Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 92 Tasting Snacks

Chapter 92 Tasting Snacks
My workshop has finally started to get on the right track, and it is really and effectively operating.As for the boat house, although I haven't visited it, the news is good and the progress is good. When the boat is built this time, I will give you a big reward from old man Kong Yu.

Although I don't have to take care of things, I still have to stay in the workshop every day, and I am really happy to see the progress of those workers day by day.

Now that things are going smoothly, I suddenly want to go out of the palace to have fun again. I went to the brothel last time. I stood in front of the workshop and saw that it was the road on the right. This time I walked The road on the left, I heard from the staff who collected the materials, there is a delicious street there. I heard that there are many local snacks in the capital.

I could have left the palace by the path that Xiaohuan left last time, but I heard that there are more foreigners coming there today, and it is daytime, so it is impossible to escape, so I have to find another way.

It is very dangerous to go out of the palace during the day, I thought about it for an hour, and finally came up with a clever plan, this trick is actually not bad to go out of the palace.

Today, as usual, I arrived at the workshop in the morning, chatted with the two directors for a while, and then returned to my usual resting place.I asked an apprentice who was about the same size as me to wait on me, entered the room together, and closed the door.

The loyal guards naturally stood guard at the door and window for me. Although I know these guys well, they still dare not commit such a serious crime as letting me out of the palace, and I don't want them to suffer in prison.

As soon as I entered the room, I asked the apprentice to take off his coat, put on my clothes and get under the covers on the bed, while I changed into his clothes, messed up his hair, and put a little stone powder on his face to make him look like him. This is the first time I wear poor people's clothes, and I feel very kind, because I was not rich in my previous life. When I thought of this, I remembered my 15 500 million, and I couldn't help but scolded my mother and fucked me.

After changing clothes, I looked in the mirror, but I couldn't see any flaws, so I yelled loudly at the door: "You go out first, I want to sleep for a while, you wake me up in two hours, tell the outside Guards, no one should bother me!"

"Yes, the villain is leaving!" The little guy on the bed obviously guessed what I wanted to do, not only was he not afraid, but he even dared to help me.This kid is courageous, quick-responsive, and promising.

I didn't have time to praise him, so I backed out of the room with my head down, tried to imitate his voice, and vaguely told the two guards at the door not to disturb.They obviously heard my order and waved me away.

I felt a burst of ecstasy, and finally got out of their sight, and ran to a remote place that I had been looking forward to for a long time, and dug out the workshop from a rockery near the wall.

When I set foot on the ground outside the courtyard, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was really exciting to go out of the palace during the day.

Fortunately, people in this dynasty have never watched TV, otherwise such a classic escape scene could not have been hidden from the eyes of those guards. I looked back at the place where I just escaped, and I felt a burst of pride. Going back from here is also foolproof.

Two hours from now is four hours. Although it is shorter than the time I left the palace last time, it is enough. I have to go to the capital city during the daytime.

It is the early winter season, although the cold wind is bleak, it still cannot hide the joyful expressions of the people on the street.The wise decision of the father and the good weather have resulted in a bumper harvest year after year, and people's lives have become more and more prosperous. The whole capital is a festive and peaceful scene. Red lanterns are hung everywhere, and red cloth strips are tied on the bare street trees. At this time, businessmen from all over the world poured into the capital one after another, and strangely dressed people in cross-dressing can be seen everywhere, and of course the martial arts knights who change their clothes are indispensable.

I followed the flow of people and went straight to crowded places. Although it was the second time I left the imperial palace and the second time I arrived at the ancient streets, I was still so curious about everything, because it is daytime, and the scenery is completely different from nighttime. Yes, I walked slowly all the way, striding forward, and felt that I looked pretty good.

Happy to be happy, I am more cautious. I sneaked out this time, and only brought a jade pendant and a token to prove my identity, and of course silver. If someone steals it accidentally, it will be a big disaster. , although my martial arts are good, but the Jianghu is a place where talents are multiplied. Even if those thieves become thieves, they naturally have two brushes. One mountain is higher than the other. Maybe my current martial arts are considered sloppy in the Jianghu That's all, this idea came to me when I met Ziyun Shuanglian last time. It's true that their martial arts are too high.

Losing something is a small matter, maybe the old woman will forbid me to leave the palace if she finds out, then my workshop will have a big problem.But fortunately, now it is said that they do not pick up lost items on the road, and do not close their doors at night. If you think about it, professions such as thieves and robbers are about to disappear during the day.

I walked around the street market somewhere, and felt that the capital city was similar to the scenes of martial arts movies I watched on TV in my previous life. After shopping for a long time, my stomach seemed a little hungry.Looking at the feeble sun in the sky, I figured it was time for lunch, thinking that the guy pretending to be me is probably munching on the royal food I brought from the palace, I can’t treat my stomach too badly, I was originally I just want to go out to eat. I asked passers-by. It turns out that this street is a food street. I looked around, picked the biggest restaurant, and walked in.

"Brother, do you want to order a banquet? The small shop is a famous paradise in the city. I'm not boasting. It has all kinds of dishes. The taste is absolutely delicious, and the color, fragrance and taste are all good." I just stepped on the front foot As soon as I entered the store, a man who was dressed like the waitress on TV came up to greet me, holding a rag in his hand.Looking at him like that, he seems to owe me money, with a smile all over his face, full of enthusiasm, this is the world.

It seems that this Xiaoer regards me as an errand sent by a rich family to book a big table and banquet, but my attire is indeed very shabby. People in this dynasty are different from those in my previous life. This world depends on clothes and people.

I read this and looked at myself again. I was wearing an ordinary little cotton padded jacket. I think my hair was not very tidy, and my face was not wiped clean. Except for the delicate hands and face that seemed to come from a wealthy family, the rest Everywhere looks like an errand.

Normally, I would definitely slap and fly over, but today I am happy, and I don’t blame him for seeing the wrong person. As I walked straight to an empty seat at the window, I casually ordered as I usually order my servants: “I am Come to eat, bring me some of your most famous side dishes." I paused, and then added: "I have a lot of money, don't worry, all the good dishes will be served."

"Wait." Hearing the words, Xiaoer quickly caught up with me, swayed in front of me, and stopped me with his hands. He was still very polite, but his enthusiasm had diminished, but he still smiled and said "My little brother, that seat has already been booked, please sit upstairs." He said, making a gesture of invitation to the stairs on one side.How could I not know what he was thinking, I was dressed so shabby and sitting in a conspicuous place, he couldn't afford to scare away the guests.

Since he said someone had booked it, I didn't care about it, and I didn't want to cause trouble today, so I turned around and went upstairs with Xiao Er to a remote seat and sat down.He skillfully picked up the dishcloth and wiped it twice symbolically on the wiped table, and continued to introduce to me: "The restaurant is famous for countless dishes, and the most famous ones are 'Gourd Chicken' and 'Storm Fish'. 'Yes, but the price is expensive, and this small shop does not accept credit, I don't know."

Damn, these clothes are really harmful. Remember to change them when you go back. It really loses the face of my workshop. I raised my eyebrows. Without further ado, he took out a small amount of money from his chest pocket, waved it in front of his eyes, and put it back into his bosom, "How about it, is this money enough for a few dishes? Let's order these two dishes first, and then a few more." Good soup in a bowl."

"Enough is enough." A drop of silver can feed a family for several months. Although this guy kept saying that enough was enough, he secretly showed doubts.I know what he's thinking, and he thought I was a thief?I glared at him, and only hoped that he wouldn't meddle in his own business and disturb my pleasure of going out, or else I would copy his whole family if I became popular.

"Guest officer, wait a moment," he replaced "you" with "you" under my gaze, Xiaoer turned and left, and shouted to the downstairs, "a plate of gourd chicken, a plate of storm fish, Let's have another bowl of high-quality snowflake soup." He really looks like a waiter.

As soon as Xiaoer left, I sat there boredly waiting for the food to be served. I was about to look at the scenery outside from the window when I suddenly heard two familiar voices coming from downstairs, as if I was going upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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