The lord is looking at me

Chapter 414 What a Surprise

Chapter 414 What a Surprise

Hearing the other party say such a thing, Fei Luo found it very funny, but she was only a fifteen or sixteen year old girl, and she was really not afraid of death.

Feeling that the other party seemed to belittle her, Wei Yue sneered, "Have you chosen?"

If it wasn't because she was on the flying fish at this time, she really didn't want to be so polite.

"It's just you?" Looking at the other party seemed to be very disdainful, which made Fei Luo even more amused, "Don't cry when you get beaten all over the ground and find your teeth."

Those soul masters are really relieved, are they so afraid of death?What does it mean to send out such a little girl?
"Who will cry at that time and don't know." Wei Yue's mouth slowly raised a confident arc, and quickly poured water soul power into the Hanmei whip in his hand.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be planning to use the Hanmei whip again, Fei Luo became alert immediately, and hurriedly grabbed the exorcism top in his hand, even if the other party used any tricks, he could still use this to resist it.

"Hiss, hiss!" Soon, the third bead on the Hanmei whip began to emit a cold air due to the infusion of soul power.

"Don't get frostbitten." Seeing the figure in front of him using the exorcism top, a smile flashed across Wei Yue's eyes, and he kindly began to remind.

As her words fell, the Hanmei whip in her hand flew out, and in an instant, a strong cold air flew out from the whip, moving straight forward.

Seeing the icicles slowly moving over, Feiluo held his breath and concentrated. Although he disdained the other party's ability, the Hanmei whip was not a joke. However, although the whip was very powerful, after each use, If you want to attack again, you have to wait for most of your soul power to recover.

Therefore, this is not something that ordinary people can use casually. It is already good that the little girl in front of me can use it once.

Slowly, those icicles surrounded Feiluo in an instant, forming a huge formation, trapping him firmly inside. If he hadn't got the Exorcism Cap at this time, he would have frozen to death long ago.

"It seems that I still have some skills." Looking at the person surrounded by the exorcism roof in front, Wei Yue said it expressionlessly, not speaking from the bottom of his heart at all.

"The power of the Hanmei Whip does not last long, and it will take a long time to activate it again. Then don't run away." Fei Luo, who was hiding in the top of the exorcist, looked at the figure in the distance with a proud face, as if very Understand general.

"Oh, really? Although it's not long, it's enough." Wei Yue's smile deepened as she spoke, and her eyes had a strange color, which made people feel a little guilty.

At this time, everyone standing in the big house was looking at the little figure in front with some worry. With her strength alone, is she really going to fight those two people?And the opponent has more than three Horcruxes!

This is not a joke.

Hearing her calm words, Fei Luo was slightly taken aback, frowned slightly, and looked at the other party with some doubts. For some reason, the smile on her face was so dazzling at this time, as if something was going on. Bad things happen in general.

"I remember the Double Flying Knife belonged to the woman from the Minghu Mercenary Group in the Southern District. It seems that it was taken away. I think you also snatched the big fort?" Wei Yue looked up at the one above while talking. The flying beast had a faint killing intent in its eyes.

This kind of person who can only snatch horcruxes is not a decent person at a glance.

Sensing the staring eyes below, Fei Yang, who was trying to concentrate his soul power to attack, couldn't help being startled, and hastily accelerated his speed.

"Oh, you know that woman? Her temper is really stinky. Even after being beaten to the last breath, she still protects this Horcrux. The world has never seen such a stupid woman." Knowing the original owner of this pair of flying knives, Feiluo snorted coldly, as if recalling the past, his eyes were full of contempt.

Hearing what he said, Wei Yue was naturally more sure that the members of the Minghu mercenary group must have been beaten badly by them, right?Although she doesn't like that woman either, but she also had a difficult time with their group leader. How can I say that there is still some friendship?

"Hiss!" At this moment, the big fort above made another sound, as if it was about to launch.

Seeing such a situation, Fei Luo couldn't help but feel even more proud. It seems that this matter is coming to an end, right?

When the people standing at the big house saw the big fort, they also built barriers one after another, at least this could block it a little.

"It's just a child's plaything, and it's so cool." Looking at the big fort that was shining brightly above, Wei Yue's eyes moved slightly, and the Hanmei whip in her hand seemed to come alive suddenly, and she pointed straight at the fort. Extend above.

Seeing that Hanmei whip suddenly grow longer, Fei Luo couldn't help but be a little surprised. This seems to be one of the skills of Hanmei whip. Didn't you expect that little girl to recover her soul power so quickly?
And Fei Yang, who was standing on Yingque's back, naturally noticed the Hanmei whip that suddenly strangled Yingque's neck, and was slightly surprised, but he still didn't intend to stop his movements.

As long as it goes out like this, the people below will definitely become meat sauce.

"It's really calm enough." Looking at the figure above who continued to launch the cannon, Wei Yue smiled lightly, as if he didn't mean to be afraid. With a light tap on his toe, the whole person flew directly upwards under the action of Hanmei whip .

Looking at the rapidly rising figure below, Fei Yang was slightly startled, and with a force in his hand, he directly launched the soul power bead.

"Hiss!" With the sound of air rubbing, the soul power orb seemed to be slowly filled with fireballs, and quickly slammed into Wei Yue's direction.

Looking at the little figure below, Fei Yang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he hits that person with the soul power bead, everything will be over.

And when the people below saw the soul power orb being launched, they all gasped.

"Ding!" At this moment, when the soul power orb was about to approach the figure that was flying upwards, there was only a crisp sound, and the soul power orb was directly divided into two halves by a certain force. .

"Hiss, hiss!" Because the soul power orb was cut in half, it flew towards the two sides in an instant, and slowly dissipated into star points.

Seeing everything that happened suddenly, everyone's eyes widened, and they couldn't believe what happened before them.

That is the soul power orb launched by the cannon, it was split open so easily?
This is really unbelievable.

Seeing that the blasting sound in his impression did not come from below, Fei Yang was slightly startled, and when he probed over to look, he felt his heart was about to jump out.

(End of this chapter)

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