The lord is looking at me

Chapter 461 It Could Be So Simple

Chapter 461 It Could Be So Simple

The three of them and the chimpanzee quickly jumped onto the dragon's back, and with the hurricane blowing again on the ground, there were already no people outside the base camp.

"One day, they must pay with blood." Looking at the figure slowly disappearing in the distant sky, Fei Ri gritted his teeth, feeling extremely resentful in his heart.

"Everyone break this barrier quickly, we must avenge this revenge." Fei Yang on the side was also unwilling to be left behind, thinking of the grievances he had suffered before, he felt a burst of desolation in his heart.

This beam, they have settled it.

Wei Yue and his party quickly walked around several mountains, and they could vaguely see the mountain they were looking for ore before.

"Brother, take good care of Sister Lan. You go back first. It's still early in the morning. I'll continue to look for ores." After Wei Yue finished speaking, she lay on the flying dragon's head, leaned into the other's ear and began to explain the matter.

"Yue'er, you..." Hearing her say that suddenly surprised Wei Yan.

Didn't you agree to go back together?Is it really okay for her to find the ore alone?
"Don't worry, I found a few safely before." Knowing the other party's worry, Wei Yue smiled with a relaxed look.

Seeing her like this, Wei Yan frowned slightly, thinking that when he was looking for ore before, he really didn't help, on the contrary, it seemed to be a burden, maybe it's better to let her go alone.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm really fine." Knowing their situation, Luo Zhilan hurriedly began to express her position.

"No, you are injured, you must go back and take good care of it." Hearing what she said, Wei Yue directly refused.

"What Yue'er said seems to make sense." Thinking of this, Wei Yan couldn't help but take a deep look at the people around him.

"You..." Seeing that they were all thinking of themselves so much, Luo Zhilan suddenly had the urge to cry. They were the first people who cared so much about themselves when they grew up so old.

It turned out that the feeling of being cared about was so subtle that she couldn't help but want to cry a lot.

"Okay, that's the decision." Wei Yue smiled, stepped forward and patted the flying dragon on the back, signaling it to fly lower.

Sensing the owner's thoughts, the flying dragon slowly flew downwards. The arc of movement was not very large, so that the person sitting on its back could not feel any drop at all.

"Yue'er, you must be careful, you must come back before dark." Looking at the figure in front of him who was about to jump off, Wei Yan was still very worried.

Although this stinky girl did have some skills, she was still a bit reckless in her actions. I was afraid that she would do those things too disregarding her own life.

"Don't worry, we must come back before dark. We still have to go to that dungeon." Wei Yue smiled lightly at the two people behind him, then hugged the little gorilla on his shoulders, and headed directly to the mountain not far away. jumped down.

"Roar!" Seeing the master landed safely, Feilong raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, then flew towards the direction of Anlin Mountain.

"Yue'er, be careful." Looking at the figure below who was getting smaller and smaller, Wei Yan was also worried for a while, and tried hard to wave his hand, trying to let the other party see it.

"Don't worry." Looking at the figure that was getting further and further away above, Wei Yue responded loudly with her mouth open.

Now she can start looking for the ore with peace of mind.

At this time, the flying dragon started to fly towards the direction of Anlin Mountain, it seemed to be taking care of the patient on its back, so the arc of its movement was not very strong when flying.

"Actually, you don't have to be like this. As long as you return to Anlin Mountain, someone will definitely find me." Luo Zhilan leaned on the back of the person in front of her weakly and murmured.

Because of the help of Wei Yue's soul power before, she was more energetic, but now as the soul power slowly dissipated, she was about to return to her original appearance.

After all, those injuries on his body are no joke.
Hearing the weak voice behind him, Wei Yan felt that his heart was also being tugged and tugged. That feeling seemed quite different from the one who was worried about Yue'er.

"Feilong, hurry up to Anlin Mountain." Patting that Feilong on the back, he felt that the sooner he could arrive at this time, the better.

I just hope that the person on the back can hold on.

And Wei Yue stayed in the iron mine, because a big hole had been dug out before, so she could only continue to dig at the original location.

The blue-eyed fox was chased badly by the mercenary group before, so he could only stay in the Eudemons space to rest. The only person who can help at this time is the little gorilla jumping around the hole .

"Master, the rocks here are so hard!" At this moment, the giant gorilla also noticed something was wrong.

"That's why it's called Iron Mine!" Wei Yue said helplessly, and continued to gather his soul power to fight downward.

Seeing his master's helpless expression, the gorilla pouted slightly, and looked at the big hole below, "Master, do you want me to help?"

Hearing it speak proactively, Wei Yue raised her eyebrows slightly, and still looked at the other party earnestly, "Are you okay?"

Seeing that the owner dared to question its ability, the giant gorilla suddenly became angry, "There's nothing I can't do, I'm a beast."

After all, his figure gradually grew bigger, almost taller than the big tree on one side.

Seeing the giant gorilla suddenly grow so big, Wei Yue was a little surprised, "Then I will trouble you."

Seeing that his master had left the small hole, the giant gorilla snorted coldly, and seemed very indifferent, it's just so small, why is it so difficult to pierce it?
"Bang bang bang!" Soon, as it stepped on the small hole with its feet, the whole mountain seemed to shake slightly.

Seeing that the small hole below was getting bigger and bigger, and there seemed to be a crack, Wei Yue suddenly felt that in terms of destructive power, the phantom beast was indeed more powerful.

"Boom boom boom!" As the giant gorilla jumped happily in the small hole with its feet, the cracks around the ground became deeper and deeper, as if they were about to explode at any moment.

"Amazing." Seeing such a scene, Wei Yue had to sigh.

If she had known that the abilities of phantom beasts were so terrifying, then why would she still do it herself desperately?

Hearing the master's appreciation, the giant gorilla worked harder.

"We're about to see the crevice where the ore is hidden." Looking at the situation below, Wei Yue was excited for a while.

The ore of this iron mine is not hidden in any cave, but directly stuck in the iron ore. If someone starts digging from below, the hard iron ore will have to be smashed directly.

Therefore, at this time, they dug down from here, and they were closer to the ore, which also saved some risks of being crushed by rocks.

Seeing that the stone crevice where the ore was hidden was getting closer and closer, Wei Yue felt that this time he really made a profit.

(End of this chapter)

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