Chapter 468
This old farmer is very fast, but because his lightness kung fu is not very powerful, so in terms of the strength of me and the demon emperor, we follow him, it is completely more than mourning, so although this guy is a killer, his martial arts The background is really not high, so if we want to follow him, he has no ability to detect us at all. This is the difference in martial arts. It doesn't mean that the internal strength is higher than him. What's more, we only use less than three levels of light work speed, if we use all our strength, he can't keep up at all, then we will surpass him, not follow.

At this time, we had followed the old agricultural bank for a long distance, left the small mountain road, passed through some fields, and entered a village with a wooden pillar carved with a tea village. It seems that this is a tea village. In fact, when we were on the mountain just now, we saw the big picture of the village, that is, there were only about a dozen houses. It seemed that the village was very small, and there were some crops around. Obviously, the houses in this village were all I do farming for a living, but no matter what, this place can be regarded as a refuge. At least hiding here can hide people's eyes and ears. However, those killers are considered powerful, and they can find here. It seems that their investigation organization is also It’s very powerful. At this moment, I heard the sound of my heart power, and it was from Mal. He has already gone to a place where the internal energy is relatively dense with the five walking corpses. Why did he choose that place? Because although Mal’s martial arts are weak, he has Five walking corpses are assisting him by his side, that is to say, his five walking corpse bodyguards can completely help him become a tool to detect each other, and the detection skills of walking corpses are relatively clever , that is to say, like me and the Demon Emperor, the murderous aura can also be detected, but although the murderous aura can be detected, it can only be felt, not to say that the strength of the murderous aura can also be felt, because the place they chose is There are some non-murderous and three gathering points with murderous aura, that is to say, it is obvious that the three men with murderous aura are probably the three men in black just now, and the other ten or so non-murderous ones People are the hall masters of Linglongmen, that's why they rushed over there quickly, because now those internal forces are gathered together, it is very likely that those killers have already engaged with the hall masters, so Mal and the others have to rush there quickly Slow down, there are walking corpses to assist, so I don’t worry about Mal’s anything now. At this time, I noticed the old farmer, because after he led us into the village, he turned to the direction of a field opposite to Mal’s. go.

Is Yu Shiyu alone in another place?But no matter what, I have to follow him to find Yu Shiyu first, because she is the key point, I am the most important person in this matter, at this time the old farmer turned to the direction of a field, and then towards a side road Walking, looking at that road like this, it leads to a mountain forest. At this time, I was depressed. Do I have to go up the mountain again, but now I can’t care so much. The most important thing is to follow him. In fact, I thought about it just now. I really want to get him out first, then threaten him to lead the way, and then ask him if there are any killers around here, but it is easy to scare the snake by doing this. All previous efforts have been wasted, so now I can only follow him closely.

At this time, the 45 walking corpses behind me have already sent me a voice transmission of mind power, telling us that they are already behind us and can act at any time. At this time, I was overjoyed when I heard the news. I can only let them follow behind me and the Demon Emperor temporarily, all orders and arrangements will be discussed later, it is useless to let them out now, there is only one enemy now.

In fact, when it comes to ghosts and ghosts, I think my walking corpse is much more powerful and secretive than those killers. What are those killers? My walking corpse is an expert in this field, but killers can't be ignored Well, at least I have heard that the people in the Killer Alliance are not simple, and there must be a lot of experts in it, so I never underestimate the enemy, because that is a very unwise idea.

I have always overestimated and never underestimated the enemy, because this will benefit me, so that I will not lose the battle because of underestimating the enemy, because once I do not underestimate the opponent, then I will use Go all out to fight the battle, then you won't suddenly lose something that shouldn't be, even if you really lose, you are not as skilled as others, and it has nothing to do with other things.

At this time, Marr and the others have come to send a voice transmission, telling me that the three killers have been brought under control, but two of the three killers have committed suicide. It seems that they are very loyal and dare not betray their own organization, but There was another one who wanted to commit suicide, but was stopped by the walking corpse. They are interrogating, and the thirteen hall masters are also safe. Now they are negotiating with Mal and the others. The specific situation will not be known until a while, but Even so, I am very satisfied with this situation now, and I feel more and more in my heart that this Marr is capable. He has only just come to our country, but he is so smooth, so smart and efficient. Not only did I have to admire my vision, but it also showed that I was very accurate in seeing people.

At this time, the situation on Mal's side has stabilized, and it doesn't matter even if the last killer commits suicide. Now the old farmer is the most important thing to me, so Mal has already completed the task, and the current relationship between me and the Demon King To act is to stop this old farmer's actions quickly.

At this time, we passed the small mountain road, and soon we came to the mountains. After passing through a large forest, we came to a plain again, but this time it was completely different, because we were in the distance on the mountainside. I saw a house, and that house was as conspicuous as a tree among thousands of flowers. The structure is made of wood, which looks like a small wooden house. At the moment, the house still has smoke coming out. Speaking of which, it is almost noon now, and it is time to cook, so the smoke is now The air is like cooking smoke.

At this time, the old farmer moved some distance away from the small wooden house, and then he moved to a hidden grass, and then I and the demon emperor saw him slowly take out something from his bosom, that thing looks like A flute-like music prop, and then he played it softly, because now the three of us are at most less than ten meters away from the small house, and at this time, this unsettling sound resounded in the peaceful plain. The sound of the music flute of the Concorde can not help but make people feel surprised. Obviously, the people in the hut also felt such a movement, and then I saw a person walking out of the hut. I really have mixed feelings in my heart, because the person who came out was Yu Shiyu, who I had been thinking about day and night, but she looked haggard after such a long time, and her face was full of vicissitudes and exhaustion. Time really suffers.

At this time, as soon as Yu Shiyu came out of the wooden house, she jumped into the grass with a light step. Her hearing and judgment were not covered. This jump came straight to the front of the old farmer, and then looked at the old farmer's hand. Dizi looked at the old farmer again, and Yu Shiyu said angrily: "You guys are really deceiving people too much. I think Yu Shiyu has been putting up with you all the time, but I didn't expect that you are not only ignorant, but also pushing each other everywhere. What's wrong, now even the killer People from the alliance are also here."

When the old farmer heard this, he looked at Yu Shiyu coldly, then took back his flute, took out a small knife from his pocket, and said to Yu Shiyu, "Don't be offended by Yu Xia, we just obey others, I miss you I also know what song I played just now. It is a special recruiting song for our Killer Alliance. I think you also know the consequences. Our people will come after less than three moves. No matter how powerful you are, you will not escape us The palm of a digital killer.

"After finishing speaking, before Yu Shiyu could reply, he stabbed with the knife in his hand, but I saw this stab in my eyes and smiled in my heart. He is really a guy with extremely low martial arts skills. It seems that all the tricks of such a straight stab have come. This guy wants a quick fight. At this time, Yu Shiyu saw the knife stabbing, and moved slightly to the side, then reached out to grab the opponent's wrist but failed to catch it, and then flattened his right hand, and the opponent also Not showing weakness and facing her with a palm, and then because of the collision of internal force, both of them were shocked back a few steps by their respective internal forces, but it was obvious that the killer old farmer used all his strength in the palm just now. Yes, but Yu Shiyu only used the second level of strength at most. Obviously, the old farmer took the palm quite strenuously and reluctantly. It's actually only a tie with Yu Shiyu's palm strength on the second floor, but even though it's a tie, but because the old farmer's strength is so great, his body can't bear the load for a while, and it's a bit strenuous, while Yu Shiyu is unusually relaxed, with a cold look Looking at the old farmer, he said with a sneer, "Old Man Tu, I never expected you to be so ungrateful after three years of absence, but I never thought that someone like you could join the Assassin Alliance. Surprised me. "As soon as Yu Shiyu finished speaking, I was a little surprised. Hearing what she said, it seemed that she had known the old farmer before. It seemed that they had known each other a long time ago, but it seemed that the relationship was not very good.

At this time, as soon as Yu Shiyu finished speaking, the old farmer snorted, and then said: "It's not thanks to Yu Xia, if you didn't push me to a dead end, how could I join such a good gang? People, it was the same three years ago and today, but you also know that even if you kill me, you won’t be able to escape, hehe, our people will be here soon.” Just as he finished speaking, he saw the surrounding birds All the birds flew into the sky, and flew away in panic. Obviously, this was caused by the powerful murderous aura around them. Birds are very sensitive animals, and they are more sensitive than people's perception. Predicting the coming of danger, it will flee from the place and fly to the distance.

At this time, after the birds flew away, I immediately heard a group of murderous people flying towards us to step on the grass. The speed was extremely fast, and there were at least ten people. Said, the anger in his heart rose even more, and then he spat and said: "Old man Tu, you still have the nerve to mention this matter, think about what you did three years ago, molesting women from good families, robbing women from civilians to sell Going to the brothel, your heinous deed, if I don’t punish you, someone will. I only blame that I didn’t bother you with my own hands back then, I only blamed me for letting your life go, or else you wouldn’t be here today. I won’t go back again, but what I failed to do back then, I must do today, even if I am smashed to pieces, I will die with you.” After finishing speaking, Yu Shiyu took the lead, one hand turned into two fingers, two Pointing at the old farmer as a sword, looking at the momentum, the intention to kill is rising. It seems that my lovely baby Yu Shiyu is really serious this time. Her martial arts are already much higher than that old farmer, and now her internal strength has also been raised to five. Layer, it seems that he wants to kill the old farmer with a shock.

At this time, the old farmer was not an idiot, and he also saw Yu Shiyu's murderous intentions, and his heart trembled. This can be seen from his eyes. It seems that this guy is still very afraid of death, so seeing Yu Shiyu go, immediately He kept backing away, trying to avoid her attack, but Yu Shiyu's jade finger was already piercing towards him like a sharp sword. He was so anxious that he sat on the ground as soon as he saw his throat was about to be pierced by Yu Shiyu. At this time, a hidden weapon flew towards Yu Shiyu at high speed, and Yu Shiyu also felt the cold arrow, and then moved his body skillfully in the air, dodging the hidden weapon, but his fingers also withdrew to face the old man Tu threat.

At this moment, Yu Shiyu turned over several times, and Yu Shiyu stood firm on the grass. At the same time, twelve murderous masked men also appeared in front of the old man Tu. These 12 people were all killers with swords. When the old man Tu saw Xu Jun coming, he also shouted in his heart that he was lucky, then he stood up and looked at Yu Shiyu bitterly, then waved his hand forward in the air, the twelve masked men in black Immediately drank and rushed towards Yu Shiyu.

At this moment, my heart trembled, because these twelve people felt completely different to me. They were not at the same level as the old farmer at all. Their martial arts were much higher than him. They were all very powerful sword masters. It seems that my baby If we fight recklessly, it must be more ominous than ominous. At the same time, I also used the sound transmission in my heart to quickly recruit the 45 walking corpses following us. If there is no accident, after ten seconds My 45 walking corpses will come to Yu Shiyu and the thirteen killers, but now I can't wait for ten seconds, because Yu Shiyu is being forced back by the twelve swords, and he is about to I can't stand it anymore
(End of this chapter)

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