Chapter 448
According to what he saw before, Wei Yue was able to determine that there seemed to be a few ores in the middle of the iron mine, but because the mountain is a bit big, if you start digging from the bottom, the probability of being buried is too high up.

"Yue'er, when will this be done!" Although they had already blasted a big hole, there seemed to be a long way to go to the middle. Thinking of this, Wei Yan suddenly felt a headache.

If it goes on like this, people will be exhausted to death.

Wei Yue nodded, agreeing with the other party's opinion, "It seems that we can only concentrate and start digging until we get close to the ore."

This iron mine is full of iron ore, which is extremely strong. It will take a lot of effort to break it, but there is really no other way at this time.

"That's the only way to go." Looking at the big hole in front of him, Wei Yan wanted to cry without tears.

They were making a fuss here just now, and there seemed to be people shouting at the foot of the mountain. After all, the whole ground began to tremble slightly because of the movement here, which naturally affected the people around.

The two of them reached an agreement, and then they continued to concentrate their soul power towards the point in the middle of the big hole and began to attack violently.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Soon, some flying stones flew out of the hole and scattered around the top of the mountain.

This iron mine is not very high. It seems that the foot of the mountain can be seen from the cliff on one side. It is some distance from Anlin Mountain. It stands to reason that there should be no people there, except that people pass by occasionally.

"There's a lot of poisonous gas under this iron mine, I'll pay more attention later." According to what Guitong saw before, Wei Yue felt that they seemed to be close to a layer of the poisonous gas.

"Poisonous gas." Hearing this word, the corners of Wei Yan's mouth twitched. The iron mines here are really scary.

It used to be some cannibal stuff, and now it's poison gas, no wonder people in Anlin Mountain are unwilling to come here to take risks.

After all, not everyone can see what's inside like that stinky girl. If you just work around like this, you really don't know when you will be attacked, let alone where to find the ore.

Wei Yue nodded, "It should be dug up soon, the ore is on the next layer of poisonous gas."

With her affirmation, Wei Yan began to attack the big hole with more effort, looking around vigilantly from time to time, worried that the poisonous gas would come out of those small holes.

"Don't worry so much. If you find it, let the poisonous air flow out first, so that we can get to the next level." Seeing a nervous figure beside her, Wei Yue smiled, she would have stopped talking if she knew it would be like this.

"Okay." Wei Yan nodded, and acted more cautiously.

While the two were busy here, there seemed to be something flying over the top of the mountain. Because they were in the cave, they could only see a black shadow floating above them, and they couldn't see it very clearly. .

"The one just now was a flying beast, right?" Wei Yan raised his head subconsciously in a daze.

"It seems to be." After all, this is outside the city, and there is a competition of craftsmen behind, so there are many people coming and going, and it should be normal to have flying beasts, so Wei Yue didn't pay much attention to it.

"Then what is this?" At this moment, Wei Yan noticed the hairpin on the ground beside him.

This was dropped when the flying beast flew by just now. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after taking a closer look, it seemed familiar.

After he said this, Wei Yue noticed that the gold hairpin in the far corner at this time, the one with the phoenix pattern, seemed to have indeed been seen somewhere.

"Isn't that what that woman wore on her head?" Wei Yan still had some impressions because he only saw her last night.

Although he didn't like that woman very much, the person behind also apologized anyway, but he still couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

"Sister Lan's?" Wei Yue really didn't pay much attention to this point.

If her brother hadn't said that, she would have thought that it was just an ordinary golden hairpin.

Wei Yan nodded. Sure enough, men still have more say when it comes to women, "It seems that the woman is on the flying beast just now. It's still early in the day, and she really has time to go out for a stroll."

"No." Wei Yue had already picked up the hairpin at this time, and began to examine it carefully, "There seems to be blood on it."

Could it be that the Tianyu mercenary group is here again?And Sister Lan was also taken away?

"Bloodstains?" Hearing this, Wei Yan was a little surprised, and couldn't help but look at the gold hairpin in the opponent's hand seriously.

This is very good, is it some kind of enemy who can't make it?
Isn't this young city lord of An Linshan that woman's cousin?How could he let the enemies just take away his cousin and ignore him?It's unlikely.

"Follow up and have a look." Thinking that there might be real danger, Wei Yue felt a little uneasy. Although he was suspected by the other party before, it will be fine after explaining clearly later.

"Yue'er." Seeing her, he walked up, Wei Yan hesitated, their purpose this time was to find ore, it's not easy for outsiders to intervene in their affairs, right?

This person was taken away in good condition, presumably An Linshan will definitely send someone to help, plus the woman's subordinates, it will definitely not be a problem.

"It's okay, just go up and have a look, if someone has already rescued her, we will come back." Thinking of not being sure, Wei Yue still had some worries in her heart.

After all, that person is still good to himself.

Seeing that she was already moving upwards, Wei Yan had no choice but to follow no matter how much he wanted to.

Following the sound of a crisp whistle, the flying dragon followed the sound and found the top of the mountain.

Although some time has passed, I still looked for the owner based on the smell on the golden hairpin.

"Master, this way." Wei Yue summoned the blue-eyed fox who hadn't come out for a long time because he had to rely on smell to tell the direction.

Wei Yue nodded, and patted Feilong on the back, making him do as Biyanhu said.

"Yue'er, it must be very dangerous to go here. I believe that An Linshan must have sent someone out, so why should we bother." Thinking of that woman, Wei Yan still felt a little grudged.

"Since we saw it, we have to help first. Alright brother, Sister Lan was kind to us. Although there were some misunderstandings before, she was forced to do so. You will know later." With some resentful figure, Wei Yue was also quite helpless.

It seems that the misunderstanding between elder brother and elder sister Lan is a bit deep, and we must find a chance to reconcile them properly.

(End of this chapter)

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