Chapter 396
After getting out of the palace, the Demon Emperor followed me and walked beside me, then his expression softened, and he smiled at me and said: "I still like going outside, I'm not so restrained, if I stay in the palace for a long time, I'm going to Crazy." The Demon Emperor and I were wrestlers in the world before, so we are naturally not used to the stressful life in the palace, but I don't like it either, and now I don't want to go back to the palace to do those miscellaneous things Now, I want to make a career in the Jianghu. When I read this, I think of many friends in the Jianghu, Hua Qian, Yu Shiyu, Chen Yunxiao, the old man, Mei Niang, Qingyalong, Ye Xiaoyao, Jiang Wuya, etc. Familiar names crossed my mind one by one, making my heart pound.

I thought it through last night. I have to do things one by one when I go out of the palace. There is still a month before the martial arts conference. Naturally, the martial arts conference will meet many of my acquaintances, so I have to participate in these I won’t go to the people at the conference immediately to catch up with them, but other people have to go to them before then. Now besides Hua Qian, Yu Shiyu is the one I most want to find, because I haven’t checked the matter I promised her. Yes, I contacted my 33 special investigation team last night, and there is no news about Zhongnanshan and Wang Chaoyang, which makes me very depressed, but although this news is not good news, I got a gratifying The news is about Taoyuan Palace. Since the last time I watched the seven robed men hanging on the island of death, Taoyuan Palace sent ships to the sea again, but this time it did not cooperate with the second prince, but with other The ship merchant cooperated, it seems that the second prince is powerless now, seeing him like that, since I was defeated by me on the island of death last time, he has no temper anymore, hehe, the main reason is that I used three powers last time I use the electric eye to deal with him and make him submit. In fact, the function of the electric eye is only effective for ordinary people. It has no control over people with high martial arts skills, just like the current demon king. The index has exceeded the amount that my electric eye can control, so I can't control his heart with the electric eye now, I can only see through his inner thoughts, so although the electric eye is powerful, it is not omnipotent.

But there is one thing that surprises me. I once tried to control the first prince with my electric eyes, because this person was very unfavorable to me in the palace for a day, but I failed. At that time, I wondered, that guy's martial arts should be similar to that of the second prince. Fist and embroidered legs, and I can't find much internal energy in him with my internal energy detection technique. His internal energy is not as much as half that of an ordinary soldier in the Imperial Guard, but he can't be controlled by me. Could it be that he is deliberately hiding his strength?But now I can't control him so much. I think Liu Yuxi will take care of the affairs in the palace. No matter what the eldest prince wants, he can't deal with more than [-]% of the courtiers.

Anyway, Taoyuan Palace must go out to sea this time to find the seven people in robes, but it will take at least two months after they know the truth, because the trip will take so long, and the martial arts conference will be over by then. If it is found out that I killed their subordinates, it will take two months to avenge their old and new hatred with me, which is still a long time.

But when it comes to this step, there is one thing to be honest, the seven robed people last time, I feel a little pity now, because Taoyuan Palace Suwen is full of beautiful members, although the voices of the seven people when they spoke last time were intentional. I'm depressed, but I can tell that they are women. It's a pity that they died before I saw their looks. It's a pity to the extreme, but I will have the opportunity to see other beauties in Taoyuan Palace in the future, so I think about it. I was also relieved.

I thought wildly for a while, then turned my head and smiled at the Demon Emperor, then looked at the sky, and said with emotion: "Yes, there is more freedom outside the palace, don't worry, as long as there is no major event in the palace, I think I will be free all my life." I’m too lazy to go back to the palace, it’s like a birdcage inside, I’m very uncomfortable.” After speaking, I thought about the itinerary, and then continued: “Let’s go to Yayi College first to find Xiaohuan and the others. , then go to the college to register, and then go to Chen Taiyi's mansion to have a look, and if there is still time to meet Wang Dezhen's old friends, then go straight to Lingjian Villa to participate in the martial arts conference." Now Xiaoyue and Tianxiang are still there I didn't come back. I was a little worried at first, but after asking about my special investigation organization last night, I knew that they are safe in the Northland. They don't know that I have returned from Farland, so they are not in a hurry to come back. That's fine. When I finish my work, I think they should come back, and my purpose of going to Yayi Academy first is actually to meet my two women who met each other, the first one is the former assassin Shangguan Ronger, The second one is Ye Wenqian, the daughter picked up by Mrs. Yaju Ya'er. Shangguan Rong'er entered the palace to assassinate her because of jealousy of Qian'er. When I think about it, I think it's funny. She is a girl with poor martial arts. Gong Xing assassinated my father's distinguished guest, but this is also called not being acquainted, and it can be regarded as allowing me to subdue her heart.

Speaking of Ya'er, since I went to Frante, news came from the palace that she left the palace and went to other places. As for where she went, she didn't want to mention more. Secretly sent two walking corpses to protect her, but news came from the walking corpses that she found a barren hill in the south of the Yangtze River to settle down, just waiting for me to come back, she left the palace because she didn't want to implicate me, it seems that Ya'er's heart is really good I'm ok, speaking of me, these women are all the same, always thinking of me, thinking of this, I have made up my mind to protect them for the rest of my life.

Anyway, this is the tentative itinerary I have in mind, if there are changes in the middle, it will be a different matter. After hearing what I said, the Demon King who was beside me smiled and replied: "Yes, master." It seems that he is very happy. Excited, his heart is in the Jianghu, and now I also want to work hard in the Jianghu, so he is naturally very happy.

Now the bicycle dealers in Beijing are not very popular, so there are not a few people riding horses. The bicycle industry has not been developed here like the east. In fact, sometimes I wonder whether it is wrong or right to invent bicycles. All the people are riding bicycles on the road, will that scene be very funny and break the secular view?However, this is also the only way for inventions. There must be changes to make progress. Now the popularity of the capital here is completely under the control of my uncle and the Lin family. I think that bicycles will be popularized in the capital soon, but I think popularization is popularization. There are still some people who can ride. It is said that it is easy to get on a bike, but it is difficult to ride a bike. I have learned this bike for nearly a month in my previous life. The main reason is that it is difficult to master the balance. But now there are new styles, with three wheels and four wheels. , This also opened up a new means of transportation for those rich families, which is a good thing, so my previous idea that this thing should not be invented was persuaded, and now that it is invented, I will not stop. This bicycle is no more capable of destroying a country than artillery. It is a very dangerous thing. This is just a tool for transportation. I don’t think it will affect the course of history too much. Let's walk leisurely in the direction of Yayi Academy together.

Although I have never been to Yayi Academy, I heard people in the palace often mention it, so I naturally know the direction. The academy is located in the east of the capital. Last time I sneaked out of the palace to follow Liu Yuxi's concubine You'er to Yixianglou. In fact, it is to the east, but Yixiang Building is closer to the imperial city, and Yayi Academy is farther away. Because the demon emperor, Mal and I went out of the palace this time because it was a low-key operation, we didn't take the eight sedan chairs, and we didn't have any entourage. Follow, even the walking corpses were not brought out in the open, but because this time they really entered the rivers and lakes, fearing that there may be accidents, so this time more walking corpses were brought out, there were about [-] people, but they were all scattered outside. Now we There are at least fifty walking corpses following us closely, protecting us in secret. Marr kept silent during the conversation with the Demon Emperor just now. Although he does not speak Chinese very fluently now, after several infiltrations in Farland After stealing in the valley, he can basically understand our Middle-earth language, but he just can’t speak it. He didn’t understand what I talked to the Demon Emperor just now, so he didn’t open it all the time. I think this subordinate should get familiar with it first. Let's talk about the environment, it's normal for him to be unaccustomed to us just after arriving in Middle-earth.

The capital city can be said to be one of the most prosperous cities in our Huaming country. It is very lively and full of shops on the street, which can be described as a noisy scene. This time is different from the first time I left the palace. It means that it is just a few isolated phenomena. In fact, the capital is a very peaceful city.

Stepping on the road newly built by my father a few months ago, feeling the lively atmosphere, I suddenly felt refreshed physically and mentally. Along the way, I explained to Marr the surrounding shops and bought some Give him a taste of the local novel, he is now as curious and longing for our Middle-earth as Shaer, it seems that he likes our country very much, and he talks to me in substandard Chinese while walking Said: "Sir, your country is really prosperous and lively."

After hearing this, I couldn't help laughing: "Of course, the country we are in now is naturally bigger than Farland, and there are many things you haven't seen before. I will introduce you to them slowly in the future. By the way, In the future, you can learn our language from the Demon Emperor when you are free, and you have to change your address in the future, just like what he calls you. When there is no one, call me master, and when there is someone, call me son. Call me Mr. Han, don’t call me Mr. Xia, do you understand?” I have mentioned this reason before, there are not many people with the surname Xia in this dynasty, if you say I am Mr. Xia, it will be suspicious, so let them know when there are people. Call me Mr. Han, so that you can avoid some unnecessary troubles.

After talking to him, he nodded helplessly. I know that Mal has a good mind and his memory is not comparable to ordinary people, so I kept memorizing while I was talking, and when I finished speaking, he nodded and replied: " Okay, Mr. Han." This time he spoke Chinese, it seems that his speed of learning Chinese is as fast as Xuan Er's learning English, both of them are talents.

We walked all the way, and soon passed by Yixiang Building. This place belongs to Zhang Yinlang's property, and of course it is also my property, but the proprietress inside probably couldn't recognize me, and maybe she even forgot my appearance. , but I still have a chance to go to this place. Now Zhang Yinlang has left me ten big brothels in the rivers and lakes. Although this Yixiang Tower is not included, I can play here at any time if I want to. Speaking of it, I really miss the two girls who touched it in the first place, and it feels really good.

It is daytime now, so there are not many pedestrians passing by Yixiang Building. I just glanced inward from the door and found that there are no girls outside the door or inside to welcome guests. It is estimated that it will be lively at night.

After passing Yixiang Building, we walked towards Nancheng Road. This road is a snack street. The whole street is full of food, including Ditan snacks and restaurants. Mal has never eaten these famous local novels, so he went to On the way, I bought him a few bunches of candied haws, donuts, and so on. He actually ate such unpalatable things with great enthusiasm, which made me laugh. After passing this food street, we soon arrived at a school Before the Bieyuan, although it is my first time to visit this Bieyuan, I am familiar with it, because I paid for this Bieyuan for Xiaohuan.

It is said that it was bought for Xiaohuan, but it is actually a residence for me and my women outside the palace. The reason why I chose this place is very simple, because it is very close to Yayi Academy, and I only went to If you take a quick look ahead, you can see people dressed as scholars entering a gate 20 meters ahead. Needless to say, Yayi College must be inside that gate.

Now at this time, I think my baby Xiaohuan hasn't gone to the academy yet, so I decided to go to the other courtyard to take a look. Although this is my property, I haven't gone in to see it yet. Hehe, I have a chance this time. , now there are Xiaohuan, Xuan'er, Baihe, Lian'er, and Sha'er living in it. The reason why I didn't inform them through sound transmission before leaving the palace is to give them a surprise. I don't know what they will do when I go in I won't be so excited that I will be hugged into the room, and then there will be a dragon and five phoenixes on the bed. When I think of it, it will be the idea of ​​soaring lust.

Thinking of this, I strode forward, walked up the steps, and then reached out and shook the handle of the lion door on the gate of the other courtyard, but before the handle hit the copper gate, a voice suddenly came from behind, scaring me. It gave me a big jump, only to hear the voice shout eagerly: "What are you doing? Oh my god, mine."

When I heard this, I was completely stunned, and I was still puzzled. That person actually said that?What?Thinking of this, I couldn't help turning my head back, and when I saw the speaker clearly, I suddenly felt fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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