guessed the fish they carried. There are also hundreds of catties. Of course, we don’t eat clean meat. There are still a lot of fresh mushrooms in the storage that can be used to cook fish. Therefore, nearly a thousand people can eat hundreds of catties of fish. It is completely enough. I think today That dinner of fish and meat must have been very tasty.

After the little Vulcan left, I sat with the Yaohuang and Xuan'er and watched them shave the fish. Because there were so many people, they shaved off the thousands of catties of giant carp in a short while. As expected of soldiers and assassins who often kill people, dismemberment is also so professional, but after seeing the bare fish bones and bloody fish internal organs, I was also a little disappointed, maybe it was a disappointment, but it also confirmed a In fact, because I often hear hearsay that things that become fine have inner alchemy. In my previous life, I wrote a lot of novels about what is fine. There is something that glows in the internal organs of the fine. If you eat it, you can double your skill. After seeing the internal organs of the giant carp essence, which is no different from ordinary carp, I was a little dumbfounded. It seems that those legends are all false. There is no such thing as inner alchemy or essence internal organs in this world. Those are people’s self-deception It’s just consolation, but even so, this fish is still different. At least the meat is golden, which is super-excellent. This kind of fish melts in the mouth, smooth and tender without powder, but ordinary carp meat It is impossible to have such a superb product, so maybe this is the special feature of carp essence.

In addition, there are two other places that are very different, one is fish scales, and the other is fish bones. After the soldiers wrapped all the fish meat and put them in wooden boxes and sent them to the kitchen on the first floor, I am still standing The only ones around the fish corpse are me, Yaohuang, Xingshi, and Xuan'er. They are all insiders, so I just said what was in my heart. This fish scale, let me see the effect." I felt strange about this fish scale, so I just touched it and found that its appearance is not smooth. Why did the blade of the walking corpse slide to the side naturally when it fell?With this doubt, I asked the walking corpse to try again, and let me see what happened. In fact, the demon emperor also knew my purpose, because he must have noticed it when he and the walking corpse dealt with the giant fish, so Then he replied from the side: "Master, I also feel strange about this fish scale. I hit it with my palm but it is solid iron. I don't know what the structure of this fish scale is. It is extremely hard. I hit it with the three lotus palms with all my strength. There is no damage at all, and Diablo slipped to the side for some unknown reason when he slashed up with the dagger, I asked him about this."

Although walking corpses are half-zombies, they also have thoughts and can speak, but their thoughts are mainly some combat skills forgotten from previous lives, which are called natural reactions of body and mind, just like someone hacking him, he will use A set of their own methods can also avoid being hacked. This is a conditioned reflex forgotten in their minds, but in addition, they also have the ability to talk, so it is not uncommon for him to communicate with Neng Yaohuang. Can communicate with me, so when the demon emperor said it at this moment, the dark walking corpse raised his dagger and said coldly: "This fish scale can soften metal touch, my knife will slide away by itself when it touches this armor , can’t be cut at all.”

When I heard him say this, I also found it strange. I thought that the fish scales were nothing special except that they were colorful. I didn’t expect to have such a function. Show me the knife for a try. I took the knife and picked up a piece of fish scale. I didn’t expect that this scale is not only hard but also so light. It is as big as a [-]-inch computer monitor, no matter how light it is, it can't be so light.

Thinking of this, I put the knife lightly on the fish scales. I wanted to draw a little powder to study what kind of material it was, but I didn’t expect that as soon as the tip of my knife touched it, it was like touching the slipperiest object in the world. , the tip of the knife is obviously not strong enough, the harder I use the knife, the faster it slides, and it slips out of the fish scales. At this moment, I just threw the knife aside, and then used ten levels of skill to hold it tightly with both hands. The two sides of the fish scale, I want to try to pull it in half, but what shocked me is that the fish scale has not moved at all, which is beyond my expectation, just kidding, my ten-layered maiden What is the power of the technique? It is dozens of times stronger than the combination of the demon emperor's full strength and the five-layer power of the dark walking corpse, but this level of destructive power did not cause any cracks on the fish scales. It stunned me, but after being shocked, I was also a little happy, and then hurriedly withdrew my internal energy again, because I made a plan in my heart before, if the fish scales are really hard, I plan to use them to It was used as combat equipment for my soldiers, but now I have changed my mind. Originally, I wanted to cut this stuff into small pieces and let everyone make a set of colorful fish scale armor for everyone to wear, but now this fish scale It can't be cut, which stumps me, so it can only be used as a shield, but this is too simple.

Thinking of this, my mind started to spin wildly again, what method should I use to cut the fish scales apart?Seeing my pensive look, the Demon Emperor, who is good at observing my face, looked at the fish scale in my hand and then at me, and understood my intentions, so he tentatively asked: "Master, do you want to put these Are fish scales used for soldiers' equipment?"

The Demon King is really getting smarter and smarter. This really makes me appreciate it. After reading this, I looked at him and then at the fish scales. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, and I immediately thought of a good way to cut fish scales. .

(End of this chapter)

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