Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 334 God of Cookery

Chapter 334 God of Cookery (3)
At this time, because Lisa couldn't understand our words, but seeing our expressions of joking, she felt a wave in her heart. This wave was caused by me to test her on purpose. I didn't expect it to be as expected. Tiaopei just wanted to see how she would react in her heart, but it was exactly the same as I thought. This little foreign girl was actually a little unhappy, and there were two words clearly written in her heart: jealous.

Of course, this jealousy is not the other jealousy. Her jealousy is very complicated, but it is not because she likes me and she is jealous when she sees me joking with Xuaner, but because she feels a kind of inexplicable jealousy. I can’t explain this. In short, she just started to care Me, of course, this can be regarded as falling in love with me. It seems very contradictory, but in fact it is not contradictory at all. I said that she is not jealous because she likes me, but because she likes me. It just means that Now she just has a little feeling of liking for me, that is, one ten-thousandth of her heart is a little moved, but this liking is not strong, but it has also begun. I think as time goes by, this liking will deepen. My heart will be greatly opened for me.

So now it's time for me to act. When I see her like this, of course I have to use sweet words to make her like me more in her heart. He looked at her, and then said abruptly, "Ms. Lisa, the meal hasn't started yet anyway, would you like to listen to me tell you a story about going to the Lantern Festival in our country?"

Her big round eyes widened when she heard that, she definitely didn't expect that I would take the initiative to tell her a story, this time, the atmosphere between me and her immediately became much more relaxed, and she also looked happy Nodding his head, he hurriedly asked curiously: "Lantern Festival? What is that?"

Some people have said that the topic of inspiring each other's curiosity is the opening stone to get acquainted with someone who is not familiar with it, so now my opening stone has obviously played a role in Lisa, so I heard that she became interested, and I didn't realize it. I was happy, and slowly told her the stories and some legends about our country’s annual lantern festival. At this time, Xuan’er also raised her head from the table and leaned over to listen, because the stories I told were from my previous life at the story fair. The fairy tale I saw, so it was very vivid and interesting to tell. I heard the two beauties fluctuate with the plot of the story, and their emotions also fluctuated. They gradually became interested, especially when Lisa listened to my story. After the first story, I was very excited about the rich cultural heritage of our country, and I was vying for me to tell a few more, because she was so fascinating, I felt happy when I saw it, hehe, this is what I want , so I also struck while the iron was hot and asked about some interesting stories about their country's legends and festivals. This time, the distance between me and her became a little closer. From the initial question I asked her to answer, we chatted with each other like friends, At this time, there was no barrier between us at all, and soon we chatted happily, Xuan'er, she won't be jealous, but she knows that I want to date this foreign girl, and she also knows that I am now We were having a date, so it helped us get closer, and our conversation became a conversation between her and Lisa. In just ten minutes, the two of them became sisters soon. Yes, the conversation is quite speculative. This is mainly because Xuan'er is smart and knows how to speak to arouse the interest of the other party. These advantages are all learned from me, which shows that she has a high understanding. Of course, because There was a language barrier, so I sat in the middle and translated for them. Of course, it would be inconvenient to go on like this, so Xuaner asked Lisa to teach him English, and he taught Lisa to speak Chinese. Both beauties agreed, now, what, On the contrary, I have no words in the middle, they are all talking, but what I want is this effect, because Xuan'er is a woman, she understands women better, and it is easier to help me draw this red line from her perspective and identity, You can also help me soften Lisa's attitude towards monogamy from her point of view. Hehe, it seems that my psychological warfare is quite beautiful. In just ten minutes, Lisa and I declared The relationship between Er and Lisa suddenly changed from a superior-subordinate relationship to a close friend who talked about everything.

It seems that collusion is really important sometimes, but you must learn to use skills. When a person's language skills reach a level of listening to others, then that person can distance himself from anyone and become friends, of course Many people transition from friends before becoming lovers, so in my plan for this Lisa, I decided to start with a relationship at the level of friends first, because Lisa's heart is really not easy to open.

Now chatting, Xuan'er doesn't say she's hungry, and Lisa is no longer so restrained. I didn't expect her to be such a talkative person, and after a while, she started talking non-stop, haha, this sexual I like girls the most. I really want to kiss her, but I can't do it now. At this time, when we were chatting, the waitresses who delivered food finally all retreated, and then I saw my husband In front of King Te's throne was also placed a golden round table brought up by the waitresses. At this time, Lisa saw me staring at the round table and smiled at me for the first time: "That's King Ford A dedicated dining table, no matter what the occasion, she would always eat at that table during meals.

"At this moment, I found that Lisa's answer to me was no longer as mechanized and playful as before, but now there was a sense of humanity, a sense of ease when chatting with friends, I read it again Looking at her gaze, I saw the depths of her heart, and I found that her affection for me has increased dramatically now, and she regards me as a friend, and her curiosity towards me has also intensified a lot. It seems that this The first step of the plan to pick up girls has been successful, hehe, in fact, picking up girls is to pick up a heart, as long as you get the other person's heart, then the other person will naturally belong to you, so many people say that picking up girls is difficult, but the difficulty lies in this Captives love their hearts, but how to get their hearts requires skills and methods. Well, it requires experience accumulation and smart reaction and analysis ability. It's different from Lisa, it's not an ugly man with a beautiful woman, but a handsome man with a beautiful woman. Of course, I, a handsome man, have only succeeded one step, and the road ahead seems to be quite difficult. It's really difficult, but the more challenging it is, the more I like it. This may be due to my natural stubbornness.

Now when we were chatting happily, because the dishes were all served, King Foote raised his jade hand again, and then I saw everyone began to lift the silver cover in front of them. It turned out that this gesture was It means to start eating. Seeing this, the three of us, who were already very hungry, lifted the silver cover of the biggest plate in front of us, but the contents inside made Xuan'er and Xia Yi feel uncomfortable at the same time. I was stunned, just staring blankly at the items on the plate, not knowing what to do for a moment, it seemed that they were completely at a loss, but I was not stunned, because I had seen the items on the plate.

In fact, the things inside are not that big of a deal, but there are three kinds of Western food tools, knives, forks, and spoons. The stuff in it is nothing else but a very large raw meat, which takes up the space of all the plates, and is the biggest raw meat I have ever seen. Original raw meat is not much, and the meat is fishy, ​​so it is generally very delicious. Few people are used to eating it, but I found that the meat quality is different from the ones I ate in my previous life. Not only that, the meat is also very rich. I guess the meat of this one can be compared to the raw meat that I ate before. Fifty meats add up to the same amount, which is really the best consumption.

But King Ford is worthy of being a wise king, because she knows that people in our country will not eat this stuff. This Jerry, Toms told her, so she looked at us first, and found Xia Yi and Xuan'er's actions. Jue Wan'er smiled, and then loudly announced in a very understanding way: "Because the way of eating food in this country is different from that of the distinguished guests in the Huaming Kingdom, so this time, all distinguished guests, please pay attention to my dining gestures, it is actually very easy to learn. "As soon as she finished speaking, Jerry, who didn't know who was on the stage, translated it in Chinese. Now all the soldiers focused on King Foote's hand, and then King Foote slowly raised it. The knife and fork slowly cut the meat of the big raw meat, and then used the fork to pick up a small piece and put it in my mouth. At this time, I found something funny, because everyone was hungry, and the way of eating in this country It's so weird, so under the emotions of curiosity, freshness and hunger, they all imitated King Foote's technique and began to cut meat with knives, but I saw that they cut the meat like they were killing pigs, with too much force. One was still cut and creaked, but fortunately all the meat was cut off, and then he used the fork to put the meat into his mouth like King Foote.

I thought they would spit it out after eating raw consumption, because raw consumption itself is very fishy, ​​and I saw that there is no cheese on the raw consumption in this country, maybe there is no cheese in this country, so it will be more delicious Fishy, ​​in fact, I hope they spit it out, and then I can ask for a change of dishes and other seafood, because I don’t like raw meat, and the taste is not very good, but what surprised me, my soldiers , and after Xia Yi and Xuan'er put the raw meat into their mouths, they didn't spit it out, and showed a rather delicious expression. I was puzzled at this moment, and I just wanted to see what the raw meat was. Red, like the color of salmon meat, isn't it fishy at all?

While I was thinking about it, I found that Lisa next to me had eaten more than half of it, and then she bit the meat with her mouth full, and said to me vaguely: "Why don't you eat it, this is the most delicious food in our country. The delicious red is exhausted, and this big one is rare, but the meat is very delicious." After speaking, she cut off a large piece and put it in her mouth, because she ate too fast and swallowed, so she ate I poured some wine, and at this moment I also nodded hurriedly, and said straight away, I will eat it right away, then I turned my head to look at Xuan'er and Xia Yi, and found that they were also gobbling it up, and when I saw this, I felt disgusted with the fishy smell of raw food Excluded, think about it, it may not be really fishy, ​​and Lisa said it is called red consumption, I have never heard of this, it may be a new variety, reading this, I swallowed my saliva, and I picked it up when I was hungry I picked up the table knife and was about to cut a piece and taste it. Unexpectedly, a shocking voice suddenly came from behind me: "Can I have another plate, this one is really delicious." You can tell from the voice that it is the fat man who is the captain of the fourth team of our soldier unit. Although he is fat, he is very picky about food. As for the meat of carp essence last time, he only said that it was so-so, and he never said it was delicious. In addition, he has been to many places for a while to eat all the local delicacies. As the food increases, the taste becomes more and more picky, so everyone in the soldiers gave him a good name. Called: God of Cookery.

Even if he is so picky that people say it is delicious, then I must taste it. After reading this, when Jerry was translating the words of the God of Cookery to King Ford, I cut the knife to the piece in front of me. Red meat, but as soon as the knife went down, I almost vomited it out, because a thing like an eyeball popped out of the place under the knife, which made me yell out loudly, "Damn it, isn't it, what's in it?" There is also an incidental item, my cry immediately attracted the eyes of everyone who saw my position, but I found that they did not show any panic when they saw the eyeball on the plate in front of me. I still have a happy expression on my face, which baffles me. Is it something they are happy to have eyeballs in my food?After reading this, I looked at King Foot with full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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