Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 339 Leave the care

Chapter 339 Leave the care (2)
I don't know what will happen, because I'm sure the people on the boat from Taoyuan Palace this time are all super experts, stronger than the two little sisters of Taoyuan Palace I met at first, Ziyun Shuanglian I don’t know how much, so this is one of the things that makes me feel bad. Although my men’s general skills have a big jump now, although their equipment is all top-notch, and their defense is extremely high, it is estimated that the seven-color The defense of the fish-scale armor is not much lower than my invincible immortal skill, but the defense of the armor is completely different from the defense of the magic skill. If the opponent uses internal force to directly hit the cow across the mountain and cause physical damage to the soldiers in the armor, then no matter how strong the defense is The armor is just for decoration, but I don’t think there are many people with this kind of martial arts in the Jianghu world of the Hua Ming Dynasty. I am one of them. Although my martial arts are so high, I can’t fight across mountains now. This kind of martial arts of the cow, this kind of martial arts does not rely on the level of internal strength, but on the skills and special abilities of using the real qi. It is necessary to let the real qi use some special method to skillfully bypass the protection of the armor and directly penetrate into the body. In the middle, this technique is quite difficult, not only me, but everyone I brought with me can't know this kind of martial arts, including the walking corpse, the seven captains and the demon emperor, but I heard the demon emperor say It is useless to doubt that there is such a martial art of beating cattle across mountains in the world, but he doesn't know who knows it, because even the demon emperor who has a lot of experience in the world has never seen such a martial art. He has only heard of the people.

Now I have carried Lisa to the bed, and when I looked at her room, I just thought about it for a while, but my thoughts were interrupted by her tired moaning, and she was lying on the bed at the moment , humming endlessly in the small mouth, and although the beautiful eyes are closed, they look like silk like rain, and the bags under the eyes make people feel that her lust has been sublimated, because there is a hint of charm there, and at this moment, she is gently opening her eyes. Zhu Lip hummed Ha Yi and cried out that it was so hot.

Then the jade hand couldn't help pressing on the big breasts, pushing it up and down gently, and the other hand pulled the neckline outward, revealing the looming cleavage, which made my mouth dry. Ah, as soon as I saw her blushing face now, I knew that the effect of the aphrodisiac had penetrated into all parts of her body at this moment, so now she seemed to be quite hot. I took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside her, that is, on the edge of her bed, and then gently reached out to touch her pretty face, my god, it was so hot, no wonder she would moan so suddenly like a flirt , it seems that this is the effect of the aphrodisiac, and now it has obviously worked, the effect of the aphrodisiac is not only effective, but also has the greatest effect.

As soon as my hand touched her pretty face at this moment, she immediately screamed louder, as if she was very excited, not only excited, but also screaming very deeply, the voice of En En Ah Yi was heard in my ears In the middle, it is indeed quite exciting and intoxicating. When I read this, I don't feel very lustful, and the palm of my hand slowly slides towards her neck. At this time, due to the effect of sensitivity, her The beautiful eyes opened slightly, of course it wasn't because I touched her neck that she opened her eyes because I touched her. In fact, her body is very sensitive now because of my touch. With this touch, she became even more lustful, so she opened her eyes and looked at me. The meaning in those eyes was that she wanted me to continue to caress her. It seemed that her reason had been taken over by the lust caused by the aphrodisiac. To be honest , now her mind is completely full of lust, if I pull off her clothes and do something deviant, she will have the same thing to say, and will take the initiative to cater to me, but, if I do this , she will definitely have doubts when she wakes up tomorrow morning, so this idea is absolutely unacceptable, I will slowly open her heart, and then respectfully approach, and slowly let her heart be willing to be with me I only go to bed with her when I am passionate, and by doing that, not only can I get her, but I can also get her heart, so now I am absolutely in a hurry.

In fact, there is another advantage of not being in a hurry now, because her lust has already risen. Although her rationality has been raised to the peak of aphrodisiac, she didn't take the initiative to sit up, and took the initiative to press her delicate body on me. My passion means that she still has a sliver of rationality struggling with lust in her heart, so now she can't be regarded as fully wanting to have sex, because she has a trace of reserve in her heart, and it is because of this reserve that she can Let yourself keep calm, so no matter how comfortable she is now, no matter how exciting she is, her reserved rationality still warns herself in her heart to keep calm. It's getting to the bone, and every inch of her skin is extremely sensitive now. She will be very excited when she touches it a little bit, but she can still maintain this calmness. This is really admirable. If it were any other woman , I thought I would have jumped up and pressed me heavily on the bed, and took off my underwear with all my might, but now Lisa didn't do that, so I can't be impatient now, one is because she has a strong aphrodisiac effect now , the body is uncontrollably itchy and numb, and the lust is unbearable, so I am not in a hurry to have sex with her now, that is, when her body becomes more and more itchy, and she can't control herself, maybe she will Pounce on me, then it’s not me taking advantage of others, it’s her who raped me, haha, it’s a bit harsh to say, but it’s also the truth, the second point is that she’s unrepentant as I mentioned earlier Before, if I was in a hurry to have sex with her, it would be counterproductive. This is also very bad. If she wakes up tomorrow and finds that she has lost her body, and remembers that I took her tonight while she was sick, She will definitely hate me for the rest of her life, so, no matter what the reason is, what I have to do now is to pretend to care about her and let her be moved by me from the bottom of my heart.

In fact, to be honest, since I carried her upstairs just now, she has been a little touched, but it is definitely not enough to be touched once, so I have to touch her a few more times to let her Her heart was completely opened to me, so after touching her neck at this moment, I withdrew my hand again. Although I saw a trace of resentment in her eyes at this time, I knew that my hand was necessary. Take it back, otherwise it will be finished.

At this time, I pulled my hand away and pretended not to be tempted by her coquettish appearance, then stared at her seductive eyes solemnly, and then said softly: "Ms. Lisa, your forehead now, Your cheeks and neck are very hot, I think you have a high fever, come on, drink a cup of hot water first." My words obviously have a strong sense of concern, and she was obviously moved by what I said, Then I poured a glass of water on the table next to her, sat back on her bed, and gently helped her up, then hugged her with my arms around her pink back, and filled the water with the other hand. Put it next to her mouth. At this time, her mouth is a little dry. It seems that it is because of the rising lust and the hot body. She is also quite thirsty now. I just gave her water, so I said Well, this action of mine gave her some comfort, and I could see her thoughts on this point from her somewhat half-opened weak eyes.

After I fed her the water, I gently put her body back on the bed, and put the cup aside. At this time, I pretended to hold my hand, covered her with the quilt, and then I looked at her At a glance, I found that she was quite excited now because of the skin contact between me and her hand. She unconsciously licked her pink lips with her sweet tongue, and then kept moaning. This moaning sound made my whole body bear I can't help it, I really want to have a passionate relationship with her right away, but unfortunately, it's not that time yet.

At this time, I pretended to say to her: "Ms. Lisa, I took a look at your symptoms. It's not very serious, but it's just uncomfortable now. I think you will be back to normal when you wake up tomorrow morning. Tonight Just take a good rest, and I’ll go back to my room first.” I said that to whet her appetite, but actually I said I was leaving just to whet her appetite, I think with her current body, she is so hungry and thirsty. Such a whole body of lust is unbearable, and I will definitely not let me go. I noticed this from the time I held her hand just now, because her hand trembled as soon as it touched mine, and her lips were pink He also kept moaning, which was obviously the excitement in the numb state when the skin intersected.

Sure enough, as soon as I finished speaking, she said to me in a gentle tone, "Your Highness, don't go, please stay with me, I feel so uncomfortable"

When she said this, her tone became more and more charming, which made my heart move. Haha, this is what I want. If I stay by myself, the effect is not as good as if she asked me to stay, hehe, It seems that my psychological warfare has taken a big step forward. This time, I see if you can still escape.

So after listening, I said seriously on the surface: "Well, actually, I don't feel relieved seeing you like this, so I'll stay and take care of you." I was thinking in my heart that I really stayed here to take care of you, to take care of your delicate body, hehe, after reading this, the evil thoughts in my heart suddenly rose, it seems that this sex scene is about to be staged soon .

(End of this chapter)

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