Chapter 331

I cleared my throat, looked straight at King Foote, and then said loudly in English with a smile: "Actually, it is our honor to be able to come to your country. We are thankful, because there are many risks on board, and we are very happy to be able to reach us safely, and King Foote made a special trip to hold this dinner for us this time, and we thank you Zhong, on behalf of Hua Mingchao Youzhong. King Ford's hospitality." My words were filled with emotion, full of flattery, and endless talk, but they were greeted with thunderous applause. It seems that foreigners also like to play politely. I sat down, and while I was sitting, I took a meaningful look at King Foot, and I found that she was also looking at me, her eyes were full of approval, it seemed that she had a good impression of me, and there was tenderness in her eyes , I was so excited when I saw it, hey, this king is such a superb beauty, he is not married yet, maybe because of the lord of a country, I heard Lisa said that their kings of all dynasties were all women, and most of them were in the Only get married after 40 years old, because this will not affect the state affairs. Now this husband is only 24 years old. This age is really the late age of wanting a man. I think she must also want a man very much. Unfortunately, the lord of a country only Be patient, hey, it seems that it is not easy for a woman to be a king.

At this moment, both Xia Yi and I had finished our speeches, and then the secretary shouted: "The respectful words of the two princes are really full of national friendship, which makes us deeply feel the friendship of the Hua Ming Dynasty. Next, let's invite our country to come back with luck. The two noblemen, Jerry and Mr. Thomas, spoke." After the minister's words, there was another round of applause, but the applause was obviously much weaker. It seems that their identities are very different from mine. Quite a bit, I think most of the people who didn’t applaud were nobles from other towns, because only nobles from outer cities don’t know them. I think the local nobles in Black Feather City must welcome them very much. I heard from Lisa that Thomas had a good relationship with the court. Basically, all the local nobles were friends with him regardless of their official rank. As for Jerry, because he was younger, he just joined the political affairs not long ago. , so the network is not so wide, but because he is usually friendly and humble to others, and he also met many people when he followed Thomas to work as a scribe in the Sage Tower. Although his noble friends are not as many as his uncle Thomas, But the word of mouth in the court is also very good, so I think the applause they get is the applause of their friends.

At this time, the two foreigners who had been with me for nearly a year also stood up straight after hearing the words. Because they are locals and local nobles, they naturally understand court etiquette, so when they got up, they first I made a gentleman's salute to King Foote, and then I made a flat belly salute in the direction of the nobles, and then I started talking about respect words one by one, but their respect words are also kind of polite words, anyway It is to praise our country for treating them well and treating them like relatives, and then praise our country for its vast land, resources, resources, and talents, and finally thank everyone in Farland for hosting such a grand dinner to welcome them. They deeply appreciate it. After they finished speaking, Jerry’s parents also stood up and gave me a toast, and toasted me with a glass of their local wine. It’s also strange about their country, because I found out when I came in that this long Every other distance on the table is a small bottle of self-sufficient grape wine, and there are also wine glasses, but the table has no dishes, which makes me very depressed. I am very, definitely, quite hungry now , they don’t serve food, they only serve wine, which is really weird, and there is no fruit on the table except wine, which is completely different from the customs of our Huaming Dynasty. You must know that good wine is good at banquets in our country Vegetables and fruits are all available, and everyone can eat whatever they want, but the fact that they have only wine on the table and nothing else really makes me very depressed.

So after I had a drink with Jerry's parents, while the secretary was whispering to King Ford again, I asked Lisa next to me again, this time really puzzled and asked: "Why does the dinner party start?" By the way, I haven't seen fruit dishes coming up yet, is this how your banquets are usually held?"

When Lisa heard it, she subconsciously looked at my belly-wrenching hand, and said with a smile: "Why, is Your Highness the Fifth Prince hungry? Haha, actually, you should eat something to fill your belly this afternoon. We Although the country doesn't have any special products, the wine we make from our own grain is exceptionally sweet, and the wine served at this dinner is not the kind of pure wine from a restaurant in the same outer city, it is the best wine from inside the palace. The food maker personally made it, and we are usually lucky enough to drink it at banquets. Isn't it very pure and sweet?

After finishing speaking, she pointed to Jerry on the opposite side, one of the black-bearded middle-aged foreigners on Thomas's table and said: "He is the best grain and wine master in our country, Peter. Look, his official rank is the sixth rank, because the wine in our country is very sweet, but there are not many excellent grain and wine masters, so after tens of thousands of candidates for grain masters, Peter was selected for him He has become the number one grain and wine maker in the court and even in the country. The wine for this dinner is the wine that he has preserved in the wine cellar for five years, dry snake red, which we can't drink in ordinary banquets. This is the largest banquet in the country. King Foote is very happy, so he ordered Peter to bring out our best wine to entertain your highness. Serving the wine first is one of the etiquettes in our country. It means showing respect. Don't worry. , the dishes will be served in a while. "After finishing speaking, she smiled lightly again, then shook the fine wine in the wine glass in her hand, gently sipped the bloody red wine in the wine glass with her soft lips in a state of intoxication, and then shook her head with endless thoughts, He praised it greatly: "It's really delicious. "

It's a pity, I don't like wine very much. I didn't like to drink so many fine wines in our Yushanfang in the palace. It's just that I met the Demon Queen later, because he likes to drink strong wine, so I drank with him twice. , so now I can only have a little interest in spirits, like sometimes I drink a little bit when I have nothing to do, but I don’t drink a lot. Even so, I still have a little research on wine. In fact, I always think that wine is a kind of wine that can slow down The drink of the state of mind, not the wine, is an elegant drink. Because no one in our country can make wine from grains in the Huaming Dynasty, so the palace is usually not able to drink this kind of grape wine. Now I have a drink The best dry snake red in their country does taste much purer and sweeter than the dry red that has been infiltrated with water and added hemoglobin in my previous life. The wine is good wine, and I drank two more glasses. But there is no appetizer, which is actually not good. In fact, this wine is really sweet without too much bitterness, and this wine is made of pure natural artificial food. Speaking of which, Peter's craftsmanship is really extraordinary , It feels much purer than the wine in France, the romantic capital of my previous life. Although I have never drank authentic French famous wine, I have seen its grain production method and ingredients, and I have analyzed its taste. , I feel that the super expensive wine made in [-] is much worse than that made by Peter Liang, and this dry snake red has only been stored for five years, which shows that this technology is really the most important.

Just because the wine is delicious, I found that both Xuan'er and Xia Yi drank a lot. Xuan'er is even more powerful. She has such an amazing capacity for drinking. After drinking one cup after another, it seems that she is starving and wants to use wine as food Stomach, so I quickly whispered to her in Chinese: "Xuan'er, don't drink too much, this wine has a very strong aftertaste, don't get drunk when the dishes are served, it's so embarrassing then .”

But after I finished speaking, Xuan'er smiled sweetly and said: "My lord, don't worry, I can drink a lot. I used to drink a jar of Nurhong in one go. I don't want to get drunk with this wine." , but this wine is really delicious, I have never drunk it before, is it really made of grapes?"

She seemed to be asking a hundred thousand reasons, so I could only nod my head slightly and smile at her: "Then keep a good balance and don't drink too much."

After she heard what I said, of course she nodded obediently. In fact, I also know that Xuan'er has a lot of alcohol. In the last few celebrations on the boat, Xuan'er drank a lot of wine. The imperial wine that I brought out from the palace is quite pure, but I thought about it at the beginning, because the soldiers are all hot-blooded men, and I said that the soft and strong wine is too inconsistent with their masculine temperament, so I specially ordered it. I brought a few large boxes of the kind of spirits that the demon emperor loves to drink. I didn’t expect that I remembered that Xuan’er drank several bottles by himself. If the internal force forces the alcohol out of the body, I think that I will be drunk after drinking half a bottle of that strong wine, so sometimes when I want to drink, I just take a few sips to get over the excitement of the burning fire piercing my heart.

It seems that Xuan'er may not get drunk. Although the wine has a strong stamina, but this kind of wine is not high in alcohol, and Xuan'er's behavior is very measured, I think she will master it. So I let her go. After taking care of Xuan'er's side, I saw that after drinking three cups, Xia Yi touched his stomach and stopped drinking. It seems that he may also be starving to death, or thirsty Yes, drinking wine like water, but he may have noticed the problem of the strong alcohol of this wine, maybe it was also when he chatted with the old couple that they mentioned the alcohol of the wine, so he drank three bottles Enough is enough, I don't drink any more, this deserves my appreciation, I have been saying that Xia Yi is much more mature, this is not a lie, although he still looks very small, and he is a little bit a little bit old because he stayed in the palace for a long time Introverted and shy, but his mental age has indeed matured a lot, and he has a proper way of doing things, so I don't care about him anymore. He can drink as much as he wants. I think he can control himself. When he thinks of this wine , I thought of the demon king who loves to drink, so after reading this, I turned around and glanced at the table he was sitting at. There are at least twenty bottles of this wine, and the captains are drinking one cup after another. Hey, an alcoholic is an alcoholic. I can’t help him, but I don’t think he will get drunk no matter how much he drinks. One point is the same as what people in my previous life said about beer. If you drink too much, you will pee. Anyway, it tastes like drinking water. No matter how much you drink, you will not get drunk. There must be a certain amount, otherwise he will complain that he didn't drink well.

Now, after listening to Lisa's words, I also fully understood, because wine is one of the specialties of this country, and because we are distinguished guests from a foreign country, of course they want to treat us graciously, so I will go to their country first. Give us the best wine, one is to show respect, and the other is to show their enthusiasm.

At this time, I thought of this, and found that the second whisper between the master of ceremonies and King Foote had also ended. I thought that the polite cutscenes were over now, and it might be time to serve the food. At this time, the master of ceremonies on the right bowed his head again The posture changed to chest up and head up, and then took another step forward, and began to read out their King Foote's instructions just now: "Now before the dinner and the show, we will listen to King Foote's honorific speech."

As soon as I heard it, I couldn't help but leaned in my heart, and still respectful words?It's endless, my stomach is protesting strongly now, but it's not impossible to protest. King Foote is the lord of a country, so she naturally has to say a few words. It seems that she can only wait for her to finish talking. Let’s go first, but actually listening to her talk is also a pleasure, so my complaint is not too strong, because when I met him for the first time in the afternoon, she talked, and I still miss her beautiful voice , is really quite perfect just like her appearance and temperament, listening to her talk is like listening to a very beautiful song, people are unconsciously fascinated into it, so when I read this, I also feel that my stomach suddenly twitches So hungry, this may be the psychological effect that people often say.

At this moment, as soon as the master of ceremonies finished speaking, the whole hall burst into violent applause. To be honest, the sound of more than 6 people applauding at the same time was really shocking. I think my eardrums will be numb from the shock. I really don't know how those nobles who don't understand internal strength can bear it. Is it because the legendary habit has become natural?But they're just fine, Xia Yi can bear it, his internal energy is very low, but even though he is low, I also found that this little clever ghost really brought up that insignificant internal energy to resist the loud noise, but Xuan Er is much better. She is poor in martial arts now, and her internal strength is low, but in this country, I think her martial arts may become the best in the world in this country. Her internal strength is naturally more than enough to mourn the loud applause. up.

When the applause reached its climax, King Foot slowly raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then stood up slowly. At this time, the two maids behind her helped her put the cloak back on. It concentrated on her body again, and the already turbulent sky became even more turbulent and undulating in the arc driven by her when she stood up.

Reading this, I couldn't help staring at her big breasts, couldn't help but licked the corners of my mouth, and gave a smirk, but Lisa saw my action, this is my sixth I felt it, so I turned my head abruptly and looked at Lisa. I found that her pretty face turned pink when I stared at her, and then turned her head away as if her eyes flickered. Somewhat at a loss, I could tell that her expressions and movements were deeply avoiding my gaze, but I could see the longing and tenderness in her eyes. Could it be that this beautiful foreign girl is in love with her?

Hehe, that's a great thing, so I looked at her unsteady eyes, and couldn't help but admiringly focus my eyes on the two big breasts on her chest that are not inferior to King Ford.

(End of this chapter)

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