Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 487 Opening up business channels

Chapter 487 Opening up business channels (2)
Why did I suddenly mention the size of the dining table? Because this is a custom of this era. This is a reason for showing wealth and style and being courteous to guests. So what if I want to write history books in the future? Yes, I will add these things, because these are all part of the culture of this era, and it will be helpful for people in future generations, otherwise those people in future generations will not be able to fully understand the cultural background of our era and some The cultural details are the stuff above.

At this time, when I was thinking about the cultural background, I walked into the dining room with the two babies. At this time, I found that the demon emperor and Mal had already sat in their seats, and after I saw them, Seeing their surprised eyes, I gave them a wink, and explained my two treasures and the reason why they came in arm in arm with me. They immediately understood, so immediately I turned my head to look at Mrs. Chen and Yuanwai Chen, and I have been staring at them since I entered the door, because they are the important people today.

At this time, I was quite surprised to see Mrs. Chen and Yuanwai Chen's expressions. Of course, it was not because they were surprised that their precious daughter came in with me intimately, and even held my hand, but their eyes were fixed on Zixue's. Holding my hand, I can see that there are doubts and puzzles in their expressions, but although their eyes are like this now, it is quite gratifying, because at least they don't care about the development of my baby girl and me. So fast, I think with Mrs. Chen's personality and eloquence, I must have told the honest and honest Mr. Chen last night. So regarding the matter between Chen Yunxiao and me, I think the two of them have reached a tacit agreement and are willing to hand over their daughter to me. In fact, I said yesterday that because Chen Yunxiao is an only seedling, many things are now left to her In fact, even if Mrs. Chen and Chen Yuanwai don't like me very much, they won't be too obstructive, but their attitude towards me may not be so good, but now that they like me too, their daughter I also love me, so this happy event is a double joy, it makes me happy, but when there is joy, there is worry, and this worry is Zixue.

In fact, I have already expected their looks now. If they are not surprised by Zixue's behavior, then it will be strange. If they really don't care about Zixue, then we won't be so anxious Yes, so their current reaction is also within my expectation, so I didn't panic at all, I just pretended that nothing happened, and I was about to go to the dinner table, but when I just took another step At this moment, Mrs. Chen couldn't bear it anymore. She stared at Zixue in surprise, then reached out and raised her jade finger, pointing at Zixue, and then said to me with a cold attitude: "Mr. Han, what's going on? What’s the matter, you are a son, why are you so close to this servant?”

My trick of showing off really worked. This time Mrs. Chen also decisively opened the window and asked the important point directly. This time I saved a lot of time to mention the important point. Now that the questions are all out of the way Now, I might as well use my strategy to persuade Mrs. Chen, of course, Xiao'er's cooperation is needed for this.

If Mrs. Chen loves Chen Yunxiao the most, she will help me and say that I will get twice the result with half the effort, so when I heard her question, I turned my head and gave Xiaoer a wink, and she slowly let go He took my arm, walked to Mrs. Chen and sat down in small steps, then took Mrs. Chen's hand coquettishly, pouting her pink lips and getting up coquettishly. I want this movement and expression to be on the usual Chen Yunxiao forever. I can't see them all, but I have seen them six times, two times when she practiced, and now there is a real face, and three times, when I was in the rain with her last night, because She has some expressions when she is in pain and fear. Speaking of which, her tender side is very similar to Shi'er, but they are completely different. They all have one thing in common, that is, they are usually strong in character, and they are not afraid of the sky. The firm attitude of the earth, but in fact they also have a tender side, I think all women have this side, but some women cover it up, just like Shi'er and Xiao'er on weekdays, they don't want to let the weak and docile One side is shown in front of strangers, but her attitude towards those she loves and relatives is completely different, and she will show it all nakedly. This is a real woman.

Because Xiao'er is acting like a baby right now, I arranged this, so I didn't answer Madam Chen's question to me just now, I have to wait for Xiao'er to get rid of her side first, and I will speak again after this Madam Chen's bottom line of defense is broken , so now I am standing at the door without saying a word, at this time I found that Xueer started to get a little nervous again, and the hand holding my arm was trembling a little, so I gently took her hand, and then my hand stretched out Interlocking her fingers at the bottom can relieve her nervous pressure. At this time, after interlocking my fingers, I hold Xueer's hand tightly. Her hand is delicate and white, soft and boneless, and it is full of enthusiasm when I hold it. The passion was radiating, which caused me to react physically again, but this reaction was quickly suppressed by me, because the most important thing now is not to want to be touched by this passion, but to quickly get rid of the biggest thing in front of me. It's a difficult problem, so after reading this, I used the tightness of my hand to ease Xue'er's lack of confidence and nervousness, while smiling at Mrs. Chen and Yuanwai Chen. I found that Yuanwai Chen's surprised expression had eased. Come, and even looked at me with a smile, and winked at me from time to time, this time I was very happy. Judging from Chen Yuanwai's eyes, he supported my approach, because he actually loves men and women in his heart, and he is a husband. Multi-wife agrees very much, as long as it is the woman he loves, a son who doesn't care about his status is a real gentleman. This information is all revealed from Chen Yuanwai's eyes. The reason why he only has Mrs. Chen as his wife now, I think it is because he loves Mrs. Chen so much, and other women can't fall into his eyes, that's why he has been so dedicated to guarding this wife.

But no matter what, I can see from Chen Yuanwai's eyes that his position is obviously towards my side, so now we have another helper on our side, and now everyone in the room except the one standing next to him Except for a few servants, everyone present except Mrs. Chen is all on my side, so I think it is easy to decide about Xueer.

I have said that I am generally not impulsive in doing things, and I will always recruit later. Even if it is a matter of ten or nine, I will think about what to do if there is an emergency, so it is natural for me to come here to persuade Mrs. Chen. I have a plan, what should I do if I am not convinced? I am so confident, because I have electric eyes, because I usually don’t use electric eyes to control a person’s mind unless it is absolutely necessary, because I want to accomplish everything with my own strength and wisdom. Of course, many things in the world are beyond my imagination. Yes, so I thought about it, if I really can't explain this Mrs. Chen, I will use my electric eye to convince her when I have no other choice, and the success rate will be [-]% by then, I can be sure of this Because although Mrs. Chen also has martial arts, three nine-rate men can't handle it. In addition, her internal strength is not too strong. I don't think her internal strength and martial arts are too high, so I use the current foreign It's more than mourning to vent [-]% of my internal energy to control her mind. Of course, I won't use this function until the last moment, because it's a last move.

At this time, my eyes returned to Mrs. Chen and Chen Yunxiao. At this moment, Xiao'er held Mrs. Chen's hand and said, "Mother, my daughter is going to go to Yayi Academy in Beijing with Mr. Han, and she may not be able to go home for a long time. Now." As soon as she finished speaking, her mother's displeasure eased, and then she held Xiao'er's hand as if comforting, and said softly: "Xiao'er, don't worry, before you Your father and I tried our best to go to the school, but you couldn't. Now that we can go with Mr. Han, we are naturally happy, but we can't cause trouble when we go out. When we have free time, we should come back to see your father and mother. It's alright." After she finished speaking, she smiled kindly, then exchanged a glance with Yuanwai Chen, and smiled knowingly, then she turned her head to look at me again, and then pretended to be stern to me: "There is still Mr. Han , now my master and I have handed over our precious daughter to you, you must not let her down."

"Of course, I will be good to Xiao'er all my life." I did not lie in this sentence, nor did I say it to comfort Mrs. Chen and Chen Yuanwai, because this sentence is my sincere words , so I spoke very sincerely, when Mrs. Chen heard this, she looked at Mrs. Chen with a smile, and then turned to me and Xiao'er with an ambiguous smile and asked, "Then when are you going to get married?"

This Mrs. Chen is really avant-garde, she actually asked such a question, but I don't mind, I just heard Xiao'er's pretty face blushed immediately when she heard her mother's words, and then shyly said: "Oh, mother, what do you think?" What, I’m ignoring you." After finishing speaking, she pretended to be angry and turned her head away, then Chen Yuanwai and Mrs. Chen both laughed loudly, and then Mrs. Chen said: "Our baby Xiaoer is still shy, hey , It’s really not a good girl.” As she spoke, she sighed softly, and then her face suddenly became a little serious, as if she remembered something, and I knew it was terrible at this moment, she must have died all of a sudden. Thinking of Zixue's matter, I originally asked Xiao'er to talk to her first to ease her mind and let her calm down before talking about Zixue's matter, but I didn't expect her to calm down so quickly. , she turned her head abruptly and looked at me, then at Zixue, and then asked me a little harshly: "Mr. Han, you haven't answered the question I asked you just now, have you?"

Now I knew I couldn't avoid it, and I had to answer her directly, so I read this and smiled at Mrs. Chen with a signature smile. I mentioned before that my smile can fascinate thousands of girls. It can also make people feel that I have a kingly temperament and a very trustworthy feeling, so after I spread my smile, this Mrs. Chen was no exception, and was also shocked by my eyes and smile. Just kidding, not to mention her, a woman who has been in shopping malls and fairs, even our famous No. This look is very lethal, but although my eyes are Xili, there is still someone in my memory who has not cared about my look. That person is now my woman's poetry. Speaking of which, she read There are countless people, and the emotional ability is also high, no wonder she thought my expression was useless.

(End of this chapter)

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