Chapter 412

At this time, the group of soul masters on Feiyu's back were shaken to the side by the aftermath of the opponent's Horcrux, and looked at the big fort above in shock.

I have always heard that the Horcrux is very powerful, and it is true when I saw it today.

"Don't panic, everyone, continue to build the barrier." The head guard on the side was the first to react, looking at the people who were knocked down.

Although the aftermath of that big fort was very powerful, because of the barrier blocking it, everyone just spent a lot of physical strength at most, and their bodies were not affected at all.

Under his command, everyone gathered their soul power again, and soon, a barrier slowly appeared above the flying fish.

Because of the previous attack, the flying fish seemed to be frightened, and its speed was a lot slower, but its body was still stable. After all, it had been tamed before, and its personality was still steady.

Seeing the group of people below build an enchantment again, the people on the Hawk Sparrow gradually became impatient.

"Feiluo, go down." Looking at the petite figure beside him, Feiyang, who was carrying the big fort, suddenly became a little impatient.

"Okay." After receiving the order, Fei Luo immediately adjusted the double flying knives on his back, looked at the group of soul masters below, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But Feiyang once again condensed his soul power and injected it into the big fort. Soon, after the influence of the big fort, the soul power seemed to increase dozens of times in an instant, and condensed into a huge soul power bead.

Seeing that it seemed to be planning to launch the big fort again, the chief guard frowned even tighter.

The big fort needs a lot of soul power to support it. Right now, they can use it twice in a row, and it seems that the soul power is not low.

"Boom!" With a loud sound, the barrier built was attacked by the big fort again, and instantly disappeared into powder.

But this time was different, as the enchantment disappeared, it seemed that someone jumped off the eagle's back.

Looking at the thin man in front of him, the chief guard did not relax his vigilance for a moment, "Go."

At this time, some people remained to continue to build the barrier, and the rest began to move towards the person in front.

"It doesn't make people breathe." Looking at the few people rushing in front, Feiluo sneered, with deep disdain in his eyes, and then took out another Horcrux from the tail ring.

"It's the Exorcist." Looking at the huge shield in front of him, the chief guard was shocked.

Unexpectedly, they even have the ninth Horcrux in the Nether Pavilion.

Looking at the shocked group of people in front of him, the smile on the corner of Feiluo's mouth deepened, and his eyes were full of disdain. With this group of people, he probably doesn't need to do anything, right?
"My lord, what should I do?" When they saw the exorcism top, everyone's expressions were broken.

That is the ninth ranked Horcrux, it can block all attacks, and it is the Horcrux with the first defensive power!

Hearing the questions from the crowd, the chief guard also had a face full of helplessness, so he could only force a breakthrough at this time.

Seeing that they still wanted to attack, a dark light flashed in Feiluo's eyes, and he touched his back with his free right hand. It seemed that they would not give in unless they suffered a little.

"Although the Exorcist is powerful, as long as we concentrate our attacks, the opponent will still be affected a little bit." Although he didn't know if this would work, the chief guard also felt that there was no other way at this time.

When the soul masters heard what he said, they had no choice but to bite the bullet, after all, there was no way out at this time.

"Since you all want to die, then I won't be polite." Looking at the people approaching in front, a strong murderous intent flashed in Fei Luo's eyes, and the twin flying knives in his hand flew out instantly.

Seeing the two scimitars flying over suddenly, the chief guard was surprised, but also reacted quickly, and quickly dodged directly.

If he was not mistaken, these two scimitars were the No. 15 double flying knives. Didn't he expect to see the other party at a young age, and possess these two superb Horcruxes at the same time?

Although the head guard reacted quickly and dodged the attack in time, some of the soul masters behind him didn't have time to dodge at all, and were directly cut several times by the pair of throwing knives.

Looking at the few people who had been hit in front of him, Fei Luo's mouth flashed a hint of complacency.

As the double flying knives flew towards the front quickly, and slowly, after reaching the apex, the blade went through a special rotation and returned back the same way again.

Those soul masters naturally recognized the double flying knife, so they all dodged the attack this time.

"I still have some skills." Looking at the double flying knives flying back in front of him, Fei Luo raised his right hand and easily took it directly.

"Everyone continue to attack." Although he was caught off guard by the pair of throwing knives just now, the chief guard did not intend to give up just now.

"Yes." All the soul masters responded one after another, and quickly moved forward, surrounding the thin figure in the middle.

Looking at the group of soul masters surrounding him, Fei Luo's eyes showed no trace of fear at all, but a trace of excitement. It's been a long time since he felt besieged by people like this. It's really cool.

"Attack." Looking at the figure in the middle, the head guard immediately began to give orders.

As his voice fell, all the soul masters mobilized their soul power one after another, condensed into various forms of attack and hit the center. In an instant, all kinds of soul power loomed on the entire green grass, which was a bit spectacular.

Because it was in mid-air, the people on the ground were naturally surprised by the booming sounds from above, because the distance was so far, they only thought it was thunder, and they could still see it faintly. The flashes of various colors thought it was some kind of lightning.

Looking at the group of soul masters besieging him, Fei Luo just injected some soul power into the exorcism top, and immediately, the whole body was surrounded by the soul beast, directly blocking the opponent's attack.

Seeing that their attacks didn't seem to have any effect, the chief guard gritted his teeth. At this moment, he still had to think of other ways.

Seeing that they will be able to reach Anlin Mountain in another hour, I only hope that everyone can last until then.

"It's difficult to move rescuers." Fei Luo saw through the other party's thoughts at a glance, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the other party's leisurely expression and that meaningful smile, the chief guard was slightly taken aback, as if thinking of something, he looked up sharply.

How could he forget about that big fort? It has been so long and there is no explosion, could it be...

"Think about it?" Looking at the figure in front of him who seemed to be stunned, Feiluo shrugged, looking innocent.

"Boom!" With the sound of explosion, the barrier built by those soul masters was broken again.

"Hiss, hiss!" But this time was different, as the big fort fell, there seemed to be the sound of soul power beads rubbing against the falcon.

(End of this chapter)

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