Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 448 The Green Mountain School

Chapter 448 The Green Mountain School (2)
Huang Weitian has a strong ability to observe facial expressions, so of course he understood what we meant, so he didn't ask any further questions, and then asked those brothers Zhang to eat up their food, eat and drink quickly, then paid the bill, and then pointed their hands outside the door. He waved: "Let's go, I'll take you to see it." Hehe, as soon as he finished speaking, Huang Weitian stepped out of the inn door first, and then I and the others followed.

We chatted happily at the wine table and on the road, so it turned out that Outer Sifang was on the mountain that day. In fact, there is a mountain near the capital. Not to mention far away, the last time I sneaked out of the palace to find a prostitute was to follow Su. Try going to the mountain with the man in black to find the Ziyun Shuanglian, but that is just one of the mountain roads. There are many mountain roads in the capital. The seven of us left the Tathagata Inn and soon arrived at Huang Weitian's site, the East Street. , It is quite lively over there. To be honest, although the place in the capital is not very big, there are many streets, and the urban areas are very lively, except for the suburbs.

It’s a bit strange to say, when we first arrived at East Street, I also saw a strange sight, there was actually a half-grown young man practicing bicycles outside a room, and when he saw the bicycle, he knew it was made in my workshop. Huang Weitian looked at the bicycle curiously when he saw me, and said to me, "Brother Han must be a little ignorant. This is actually called a bicycle. It is said that it was sold by the Rong family. The inventor is the work of the fifth prince in the palace." Fang, it seems that His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince is really a child prodigy, he can make all kinds of strange things, this thing is a bit expensive, I heard that riding on it can replace a horse, but the speed depends on how fast you are, this is very It’s difficult to learn, and I bought it at home. I’ve practiced for a long time and still can’t learn it.” The last time I went to Dongdu, I saw that it was almost popularized there, and there are also tricycles, but now the capital also has them, but the capital still has them. It has not been fully popularized, but I believe that Xiaojiu and Liu Yuxi can handle this business. In fact, this business is not important. What is important is to popularize this tool to the world. This is my ultimate goal. Popularization is the root. Business is so bad, it's all useless talk.

In fact, although I have always kept a low profile, at the beginning, I did not mention myself as the inventor of the bicycle. At that time, it was because the power of the second prince and the eldest prince in the palace was not clear, so I did not forget to act lightly. Now the purpose is also clear. , The second prince was taken care of by me, the eldest prince also began to doubt me, the old woman also knew about my invention, so she didn't hide the truth any more, and I didn't want to hide it for too long from the beginning, so I put this bicycle The mark is printed as my signature, which is the seal, haha, created by the Fifth Prince.

In order to become famous and earn a lot of money in this era, beer has to do something that is beneficial to the common people. Although Huang Weitian said that the price of this bicycle is very expensive now, it is only in practice, because of the material. Many details are not perfect, so I am improving it now, not because I want to make a lot of money. To be honest, as long as this bicycle can be recognized by the people and liked by everyone, the price is not a problem, even if It doesn’t matter if I have nothing to lose, anyway, I am not short of money, what I lack now is fame, popularity, power, and other property as much as I want. Now so many courtiers in the palace are under my command, even if I am alone It’s not a problem to ask them to donate hundreds of thousands of taels to me, and now there are many Zhang Yinlang and others, so they want financial support. To put it bluntly, I can buy the entire capital if I want, so money is not a problem. problem.

Now that it has not been popularized, I think Liu Yuxi must still be improving and striving to make this bicycle the best. This is the most basic thing. Only good things can make good beer.

So after thinking about it, when I heard what Huang Weitian said, I smiled lightly and said: "Actually, I haven't seen it before. In fact, I wonder how this bike can ride stably, because I haven't tried it. It looks like it has two wheels. , and my body is so narrow, it’s hard to ride.” As soon as I finished speaking, Zhang San said, “It’s actually not that difficult. My father bought one for me, and I practiced for two days. I can ride it, but I seldom ride it. It is not easy to ride on the street because there are too many people.

"Actually, what he said is very reasonable. The streets in the capital are just like the pedestrian streets in some large cities in my previous life. They are not open to traffic. Otherwise, you will bump into people when you ride on it, which is not good. In fact, I have thought about this problem a long time ago, but bicycles have not been popularized yet. When they are really popularized, the street problem will not be a problem. There are two options, either make a law, On streets where bicycles are infested, pedestrians walk on both sides to avoid being injured. The second solution is to ask Fuhuang to rebuild all the streets in the capital, but this project is quite troublesome. All the streets that were built before have been repaired. It’s been a long time, but the street is smooth and suitable for cycling, but I heard from Liu Yuxi and others that there are a lot of pedestrians on that street and it’s not convenient to ride a bicycle, so in any case, we have to wait until the bicycle is completely completed before we can discuss it. I prefer to adopt the first option, because it is convenient and not too troublesome. You only need to order one. If pedestrians do not walk and are hit on both sides, they will not be compensated. It's not that these people have never done it before. When a horse rushes over, they have to give way, so this bicycle is the same as a horse. It is very easy to make those pedestrians give in.

At this time, our topic was about the bicycle. While I was studying with them how to learn it quickly, their interest also aroused, because I found that except for the Tyrannosaurus rex, all of them bought bicycles at home. Because it is expensive, I have a fresh picture, so I bought it and tried it. After all, the current bicycles are only suitable for the children of these rich people as toys. The disadvantages are mainly because they are difficult to ride and slower than horses. It's also a bit tiring, so I haven't been at home much, but anyway, this thing is also a very good thing, anyway, just talking like this, and soon we left this east street and came to an alley , both sides of this alley are full of houses, all of which are houses. Through this alley, after walking around for a while, we came to the back of a house. In fact, I have never been to this mountain road, but this mountain looks higher than the one I went to last time.

Then, while leading the way, Huang Weitian told us that they used to come to this mountain to play, and they said that there is a big sect on this mountain, called the Qingshan sect, and there are so many masters in it, they are very powerful I have never heard of the Qingshan faction, but I have heard of the Qingcheng faction in the previous life, and I don’t know if this Qingshan faction is directly related to the Qingcheng faction, but anyway, it’s up to the mountain now Well, I have to look around before I talk about anything, hehe, at least that day Outer Sifang and this Qingshan faction both interested me a little bit.

Speaking of the whole world, there are tens of thousands of sects, but it is really not easy to establish a sect, and it is even more difficult to carry forward the sect, so no matter how big or small the sect is, it is not easy. Like my Lianer, their Although Ling Yumen has a place in the world, but she is not well-known, but I admire her so much that she is dying. It is not easy to create a school of your own with a daughter and a disease.

At this time, we had already passed through this mountain road, and then walked for a while, and came to a grassland-like open space. Through this open space, we saw a large forest on the opposite side. At this time, Huang Weitian said while leading the way : "Be careful when entering the woods, especially the four Zhang brothers. I think you also know that the forest is the territory of the Qingshan faction. They never like outsiders to break in, so we have never gone in to play before, but I was really curious that day, so I went in only to find that there were people from all directions outside that day, as well as Mr. Han and the tyrannosaurus. You should also be careful, it may be a little dangerous.

"Then after finishing speaking, I looked at us and found that we didn't look flustered, so I felt relieved. However, the four brothers and sisters felt a little isolated in their hearts, and seemed a little scared. Although I have never been here before, Well, looking at them like that, you can tell that this is a forbidden area on this mountain, no wonder no one dares to break into it, but I am also really surprised, what kind of danger is there in the end, and what will happen if you go in, so I couldn't help laughing and said : "Brother Huang, don't worry, we didn't grow up scared. By the way, you said that outsiders are not allowed to break in. What danger is there? Could it be that those Qingshan faction people dare to kill people indiscriminately? In that case, the government may also have Do what you want. "Although it is said that the people in the rivers and lakes don't have much contact with the government, but it is a crime to kill people casually. Of course, if you kill someone, it's fine if you don't pursue it. If you don't cause public anger, it's fine. , The hunters went in and were killed. When there were more people, I don't believe that the government didn't take action, because that would cause public outrage.

But listening to what Huang Weitian said, it seems that the danger here is not death, and the prohibition of entry does not mean that you will be killed if you enter. What could it be? After reading this, I feel strange, so it is very difficult to ask this question. curious.

At this time, when Huang Weitian heard my question, he held his tongue a little bit, and then said: "Actually, killing people is not enough. This is the capital city, and it is so close to the imperial city. The big and small gangs around the capital city dare not kill casually." Yes, of course, except for the killings in the Jianghu, they still dare not kill ordinary people so openly, in fact, this is not the reason why this area is called a restricted area." At this time, Huang Weitian didn't continue when he said this, and the next door Zhang Si then interjected: "Because inside"

(End of this chapter)

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