Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 326 Psychological Warfare

Chapter 326 Psychological Warfare (2)
Hey, it seems that Xuan'er's trick really works. This trick is called the more you fear the enemy, the more you show him, until the other party is attracted by your things, and he is very strong in love. The curiosity may make people curious about it, and I found that Lisa’s curiosity has actually been aroused by us, because she is looking at me directly, but her peripheral vision still inadvertently glances at me. Xiang Xuan'er, Xuan'er is also smart, the more Lisa peeps, the better she does it, although Lisa's face is getting redder and redder, but I know she doesn't dislike seeing such things in her heart, This is what I can see from her eyes. Of course, I can also see the fact that her curiosity was aroused by us.

Now, I saw that although Lisa was looking at me, her heart had drifted somewhere, maybe to Xuan'er, so I didn't speak, and Lisa also looked away as if she was dumbfounded. When I got to Xuan'er's side, but looking at it, her fair face had already seen a layer of blush, until she saw Xuan'er put my hand into her pants, her eyes were full of tears. I didn’t move away, I know her heartbeat must be very fast at this moment, because I can hear her heartbeat from such a long distance, of course, this is partly because my internal strength has been raised to the third floor, since I arrived in Fran Afterwards, I learned that the people in their country are all people without internal energy, so my automatic release of internal energy has also increased from the original half-percent to about three levels. My current three levels are actually the same as the previous three levels. The strength of a layer and a half is almost the same. In this country without internal strength, this level of investigation is much more than enough.

So since my internal strength has improved, my five senses have also become extremely sharp. It can be said that it is much stronger than before. In fact, if I keep maintaining ten levels of internal strength, my five senses will be dozens of times stronger. Such a strong internal force, because once my internal force reaches the fourth level or above, it will generate internal force. Although people in this country cannot see the internal force, the internal force can be felt. It is a qualitative force, like strength, The wind power, etc., did not make them doubtful, so I raised the internal force to the third floor but not the reason why it was raised to the fourth floor.

But even so, the three layers are far enough for my five senses and other aspects of exploration in this country. For now, although Lisa is about half a meter away from me, I can clearly hear her. Of course, I can choose not to listen to the frequency of the heartbeat sound. At this point, my five senses can be controlled by my consciousness.

Now I just listen to what I choose, so I can hear Lisa's heartbeat is abnormally high, and I can also see from her eyes and expression that she is quite nervous now, and she keeps swallowing saliva in her throat. The jade hands supporting the bed also had some zombies, these were signs of nervousness, but Xuan'er didn't give her a chance to slow down, the more nervous she was, the more boldly Xuan'er made bold moves, while Lisa watched Watching Xuan'er make movements, she swallowed fiercely, as if she looked like she was watching a tertiary movie, she was so focused, I couldn't help laughing in my heart seeing them like this.

However, at this time, I noticed that Lisa made a move, her jade hands were gently placed between her legs, and now she is wearing a casual dress, which is the same as the female nobles I saw in front of the king's palace. Clothes like aristocratic clothes, with loose trousers underneath, which looks very funny, but at the moment she put her hand between her closed legs and inadvertently moved her fingers twice, I couldn't help showing a bad look. Laughing, could it be that she could see the honeydew coming out of the pistil, because it might be a little uncomfortable, so she fiddled with it with her hands.

I saw this to be honest, I was a little impulsive, although the tops of the female nobles in this country are not low-cut, but her plump and round double fronts can’t be concealed by the tightly wrapped clothes. Charm, the rim of the body through the clothes is now fluctuating rapidly up and down with Lisha's mood swings and rapid breathing rate, which made me swallow hard, and Xuan'er kept talking to me Kissing behind me, my lower body couldn't hold back the laughter at this moment, and I suddenly propped up the small tent. Although my armor is very hard, it is very light, so the changes in my lower body are also revealed. Lisa inadvertently swept over my lower body which was slowly erecting. This time she finally recovered from the wonderful "three-level movie", she let out a soft cry, and then realized that she was a little out of control, and then Busy Wu shut up, and then murmured: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I'm sorry."

This time her head lowered again, her pretty face looked fiery red, I saw that the time was ripe, I unconsciously smiled, and then slowly stretched my hand towards Lisa's chin, pointing to one side Stretching it out, I also said softly in my mouth: "Ms. Lisa, what's the matter, look up and let me see your beautiful face."

This time, as soon as I finished speaking, she stepped back a few times as if she had been electrocuted, and then slowly raised her head to apologize to me. It seems that she is at a loss now It became a mechanical reply, and now my fingers froze in the air, and the distance between her and me changed from half a meter to one at the head of the bed, one at the end of the bed, and I naturally withdrew my hand. , just showing my captivating and affectionate eyes that have captured countless hearts and staring at her blankly, and she has been looking at me all the time. Now that the four pairs intersect, I find that she is obviously intoxicated by my gaze, and her whole body She kept trembling slightly. I thought it was a normal reaction for her. From her reaction just now, I knew that she was indeed a virgin, and I guess she had never even had a chance to have physical contact with a man. Of course, I was referring to this This kind of contact is a naked love contact between a man and a woman rather than an inadvertent touch.

It seems that although this general has a high position, he is a sexual child. It seems that I need to train him a lot, but just when I had this thought, Lisa seemed to come back to her senses and wake up. As if coming over, she shook her head and then looked away, she seemed to be afraid to look at my gaze, because my gaze just now caused her heart to fluctuate, but she was struggling desperately in her heart , but she has regained her rationale now, maybe it was because of the monogamy system in their country that made her sober, maybe she thinks I am a family member, and I am also a prince, so she is afraid that she is not good enough for me, In addition, there was no result between us, so I forcibly told myself to calm down in my heart. It was because of her thought that she woke up in an instant. In addition, she already had strong social skills, so after calming down , she hurriedly calmed herself down, and waited until she was less nervous when she spoke, before she said: "I'm sorry, Your Highness Fifth Prince, I'm sorry, but I came to the room this time to ask you to let you and your lady You can wear the court dress specially prepared by our country for you at the dinner party. This is a rule of our country, I hope you will not refuse." After finishing speaking, he said: "I have sent a special person to make the dress, and it is estimated to be before the dinner party. I will send someone to deliver it. Please take a good rest during this time. I will go back to my room to dress up first, because I will dress up more luxuriously at the dinner party. This is also the habit of nobles in our country. I will excuse you first. If Your Madam wants to know something about your country, I can take your Madam to visit our country after the dinner, that is, tomorrow, and I will explain it to her then." She spoke quite fluently Then she said that Bi got out of bed first without waiting for our consent, and then hurriedly opened the door and ran out as if being chased by someone. I knew she was about to drip out of shame now.

Seeing that everyone was running away, I had no choice but to do so. I made a helpless gesture to Xuan'er, and held back my mouth. In fact, I knew that I would have nothing to do with her today after Lisa regained her peace of mind. Yes, because her heartbeat has returned to calm at that time, but even so, I know that Lisa's heart lake has been shaken by the passionate scene with Xuan'er in today's scene, and it seems that her curiosity has been completely suppressed. Hooked up, I think now that she ran back to the room, the first thing she must do is take off her pants to see if she has leaked or not, haha, but I know that with her personality, she will not have sex in the room , because she is very likely to be a virgin. Although I didn't take advantage of her just now, I can see that she has developed a good impression of me in her heart, and there are some conflicts in her heart. It is my identity and family. If It’s not these two points, I think I had the opportunity to give her up just now, because she may have moved her heart now, but she is very concerned about these two points, so she deliberately keeps a distance from me, I read this, in I thought to myself, it seems that if you want to conquer this foreign girl, you must first let her accept the custom of polygamy.

At this time, Xuan'er saw that I was a little helpless and disappointed, so she smiled lightly, tapped the tip of my nose with her jade hand, and said with a sweet smile: "Young master, don't rush to eat hot tofu, let me see , that Lisa is not such a casual woman, she may still be a virgin like Xuan'er not long ago, I think you should impress her with your true feelings, this girl is very good, I would like to be with her Sister, it’s just that her language is so difficult to understand, when will you teach me?” After finishing speaking, Xuan’er pouted her pink lips at me coquettishly, and when I saw this, I couldn’t help but feel passionate again, and I pushed her hard. Pressed on the bed, then moved my mouth to her ear and whispered; "Okay, I will definitely teach you to speak their country's language, but well, now I will teach you how to treat your husband first." After finishing speaking, I turned my hands into palms and gently He pressed her breasts tightly, and with a wicked smile on his lips, he pounced on her again.

"Oh, my son is so itchy, be gentle, oh, um, be gentle, hehe." Immediately afterwards, Xuan'er's sweet voice came out, and then the big bed creaked, of course It is also mixed with Xuan'er's soul-stirring roar

(End of this chapter)

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