Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 354 Strange Lake Pond

Chapter 354 Strange Lake Pond

This guy Xia Yi has been able to eat and drink since he was a child, and his physique is also very different. It belongs to the kind of physique that can increase his flesh when drinking water, but I am just the opposite. I am the one who eats meat and does not gain flesh Kind of type, but sometimes I really envy him, he can grow such a big man, but I don't want to be so strong, at least give me a strong body, although I look thin, but not very thin , can be regarded as a relatively medium figure, but because I am young, I look smaller than Xia Yi.

After thinking about it, I returned to reality. Speaking of which, what should I do now? Now I let Xuan'er jump first, because Lisha, who was already below, was very worried that Xuan'er would be injured when she landed , so I caught her, so that Xuan'er landed safely without using lightness kung fu, and now there are only Xia Yi and I on the top, but he can't jump down at all with his size, otherwise he will definitely fall. The entrance of the hole is tightly plugged, so that you can't go up, and you can't go down.

This time, I also took a look at the three people below. They were all yelling at us in a low voice, telling us to go down quickly. It seems that they haven't noticed the size problem of the little fat Xia Yi, and now the problem appears. Well, in fact, if I want Xia Yi to fall, there is no way. With my strength, I can definitely make the hole bigger, but if I use my internal force to break the hole, then there will be two disadvantages. One is that after the stone slab next to the hole is closed, the hole next to me that I smashed will be exposed. If someone comes in later, they will find that there is a hole under the hole. In that case, it will bring bad things. Affected, because now we still don't know what kind of secrets exist in the Death Valley. If people know about the cave leading to the Death Valley before the investigation, the consequences will be very confusing.

Of course, this is only the first point, and the second point is the most important one. I took a closer look at the joint of the floor that Jerry pushed away from just now, and I found that the joint of this floor is the same as the underground of this cave. They are closely connected, that is to say, they are tightly sealed. If the cut of this cave is broken, the cave may collapse. In that case, it will be easier to be suspected. Of course, the three people below me I don't worry about their safety, there must be Xuan'er, and it is easy for her to deal with this kind of landslide.

So combining these two ideas, it is impossible to break the hole and let Xia Yi fall, but now there is no other way to let him in, it seems that the only way now is to let Xia Yi go back and wait for us first , but with his personality, he must be unable to bear loneliness. At this time, Xia Yi also frowned bitterly and looked at the entrance of the cave, and then looked at me with a sad face, and he knew it by just looking at it , this little fat man also looked at this problem, just kidding, he is naturally very clear about his own body shape, I walked over with a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and then sighed helplessly to him: " Brother Yi, there is no way, you have also seen that if you want to go down with this body, you will squeeze this cave."

"That's all right, Brother Yu, I really want to see what the Valley of Death is like.

"Speaking of this, the little fat man showed that childlike expression again, and looked at me with a begging look on his face. He seemed very anxious, but there was nothing he could do. If I had the ability to make things smaller, I could let him in. Yes, but I don’t have the ability, but this little fat man is very playful by nature. This time, it’s rare to come to this Farland country on the other side of the sea thousands of miles away with me. Naturally, I want to see more, but The blame is to blame him for being a big fish and meat since he was a child, not restrained, and his physique that is naturally fat, so now I have nothing to do, it seems that I can only comfort this little fat man first. Then, the smile deepened, and he said softly to him: "Okay, how old are you, and you still look like you are crying, a man should be broad-minded, and don't care about trivial matters, why do you have such a bitter face? The people of the royal family should focus on the overall situation. Do you know that if you follow me, you will achieve great things, and you can't be too kind. If you can't get in this time, it doesn't mean you won't have a chance to go in the future. I promise you, wait for me to go in and find out After knowing the ins and outs of the Valley of Death, I will definitely think of a way for you to visit. Now you can go to the King’s Palace to exchange language experience with King Foote. Don’t you like English very much? I think Lord Foote will definitely I am very happy to teach you. If she asks about us, you can say that we went to play, and you want to learn more Farland characters, so you didn’t go with us. I think if you say that, King Foot will definitely very happy. "I am now coaxing Xia Yi like a child, but there is no way, he is a child, and I am full of prestige now, they all trust me, Xia Yi will naturally listen to me, in fact, he does not Going down is also a good thing. Although he has been practicing since he was a child, his three-legged kung fu is probably not enough to protect himself. Now the situation below is also unknown, and it may be dangerous, so he can't go down with us now. In fact It's a good thing, Xia Yi is a talent, I don't want him to have any accidents, although I accompanied him this time, but there are so many people, I don't know what will happen in a while, I put my hands together It is still impossible to affect the four of them at the same time, so it is a good strategy to let him go to King Ford.

After I finished speaking, Xia Yi was still a little unhappy at first, but now he listens to me very much, knowing that I will not harm him, and also knows that I will keep my word, since I promised to do it next time Find a way to let him see the Valley of Death, and add the teachings of the previous few sentences, so now Xia Yi's expression softened when he heard it, and he became a little resolute, and when he thought of the word English, he also He changed into an expression full of interest, it seems that this little fat man’s eagerness to learn English has never diminished, so this time, he immediately said to me happily: “Okay then, I will learn English first Remember to come back early and be careful." After speaking, he briefly talked to Jerry and the others in the cave, and with the consent of the other party, he left the cave and walked in the direction we came from. This little fat man is good, that is, he has the ability to remember the road he has traveled, and he is not a road idiot, so I am not worried that he will not be able to walk back to the palace.

Seeing Xia Yi's chubby body receding into the background, I shook my head, and jumped into the bottom of the cave. I saw that Sha'er was about to catch me, of course it was because she was worried about my safety However, she was held back by Xuan'er next to her, and Xuan'er whispered into her ear: "Young Master is fine." Then I landed steadily under Sha'er's surprised eyes. I was really surprised, because she didn't expect me to be so good at all. Of course, although I comforted her before, she was also [-]% convinced, but of course she wouldn't believe this kind of thing unless she saw it with her own eyes. After I landed from the top of the two-meter-high hole, my body didn't shake a bit, and I couldn't help but loyally praised: "Your Highness is really skilled." With Jerry next to her, she couldn't say the word "husband", so she told me She and I have a tacit agreement on this point. She calls me Husband when there is no one else, and calls me Your Highness when there are outsiders. It seems that she has done this very well.

After getting down to the ground, I found out that the cave below is actually not very dark, because the entrance of the cave is on the left side of us, and there is a strong light from there, and the distance is only about ten meters away. Rui knelt down again to play with the mechanism under the stone wall, and then the floor above it automatically closed the cave. I found that the mechanisms of this dynasty were quite advanced, all semi-automatic. I didn't understand what drives these mechanisms. It's really amazing. It seems that I have to study it carefully in the future.

Now everyone is here, so Jerry took the lead and prepared to take us to the intersection to meet Toms. According to him, Toms may be outside the cave, but he has been reading about the ten meters away. Diao Xia Yi, it’s a pity that he didn’t come down. Of course, Sa’er Xuan’er and I are comforting him, because I know that the relationship between Jerry and Xia Yi is not as shallow as a guest and a local. They are very good friends. , Xia Yi failed to come down with us, he would naturally feel sorry, but who can blame this, it is not to blame the little fat man for not paying attention to weight loss, speaking of it, I predicted a few years ago that he would grow up The weight can reach more than [-] kilograms, but now he is [-] kilograms before he is an adult. It seems that if he doesn't lose weight, he will be annoyed in the future.

But now we are all sighing about Xia Yi's weight problem, but I don't know now, the fact that I asked Xia Yi to go to King Ford to learn English later brought me great benefits.Of course, I am still immersed in the mood of complaining.

Immediately after leaving the cave, there was a strong light piercing our eyes, which made all four of us present to stare outside, because it was dark inside the cave just now, and our eyes couldn’t get used to seeing the strong light all of a sudden.

At this moment, before we recovered from the glare of the sun, we heard a voice coming from a not far away direction, the voice was full of joy: "Hey, thank God, guys, you are finally here I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Then I heard a rapid footsteps and the sound of kicking stones. Needless to say, I knew it was Thomas when I heard the voice. At this moment, my eyes almost got used to the light, and then I looked in the direction of the sound. Looking around, I saw that guy Thomas was dressed like a mountaineer, with a big bag on his back, and he was beaming at us on a gravel road ten meters away, waving his hands vigorously. .

He waved his hand and walked towards us in small steps. Only then did I see the surrounding environment clearly. It turned out that there was a very wide water area in the middle, surrounded by gravel beaches. I could tell that the water must be sea water. But this is not surprising, because it is surrounded by the sea on all sides, and it is normal for a sea-like lake to appear under this underground cave, but I found that the gravel under Toms' feet was a bit abnormal. Seeing this , I fixedly looked under his feet, and found that there were some regular round beads mixed in the gravel, which were not natural stones, but translucent.

When I saw those round beads, I was a little confused when I saw them. Aren’t those things just the water-repelling beads we’ve seen before, and there are all of them on the edge of the rocky beach, which are coded and coded, and there are quite a few of them. There must be small rocks.

The structure here is almost surrounded by mountains and rock walls. These rock walls are unattainable, and there is some fog around the top. I can only see the height of about ten meters above. Now even if I look up with [-] internal strength, I can only Seeing the thick fog, one can imagine that the diameter of this layer of fog is quite thick, and there is a large sea area like a lake in the middle of these stone walls, and there is a large circle of gravel beaches around the sea pool on all sides. To put it bluntly, it means that this place is a ground frog valley surrounded by rocky mountains, because there is also a thick fog in the middle of the lake, so I can't see the situation on the opposite side of the lake at a glance, but this The gravel beach full of water-repelling beads on the ground is enough to confuse me. I have heard Jerry and the others say that these water-repelling beads, which are called water gods in their country, are all washed away by the island of death with the tide. On the coast of their country, this fact is fully verified.

Last time we found a lot of water-repellent beads on the Taoyuan Palace boats, I also guessed that the people of Taoyuan Palace had reached the island of death, otherwise how could they collect so many water-proof beads, but I also guessed about those beads It was produced on the edge of the island of death, so they did not enter the interior of the island of death. If they look for the island of death again this time, there must be a way to enter the interior of the island of death, or something like a door will be there in a certain period of time. Let's open it, so that they can go in, so after the people in Taoyuan Palace were attacked by us on the way, they didn't resist, but fled away, indicating that they were in a hurry.

But now there are so many beads on the ground of this valley of death. Could it be that the lake in the middle is also related to the island of death?I read this and thought about it. This is the natural edge of the lake and it is not connected with other sea areas, and its sea water must have been imported from somewhere at the bottom of the pool. Maybe there is a channel at the bottom of the lake. Connect to the edge of Death Island, I thought of this, hurriedly walked up to say hello to Thomas: "Have you been here for a long time, Mr. Thomas, have you noticed anything strange here?"

At this time, Jerry also walked to Thomas first, and my two babies followed me. Hearing my call, Thomas put the largest backpack on the ground and gave the smaller one to Jerry. Then I said in my direction: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Xia, yes, I have been here for a while, and I walked around before you came. There are many strange places. Because the fog here is too thick, I was afraid that I would lose my way if I went too far, so I waited for you all the time without going too far, and I was just waiting for you, Mr. Xia, to solve these puzzles."

Although he said it very easily, I know that he is full of doubts in his heart. Perhaps he has discovered many strange things here that he cannot solve. It seems that there are other strange things besides a large number of water-repelling beads. Where, when I thought of this, a thought suddenly came to my mind: No wonder no boats from Taoyuan Palace have been found in the past few days. Could it be that their route is related to this lake?

If they were going from the waterway below the lake to the edge of the island of death, then things would be very bad. Maybe they have reached Taoyuan Palace now. Thinking of this, I feel very uneasy inexplicably feel.

But just when I was confused, Jerry standing next to Thomas suddenly pointed to the fog in the middle of the lake, and shouted in amazement: "My God, my God, what is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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