Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 489 Strange Event

Chapter 489 Strange Event (1)
At this time, we were almost finished eating, and then Mrs. Chen asked me: "Mr. Han, are you going to leave right away? Don't you go after playing for two more days?" It cannot be said that there are no real elements in it. After all, I have the same relationship with her daughter now, so as her prospective son-in-law, she still has sincerity to me no matter what. This is not only me Seen from her eyes, but also from my feelings.

But whether she is true or not, I can't stay here any longer, so I immediately made an excuse: "Sorry, Mrs. Chen, I have something urgent to rush to the capital, and I have to go back to the capital to ask someone to help the two elders finish it." It's about business affairs, so I said, "We need to use this tactic to suppress her, but it really worked. When she heard it, a smile appeared on her face immediately, and then she told us to eat quickly. The men prepared the horses for us.

Now I heard that I naturally ate faster, and then saw that the other people were also full, so I said goodbye to the two elders quickly, and then dealt with some things, such as Xueer's contract and Maer After waiting for another half an hour, we said goodbye to each other and left the Chen Mansion. At this time, because Xiaoer had never left Wangdezhen, and she was about to leave two relatives, she I couldn't help but shed tears. In fact, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Chen were also very reluctant to part with her, but there was no way for a woman to get married. This is the case in this era. Once a woman gets married, she will go with the man. It's a matter of course, so no matter how reluctant they are, Xiao'er still has to go with me, so I let them say goodbye there, and then I gritted my teeth and lightly Went up lightly, held Xiao'er's jade hand, and said goodbye to the two elders, then got on the horse, and after the five horses rode, they all headed towards the road leading to the capital from Wang Dezhen The gate rushed over, and when I passed the Shiyu Building, I paused for a while, and saw that the Shiyu Building hadn't opened. It's almost eight o'clock now, and it stands to reason that the door is already open here, I think Now that the Ghost Ax Gang has been dealt with, Shi'er still has a lot of work to do. Maybe I think the Shiyu Building won't be able to open for a few days, but now I have to go back to the capital first. Anyway, after Shi'er finds Wang Chaoyang I will come back to look for me, come to the capital to look for me in person, so I don’t worry so much now, anyway, the separation is only short, so I only paused for less than 3 minutes and rode forward again. In fact, after the pause just now At that moment, the horses of Xue'er and Xiao'er stopped after me, and followed my gaze towards Shiyulou, but they didn't say anything because they knew everything.

Just last night when I broke their bodies, I told them something about me. Of course, I didn’t say anything about the prince. I just said some innocuous things, but the most important thing is to say Well, how many wives I have now, I have to tell them sooner or later, so I didn't hide it, so I also told them about Shi'er, and I said that women in this era are very enlightened. When I said this, I didn’t have any special reaction when I said it so frankly. Anyway, it was the same sentence my former woman said: As long as you treat us well, we don’t care how many wives you have.

Hey, sometimes I really think about it, it would be great if the women in my previous life were so enlightened. Unfortunately, taking more than two wives in my previous life is called remarriage, and I have to pay legal responsibility. It seems that this is still the case in ancient times. Well, you can take as many wives as you want, as long as the two are willing, and this is really very refreshing.

At this time, we left Wangde Town on horseback, and it was daytime, and there were people coming and going on the alley where we met Mrs. Chen last night, most of them were fruit and vegetable vendors. It seems that there are still quite a few vendors in Wangde Town. Speaking of which, although this town is a bit remote and remote, and not too crowded, one advantage is that it is the central point connecting several big cities, so there are many people coming and going. The road merchants and people in the rivers and lakes love to stay here, so the business opportunities here are pretty good.

In fact, I have seen the fabric business that Mrs. Chen and the others are talking about. At worst, I have stayed in this Wangdezhen twice. I have visited Wangde Town twice, so now I know all the big and small shops here, and I remember exactly which shops are on which street, so for this fabric I have also paid attention to the shops. I counted them together. There are about [-] fabric shops, large and small, in this Wangde town. There are so many differences in such a small town. The storefront is very difficult to do this kind of business, but the largest one is still in the Chen Mansion, called Chen's Cloth House. The storefront is quite big, and it looks about the same as Da Cai and Yu Shiyu, and beside it there is A Lin's Cloth Shop, it seems that there is a difference between the two stores, but the scale is completely different, because the store of Lin's Cloth Shop is more than a circle larger than that of Chen's House, and the fabrics inside are from low to high. , there are all kinds of them, I heard that the price is lower than Chen Fu, and Chen Fu, because it is an old brand store, so the goods sold in it are of high quality, it can be said that the goods inside are From high to top, so in this way, those poor families are not willing to go to the cloth shop opened by Chen's family to buy cloth, because it is too expensive, not because the goods are not good, but because they have no money to buy, and Lin's cloth shop is not It's the same, the consumer who meets all the criteria, the business will naturally be fine.

In fact, speaking of good business, I think the net profit income of the two stores is better than that of the Chen Fu. Why, because the goods of the Chen Fu are expensive, and a piece of high-quality top-quality fabric can be regarded as a hundred pieces of ordinary cloth. Therefore, one bolt of Chen’s cloth is considered to be the same as Lin’s selling a hundred pieces of middle-grade cloth. In fact, although Wangde Town is small, there are many rich merchants and many rich people, so Let’s talk about some daughters, young masters and buddies love to go to Chen’s Cloth Shop to choose fabrics, because they are of high quality.

However, although the business of Chen's Mansion is better than that of Lin's Mansion, Lin's Mansion has also taken away a lot of business, so the income of Chen's Cloth Manor is now much less than before, and the town is not big, so here It is impractical to open a branch store, only one store can be opened, so it is very embarrassing for Mr. Chen to rely on the income of this store alone. Those who thought about opening a branch also listened to his wife's words and planned to open branches in other provinces, so the whole story of this matter is like this. Speaking of opening up business channels, it seems that they really have to go back to the capital to handle it, because Yan The commercial road in Mencheng passes through the capital, while the commercial road in Luocheng is on the other side of Wangde Town. The two places are completely in opposite directions, but it doesn’t matter, as long as I return to the capital and order Liu Yuxi to handle it. .

At this time, because Xue'er and Xiao'er were there, we used horses all the way. We didn't use our internal strength to do light work. However, this horse is quite competitive, and it is much faster than ordinary horses. It seems that Mrs. Chen It was a few high-quality BMWs picked for us, so it didn't take me long to pass by the eight towns of Guigui, and then I arrived at the east gate of the capital.

At this time, I saw a long line of people lined up in the direction of the forbidden entrance of the east gate from a distance. , unless it is a particularly important matter, the checkpoint will be strictly checked, so out of curiosity, I took the lead and led the horse to the forbidden entrance. Of course, other people were waiting at a distance of more than 80.00 meters from me. In fact, I didn’t want to Let them come together, the main reason is that I am afraid that some accident will reveal my identity, because looking at the posture of the forbidden gate, I guess some token will be checked, and only one of the tokens on me can pass through the forbidden gate. It is effective, that is the prince's token, this is specially brought when leaving the palace, just in case, in fact, I have two kinds of tokens on me now, in addition to the prince's token, I actually also bring the obedience card, but the card of obedience can only be used in special circumstances. Although my courtiers now account for more than [-]% of the entire court, and the subordinates of those ministers will also obey the orders of this card, but, these The guards guarding the forbidden entrance are not in the charge of my ministers, so showing them the token is of no use.

So after reading this, I rode forward quickly, and then the ten guards at the door blocked my way, telling me to wait in line for verification. In front of him, he quickly took out the prince's token from his pocket and shook it in front of his eyes. His serious and calm attitude suddenly dropped. It seemed that he was really like a turtle now, and he whispered respectfully to me. : "It turned out to be His Royal Highness Fifth Prince, who is so young that he doesn't know Mount Tai. I hope His Highness will make amends." At this time, because there were too many people around, I was afraid that people would talk too much, so I got off my horse, and hurriedly called him aside, Then he asked in a low voice: "What's the matter? The east gate is usually very loose. Why is the investigation so strict today?"

(End of this chapter)

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