Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 319 King Foote

Chapter 319 King Foote (2)
After finishing speaking, she blinked her big beautiful sapphire-like eyes and looked at me, until my whole body became excited, and then her eyes moved to her chest inadvertently, because in order not to make a fool of herself, so Taking advantage of this opportunity, I also bent down and gave her a gentleman's salute. I learned this etiquette from seeing Thomas and the others do it. Although I don't know the status of Thomas and the others in this country, but look at this general. I respect them so much, but I think they are not ordinary poor people, they may be officials or people from some kind of family, because foreigners have many families, and these families generally have some political status. It's different from our Hua Ming Dynasty. It doesn't mean that only those who are officials in the family have power. Those who are not officials can only be called rich and wealthy. They are called members and have no political status. This Frante is different I just heard Thomas say that as long as their country is a gentleman family, that is, a wealthy family, they can go to the palace in front of the Lane Square to have a meeting with the king and have meals with him. In this regard, their king is different from ordinary Wealthy people don’t discriminate respect, they can eat together at any time, of course, when the ruler’s business is not busy, and rich people can also often go to the palace to chat with various officials in power, play chess or something, the state of their country Chess is that kind of five-flower chess. In fact, I don’t understand it. It’s like bridge, but there are 82 cards in total. I don’t know how to play it. It is always very harmonious, and there will not be too many distinctions between superiors and inferiors. This has the advantage that the common people love the king more, because he is approachable, of course, this is not the case with the current king of Ford alone. It is the behavior and customs of the past lords of Farland. It is precisely because of this that their country has never had any wars. It has always been peaceful and peaceful, and they live peacefully on this island. life, but it is reasonable to say that their country does not need guards at all. In fact, this is wrong. Although every inch of land on this island is unique to Farland, and there is no second country competing for territory, but they The biggest enemy of the country is actually not people, but the unknown dangers in the sea. I heard from Jerry that sea monsters often appeared in the Yaole Village in the east a few years ago. Later, Ms. Lisa led the troops to fight the sea monsters away. I heard him talk about the appearance of a sea monster, but why does it sound like a giant squid?But how can there be squid fish in the sea, but I think about it, since carp spirits can appear in the sea, then I am relieved that there are squid fish in the sea. Anyway, the creatures in the sea in this era are not the same as those in my previous life. Same, but I heard from Jerry that the sea monster is very tenacious, powerful, and has a huge body. Civilians will place a lot of traps in several dangerous areas on the shore. They are government agencies, but they all have slogans, mainly for those bad creatures in the sea, not for people, so no one will step on the traps, of course , not only attacks by creatures in the sea, but also natural disasters, such as storms, sea dust storms, and tsunamis. The homeland is still protected, so in any case, these civilians are ordinary people with no hands, so these defense tasks are handed over to the soldiers, so this country has a military system, it is for this reason Generally speaking, soldiers are actually similar to civilians. They are not for anything at ordinary times, and the two will not conflict, let alone the phenomenon of soldiers beating civilians. From this point of view, the control system of this country is indeed one This way of managing the country is really harmonious and peaceful, and everyone can live a good life, so why not do it, and the poor in this country are subsidized by the country, and the common people are very loving, like in When a food store sees someone who is very hungry, the general boss will treat the person to dinner for free, and will not ignore him, let alone beat him because he has no money. After eating, they will send the person Send it to the urban management soldiers, and then hand it over to the country's administrators to investigate why the man became poor, and then help him find a way out of making a living.

To be honest, I heard Jerry and the others say so many things about their country. I really admire these few things. Hey, it seems that I have to learn a few things from their king. When I become emperor in the future, I will also Peaceful, I don't like living in war every day, it's really uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, I remembered that Lisa was asking me a question just now, because there is a habit in their country that when others ask questions, others cannot answer for them. I think those two foreigners will help me answer this question, but I can’t push it, so I gave the gentleman’s salute with a very kind smile on my face, and then I wanted to learn the European etiquette I saw on TV in my previous life. Reaching out to grab that foreign girl's hand and kissing it is a polite behavior, but what made me dumbfounded was that when Lisa saw me stretching out my hand, she stretched it back like a conditioned reflex. The foreigner didn't reach out to kiss Yulan's hand when he saw me and Yulan before. Alas, it seems that there is no such custom in their country. Now my situation is a bit embarrassing. Thinking about it, I can see that my hand is still hanging. In the air, Lisa pulled her hand back behind her back and looked at me suspiciously, and the two foreigners also looked at me strangely, but my reaction was fast. When I was still in a daze, I hurriedly said to Na Lisha in standard English: "Sorry, ma'am, I surprised you. This is the etiquette of our country. I didn't expect you to withdraw your hand. Please forgive me.

"After finishing speaking, I slowly stretched out my hand back, showing a somewhat displeased expression on purpose on my face. That Lisa is also a person who has seen high-level occasions, and she has her own way of looking at my face. She saw the blood on my face at a glance. The dissatisfaction I showed was because my appearance was obviously different from hers. Although she was curious in her heart, and as soon as I said the words "our country", she immediately understood that I was from another country, but I guess she I have never heard that there are other countries in this world besides theirs, but out of politeness, she didn't show any surprise, probably trying to suppress her curiosity, but she can be considered a nobleman, naturally Knowing the importance of etiquette, and seeing the fish-scale armor on my body and the bone sword on my waist, she might guess that I am also a general or something. She knows that etiquette is more important to a soldier than to a nobleman. This is Jerry said, he said that their country is like this, so she heard me finish speaking, and saw the dissatisfaction on my face, her body trembled too busy, and she was a little bit at a loss, but she After hesitating for less than two seconds, he showed a charming smile like that of an angel, and stretched out his white jade hand to me again. Although most of the tip of the jade hand was covered by armor scales, I still It can be seen that there is a pair of quite slender and white jade hands. I think it must feel very slippery to the touch, but unfortunately, they are all covered with iron armor scales, which makes me mad.

But in spite of anger, the other party stretched out her hand, so I naturally couldn't be rude, so I imitated the kind of kiss ceremony I saw on TV in my previous life. I gently held her hand with my hand, and then pressed my mouth softly. I touched her on the back of her hand. This move of mine not only shocked her, but also the soldiers and the crowd behind her exclaimed. What I heard the most was one sentence: Oh my God, Lisa The lady was kissed by him on the back of her hand, oh god, I can't believe it's real.

Hehe, it seems that I have a good eye. This foreign girl has a lot of admirers. It is estimated that at least half of the men in the crowd are jealous, but I am a little depressed. They think I have a big It seemed cheap, and I was at a loss, because I just kissed my whole body on the cold iron gauntlet.

However, I only performed this kiss for less than five seconds before I let go of her jade hand. I found that she had an embarrassed smile on her face now, which was a very embarrassing smile, because she was surrounded by so many people. It may be the first time to be kissed in front of someone, of course I will feel this way, but I am a foreigner, in order not to disrespect my etiquette, she did not show any embarrassment in her heart, as long as she barely squeezed a light She smiled at me, it seems that she doesn't have a bad impression of me, she is just a little curious about me.

Seeing this, I straightened up, held my hand on the bone sword, and then stood in front of her in a posture that I thought was more chic, and then smiled at her: "Ma'am, please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Xia Yu. We are from Hua Ming Dynasty, a great country on the east coast of your country. I am the fifth prince of Hua Ming Dynasty. This is my eldest brother, the third prince Xia Yi. The others are my confidantes and followers. Soldiers." After finishing speaking, I pointed to the little fat Xia Yi next to me, and then pointed to the soldiers behind me.

Now Xuan'er is also standing by the side, she just smiled slightly when she heard me say this, and didn't say much, because Xuan'er knew that I was the prince not long ago, so she didn't show any surprise now, in fact, that matter I should have told her a long time ago, but I wanted her to get acquainted with my way of doing things first, so after Xuan'er gave me the first night, I told her some of my real identity. The expression is really funny when I think about it now, the lips immediately turned into a typical "0" shape. It took a long time for her to recover, but she adapts very quickly, and it didn't take long. Accepted my astonishing identity.

But as soon as my words fell, Lisha showed a more puzzled expression, frowned slightly, and murmured: "Hua Mingchao? Fifth Prince?" Obviously, it was the first time she had heard of these two terms. So while talking to myself, I looked at the two foreigners next to me in a questioning tone. At this time, I smiled lightly, and then gestured to the two foreigners, signaling them to tell Lisa the ins and outs. It's better to follow orders than to work. In fact, they wanted to catch up with Lisa just now, but it was just because of my meeting with Lisa Jiashe.

Because I think it will take at least 10 minutes to talk about this matter, which is the least time I roughly estimated, so I ordered the demon emperor to order the captains of each team to tell them to follow the order of each team. Transfer all the soldiers off the ship, and then call Li Yi and Little Vulcan to call the chef and the crew. I think after Lisa understands the process, we will go directly to meet their king, because these soldiers and My subordinates have lived and died with me all the way. I have already regarded them as brothers in life and death, so even though I am meeting their king, I will not leave them here. I think they have long wanted to get off the ship. Moreover, I arrived in a strange country, so I naturally wanted to see novelties, so I decided to take them to meet the Lord Farland.

And besides this main purpose, I have another purpose, which I thought of before, because our team is all wearing uniform colorful fish-scale armor, which is really the first time I have seen this kind of equipment in this country, so All of them made big or small comments, and most of them were envious eyes from them. Hehe, this is the effect I wanted first, so that these foreigners can see how majestic our soldiers of the Hua Ming Dynasty are. .

Because I was busy, I felt that time passed quickly. After a while, all my soldiers got off the boat, because although the port is not very wide, but my people came down, and the crowd who had been watching before dispersed. Go, this time there are a lot of empty positions for my troops, and my soldiers are all high-quality fighters. When they came down, there was no noise at all, they were neat and tidy, and they looked very imposing.

At this point, I saw Lisa, who was still listening to Jerry and the others explain the story of the disappearance for nearly a year, and I found that there was a very appreciative expression in her eyes, which seemed to mean that Said: These soldiers are more qualified than our orthodox army. Their country is really a powerful country, and the soldiers are so tough.

Although I could see the meaning in her eyes, I didn't express it on the surface, hehe, anyway, we are very powerful this time.

This time, the two foreigners almost explained everything clearly, because they are from the same hometown, so it is an extra miss after not seeing each other for so long, so they chatted a few more words, and then Na Lisha interrupted them first Continuing to chat, hurriedly led her lieutenant, came forward, saluted me with the highest military etiquette in their country, and then said to me gratefully and respectfully: "It turns out to be His Royal Highness, the prince of Huaming, The people of our Farland came to your country unintentionally because they were lost at sea, and you still sent them back to our country. We are grateful to you for your country's careful care and love for them in the past year. On behalf of our country, I express the highest respect to you." I knew that her words were not polite words, but words from the heart, and she spoke the truth, so I kept the most sincere smile at her after listening to her, which is two The basic and necessary negotiation of friendly relations between the two countries, but I am not thinking about the relationship between the two countries. I peeked at her, but fortunately, no one in their country understands internal force, so at this time I increased the internal force a little bit, and then used the internal force to speed up the movement of the eyes, so that she would not be able to find that I was peeking at her.

Really slutty, really slutty, but how can you be alluring if you don’t slack off, so now, if you want to be good, or you want a foreign girl, I keep having evil thoughts in my heart, but Lisa didn’t realize it at this time, Then I looked at the soldiers behind me, quickly showed a respectful look, and then sent his lieutenant back to the palace to tell them the matter, and she made a gesture of please to me, and then said: " Please, His Royal Highness Fifth Prince, please meet with our king first, I think our lord will treat you all with great hospitality." After speaking, he walked side by side with me to the lord's palace in Heiyu City, the largest town in Farland, with great grace. Go in the direction, and soon I will meet their well-governed King Foote. I don’t know if he is a half-old man. It’s not convenient for me to ask, so I can only know after seeing him for a while.

But what I don't know now is that this meeting with their king really made me fall through the roof.Because their king is a completely unexpected person.

(End of this chapter)

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