Chapter 342

Why do I have a strange feeling now, because I have never held a woman to the toilet before, so I have a strange feeling in my heart, I always feel a little awkward, but it is strange, since she is so shy I've said it all, if I don't help her at this time, wouldn't I be a man, haha, so after hearing the sound, I smiled lightly, but I didn't show a particularly wild smile, if that's the case Lisa will definitely feel that I am making fun of her. She is already shy and will be even more shy. If she repents, she will not let me carry her to the latrine. Then things will not develop very well, and I I never base other people's pain on my own happiness. Even if I have this kind of thought, I am secretly happy in my heart, and I don't show joy on my face. This will hurt the other party's self-esteem, but it is harmful to others. That's why I never do this kind of thing, so although I still have a smile now, but the smile is more sincere, without the slightest hint of a smirk, which makes Lisa see it in her eyes, but she is very relieved in her heart, That way she doesn't have to worry about it.

After reading this, I lightly strengthened the hand supporting her delicate body, then gently grabbed her arm with the other hand, and then slowly straightened her body, and then slid my hand to her jade leg, slightly As soon as I exerted my strength, I hugged her whole body, and then I looked at her in my arms, smiled at her and said: "Ms. Lisa, you should tell me that you are inconvenient, and I will hug you right now." Go to the latrine." I said this sentence softly, and she was quite comfortable listening to it, and she didn't feel very restrained. After I finished saying this sentence, I saw Lisa nodded slightly , but she didn't look at me, it must be due to her shyness, because it may be the first time for her to be hugged by a man, plus her inner aphrodisiac effect, she may be extremely excited now, maybe At this moment, a lot of sweet springs have flowed out of her peach blossom garden.

But although she is very excited now, and I hug her like this, the physical contact makes her quite passionate, but although she is very uncontrollably excited now, her shyness is still It is very heavy, so even though my body is being lifted up by me, but now my head is still hanging down. This makes me see it in my eyes, but I feel an inexplicable impulse in my heart, because this Lisa is a foreigner, and she looks very shy. It is different, there is a feeling of uniqueness, which makes me very impulsive, but the impulsiveness is impulsive, this long night, this time is still long, anyway, the effect of the medicine will take four hours to wear off, and the time is getting later , the more effective the medicine is, hehe, so now even if my desire rises to the extreme, I won't fuck her right away, so bear with it for a while, now, let's take her to the latrine first.

After I picked up Lisa, I walked directly towards the door, but after I picked it up, I could clearly feel Lisa's soft and delicate body touching in my hands, this kind of passionate touch In response to my hand, I felt a sudden surge of desire, and my lower body also produced a subtle reaction, but no matter how passionate I am now, I will not let Lisha, who is hugging her hands in my arms, do anything. Like, but it won't be necessarily after she finishes going to the latrine, hehe, but I heard that women can easily climax when they are in a hurry, but I have never experimented with this, but whether it is true or not, in It will not be so comfortable for the first time, because the heart-piercing pain after the rupture of the membrane has surpassed all the pleasure. At this point, I have already learned from her when I broke Xuan'er's virginity. This can be seen from the sweaty head and painful expression, but this Lisha is different now, she has the effect of aphrodisiac in her body, but I don’t know if the passion brought by her aphrodisiac can overwhelm the pain But anyway, even if that statement is true or not, I can't force Lisa to take her without letting her go to the latrine. If this is the case, all the psychological warfare I did before will be in vain, so now even if I have a lower body No matter how excited I am, I have to hold back, so after reading this, I quickly used a little real energy to forcefully suppress the lust from my heart.

Then I smiled generously at the beautiful woman in my arms, and walked quickly to the door, but the door was closed when I came in, so when I got to the door, I smiled and looked at Lisa in my arms , I noticed that her pretty face was still hanging low, and her face was also turned to the side. Seeing this, although I knew she was quite shy now, I still smiled and said softly: "Ms. Lisa, please help me first." I'll open the door, or we can't get out."

This time, Lisa in her arms obviously moved when she heard the words, and then looked at the closed door, and then she gave me an embarrassing smile, her face became more rosy, and then she stretched out a little shyly. I stretched out my hands to pull the door, and when I saw her like that, I couldn't help laughing in my heart. Speaking of which, Lisa is a great general, and she is usually very majestic, but now she meets such an embarrassing and shy person. However, the matter revealed the reserved nature of her daughter, and she became so restrained and ashamed. It seems that her soft and gentle side is indeed much cuter and more attractive than her usual strong appearance. Read this , My affection for Lisa in my heart has increased again, and at the same time, I secretly decided in my heart that if my ** plan succeeds tonight, I must include Lisa in the ranks of my women. , Speaking of which, she is still my first foreign woman. Thinking about it, I really have a sense of accomplishment. I can get my hands on foreign girls, so of course I have a sense of accomplishment.

But well, I haven't soaked it yet, when I get it, it will be cool at that time.

At this time, although Lisa in her arms was shy, she still opened the door reluctantly, joking, how can we get out without opening the door, I am holding her now, but when I opened the door, I saw Lisa's jade hands hang down on her chest weakly. On the surface, her hands seem to be placed on her chest weakly and naturally, but after careful observation, I found that her fingers are moving slightly, as if she is grasping something in her chest. A few places, I can understand at this moment, she must be numb and itchy when it comes into contact with my body due to the effect of the aphrodisiac, and her body is extremely hot, so she couldn't help but want to scratch her chest, but because I was hugging For her, she doesn't want to scratch it blatantly, so she can only scratch it secretly, but now my internal strength has reached [-]%, and my observation ability is already keen, so I saw her little move at a glance. At this moment, I couldn't help but giggling in my heart. It seems that this Lisa is very passionate now, but I don't know if her reservedness is hurting her this time. To be honest, the most unbearable thing in the world is lust, which is worse than urine. The urgency is still uncomfortable, because she just drank two glasses of water in one breath, coupled with the resistance of lust, so she drank too much water, and the urgency to urinate was unbearable, plus she endured it for so long, naturally she couldn't hold it anymore, But I know that she can't hold back not only this point, but also her growing affection.

After reading this, I know that the longer the aphrodisiac is allowed to enter her body, the more violent the sublimation of love will be, and it will be easier to break through her now very fragile defense line, but it is not good to hold back the urge to urinate for a long time, it is easy Reducing her lust will also affect her body, so I can't delay this kind of thing for a long time. If it is delayed for a long time, I'm afraid she won't be able to support herself and become incontinent. It won't be embarrassing at that time. Maybe she will be ashamed all the time. Ignore me, so thinking of this, I strode out of the door, glanced at the door of the other party, and found that it was still closed, it seems that the little baby Xuan'er has probably slept very soundly by now Very dead.

When I got out of the room, I turned to the right and hugged Lisha directly to the direction of the hut. Fortunately, God helped me tonight, Xia Yi was invited by Jerry to play, otherwise let him see me and With Lisa's appearance, I will be restrained at that time. Although he saw me making out with Xuan'er more than once or twice when he was on the boat, but because he is still young, he doesn't know much about it. Yes, so I had a rather shy voice, and I also showed a very uncomfortable look when I saw it. Fortunately, Xia Yi stayed in the room with the two laowai on the boat for a long time, or chatted with the captain Li Yi at the Chuantuo, and I and Xuan'er rarely sees him except when eating, so in order to prevent his mind from being too polluted, every time we eat, as long as he is present, Xuan'er and I deliberately make out the intimate scenes. Don't be so explicit, because I don't want Xia Yi to be curious about female sex at this age, it will really hurt him, because he is different from me, he doesn't have my mature thoughts, and my strong self-control , if you get in touch with lust too early, it will only make him fall down and let him become depressed, that's not good, I want to train this little fat man to be my No. [-] interpreter, it will be of great use in the future, I don't want him to be distracted by the affairs of men and women, so I try to keep him from seeing such scenes as much as possible, but now I'm carrying Lisa to the latrine, which completely surpasses Xuan'er and I. If Xia Yi sees the intimate scene of hugging and hugging now, it will definitely have an impact on his mind. Fortunately, he is not here now, so I can do whatever I want.

It stands to reason that even if he is here, he may not be able to see it, because there is a door to block it, but Xia Yi has a bad habit of never closing the door when he sleeps at night. When he was in the palace, he never closed it in his bedroom. The door was never closed, the same goes for the latrine, the door is always open, because he doesn't know much about men and women, and he is still young, so he doesn't talk about it anymore. Over time, he has become a habit, so there are often court ladies talking about it He didn't close the door when he went to the latrine, and he was almost peeped by the maids a few times. Naturally, those maids wanted to turn a sparrow into a phoenix and get infected with Xia Yi. Female sex is not interested, so when those maids stood in front of them and pretended to look shyly at Xia Yi who was peeing, brother Xia Huang always seemed indifferent, just glanced at the maid as if nothing happened and then said nothing. He left immediately, and this incident caused many court ladies to privately rumor that Xia Yi doesn't like women now.

In fact, which man would not like women? Unfortunately, those court ladies never thought that although he is the third prince, he is only an eleven or two-year-old child. Fatty Xia Yi said that if he wants to understand the relationship between men and women, it seems that he will not know until his father chooses a concubine for him in the future. That is to say, he can only understand after he has had experience in sex. It's useless to talk too much, but letting him watch too many scenes of love and passion can help him understand quickly, but this is not very good. In this way, he doesn't understand, but is curious, curious and understands the original There is a difference, if it is curiosity, then he may sink into it, like a drug addict, his appetite is deeply hung up, and it is not easy to struggle out. If he is satisfied with his lust, I think he will always be obsessed with it, yes I am not interested in other things, this will destroy an English genius, so now I have to keep Xia Yi's mind in a pure state no matter what, and I will try to let him know as little as possible about love before he becomes an adult Well, it's good for him.

When I thought of Xia Yi, I couldn't help but cracked a smile, then I hugged Lisha and kicked open the loose door of the hut, and then went inside, I watched Lisha in my arms treat her gently. She said: "Are your feet still soft now, do you want me to hold you to pee?" The meaning of my words obviously meant to tease her deliberately, but the expression on my face was quite sincere when I spoke, because I As for this person, the expression can be very realistic, so that the other party can't tell whether what I said is true or not, whether it is true or false, Lisa's face is obviously red again when she hears this, but this time she is She raised her head and looked at me. Originally, she wanted to reply to my words immediately, but when she saw my sincere face, she was confused by my expression, and believed it was true, thinking that I really cared about her. , I was afraid that she would not be able to stand firmly when she got off the ground, but this time she actually showed a touch of emotion on her face, which really surprised me, and then she blurted out to me out of conditioned reflex: "En , My legs are numb, I'm afraid I won't be able to stand on the ground."

What she said obviously meant that she wanted me to hug her to pee, and I was a little stunned for a moment. I originally said that as a joke, but she took it seriously. It really made me secretly happy, and felt It's a bit funny, but Lisa is not stupid, she has a very bright mind, she blushed as soon as she spoke, she reacted immediately, and then waved her hands hastily, shaking her pretty face at me Splashing the drum, he kept denying: "No, no, I'll do it myself, Your Highness, please let me down, I can do it myself." After finishing speaking, the flush on her face deepened, judging by her current expression, it seems that she is now She was quite embarrassed and embarrassed, as if she wished she could find a hole in the ground and get into it.

Of course, one should not be too complacent, especially for this kind of thing. Lisa is a girl, and she is so pure. She was confused by my expression just now and told the truth, saying that her legs are indeed soft, but the truth is true, but Think about how embarrassing it is to be held by a boy to urinate, no matter how weak your legs are, you have to endure it yourself, so I didn't force others to make things difficult for me, and I didn't continue to make fun of her, forcing her to let go I hugged her Xuxu, if I was too forceful about this matter, it would make her even more embarrassed, unable to go down the steps, and the atmosphere would be embarrassing, so I didn't say much, just told her to be careful , I walked out of the hut like a gentleman, but as soon as I got out of the hut, I showed a sloppy smile, and was about to move to the door on the right and peek in from the door. In fact, I didn't want to see women peeing. , I just want to see how Lisa's beautiful flowers are growing, how beautiful it is, and also to see whether she is a virgin. There is less knowledge about sex, so I have also seen this method in books, which is to see a woman's private parts and then infer whether she is a virgin or not.

But sometimes things always backfire. Just when I was about to move, Lisa's extremely shy, soft and shy voice came out of the hut: "Your Highness, don't peek."

(End of this chapter)

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