Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 305 Fight against Taoyuan Palace

Chapter 305 Fight against Taoyuan Palace (2)
So it turns out that this cannot be explained, so the only possibility of not meeting them is that they may have encountered some accident, but it may not be a storm or something. If they also encountered a natural disaster such as a tsunami or tornado I think it should be easy to solve it with the force and IQ of the people in Taoyuan Palace, but there are no other disasters that can put their ships in danger except for those catastrophes on the sea. If it doesn't make sense, then what is the reason why I haven't collided with them all this time? I still plan to wipe them all out. Now it seems that my original plan to wipe them out is probably going to fail.

But just when I suddenly thought about it, a dark heart-force sound transmission suddenly came from my heart. To be honest, I was really surprised that he suddenly sent a message, because for so many days, all the walking corpses I sent out No information was sent back, but now the leader of the Walking Corpse Scout, Diablo, has sent back a message, which really shocked me. As soon as I received his mental strength, I hurriedly supported my chair and looked at the sea five floors away. , lightly touching Xuan'er's fragrant shoulders, and then asked him with all his strength: "What's wrong? Did you find something?"

Because I have a habit when I use my heart to talk, my eyes like to look at the same place in a daze, but ordinary people can't see it, only Yaohuang and Xuan'er can see it, because they are the closest people to me, plus The Yaohuang often communicates with Xinli, and Xuan'er is extremely intelligent. When she talked with the Yaohuang with Xinli last time, she discovered my expression, so now I pretend to be doing nothing, but my expression is like this. The stunned look was noticed by the two of them, then Xuan'er looked at me lightly, and said softly: "My lord, is Diablo talking to you? What did he say?" Since the last tsunami incident, , Xuan'er is more sensitive to the wind and difficulty at sea. Now that I am communicating with others with my heart, she is smart and guessed it was Diablo, because Diablo has never echoed my heart power these days. After receiving the information, she naturally became nervous, for fear of encountering another natural disaster like a tsunami.

And the Yaohuang who was sitting across from me wanted to ask, but after Xuan'er asked, he didn't ask. He just stared at me with a questioning face, asking me the same question as Xuan'er.

I gave them a quiet wink, signaling them not to ask, because Diablo hasn't started talking yet, and as soon as my eyes came out, they naturally understood. When it comes to this, I really want to praise my wife Xuan'er. You are really smart, you can learn everything quickly, and you only make eye contact with me three or four times before you know what some simple winks mean. It seems that my women are very smart and clever, but on Clever My two waitresses, Xiaoyue and Xuan'er, I found out that they are not even alike, and they are both very intelligent.

As soon as I finished asking, Diablo's tone was a little hasty, but he did not lose his composure. He replied: "Master, my subordinates found two large ships three miles away, both of which have royal patterns."

I was delighted when I heard it, royal pattern?Isn't that the second prince's boat? Hehe, I finally found them, and I hurriedly said to him: "Okay, well done." But while I was happy, I thought of another thing, and asked in doubt: "How could it be three miles away? Didn't I send you to scout the road ten miles away? You have been there for so long, why are you still three miles away?" This is really strange. The walking corpses I sent these days They were all ordered to investigate ten miles away, and they were all in the four directions of the ship. It should be said that if the second prince's ship was three miles away, he should have found it when he went to investigate, because it was a must. As for the road, because if you want to go ten miles away, you have to pass three miles away first. This is really a difficult question, so I was a little strange and eager when I asked.

As soon as Diablo heard my question, he still replied indifferently: "Master, their ship suddenly appeared out of thin air from the sea area three miles in front of the Zhanshen just now."

This time I was even more confused when I heard it, and I couldn't help being a little surprised: "What did you say? It came out of the sea out of thin air?" To be honest, Diablo's words really surprised me. I don't know what technology this dynasty has. It's not the diving court that makes the boat dive, and it's really strange that it will emerge from the water for no reason.

Diablo answered very quickly. As soon as I finished asking, he replied: "This subordinate doesn't know either. I checked around those two ships in secret just now, and I found that their hulls are not damaged. There are traces of water wetness, and the subordinates can guarantee that their boat just popped out of the water just now, and there is another strange thing."

I became more suspicious when I heard that, if their boat really got out of the water, then there must be no trace of water in their boat, so reading this, I hurriedly asked, "What's so strange?"

"Well, my subordinates found that many places on their boats were inlaid with coded pearls. Those pearls are very strange. The boat will splash a lot of water when it is driving, but when it hits the pearls, it will bounce off naturally. There are also some weird devices on the ship, which the subordinates have never seen before." Hearing my question, Diablo replied with the same doubt.

But when I heard this, I was stunned, and all the mysteries were solved. No wonder I didn’t find their boats along the way. They were always underwater, and why didn’t their boats enter the water? It's because they installed water-repelling beads on the ship with some kind of equipment, and then used a special method to make the ship dive to the bottom of the sea, so I didn't meet them along the way.

I didn't expect that there would be such a smart inventor among their people, and they would come up with such a good idea, because the ship travels on the bottom of the sea, as long as the depth is moderate, it can avoid many natural storms on the sea surface. If so, then their ship has another driving device that can travel under the sea in addition to the canvas as the direction drive. This may be the weird device that Diablo mentioned.

However, if you want a large ship loaded with thousands of people to submerge completely into the seabed, how many water-repelling beads are needed? An ordinary-sized water-repelling bead is only the size of an egg, and although a bead's ability to repel water is good, but It is only limited to still water, but it needs a lot of water-repellent beads in order to have the effect of drainage in the area of ​​the seabed where the current is urgent.

Thinking of this, I suddenly thought of what the two foreigners said. Didn’t they say that there were fewer and fewer water-repellent beads floating off the coast of Farland a few years ago? I think the number of beads on the coast has increased now. to the same amount as before, or basically extinct.

No wonder the people from Taoyuan Palace gave up the Miru Mine to build a boat. It turned out that they thought of this trick, because Miru is hard but not heavy. Re-selecting materials to make big boats, it seems that their boats are probably made of quite light materials, but I'm sure it's not ordinary wood, because wood can't withstand the huge water pressure on the seabed, not only that, but also I Knowing the reason why Frante avoids water droplets less and less, it seems that they were searched by Taoyuan Palace. Of course, they certainly did not search the local coast of Frante, but the place closest to Frante. Two foreigners said that there are no islands around Farland, except of course the mysterious island of death, so after analyzing these clues, I came to a conclusion that the people from Taoyuan Palace have already arrived at the island of death up?But if this is the case, then they don't need to send people there, and they don't need to collude with the second prince. Then what is the reason? Didn't they reach the interior of Death Island, and Death Island has an outer island?Although a lot of secret questions have been solved now, questions are flooding in again, but no matter what, this Taoyuan Palace is really powerful, and the abacus and foot plan are very treacherous. It seems that there are not many of them. Experts, of course, the kind of experts I am referring to are not those with high martial arts skills, but masters of creation, which is what I commonly call scientists and inventors in my previous life.

Thinking of this, I licked my lips. It seems that a good show is about to be staged. I think all the secrets will be clear soon. Thinking of this, I quickly sent Diablo a mission to continue to observe the opponent's enemy ship, and then Standing up abruptly, he shouted to the generals on the first floor: "Go forward at full speed, the whole team has entered the tenth level of alert, brothers are going to fight."

This may be the first time I have faced Taoyuan Palace head-on. To be honest, my heart is full of excitement and anticipation at this moment. I think this battle will be endless.

(End of this chapter)

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