The lord is looking at me

Chapter 406 Still Proud

Chapter 406 Still Proud

Thinking of the phantom beast that was given to the other party before, Wei Yue remembered at this time, yes, when he left Huaming Town, he went to the World of Warcraft Forest to catch a wildebeest and came back.

At the beginning, it was because my elder brother was still a soul warrior and couldn't be promoted, so I found a stronger wildebeest to give him a contract. I didn't expect it to be really effective. With my elder brother's current soul power, it should be above a soul master.

"There are wildebeests here, we will reach the top of the mountain soon." Wei Yan said excitedly, his hands began to form seals, and summoned the wildebeests from the Eudemons space.

"Drink!" As soon as the wildebeest came out of the space of the phantom beast, it let out a cold snort, appearing very arrogant.

"That..." Looking at the arrogant figure in front of him, Wei Yan smiled awkwardly, scratched his head, and looked at the people around him with some embarrassment.

This wildebeest is too strong and stubborn, even after a few months, it is still a bit difficult to tame in many things.

"You've got a temper." Looking at the proud figure in front of him, Wei Yue slowly stepped forward, stretched out his hand to touch the wildebeest's back, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The wildebeest was proud, but soon, it realized that something was wrong, especially when it saw the little figure in front of it, it always felt a little familiar.

Feeling the icy coldness in the opponent's eyes, as if he was about to peel himself alive, his body trembled unconsciously.

"It's indeed much fatter than when I just caught it, but it's just a contracted beast. If this one doesn't work, then roast it and eat it." Wei Yue said with a serious face while looking at the figure on the other side, "Brother, I It’s time to find something better for you.”

Seeing that she said it so calmly, as if she really wanted to do that, Wei Yan was slightly taken aback, and looked at the wildebeest in front of him with some hesitation. Although the phantom beast was indeed a bit difficult to tame, it did help him a lot along the way. Little, if I just give up like this, I really feel a little bit reluctant.

When the wildebeest heard what Wei Yue said, the horse couldn't help being startled, it remembered, isn't the little figure standing in front of it the soul master who captured him back then?

Thinking of the tragic scene at that time, it is still fresh in its memory. If it angers this master, it doesn't know what kind of damage it will suffer.

"Brother, how are you doing?" Wei Yue said seriously, not forgetting to pat the horse's back.

Seeing that the little man didn't seem to be joking, Wei Yan looked at the phantom beast with some hesitation, appearing a little hesitant.

"Hey!" The wildebeest let out a sigh of relief, then moved forward in a dizzy manner, and began to rub against Wei Yan's shoulder.

There is no way, in order to save life, this grievance is nothing.

Seeing the wildebeest suddenly become so docile today, Wei Yan was not used to it.

"I don't know if it's better to bake it or cook it directly." Wei Yue rested her chin on her hand, and walked forward slowly with a pensive look.

Seeing Wei Yue approaching, the wildebeest quickly moved behind its owner, with a hint of fear in its eyes.

How could it have forgotten the existence of this little girl's film? It should have been better to the master if it knew earlier, or the master's temper is better.

Seeing that the wildebeest was so afraid of that stinky girl, Wei Yan suddenly smiled helplessly, "Okay, Yue'er, it's just throwing a temper tantrum, it's okay, let's go to the post first, shall we?"

It seems that the large army can already be seen from a distance, and it seems that there are quite a lot of people going to the post today.

Seeing that her elder brother has already helped to intercede, Wei Yue originally just wanted to scare the wildebeest so that it would be more obedient in the future. Now that there is a step down at this time, it is naturally difficult for her to continue to pursue it.

"Then go up first." After speaking, he did not forget to glare at the wildebeest.

The wildebeest was stunned by her murderous eyes, and when she heard that the other party seemed to be planning to let her go, she stepped forward graciously and motioned them to sit on it.

Looking at the wildebeest in front of him, Wei Yue smiled triumphantly. After all, there are a lot of people here. If she summoned a giant gorilla or a blue-eyed fox, it would probably be too eye-catching. This is good at this time.

After all, the wildebeest is at the level of spirit beasts, and the level is not high, so it will not attract the attention of some people.

"Yue'er, let's go." Wei Yan jumped on the wildebeest's back first, and looked at the person below.

Wei Yue nodded, and sat up with a light jump.

After the wildebeest sensed that they were sitting firmly, it let out a cry and quickly ran towards the post station.

The station is on the top of the mountain, and there are stairs all the way. Although it is not steep, it still has a certain arc. However, the wildebeest is a phantom beast that is good at running, and this trivial matter is not a big deal to it.

In less than half an hour, the two had reached the top of the mountain.

There are several buildings on the top of the mountain, and the most eye-catching one is naturally the huge rope that is docked with the flying beast.

Because of their arrival, the soldiers at the station warmly greeted them, appearing very polite.

After all, those who can come to the post station to take the flying beast are all famous families, so naturally they can't be neglected.

"Are you two going to ride a flying beast?" The soldier looked at the two of them respectfully, with a usual smile on his lips.

The two jumped down from that corner immediately, looked around, and nodded slightly.

"Wait for Sister Lan to come up, we'll go together." Looking at the pillar next to the rope in front, Wei Yue suddenly remembered that it needs some badges to get in.

The last time I took the flying beast at the post station was because of the help of Beitangchun. After all, not everyone can sit on it. Although their Wei family has some prestige in the holy capital, not every branch has it. of that badge.

Hearing them seemed to be hesitant, the soldier could tell at a glance that the two people in front of him had no identity. After all, he had seen a lot of people from those big families. Two hesitant people.

Seeing that the soldier's attitude seemed to change suddenly, Wei Yan frowned slightly, and walked forward while sending the wildebeest back to the Eudemons space.

"Yue'er, let's rest for a while." There are many tables and chairs for people to rest outside the station.

"Okay." Wei Yue didn't have time to guess the change in the soldier's expression, and walked straight to the side.

"Hey! You can't do that, only people from big families can do that." The people who came to this station were either rich or powerful. After the soldier figured out the identity of the other party, his face suddenly changed. .

At this moment, Wei Yue and the others had already sat on the chair and began to rest. Hearing the soldier's yelling, they couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Isn't this table and chair just for people to rest?" Isn't this soldier too strange?
(End of this chapter)

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