Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 376 Tracking

Chapter 376 Tracking (2)
As soon as I heard it, I understood something, smiled and said: "Oh, so that's the case, but your talent is really smart, and you can master the language of our Huaming Kingdom in such a short period of time, it seems that I really misunderstood the person, You are indeed a talent, well, take a good rest tonight, there are important things to do tomorrow." After finishing speaking, I took the lead to lead him to the third floor, where all the residents were backbone On the way, I asked him why he had never been out of Black Feather City, but this time he came to Firebird City by accident, because this question has stumped me for a long time.

But when Mal heard it, he laughed again, and then he gave the answer. It turned out that the answer was so simple. It turned out that there was no other reason for him not to leave Black Feather City. It was entirely because he was too lazy to go too far. And this time he came to Firebird City because my ship was in Firebird City, so he made an exception and came here just to use my drive to modify it. It seems that this person's behavior sometimes is really simple and plain , but that's fine, I don't want my subordinates to have complicated ideas. It's not that I don't like people who have city government and ideas. That kind of person is very good at helping out with suggestions, but, one such person is enough , and this one is myself.

The matter of Mal is completely over. After arranging his residence, I returned to my cabin with my two babies in my arms, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and began to think about what would happen tomorrow, and then lightly blew out I wiped out all the candle lights, and put my hand into Xuan'er's clothes in the dark, while Sa'er hugged me tightly behind me, her big breasts kept rubbing against my back, which made me feel satisfied Fascinated, I couldn't hold back her body, and stood upright. I smiled evilly, turned over and pressed Sha'er behind me, and then my fingers clasped her panties, and then pulled her down with a little force. , I also lightly moved forward, and then the ecstasy moans rang in my ears
It was another wonderful night.

The morning came really fast, and when the sun rose from the east to the sky, we woke up from the deep sleep of passion. To be honest, the three-person fight was really exciting yesterday, but now I can't completely sink in there. In this feeling, because there are more important things waiting for me to do today, Sha'er and Xuan'er also understand this matter, so when I went out, they didn't ask too much, and consciously took my hand to arrive together. On the upstairs deck, I found that Marr had come early, and was understanding the situation of our team and some things we had to do with Yaohuang and Li Yi at the moment. I learned from their intermittent conversations that the Yaohuang Huangzheng told him little by little about Taoyuan Palace and me. He should know these things. Now that he is my subordinate, the more he knows about my affairs, the easier it is for him to help me. So I don’t have any Prevent.

When I arrived, they saw me at a glance, and then they all said "Hello, Your Highness" in unison and walked towards me. At this time, Mal looked a little excited and happy, and said to me: "Your Highness, I have heard many things. The Demon Emperor said, don't worry, we will definitely drive away the people in Taoyuan Palace today."

As soon as he finished speaking, I nodded appreciatively, and then looked intently at the sea in front of me. The sea water above was turning wildly at the moment. It seemed that they also knew that the storm would come soon, so they were all excited at the moment tumbling.

When I woke up, I received a voice transmission from Diablo in the distance. He said that the ships of Taoyuan Palace were getting closer to the Farland Sea, but the direction was not Farland, but another direction. According to Diablo After investigation, it is said that the direction of Taoyuan Palace is the direction of an island. Needless to say, it must be the island of death. According to Diablo's analysis, it is about 15 kilometers away from us. If I use a new type of solar drive If we go at full speed, we will meet Taoyuan Palace in about [-] minutes, but I don't want to meet them before their ship reaches the island of death. My purpose is to see what they are going to do.

So I made a plan in my mind. After reading this, I told Li Yi to go forward at full speed, follow the direction I indicated, and quickly reach the current location of the Taoyuan Palace ship.

Mal installed my driver last night. Although he is not a professional boatman and his boating skills are not as good as Li Yi's, his understanding of the boat and the idea of ​​refitting are much more avant-garde than Li Yi's. Last night, he talked with me about the improvement plan of my God of War. He wanted to change my ship into an aggressive ship, and install some spikes and force-reducing equipment on the bow, so that the ship can be used To hit the enemy ship, and our ship will not be damaged. In addition, some equipment on both sides of the ship can be strengthened to prevent storms, and wings can also be installed on the stern. First, it can be equipped with drives to increase the driving speed. Second, It can protect the stern of the ship more effectively. I am very satisfied with his proposals after listening to them. Although his ideas are still a bit rough for a modern person like me, I don’t think anyone’s ideas in this era can On a par with him, his idea of ​​refitting a ship completely broke the normal understanding of boats by boatmen in this era.

In fact, I have also thought about the refit plan that Marr mentioned, but because of the lack of time and materials, I did not ask the boatmen to do it so delicately, but it is too late to refit now, and I want to refit it into a ship of the model that Marr said. , as long as the materials are sufficient, it will take at least three months. At that time, it will be too late, and it will be useless to modify it. I don’t know if I will need a boat in the future, but, How to say this is an innovation, and the good news is that Marl has all the materials I have been worrying about. No wonder he can use the scarce materials to help me modify the drive. It seems that he usually has research on modifying ships, so he collects them. In terms of materials, I heard him say that his own fishing boat is the most advanced in this country. Although it looks similar to other fishing boats, it is actually full of functions, so I heard Jerry said that although Mal is a rogue, he is very good at fishing. Basically fishing in the same place, there are much fewer people than him. He can fill up a cabin in a short time, while other people can only catch so much in a few days. This shows that he has There are a lot of equipment that are beneficial to fishing. It seems that this time we have indeed found a versatile talent, but since his plan and materials are feasible, let’s treat it as an invention, so I decided to wait for us to return to Huaming safely. In the end, I handed over all the refitting of the Ares to Marr. I think I will have a chance to go to sea in the future, because I suddenly thought of the Death Valley, hehe, it is my dream place to spend my old age. , that is a real paradise.

After Li Yi accelerated the boat, our Zhanshen sailed on the sea like a speedboat, and arrived at the place mentioned by Diablo in a short while. Now the boats of Taoyuan Palace have only moved forward for about one kilometer, and our speed is faster than theirs Twenty times that, but the distance is still too far. At this time, I asked Mal to slow down the boat, and then told him to keep a distance of one mile from the boat of Taoyuan Palace. Then, what I have to do now is Secretly following behind Taoyuan Palace, of course, I am not referring to my Zhanshen, of course my Zhanshen is also secretly following, but this is not conducive to action, what I have to do is to store the warehouse. It’s as simple as I want. The wooden boat was moved out of the boat, and then I called the remaining walking corpses, as well as the demon emperor and Mal, and boarded the boat together. Now all I have to do is to follow Behind them, after discovering their direction and the situation, she used her heart to inform Xuan'er, and then she began to issue orders to attack. Speaking of which, Xuan'er only learned to communicate with me through sound transmission, but she is talented and smart. Then, speaking of it, this baby really makes me happy.

Mal was not nervous when he acted with me for the first time, because he was very proficient at sea driving, so he was also very handy with this small wooden boat rowed by paddles. The blood-red mist in the distance is heading in the direction, and according to Marr, the range of the blood-red mist is the sea area of ​​the island of death.

(End of this chapter)

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