Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 298 Tempest

Chapter 298 Tempest
This huge wooden box containing colorful treasure armor is a spare box I prepared before boarding the ship. I still remember that I took hundreds of them on board. I really didn’t expect these boxes to be useful so soon. Actually The first time the box was useful was when it was used to hold fish. It seems that my resourcefulness and foresight have indeed played a huge role in efficiency.

The boxes I brought up are of different sizes, but the specifications of each box of the same size are the same. The big wooden box like this colorful treasure armor is the largest. There are 68 pieces in total. I think 68 pieces of this big wooden box. The thousands of pieces of armor in the box may be just enough, so after reading this, I told Wang Yang by the way: "Well, I think the capacity of this wooden box is quite large. How many pieces of armor are there?" I pointed to the big wooden box on the ground.

Wang Yang shifted his gaze to the box as soon as he heard it, and then replied without thinking, "My lord, there are seventeen pieces in total."

"Well, I remember that there are 68 of this kind of big boxes, and they must all be packed in this type of boxes before all the armor is finished.

"As soon as I finished speaking, Wang Yang and Zhazi nodded hurriedly to express their understanding, and then I picked up a piece of colorful armor from the box and picked it up. I tried the weight with my hands, and only heard the clear and crisp sound of clattering. , and then I found out that the clothes are extremely light, about the same weight as ordinary cloth clothes, it is really light enough, haha, and this clothes are quite hard, the defense is higher than all metals, it seems that this is a god Clothes, I took a big look at the structure and size of the clothes. It looks pretty good, and the style is also good-looking. I observed the joints and found that the clothes are designed quite densely. It won’t reveal the broken deposits during activities. Not only that, but the visual impact of this armor is also quite large. If the other party sees my taxi team in the daytime, it’s all glittering and colorful, and their eyes will be dazzled by the colorful shots. Their combat effectiveness has been reduced, and the neck of the armor is connected to a semi-closed super tight helmet that only exposes the eyes, nose, and mouth. Haha, with this helmet, except for the eyes, nose, and mouth, other parts are tightly wrapped. It is tight, which greatly reduces the enemy's attack range. Although it is so, this armor is quite ventilated, and it will not feel very stuffy and uncomfortable when worn, just like wearing ordinary civilian clothes. This is what Wang Yang told me. This is a good thing. With this armor, soldiers don’t have to take it off in the future. I think this armor is dozens of times more comfortable than the pure iron armor they wear now. Moreover, Wang Yang also said that the clothes were much more comfortable than ordinary clothes. He had tried on the first clothes when he designed them, so he knew about them very well.

Not only those advantages, but the better design of this armor is the size. The size of this armor is very roomy. Even if a fat man and a thin man wear the same size armor, it will not appear very wide or narrow. Wearing it They are all very comfortable. Thanks to Wang Yang's decades of experience in armor design, he can make this kind of armor that can be worn regardless of body size.

Because of this, the size of these armors is designed to be average. Now there are seventeen pieces of finished products. After putting on this armor, the captains and deputy captains of the eight teams have a total of [-] pieces plus the Demon King exactly [-] pieces, and if there are no accidents in the past two days, they will be distributed to other armors after the other armors are ready. Soldier, this is why I asked Wang Yang and Zhazi to put the armor in the box first. If you make one piece and send it out, it will be very messy, which is quite troublesome. Allocating the number of pieces and then distributing them to the soldiers and crew will save the cadres a lot of work.

Why do I want them to make thousands of pieces? It’s because I treat everyone here as a brother, so I want them to go back safe and sound, so whether it’s the crew who don’t know martial arts or the chefs I have prepared one for each of them, of course the bone sword, because they are not combatants, I distributed the bone sword to them, but it was prepared to be placed in the reserve area, and only let them use the sword as a last resort. They are all logistics troops, I don't want them to enter the battle, well, it's for their safety.

Now that I have finished checking these two magical weapons, I nodded very satisfied, then smiled at all the backbones present, and chatted casually about the fish-scale armor and bone sword, and then began to chop and eat Fish.

After lunch, everyone got involved again. At this time, the weather suddenly changed. The sun in the sky was blocked by dark clouds. Said to me: "My lord, maybe the storm is coming, I think you'd better go to the cabin to shelter from the rain first."

I know that this is often the case at sea. The weather changes very fast. Sometimes the sun is still shining one second, and there may be a storm in the next second. All of our ships are made of Miru Mine, and the hardness is all The metal material is the tallest, and my ship is a three-masted sailing ship, so I don’t have to be afraid of normal rainstorms. Even if a sea tornado comes, I can easily resist it. This is the difference from a wooden ship. I think the second prince A large tree like Taoyuan Palace does not dare to resist the tornado storm, so the hull will definitely be damaged a lot.

After listening to Li Yi's words, I watched him give orders to other crew members loudly, because the configuration of my boat is very different from ordinary boats. When I drew the design, I added a rain canopy However, due to some obstacles in the design of the hull, the artificial Miru roof can only be added to the open-air place on the first floor, and the top floor on the fifth floor will not work. The soldiers on guard on the fifth floor seem to be exposed to the rain. It's hard, but they are all well-trained soldiers, so naturally they are not afraid of catching a cold after being exposed to the rain. It's a pity that the seven-color armor has not been completed yet, otherwise they would have the effect of wearing the fish-scale armor to protect against rain. Because the armor was made very tightly by Wang Yang, I think water droplets are not easy to penetrate.

Speaking of the canopy, in fact, a five-centimeter-thick Miru board is inserted into the socket at a height of two meters on the hull of the first floor. The inserted board is a bit like the wing of an airplane, hanging on the The mid-air of the first floor of the ship can protect most of the soldiers on the first floor from the rain, but the waves caused by the storm cannot be avoided. In order to deal with the storm that will come soon, Li Yi is doing all professional Commander, he is a very experienced sailor, he has seen countless strong winds and waves, so he will not be afraid of such a situation, so he is quite calm when commanding.

And at this moment, I have returned to the cabin on the fourth floor hand in hand with Xuan'er. Fortunately, I designed the invention of the windshield. Even if I am in the room, I can observe the situation of a large area of ​​the sea. At this time, the whole sky is dark When it came down, it felt like dusk, and the waves on the sea seemed a little excited because of the gathering of dark clouds. They splashed high waves one after another. It seemed that the sea became more and more restless.

Xuan'er and I slept side by side on the bed, I stared at the changes outside the window with fixed eyes, and Xuan'er was also very obedient and sensible, seeing me like this knew that I was thinking about something, so she didn't bother me, just very Gently nestled her pretty face into my arms quietly, and I also hugged her fragrant shoulders lightly, stroking her up and down naturally, but my eyes never left the window, I don't know if it was an illusion, I always feel that today Something will happen, because the scene outside the window, the restless waves make me feel very uncomfortable, it seems that the entire sea surface is completely irregular, and the feeling always makes people feel a little eerie , think about it, now it is around two o'clock in the afternoon at most, but the whole sea is as dark as six or seven o'clock in the evening, and the whole sea water is beating crazily, and the fierce tearing sea breeze blows even I could hear it in the glass window, and the glass window seemed to be blown and vibrated a little.

In fact, this glass window is not made by ordinary glass manufacturing method. I made it according to the method of bulletproof glass. Although it is not as strong as the standardized bulletproof glass in my previous life, I want to prevent strong winds above level [-] and below level [-]. There is still no problem, but even so, there is always an indescribable sense of crisis in my heart now, as if today is not easy to pass easily, and something dangerous will definitely happen.

When I read this, when I was thinking about how to deal with a huge natural disaster like a tsunami, I suddenly heard the message from the four walking corpses I sent to patrol around the Zhanshen. The sound of heart power transmission, the voice came from Diablo, he is rushing back to the direction of the God of War with the other three walking corpses, according to him, the surrounding sea is very unstable now, and it seems to erupt at any time, he tried to use The power of inner strength calmed the waves, but it still had no effect. Now the waves are more violent than the violent riot just now, and I can see that the waves on the sea in front of me are far higher than my Zhanshen .

After hearing his information, I hurriedly told him to come back quickly. Maybe the waves would affect the boat in a while, so I asked him to come back and pay attention to the situation at any time.

At this time, frequent silver-white lightning flashes appeared in the thick clouds in the sky, and they were buzzing, and there were crackling and thunderous flashes from the surrounding area.

As soon as the thunder sounded, Xuan'er next to me also tightly huddled in my arms, her pretty face looked out of the window with some fear, I thought she was very afraid of thunder, so I stroked her hair gently, Smiling at her, he comforted her: "Xuan'er, don't be afraid, I'm here. You were exhausted last night too. Now you should sleep for a while. I'll call you when the storm is over."

In fact, I called her mainly because I didn't want her to be afraid. She nodded obediently when she heard the words, then covered her ears and fell asleep obediently, with her face facing the opposite direction of the glass window. I smiled at her knowingly and twisted I turned my head and was about to concentrate on watching the changes in the sea outside the window. Suddenly, amidst a flash of thunder, I suddenly saw a large silver light in the sky at the end of the distance. I could see something coming in the direction of our Zhanshen. Seeing this, I quickly mobilized my internal energy and fixed my eyes to look in that direction. I wanted to see what it was.

But when I saw it, I was really shocked. Those objects turned out to be dilapidated fleets.

And the appearance of those fleets is exactly the same as the ghost ship that Li Yi talked about last night, and the fleet that I saw in the legend of Sky Island, I read this, and I took a deep breath. The previous premonition was indeed correct, it seems that the degree of danger encountered today is very unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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