Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 356 I've Learned

Chapter 356 I've Learned (2)
After listening to what Thomas said, I expressed my understanding, and then walked to the opposite gravel beach with them without saying a word.

This road is also different from other roads, and I also feel a little strange, because of the fog, because the fog was thick and not scattered when we first walked, as if it was fixed in that position, completely Blocked the line of sight, but after we walked for about ten minutes, I found that the fog was shaking as if it was moving. It felt like watching the white clouds move away, because this place can make the line of sight clear The place is a straight line with a diameter of five meters in the direction of the straight line facing the castle. Except there, the surrounding area is full of fog, so now we can't see anything, and we can only walk forward according to my intuition. But when I got here, I found that the fog was not only moving, but also no longer so thick, it seemed to be a little thinner. At this time, the front I saw with my clear eyes was obviously farther away. The point is also in the fog, but I can still see the gravel and water-proof drops on the ground nearly [-] meters ahead. At least I know that the gravel beach is the same, and there is no change. This is indeed helpful to us. Help, because in this environment where I can't see things, what I'm most afraid of is that there are traps on the ground. Now that the fog is not so thick, I can still see the ground a hundred meters away, so this will be of great help to us. Security helped a little.

As the mist moved, we also moved in steep steps. We didn't talk all the way, we could only hear the rolling sound of the gravel being kicked away by our people. It's not that I told them not to talk, because now We were in a very bad situation, and everyone held their breath because they were quite nervous. In this strange and strange environment, who would have the heart to say anything else, but at this moment, I heard a voice, It seemed to be ringing right next to my ear, but the words were quite strange, and it was a female voice I had never heard before. I only heard the female voice hum briefly: "chirp"

Although the sound was short, I found that Xuan'er who was holding my hand suddenly stopped moving, and then I also found that everyone stopped. At this time, Sha'er, who had not spoken all this time, asked in a strange whisper in the mist: " Did you hear anything just now?"

After getting a gracious answer from everyone, I couldn't help but frowned, and my mind started to spin, but I still had to comfort them first: "Everyone, don't panic, I think there are more than five of us here, as if There are other friends, but no matter who else, I think they must know that we came with good intentions." I said this sentence in English and Chinese at the same time, I was not afraid that the four of them would not understand, But I deliberately wanted to tell the person who spoke just now, because Thomas said that the map of the Valley of Death was recorded in a book written in Chinese. The reason why I did this was that a question suddenly came to my mind just now. , Will there be any living Han Chinese here?Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little excited and surprised.

But after I finished speaking, there was no other sound except the light wind blowing around. But at this moment, the fog in front of us changed. I don’t know if it was the effect of the wind, but the fog began to dissipate slowly. Come on, it's not just me, even I can clearly feel the surprised faces of several other people.

At this moment, we all looked at each other, and we didn't know what happened, but the rotation in my mind still didn't stop, I was thinking about all the possibilities, could it be someone from Taoyuan Palace?Because five seconds after the fog changed, I sensed it immediately. Those fog changes were not caused by the wind blowing, but someone used some kind of power similar to true energy to dissipate the fog. In fact, with my strength It is also possible to use true energy to blow away the thick fog, but considering that Sha'er will not be able to accept this ability for a while, so I can't bear to walk with them in the fog without seeing them, but at this time there are other people doing this, If you think about it, you will know that people in this country do not know how to use internal force, but the power to blow away the mist is not quite like internal force, but it is somewhat similar. Anyway, it is a force that I have never seen before, because my The internal force detection ability can only sense the forceful blowing of these mist, but I can’t tell what kind of force it is under the induction, but I’m sure it’s definitely not true energy or internal force, but it’s very similar to the principle of this force It’s just another kind of power, so I immediately thought of the people in Taoyuan Palace, because their people gave me the impression that they were weird and mysterious, and they were hidden. I think it’s normal for people in Taoyuan Palace to have some weird powers. So after reading this, the vigilance in my heart was raised, and then I started to use the internal force detection function in my heart to quietly lock the position of the person who used this power.

However, under this lock, I couldn't help being startled. There was not only one person on the other side, but many people, at least a dozen or so. It seems that this time is a bit tricky. If it is really a master of Taoyuan Palace, I will be alone I have confidence in a dozen or so, but I am afraid that they will attack the other four. Thinking of this, my heart begins to feel heavy.

This time there was a gust of wind, and the fog around us began to dissipate slowly. , It took only about 1 minute, all the dense fog around us seemed to be invisible suddenly, and all disappeared in the wind. This time, not only me, but everyone can see things. We looked back and forth, left and right, At this moment, the whole picture of this valley was imprinted in our eyes. It is really huge. I did a rough calculation and found that this valley is circular with a diameter of about [-] kilometers, and the whole valley is fairly round. , it looks like a huge round hole, the lake in the middle of the valley is also very round, and the lake is surrounded by broken ground. The valley actually doesn’t look special, the only special thing is The place is the incongruous castle hanging in the air in the distance. Apart from that, I didn't find any other abnormalities.

At this time, the dozen or so living bodies that used Gangfeng just now also disappeared in my detection range. In fact, I have locked their positions just now, but because they are constantly moving, I have not locked their exact positions. When the fog completely disappears, they also disappear at the same time, so now I can't find their location, although I can see things, but I don't see where they are. When I was wondering, the yarn next to me Suddenly pointing to a spot on the lake, he exclaimed, "What do you see there?"

At this moment, we suddenly looked in the direction of her finger, and saw a layer of water waves suddenly appeared in the water on the edge of the lake near our position, and then we saw a shining thing under the water waves. The bottom was squirming, and at this moment, the two foreigner Jihu who had seen my martial arts next to me said to me in unison: "Mr. Xia, there may be the person who made the sound just now, go and catch him."

This is not an order, but a kind of comfort, because they don't know martial arts, and they are also afraid of unknown things, so knowing that I am the only one here who has the ability to catch that unknown "person", entrust the heavy responsibility to me up.

I didn't hesitate at this moment, just nodded lightly, then let go of Xuan'er's hand, clenched a fist with my right hand, and began to slowly increase my internal strength. Originally, I didn't want to let Sha'er see my martial arts ability so quickly Yes, but now there is an unknown danger, if I continue pretending to be a pig and eat a tiger, I will only harm them, so I decided to use my true energy to make a hole in the water surface to lure out the underwater man who is suspected to be the subordinate of Taoyuan Palace.

However, just when I started to improve my internal strength, before my internal strength was raised from the third floor to the fourth floor, I saw a sudden loud noise on the water surface, and then dozens of figures flew up from the water surface. , These figures are as strange and inexplicable as if the god of death has descended.

It was only when those dozens of figures jumped into the air that I could see their faces clearly. Not only me, but the other people beside me also saw the true faces of these figures, but I think now All five of us have only one thought in mind: surprise and inexplicable
Because the appearance of these dozens of figures is so unbelievable, she and the others are actually mermaids
But it's very strange. Although I was as shocked as the four of them at this time, a different idea came into my heart inexplicably. lips, staring intently at the dozens of mermaids soaring in the air, and secretly sighed: I am so knowledgeable, there is such a strong and beautiful mermaid.
(End of this chapter)

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