Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 423 Strange People and Strange Things

Chapter 423 Strange People and Strange Things
Although I have only been in the rivers and lakes for a short time, I have seen some strange people and strangers, but I have never seen a person with such eyes. The eyes of this person are dark red, which looks strange and inexplicable, as if blood is all over the eye sockets. It looks like even the eyelids are slightly red, and the whites of the eyes are purely red. In fact, it's not just that, I found that this person's eyes are quite energetic.

In fact, sometimes you can tell from the vicissitudes in people's eyes whether their previous experience is ordinary or tortuous, or whether they have experienced things that ordinary people can't experience, so the ancients invented a term called: weather-beaten.

This is to describe the expression of a person's experience. Of course, it is only the expression or appearance, but I can see this man from the eyes. Not only his eyes are bright, but also the width of the face looks firm Incomparable, I think this man is not an ordinary beggar, maybe he used to be a very handsome man, but now he is a beggar, I am sure of this, but he does not look like some kind of beggar gang disciple, the martial arts I know In the story, there was indeed a gang of beggars in my previous life, but it was just a sect created by martial arts novelists such as Jin Yong and Gu Long. There was no such sect in history, but now I can live in a real life. In ancient times, it is natural to face the reality, because I once asked Yaohuang about Wudang, Shaolin and other sects, but the answer he got was no, he had never heard of these sects in the Jianghu, but monks and monks did. Yes, those are not sects, they are just some small organizations based in various temples, that is, Wuhe people, there is no martial arts Taishan Beidou Shaolin Temple sect, this is completely the martial arts of my previous life The novelist is talking nonsense. Before I came to this era, I firmly believed in the existence of these sects. Now that I came here, I realized that many of the people and things mentioned in the martial arts stories of the previous life were false. The family is born in the [-]th and [-]th centuries, so naturally they have never been to ancient times. Of course, everything is based on imagination and data, and there is no factual basis. Those nonsense stories that I saw with my own eyes and couldn't help but make up.

So this man is definitely not a member of the beggar gang, because most of the people in our country have enough food and clothing to live, so there are very few beggars, so naturally there will be no mention of beggar gang, but this man's eyes and appearance look like It's not like an ordinary commoner. Although it is said that the facial features and holes are created by parents, they are born with it. When the plastic surgery technology is equal to zero, the appearance can never be changed, except of course the evil disguise technique.

So if this man is born with a fierce and tough look, then it can be seen, but the toughness and aloofness in his face and eyes cannot be replaced by appearance, it is completely There is an acquired sense of melancholy and vicissitudes caused by too much experience, which cannot be concealed by appearance, so I am sure that this man is by no means an ordinary person.

So here, my thought of leaving was wiped out at once, and then I still kept my signature smile on my face, and then I walked slowly towards that man. I was only two meters away from him now, so a few But when I was halfway there, he suddenly opened those blood-red eyes, and then looked at me sharply. Although he is now unkempt and looks extremely messy, his eyes are still unstoppable. Hold back the arrogance emanating from him.

When he looked at me like this, my footsteps paused slightly, not because I was afraid, but in terms of fear, I don’t think there is anyone in the world who has the momentum and eyes to make me reach this step, because my eyes are fierce. It's already very extreme, others are not afraid of my gaze, and I will naturally not feel the slightest thrill after seeing someone with my murderous gaze, because I am a majestic person myself.

I actually paused because I saw his blood red eyes with gum in the corners, seriously, I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't hold back, for beggars, laughing like this in front of them, they will think you are making fun of them , Look down on them, it will be very offensive, I have never been the kind of person who bases other people's pain on my own happiness, so I suppressed the snickering, and then walked to In front of him, he squatted down slowly, just like this, our two pairs of eyes kept looking at each other, I didn't avoid his gaze, and he didn't avoid mine, my gaze naturally exuded the effect of electric eyes at this time You will get confused if you look at it for a long time, but he has nothing at all. What's even more strange, although I can see the meaning in his eyes, I can't see the meaning in his eyes, just like there is nothing in his heart. Generally speaking, he just looked at me full of hostility, why would I be surprised, because being able to send out such a hostile look means that he has some thoughts in his heart, otherwise there would be no meaning in his eyes, but I never He saw hostility in his eyes, but he couldn't see what he was thinking in his eyes. His heart was completely blank, blank, and he didn't think about anything.

When I read this, I couldn't help thinking of the female ghost. When I first saw the female ghost, her eyes were dull and her heart was blank, but the female ghost's eyes were completely different from the man's. Any meaning is dull, but there is hostility in this man's eyes, which is enough to show that this man has a void of thought, but I can't see anything in his heart. So, is this man a perfect man? A master at hiding your inner thoughts?As far as hiding like Fatty’s method of hiding, I can see at a glance that my electric eyes can’t see through it. It’s entirely caused by insufficient internal strength, because he deliberately uses internal strength to prevent external forces from invading his heart. That kind of ability is obvious. It can be seen that he has something in his heart but deliberately hides it, but this man is different, I can't see that he has the power to hide his heart swimming, but he really has nothing in his heart?
But there is emotion in his eyes, which is completely contradictory. It seems that this man is really not a simple person as I expected.

This is not the ability to hide inner thoughts at all, it has evolved into a power that can turn inner thoughts into blanks. It seems that the world is so big, and there are no surprises. This man's martial arts cultivation seems to have broken the tradition in my heart In fact, now I don’t know that the martial arts in this Jianghu are grotesque and changeable, and any kind of ability may appear, so this is actually a phenomenon that is not surprising. Of course, it is not surprising to me now. I don't know much about martial arts, people, and things in this arena, so these ideas came from my experience in the arena for a long time. Of course, these are things for later.

At this time, the red-eyed man and I looked at each other for a while. Because I kept smiling and my attitude did not show hostility, the red-eyed man obviously relaxed his vigilance, and then stared at me slowly showing That snow-white teeth, let out a big laugh, I was puzzled at this moment, his sudden smile also alarmed the mother and child next to me, when the woman saw me and the man looking at each other, she couldn't help whispering She turned to me and said: "Grandpa, he is quite pitiful, you can help him, but he is a weirdo" Before she finished speaking, the man glared in her direction, and the woman immediately He stopped talking, turned his head to hug his own child, then looked ahead, then turned to me and said, "Grandfather, please take care of them for me, I'll go and see if there is any food for sale." After finishing speaking After I nodded in agreement, she walked towards the dark street, leaving only the three dirty children. Although I am not very familiar with the capital city, when we went to Meimeiyuzhuang, I heard Jiang Tiantian on the way. I mentioned a steamed stuffed bun shop not far ahead, said to be the most famous steamed stuffed bun shop in the capital city, and it was opened very late, and it was not far ahead, I think that woman should know about it, because the shop has a lot of eyesight. I can see it, as expected, I saw her running away and ran directly towards the store, it seems that she is not very strange in this street, after seeing the woman enter the store, I turned my head and looked sorry Looking at the red-eyed weirdo with interest, he said lightly, "Why are you smiling so happily? Didn't I give you the money yet?"

As soon as I finished speaking, the man was stunned for a moment, and then asked me tentatively: "You said you want to give me money?" His voice was very energetic, resonant and powerful, and he knew it was a man right away. man.

Seeing me nodding his head, he stopped laughing, and then said: "It's really rare that a rich young man like you can give me such a beggar alms." In fact, what he said was true, although Hua Mingchao The people in the country are all taken care of by their father, and the officials also take good care of them, and they are very caring. This is all due to the father's good governance, but those local dudes, wealthy businessmen and foreign officials will not So caring.

Although I haven't seen this with my own eyes, I've heard a lot about it. The dudes oppressed the people and became local bullies. This is similar to those local overlords in my previous life. This is the same as the last time I went to Wangdezhen to deal with the old man. The man from the house is a typical local snake. You say you are a bully, but no one says you. It’s fine if you don’t give alms, your money is earned by yourself, it didn’t fall from the sky, which is understandable, but it’s inhumane that you still fight with the poor and deduct their wages.

Therefore, although the father governs the country in a proper way, he still has nothing to do with these local overlords. It must be that these people are neither officials nor people in the court. They can only be regarded as some relatively wealthy people, and The number is large and messy, and some local wealthy businessmen and officials have friendship, so it is not easy to ask his subordinates to govern one by one, so in fact, it is very important for the father to come to his subordinates to give these poor people a bite of food. Great virtue, in fact, it’s not that he doesn’t want to take care of those local snakes, but he doesn’t know where to start. There are too many, and strict control will cause some commercial changes, because there are many rich merchants and the court also has some goods. Although it cannot be said that they are afraid of being inferior to them, for the sake of the balance of people from all walks of life in the world, this cannot be disturbed.

This is related to all aspects, so when I heard the red-eyed weirdo say it, I couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and then said with some helplessness: "The common people in today's world are actually not without blessings to speak of, although those dandy children do evil. It doesn't matter whether the poor are alive or dead, but the current emperor is a kind person, I think you must have received food from the court officials." This is not purely boasting about the father, in fact, the real father is the person Although he is usually cracked and looks like an old playboy, he is easy-going and a very easy-going person. His biggest advantage is that he has a heart for the people. He is a good emperor who regards the people as his children. This kind of character It is worth learning from my son. In fact, although I have a superior IQ, I have a strong will to admit defeat, but no matter the previous life or this life, the person I am most obedient to in these two lives is the father. He is really charming. A very strong person, even feels superior to me, which is why he can manage the world and do so well. However, he also has failures in his life. The biggest failure is that he spoils the old woman too much. If it weren't for the old woman The rubbish idea made the father change the correct plan, I think the country will be more prosperous now.

Every Mingjun has some helpless stumbling blocks. The biggest stumbling block for the father is the old woman. In fact, there is nothing wrong with filial piety, but it is too pampering. It is unnecessary to let her have the authority to govern. To be honest, if the old woman does not The ruling power, the current Huaming Dynasty has already completely ruled the four small countries of East, South, West, and North. How can I go to the South for an envoy? Grandmother, thinking about things is too feminine and has no practical effect. To be honest, she is really not very capable, and she is not good at looking. Maybe she was a little better when she was young, but I'm sure she was definitely not as good as she is now when she was young. The queen is half beautiful.

As I was thinking about it, my thoughts began to wander, and at this moment, the red-eyed weirdo laughed and said: "Yes, the current emperor is indeed a sensible monarch. How about it, it’s just a nest of rats ruining the pot, I know that the emperor is not easy to intervene in the management of those dudes, but what they have done is really too much.” After finishing speaking, the slightly angry look on his face also It gradually slowed down, and then he smiled at me for the first time, and then said with a smile: "I think you are an upright person, you must have a kind person in your family background, and it is fate to meet you today." , I was actually a fortune teller before discussing begging, I don't know if you are willing to ask me to do a fortune teller for you."

It seems that this man is also a man of temperament, it seems that he appreciates my tolerance and ideas, hehe, in fact, what I said is just the truth, but he said that he used to be a fortune teller, so I said he is not like an ordinary person , maybe he is a real fortune-telling god, since he wants to help me with the calculation, then I will not postpone it, so I smiled at him and said: "Then Mr. Lao will be there."

After I finished speaking, I stretched out my hand. I know that fortune-telling is usually based on palm reading, but as soon as I stretched out my hand, the red-eyed weirdo immediately laughed, then waved his hand, and said to me in a low voice: "It's fortune-telling. It's palmistry, but I'm different, I don't need to read palmistry."

After finishing speaking, he pushed me back, it seems that he is really different, maybe he is really a master, but I am a little curious, what aspect does he look at, so after reading this, I looked at him suspiciously Unexpectedly, he moved his face closer to look in the direction of my ear, and I was stunned for a moment. Could it be that he is looking at the ear for fortune-telling?What a miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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