The lord is looking at me

Chapter 433 No need to hide

Chapter 433 No need to hide
After Wei Yue injected his soul consciousness into the opponent's body, he quickly looked at every part of the opponent's body carefully around the tendons.

The more I read this, the more shocked I became.

Is this still a normal human body?

Thinking of what Brother Feng said before, is it really because of the blood of the half-devil that he was cursed, and he would never live past the 25-year-old?
"This is fate, you don't have to do this." Tongfeng has always taken life and death lightly, and this is the case with reincarnation in this world, and there is nothing worth nostalgic about.

Anyway, since birth, his fate has already been doomed.

"The speed of aging seems to be getting faster and faster." After checking the opponent's body clearly, Wei Yue slowly withdrew her hand, her expression still looking extremely solemn.

Looking at the frowning little figure in front of her, Tongfeng smiled softly, stretched out her hand and scratched the other's nose, "Silly girl, as I said before, this is predestined, you don't need to blame yourself. "

"Obviously it was fine before, how could it suddenly become so powerful?" Thinking that he had already taken medicine before, Wei Yue really didn't understand.

"It's all my fault." Shui Sheng at the side became a little anxious when he heard what the other party said, and his voice became a little choked up.

"Okay, you all know my illness, no matter how good the medicine is, it won't help." Tongfeng interrupted the other party's words directly, and her expression gradually became a little serious.

"But..." Shui Sheng wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the other party's eyes.

Seeing them like this, Wei Yue felt even more that something must have happened before that made Brother Feng's condition suddenly deteriorate.

"What are you guys doing in Anlin Mountain this time?" Thinking of them appearing here really made people a little puzzled.

Hearing that she finally changed the topic, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of Tongfeng's mouth, "I just came to join in the fun."

"That's not it, I asked to come. I heard that there was a huge ceremony at the underground auction before this refiner competition. It was a warm-up match before the refiner competition." Shui Sheng on the side started directly Stop it, tell your true purpose.

"Auction?" As for this, Wei Yue has seen it in Yuzi Kingdom before, it seems that many people bring their own treasures to sell there now, right?
Shui Sheng nodded, and his expression became serious, "This time, there will be several treasures displayed in the Youming Pavilion, so that those dignitaries can bid for the price, and whoever bids the highest price will get it."

"The Nether Pavilion is here too." Hearing what she said, Wei Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that the results of the refining competition were indeed displayed by the Nether Pavilion, so there was no surprise at all.

"That's right, I don't know why this year, it seems very important. This time, Youming Pavilion will display two extremely precious herbs, one of which is the soul-moving grass." Speaking of this, Shui Sheng's expression became more serious .

"Soul-moving grass?" Wei Yue felt a little surprised when he heard this medicine.

This is the medicinal herb that appeared in the heavenly book. It is much more difficult than the medicinal herbs that were found in Langyue Mountain before. Can you imagine that the Nether Pavilion is so generous this time?
"This kind of herb is no different to ordinary people, but to doctors, it is an extremely precious herb. According to legend, it can bring the dead back to life, and can bring the scattered soul back to the body." Thinking of the possibility of this medicine, Shui Sheng looked helpless.

"Since that's the case, then we'll go too." Hearing that she valued it so much, Wei Yue naturally knew that it was a good treasure.

Since this is a fair competition, there is naturally nothing worth considering.

"However, since it is the Nether Pavilion bidding, there must be some rich and powerful people to participate. If you want to compare gold coins, we..." Speaking of this, Shui Sheng seemed a little hesitant.

"Don't worry, leave this to me." Wei Yue patted his chest and immediately began to promise.

Anyway, it's better than gold coins, isn't it?

Hearing her generosity, it seems that there is really something to do, Shui Sheng's dim eyes suddenly lit up, "Really?"

Wei Yue nodded, "Don't worry, we will definitely get this medicine."

Looking at her determined gaze, Shui Sheng's heart that had been hanging on her body finally slowly fell.

"Silly girl, you don't have to be like this. Even if I get that medicine, my body can't help it." This is destined by the heavens, and Tongfeng naturally understands it very well, knowing that it is not this kind of herb that can stop it.

Seeing him so discouraged, Wei Yue gritted her teeth, "Brother Feng, you have to know that man will conquer heaven, even if heaven wants you to die, as long as we work hard, we will definitely be able to reverse it."

Knowing that this stinky girl was comforting herself, Tongfeng smiled helplessly, feeling as if she was starting to feel sleepy again.

"Get a good rest first, and you don't have to worry about the herbal medicine." Looking at him, his eyes seemed a little distracted, and Wei Yue naturally knew the reason, so she opened her mouth.

Tongfeng nodded, although she really wanted to say a few more words to this godmother, but her body couldn't hold it anymore, so she nodded, and slowly lay down on the side.

Looking at the figure in front of him who fell asleep in an instant, Wei Yue frowned tightly, "Sister Shui, I will teach you a set of acupuncture techniques. You help Brother Feng with soul power to perform acupuncture every morning and evening, so that he can delay his pain. illness."

Shui Sheng was a little surprised to hear that she actually wanted to teach him the acupuncture method.

This doctor has the rules of the doctor's profession. Many more capable doctors have their own unique prescriptions and acupuncture methods, which are never publicized.

"I will start alchemy when I go back tonight. From tomorrow onwards, you will use pills every day to assist, the effect will be better. At least, it can restore his energy to what it was then." Wei Yue didn't notice the surprised expression on the other side's face at all. , looked at the figure in front of him, took the quilt from one side, and gently covered the other person's body.

"Okay." Hearing that she still had this way, Shui Sheng was extremely grateful in his heart. He didn't know where to start a thousand words, so he had to answer.

"This is a big potion, let's take it for a while today." Wei Yue poured out a pill from the porcelain bottle of the tail ring and handed it directly, without thinking too much at all.

"Big... big pill?" Hearing this word, Shui Sheng was even more shocked, and slowly took the pill.

This is a elixir that only intermediate pharmacists can refine. It is surprising enough that this girl is only a doctor. It is really unbelievable that this girl's ability to refine medicine has improved to a higher level.

Seeing that it was still early, Wei Yue took out her silver needle from her sleeve and began to explain this set of needles.

This is for some seriously ill people. With the help of elixir, it can slowly repair the damaged tendons of the human body, and even become more energetic.

(End of this chapter)

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