Chapter 431 Sorry
Wei Yue was contemplating where she had seen that woman before, but when she didn't want to, her eyes suddenly met her. Suddenly, a coldness burst out from the back of her head.

is her.

That cold and arrogant woman who rushed into Beitangchun's house to see Brother Feng?Yao remembered that he had helped them back then.

At that time, they were in a hurry to leave the Yuzi Kingdom, and they didn't have time to confirm their safety. Did you expect to meet them here at this time?Why did they suddenly come to this Lan Ling country?

And Shui Sheng naturally recognized the small figure not far away at a glance, and a light flashed in his eyes, as if he was saved.

But thinking about the situation in front of her, the opponent's ability is not bad, and there are so many people who look very powerful. After thinking about it, she doesn't want to see the opponent involved.

Feeling that her eyes suddenly turned away from him, Wei Yue was a little puzzled. Since he had recognized her at this time, he naturally wouldn't let her be bullied like this.

Anyway, she has already offended that Helian City, so it's not a bad thing.

"This little girl has a stubborn temper, and I like it." Looking at the backing figure in front of him, He Liancheng laughed suddenly, as if he was determined to win.

An Linshan was feeling bored when he first arrived, but unexpectedly, he encountered such a good thing.

Hearing what my grandfather said, those big men immediately worked harder, and soon surrounded the little man in front.

The onlookers talked a lot, and there were some aggrieved people, but due to the influence of the other party, they dared not come forward, so they could only stare fiercely at the proud figure in front of them.

"You all take it easy, don't play it badly." Seeing the figure in front of him who had nowhere to retreat, He Liancheng stretched lazily, playing with the tail ring on his hand.

It seems that these days should not be boring.

Called by him, those big men responded casually, staring at the figure surrounded inside, as if they were ready to pounce at any time.

The onlookers saw that the matter seemed to be doomed, and they all dared not look forward and sighed helplessly.

Although Wei Yue wondered why the other party pretended not to understand her, but thinking of the predicament in front of her, she had to make a move.

This elder sister appeared here, presumably Brother Feng must be nearby too, could it be that Brother Feng's illness has relapsed, so are they still together?

Looking at the predicament in front of her, she didn't have time to think about anything else, the wind was blowing under her feet, and she moved forward with her unique footwork.

"Papapa!" With the sound of whips waving several times, those big men who were still clamoring before were knocked to the ground in an instant.

The onlookers didn't understand what happened just now, they just heard the sound of whips waving, and then, those big men flew several meters away in an instant, and lay down on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

"Sister, are you okay?" Looking at the somewhat embarrassed figure in front of him, Wei Yue immediately blamed himself.

If he had known it was her earlier, he should have come out to help earlier, so that the other party would not be injured.

Seeing that she actually made a move, Shui Sheng was grateful, but still worried, "They..."

These people know some powerful people at a glance, are they really all right?
Wei Yue naturally understood the meaning in the eyes of the other party, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Don't worry."

Seeing her affirmative gaze, Shui Sheng gritted his teeth, a tear rolled in the corner of his eyes, as if he was wronged.

After finally coming here, she was besieged by these people before she had time to do anything. It was because she was too incompetent.

Looking at the charming figure beside her, Wei Yue's heart softened a little. It seemed that she had suffered a lot along the way.

"Who?" He Liancheng yelled when he saw the follower being knocked away in an instant, and couldn't believe his eyes.

Those who followed were not weak in soul power, so how could they be so easily sent flying?
Hearing the yelling voice behind, Wei Yue only felt angry for a while, thinking of Sister Shui's tears, she felt panicked in her heart.

"It was you who made Sister Shui cry." Waving the whip in her hand, she turned slightly and glared angrily at the figure in front of her.

"Wei Yue." He Liancheng was a little surprised when he saw the person coming.

Yao remembered seeing her a few months ago and she was still looking thin and thin. Unexpectedly, these few months have passed, and this person has become more beautiful, not to mention, this figure seems to have a good shape.

If it wasn't for that decree, I really wanted to keep this little girl by my side.

Seeing that the other party recognized her, Wei Yue naturally didn't try to hide it, "It's so early in the morning, you are really leisurely."

He Liancheng didn't dare to get angry when he heard the other party's eccentric words, after all, the woman in front of him had a big backer behind her!
No matter how arrogant he is, he still has to face up to the identity of the other party. The fiancée of the Holy Emperor, who would dare to mess with the entire Lanling Kingdom?

Even after leaving the Lan Ling Kingdom, no one would dare to underestimate the status of the Holy Emperor in the Four Kingdoms!
Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Wei Yue sneered, and glanced at the few big men who had stood up at this time from the corner of the eye. It seemed that they didn't have enough whips just now!
"Go..." At this time, the big guys on the side naturally didn't understand what happened just now, and only felt that the resentment in their hearts was about to be vented.

Looking at those figures who came up again, Wei Yue chuckled lightly, not paying attention to them at all, clenched the Hanmei whip in his hand, and slowly poured soul power into the second bead.

Sure enough, she just hit too lightly.

Seeing those unsightly servants dare to attack, He Liancheng didn't have time to stop them, those people had already rushed up, and suddenly felt that their minds were empty.

"Looking for death." Looking at those people, Wei Yue protected the people around him behind him, swung the Hanmei whip in his hand, and greeted them bluntly.

Those people thought it was just an ordinary whip and planned to use their soul power to block it, but they were wrong. The whip in front of them suddenly seemed to weigh a thousand catties, making them completely powerless to fight back.

"Whew!" With a few clear voices, the person who was standing in front of him just now was thrown away by the whip in an instant, and flew towards the mid-air.

It seemed that just for a moment, those few people who were an eyesore were gone in front of him.

Seeing his subordinates being thrown away so easily, He Liancheng couldn't help swallowing lightly, and instantly recalled the thing that his treasure was destroyed by the other party in his mind.

How could he have forgotten this?
The ability of the master in front of him, even if there are ten others, it is simply incomparable!
"It seems to be an accident, and the attack was heavy." Looking at the person who had disappeared, Wei Yue looked innocently at the whip in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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