Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 82 Demon King

Chapter 82 Demon King
"It's Yasi. Husband, it's really embarrassing for you to ask a girl this kind of thing." I was dizzy, Xiaohuan didn't answer, but another voice came over, I looked back, Yulan had already called them all Here it is, it was Lily who spoke just now, seeing the beads of sweat on her forehead, she must have trained very hard just now.

When these lovely people heard what Lily said, they all covered their mouths and giggled coquettishly. This time it made my face burn, but I don’t know if my face is red now. If it’s just me That's all for a few women, I'm sure I didn't react at all, mainly because there were five strange men present, so I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

I took a big look, and the appearance of the five subordinates was indeed a bit weird. At this moment, their expressions were very unnatural, the kind of appearance that wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.Their expressions made me laugh, I opened my mouth slightly, looked at them kindly, stared at them for a while, they also noticed that I was looking at them, quickly reacted, knelt on the ground together, and kowtowed: "See Master."

I coughed twice, lifted Xiaohuan's delicate body, and walked slowly to them.Taking advantage of the situation, she hugged the willow waist of Lily who was standing next to her. This little girl nodded my nose and said angrily: "Husband, your five precious subordinates really exhausted me and my sister to death."

When she mentioned it, I turned my head to look at Lian Yue, she walked to the other side of me lightly, took my arm naturally, turned her head and smiled sweetly at Lily: "As long as you can help your husband, what's the point of being a little tired?" It doesn’t matter, you are too soft, giggle.” After speaking, she covered her mouth and smiled at me: “She was not as strong as that big guy just now, and she was lifting a huge boulder like a hero, but she was so tired that her face was covered in sweat.”

"Sister, I didn't use my internal strength just now. How can I compare with a big man in terms of brute force? You wouldn't be able to lift it up." Lily pursed her pink lips when she heard this, with a delicate look .

"I'm not strong enough, that's why I didn't go up. Who knew that you asked for trouble and ran up to move that huge boulder. You, you used all your strength and didn't move at all. You are still a master. You are not afraid of being caught." What a joke." Now, everyone snickered.Lily raised her face, took my hand, and said coquettishly: "Husband, my sister is bullying me."

"Oh." I nodded, turned my head and kissed Lianyue on the face, and smiled evilly at Lily: "I avenged you."

"Husband" Lily shook my hand vigorously with a look of resignation, her pink lips were pouting, she was so cute.

Xiaoyue also came to my arms gently, holding Xiaohuan's hand with a worried face, and said softly: "Sister Xiaohuan, are you okay? Sister Yulan just mentioned that there are ghosts here, and she is afraid that Xiaoyue will Terrified."

Xiaoyue is an elf, everyone likes her, Xiaohuan smiled when she heard this, stroked Xiaoyue's silk hair, glanced at me, and said softly: "It's all up to His Highness to protect me, otherwise I'm really afraid of dying."

At this time Tianxiang also stepped forward and asked, "Xiaohuan, do you really see eyes on the wall? It's so scary." After finishing speaking, she also hurried to me, as if I was their patron saint. I feel very proud. At this moment, the six lovely people around me gathered together. I felt a soft touch from the front to the back of my body. Yes, I used my internal force to suppress that lust again.

I looked over Xiaohuan's fragrant shoulders, looked at the five people who were still kneeling on the ground, waved to them, and shouted majestically: "Get up, all of you, what's your name? Let me introduce you one by one." I took a closer look at these five people, and they were all around seventeen or eight years old. In my previous life, I could only be a kid and a student at this age, but it’s different in this ancient time. You can be a killer at the age of ten. They are both the fathers of their two-year-old children, so I don't care much about their young age. I am only 11 years old now, so I am not very old.

As soon as the five people heard what I said, they stood up quickly, one of them was a tall man with black eye circles and straight hair, striding forward, he clasped his fist at me, and responded in a loud voice: "Return Master, I am the Demon Emperor."

This man is very handsome, but he is a bit strange, especially those eyes, which hide a strong murderous look. I didn't realize that I became interested in him, and I asked: "What have you done before, what kind of martial arts are you specialized in?" ?"

The Demon Emperor's words are not sloppy, but very incisive. As soon as I asked him, he answered four words: "Killer, hidden weapon."

Don't underestimate this hidden weapon. I always thought that the master of martial arts is swordsmanship, but since I saw the black spider's darts last time, I have become a little more curious about the power of hidden weapons. However, there seems to be something wrong with the attitude of this subordinate. After reading this, I lightly patted Xiaohuan's fragrant shoulders, she was very clever, she knew what was going on just by looking at me, and hurriedly replied: "Your Highness, you don't have to worry about it, the Demon Emperor's nature is just like this, he is not sociable, he He is very loyal." Xiaohuan glanced at the Yaohuang's deep face again, and continued: "He used to be the number one killer in Shizimen, and his martial arts cultivation was very high. A year ago, he was forced by the enemy to At the end of the road, brother Zhang Yinlang saved his life"

"En." I raised my hand, interrupted Xiaohuan's words, glanced at the five people coldly, and said: "You should be clear about the purpose of coming to the palace this time, I don't want anyone to disrespect me in the future, respecting the master is The basic qualities that are necessary for my subordinates. You are my best special force. I hope you will bring me benefits. If you do a good job, I will definitely reward you heavily. I won’t punish you too much, if someone intentionally messes with me, but fails in what they could have done, then don’t blame me for being too ruthless, do you understand?”

"Yes, master." The voices of the five people were all in one voice, which made me very happy with their qualities.

I glanced at the Demon Emperor again, and repeated the question I asked earlier: "The Demon Emperor, what is your most powerful martial art in detail?"

"Hidden weapon." He pondered for less than a second after speaking, and felt that this attitude was wrong, and added: "Murder hidden weapon."

I suddenly felt that this person’s personality was a bit cute. I know that there are many weird and lonely people in the world, but there is no need to speak so concisely. It will be difficult to communicate with him in the future. I gently pushed the cute person beside me, He strode up to the Demon Emperor, stared at him deeply, and smiled slightly: "Don't you know what is called detail?"

"Master, the killer will only complete the task." As soon as the Yaohuang replied, I punched him in the face without saying a word, and now the whole audience was silent, as quiet as a dead valley.

"Don't you know that you have to learn to obey first?" I blew on my fist, looked at the demon emperor who was knocked back by my punch, and asked sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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