Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 386 Journey to the South Country

Chapter 386 Journey to the South Country (4)
This Qixiang powder was researched by Chen Taiyi before. It is deeply loved by the concubines in the palace. I dare not say it prolongs life. How to test the ivory, as long as you don't drink it, the benzene is non-toxic, but if it is exposed to it for many years, it will accumulate in some organs in the human body and cause cancer. It is used to make poison, in case it is used. I expect that this fat man will enjoy it by himself. I directly wish him the first person in the world to be slowly murdered by chemical reagents, because this fat man I see him Not happy.

Sure enough, the fat man stared at the two porcelain vases with a grin, and hurriedly thanked him: "In this way, I would like to thank His Highness for your kindness on behalf of the emperor of the country." Without waiting for the crown prince to pick it up, he asked the two warriors behind me to take it from me. Looking past, it seems that I want to grab a bottle.

I ignored him, kept my face calm, and continued: "Since His Royal Highness has proved it, those who raised the army are naturally rebellious. But before this envoy, my father ordered me not to participate in the disputes of your country." My words are very obvious, and I think they understand me.

"You don't need to work for His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince, you just need to borrow the Celestial Cannon." Fatty said hastily upon hearing this.

I smiled slightly when I heard this and said: "This cannon is my treasure, and it is not impossible to borrow it from the general, but each cannon weighs more than ten thousand catties, so it is really difficult to move, but your country has always made an alliance with Huaming, and Loyal and loyal, if I just refuse, I can’t justify it, I think it’s better to build a few small cannons to help His Royal Highness put down the rebellion, I don’t know what the general thinks?”

"Okay, okay." The fat man didn't expect me to be so generous, and said yes repeatedly, "The cost of manufacturing this artillery should be borne by our country."

"The cost of this area is considered a drop in the bucket by Hua Mingchao, but" I looked at the ecstatic fat man, deliberately prolonging the sound, and came a turning point: "Manufacturing this artillery requires a lot of coal, logs and pig iron. It takes a lot of time to ship it from our country.”

"Don't worry, Your Highness. Although the country is not big, there is no shortage of coal and wood. This pig iron can be collected from the people. As long as His Highness is willing to donate the magic cannon, the whole country's resources can be deployed by His Highness." This fat man really wants artillery. Crazy, so generously gave me the only few small mines in the country, which makes me very embarrassed, hehe.

"With the cooperation of the general, this envoy will definitely build the artillery as soon as possible. But" I paused again on purpose, and it seemed that the fat man's heart stopped, and I continued: "The artillery is too powerful, and the killing is too heavy. , there is Wei Tianhe, and after it is released, it is necessary to invite a hundred eminent monks to chant the scriptures, so as to save the souls who will die under the cannon." In order not to let him get the cannon too easily, I made up another nonsense.

The fat man heaved a sigh of relief, and replied: "So that's it. Your Highness is really kind-hearted. He also asked the Hua Ming Dynasty to send an eminent monk. I will then order the whole country to fast for three days to welcome the eminent monk Hua Ming."

"It's so good. The military situation is urgent. I will return to the city immediately to build artillery for the general." To be honest, I don't feel comfortable staying in this place for a while, so I hurriedly said: "For the coal and iron business, please hurry up, general." Order someone to bring it."

After a few more polite greetings, it didn't take long for our brigade to return to the city.

The harvest this time can be described as great. At best, I sent a few outdated small cannons, but in exchange for almost endless wood, coal mines and pig iron materials. Wood and coal can be obtained from nature without any problem. It will hurt the southern country. Naturally, the army's weapons will not make cannons for me. The unlucky ones are the iron utensils used by those farmers. Many farmers lost their iron hoes and rakes, which led to a reduction in agricultural production in the entire southern country, and they had to import grain from Hua Ming Dynasty from me.Thinking that there are still a lot of eminent monks who only eat and recite scriptures but not give birth, I can't help but laugh out loud. In fact, this purpose was hinted at by my father, which is to collapse this southern country from the side.

When I got back to the city, I ordered the people from the Material and Chemical Institute to find out the discarded cannon barrels from the previous experiments from the waste pile that was going to be returned to the furnace, and repair them again to make them look decent. Wait for the southern country to use pig iron and coal If it is changed, give them some of the best explosives. It is estimated that they will not be able to produce replicas in 1000 years. Teach them the technology of burning charcoal, and ask them to cut wood by themselves, and make coke and wood tar in exchange. The southern country is rich in forest resources, and it is estimated that it will not be able to be cut down for hundreds of years.

The rebels from Yizhou didn't attack, but confronted Fatty's army across the strait. For a while, no one could do anything about it. The few big princes in each city have now become the focus of contention. They are all trying to win their support, but these guys are cunning and cunning, they don't help anyone, they just strictly guard their one-acre three-point land.

After several days of stalemate like this, I finally agreed after receiving tens of thousands of catties of broken iron pots, hoes, rakes, coal piled up in several artificial lakes outside the city, and countless barrels of charcoal tar. Presented the "made" small cannon to General Fatty. At this time, tens of thousands of monks and scribes sent by the father from the mainland also arrived. Hehe, the father also understood my purpose after receiving my letter, so the number of people is large. I bought some, haha, 1 people who eat plain rice, let's see how your southern country is doing.

The monks were entertained graciously, and they chanted scriptures and chanted Buddha's words in front of twenty small cannons for several days. The whole capital fasted for it, but I still ate a lot of meat dishes secretly.

The literati traveled around and watched the customs of the southern country. Unfortunately, what they saw was quite different from what their ancestors described. Although the southern country is still a beautiful country, people are logging and mining everywhere, and the smoke caused by charcoal burning Covering the hills one by one, you can often hear the tragedy of the collapse of the coal mine. People are busy, and the charcoal and coal in the carts are gathered together and sent to unknown places. Although there is no beautiful scenery, it is not Does not affect the poet's creative enthusiasm.

A poet surnamed Huang wrote the poignant poem "The Charcoal Burner". "Cutting firewood and burning charcoal in Dongshan Mountain, the temples are gray and the fingers are black. A cart of charcoal weighs more than a thousand catties. Officials will not be able to do it. Poor clothes are poor, worrying about the cheapness of charcoal and wishing the weather cold." Famous sentences in the emerging industries in the South Classes spread rapidly among charcoal workers. The great poet Huang didn't figure out until he left the southern country why the officials in the southern country needed so much charcoal, and those ignorant charcoal workers only knew that this poem was sympathetic to them, so they painted it in the same way. The back of the gourd is down.

With the help of twenty cannons, the rebellion in Yizhou was quickly quelled. I heard that the rebels guarding the beach of Yizhou were blown to pieces by a single bombardment, and they all surrendered without much resistance. If it is broken into small pieces, it cannot be reincarnated. Fatty chopped off the heads of dozens of members of the royal family who dared to resist, and once again firmly controlled Yizhou in his own hands. When the fat man opened his mouth, he was willing to hand over his military power, just asking for a place where he could comfortably retire.

In less than a few days, the separatist rule of the princes in the southern country became history, and a powerful centralized court was established. The old emperor passed the throne to the prince due to serious illness, and was called "Southern Emperor", and the fat man was worshiped by the new emperor. As the general manager, he is in charge of the government.

For the first time, the new southern country unified writing and weights and measures. The writing used the writing and music scores of our Huaming Dynasty as the basis, and we sorted it out ourselves. Other systems copied our country.

Because of my achievements in donating cannons in the fight against the rebellion, and as an envoy of the Huaming Dynasty, I was named the "Grand Duke of the Southern Kingdom" by the newly established Xiaonanhuang. I did not ask whether I agreed with it or not, and established it for me in the capital of the Southern Kingdom. I don't care about this position at all, so I didn't have the opportunity or interest to live there.

The old emperor of the Southern Kingdom finally passed away. In fact, he was only in his sixties. This is a long life for the poor, but it is still a bit early for the royal family who are well-clothed and well-fed. This reminds me of the research on medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine in our country is extensive and profound. Although I am proficient in a lot, I am interested in it. I was not so interested before. I saw a few moldy oranges one day, which reminded me of penicillin. I know a lot about the Southern Civil War. Seventy-eight out of ten soldiers did not die on the battlefield, but died of inflammation caused by injuries. This made me even more determined to make antibiotics that can resist inflammation. In fact, I know how to make antibiotics, just materials up.

With my order, thousands of catties of moldy orange peels were cultivated artificially. Everyone is used to the messy things I made. They only know that I have achieved good results. Anyway, there are special and useful finished products every time. Compared with the new No one cares about the miraculous product and the origin of the book. The high-concentration shochu was purified and used to extract the unknown essence from the disgusting orange peel with green hairs. The experiment produced some unknown substances, but I don't know if it is the penicillin I want, and even if the thing is right, the dosage and efficacy still need human experiments.

My proposal to use southerners as experimental subjects was questioned by the local imperial physicians until I told them that in some countries people can change their sex from the palace for money and enjoy a short three to forty years of rich life, and then promised to give Regardless of the subject's wealth and social status, my proposal was eventually carried out.

The doctors selected dozens of healthy southern men who wanted to be prosperous to conduct wound experiments, and finally found that a certain extract was indeed effective. It may be difficult to treat wounded soldiers by mass production, but the safety of the injured generals was greatly guaranteed. Fortunately, What's more, the subjects of the experiment were not life-threatening, but at the beginning, some of the experimenters became crazy and became fat for some reason, and the offspring they gave birth to were also the same.

The royal family of the Southern Kingdom organized them to learn wrestling skills under my suggestion, because I didn’t want them to have internal strength, so I let him do some martial arts for fun. Gradually, the upper class in the Southern Kingdom began to accept and like this sport, which I call "wrestling" "The activity rewarded these people with a lot of wealth and status, and for a while the "beating" sport became popular all over the country.

I have successfully earned a large amount of resources from Nanguo. This is draining their blood, and because the artillery is regarded as a magic weapon by Nanguo, the strength and prestige of my city have risen to unprecedented heights. On the one hand, I arranged to speed up the transportation of people from China, on the other hand, I demanded to strictly control the proportion of residents from the southern countries in the city, and planned to establish an overseas trade and resource base in the city.

A few days later, the old woman sent a special envoy to issue an imperial edict calling me back to the country, saying that the Chinese New Year is almost over and I can go back.It seems that Brother Dahuang has received the news that he is afraid that I will be a big student in the southern country, and he can't wait for me to go back. The envoy he sent said that he was here to take over the post of envoy from me, and that he wanted to take over the city from me. I know he belongs to the old woman, but I also keep mine, namely Zhang San and Li Si, so I don't have to worry about him here.

The emperor's order is hard to disobey, but there are policies above and countermeasures below. I immediately declare that all the resources exchanged for artillery are my private property here, guarded by my personal guards.In addition to Zhang San and Li Si who were in charge of the military and trade in the city, I also kept the soldiers they brought.

Anyway, I won this city by myself, and I arranged for my subordinates to take up important positions. Even the old woman can’t say anything about me. It’s already a good thing for me to give up the position of city lord. Anyway, the old woman is about to die, so let her take care of it in a few days .

All the other core subordinates and the senior craftsmen who can almost be called scientists will all go back with me. Now there is only an empty shell left in the Material and Chemical Institute, which can only barely produce some inferior gunpowder for the defense of the city. It is to make iron and coke, and hoard raw materials for future needs.

On the day I left, all the people in the city were empty, and they all went to the port to see them off, which gave me a sense of accomplishment. Standing on the bow of the boat, I waved to tens of thousands of people for a long time, and felt loved for the first time in my heart. It will be so heartfelt.

Before boarding and setting off, I didn't give careful instructions to Zhang San and Li Si who stayed behind, but simply said "Take care!" I believe that smart people don't need nonsense.

I don't worry about their betrayal at all. I have worked with me for many days. They are used to my unexpected performance and inventions. They know that I have mastered countless things they don't understand. The most secure, and the most hopeful in the future. These two are smart people, and they will never give up their current status and join my opponent.

Under the protection of ten frigates, a fleet of more than [-] large ships sailed towards our country mightily. The people on board were very excited. Most of them were the same as me. Although the city has gradually approached the style of the Huaming Dynasty, it is still someone else's place. Only the Huaming Dynasty is our current root, but I believe that the southern country will belong to me sooner or later, and I have already planted the seeds.

(End of this chapter)

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