The lord is looking at me

Chapter 450 It was them

Chapter 450 It was them

Hearing the yelling voice on the side, the brash man standing in the corner seemed a little impatient. These people had already given them face by following the young city lord, but they still yelled, which naturally made people look even more intrusive.

Hearing the scolding from one side, Wei Yan continued to hold his stomach, showing a painful expression, as if he was about to lose his footing.

"I'll help him to the latrine." Looking at the situation in front of him, Wei Yue took the opportunity to go up to support him, with a calm expression on his face.

The attendants sitting on the side didn't look at them at all. Even if the companions felt a little uncomfortable, they didn't seem to be able to attract their attention.

"Go, go, go to the right." The boorish man said impatiently, pointing to the small door on one side.

It's really troublesome for these people to come. You have to watch them carefully and serve them. I really don't understand what their regiment leader thinks.

Wei Yue and the two smiled, and then reluctantly walked towards the small door on the right, pretending that it was very difficult.

In the eyes of that boorish man, these two people seemed to shrink their heads and tails, and they knew it was no big deal at first sight, so naturally they didn't take it to heart at all.

After going out of the small door, from a distance, you can already see the row of small houses near the stable not far away.

"Yue'er, what should we do?" As soon as Wei Yan walked out of the sight of those people, Wei Yan immediately recovered and looked around carefully.

It was too close to those people here, so I was worried that people would hear me if I spoke too loudly.

Wei Yue pointed to the arch on the other side of the stable, and raised her chin slightly to signal to move towards that side.

"Master, that breath is near here." The blue-eyed fox who had been hiding in Wei Yue's skirt showed a furry head at this moment, stretched out his small paw and pointed in the direction of the right side.

"Okay, go over there." Bypassing the arch, Wei Yue looked at the complicated corridor on the right again, without thinking about it, and walked directly over there.

"Hey! Yue'er, be careful." Seeing her walking forward so abruptly, Wei Yan was startled, but it was too late to stop her, so he had to bite the bullet and follow.

"Those people are some distance away from us, and it's safe around here." I don't know how many corridors have been bypassed, the blue-eyed fox sniffed slightly, and began to draw conclusions.

Few things in this world can escape from one's own nose, so it is naturally safe at this time.

Wei Yue naturally trusts the direction of the blue-eyed fox. After all, they are companions who share weal and woe. Therefore, trust is the most important thing between companions, and unconditional trust is the right thing to do.

So along the way, she didn't hesitate for a moment wherever the little fox asked her to go.

"Your nose is really sharp." After walking for a while, there was really no danger, and Wei Yan immediately began to believe in the opponent's ability.

"That's natural." Hearing the compliment from one side, the blue-eyed fox suddenly became a little proud, "Go around the corridor and go to the left."

Wei Yue nodded, looking at the densely packed corridors behind her, she couldn't figure out how such a complex terrain could be built in such a place.

"Yue'er, be careful." Bypassing the corridor, there are rows of houses, which made Wei Yan immediately vigilant.

After all, the devil knows if people will pop up in those rooms out of nowhere.

"Master, that aura is near these houses." The blue-eyed fox said seriously, his expression suddenly became serious, "There are people in the aisle ahead."

Being reminded by it, the two immediately became vigilant, hurriedly jumped over the corridor beside them, and hid directly in the grass outside the corridor.

"Hahaha!" At this moment, a loud laugh came from the front.

Wei Yue stretched her neck slightly, trying to see who was in front of her, the voice sounded familiar.

"Yue'er, it's the young city lord. The person standing next to him seems to be a member of a certain mercenary group." Wei Yan also peeked out from the grass at this time and looked forward. Naturally, he could clearly see what was in front of him. Condition.

The person next to the young city lord has a unique mark on his body, and he is naturally a member of the mercenary group.

"Well, it's the group of people who sneaked up on us on the flying fish before." Of course, Wei Yue knew the mark the most, and he was attacked by them twice before.

And the one standing next to An Yuan at this time is not the same person who trapped him with a strange barrier in the woods before.

At this time, the two people who were talking in front didn't seem to realize that they had been stared at, but continued to walk towards the row of houses on the other side.

"Master, they seem to smell like that sister." At this time, the blue-eyed fox frowned slightly and began to explain.

"Could it be that Sister Lan is in their hands?" Although she didn't know what happened, Wei Yue felt that this matter seemed not simple.

"Just looking at it, I know that the woman's cousin colluded with those mercenary group members. What kind of treasure does that woman have that can make people so mad." Thinking of all the things that happened before, it seems Because it was caused by a certain baby, Wei Yan was upset for a while.

If it wasn't for that thing, that woman wouldn't have become suspicious, and naturally wouldn't have attacked them, and there would have been no such things that happened later.

"The one named An Yuan is indeed very familiar with the members of the mercenary group." Watching them talking and laughing as they walked forward, Wei Yue also subconsciously followed slowly.

Seeing that their purpose is naturally Sister Lan, if you follow them like this, you might be able to find someone directly.

Wei Yan nodded, this is already very clear!
"Follow up and we will definitely find Sister Lan." Wei Yue walked forward while talking, thinking of the purpose of those people, following is always right.

"Yue'er, it will be over if they find out." Wei Yan was startled when he saw her following her like this, but it was too late to stop her.

"Don't worry, I won't be found." Wei Yue continued to move forward, and a small path was forced out of the grass.

There are yards outside these houses, and these yards seem to have been neglected for a long time. Weeds are overgrown everywhere, and some of them are almost as high as people's necks. Except for those aisles that are relatively clean, other places seem to be Like the grassland.

"Be careful." Although Wei Yan was extremely unwilling in his heart, he still followed helplessly.

This stinky girl really makes people worry!
The two started to move following the people in front of them, and soon stopped in front of a house.

"Please." Fei Ri said very politely, and opened the door in front of him.

An Yuan nodded, and there seemed to be a trace of expectation in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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